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Zimmer M, Schreer JF, Power M. Seasonal movement patterns of Credit River brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 290–299. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Movement habits in riverine populations of brown trout vary among watersheds. Thus it is important to identify factors influencing differences in individual behaviour so as to improve the information resource base available for the design of river‐specific management strategies. Such information is particularly needed in the rapidly urbanising watersheds of eastern North America where relatively little is known about anthropogenic influences on brown trout populations. In this study, we examined the influence of water temperature on brown trout behaviour in the Credit River in south‐central Ontario, Canada with respect to seasonal movement patterns. Observed patterns of movement were also correlated with variations in river discharge and habitat quality. Forty‐three radio‐tagged, adult brown trout were tracked in a confined 39.8 km portion of the Credit River from 15 May 2002 to 28 July 2003. Fish were captured in three sections of the river that differed in distance downstream and habitat quality. Fish size had little impact on movement patterns. However, there was considerable variation in seasonal movement with upstream movements to summer positions, maintenance of summer positions, downstream and often extensive movements in fall. Also observed was maintenance of winter positions and repeated upstream movements in late spring‐early summer to previously used summer positions. The elaborate movement behaviour in the Credit River population was attributed to seasonal changes in thermal habitat quality. Fish tagged in less suitable thermal habitats moved significantly more than fish from more suitable thermal habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract. The diet of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in the Owendoher Stream, a tributary of the River Dodder, was examined at monthly intervals from June 1981 to May 1982. The diets of the three main age groups, 0+, 1 + and 2+/3+ fish, have been separately described and compared. Ephemeropteran nymphs, larval and adult chironomids as well as a variety of other adult insects were the most frequently consumed foods. While 0+ trout largely concentrated on aquatic organisms, adult insects, in particular those of terrestrial origin, became progressively more important in the diet with increasing age of the fish. Daily ration calculations indicated that food intake was highest during the summer and early autumn months when it was well in excess of maintenance requirements. This corresponded to a period of good growth. For the remainder of the year food intake was not much higher than maintenance requirements. In fact, 1+ and older (2+/3+) fish probably experienced an energy deficit on occasions during the winter which was reflected in their poor condition and weight loss. The relationship between growth and production in the system are further discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract – In the Logan River, UT, USA, exotic brown trout demonstrate a strong allopatric distribution and occur at high densities at low‐elevation sites and in tributaries, and in low densities at native trout dominated, high‐elevation sites. Summer temperatures and discharge do not appear limiting for growth; adult growth rates were high overall and were greatest when fish were held experimentally at high elevation where they do not occur naturally. Brown trout are superior competitors; competition for space or food was stronger with their own con‐specifics than with other species. Evidence of density dependence was not observed at the juvenile life stage; no consistent relationships were detected between brown trout density and age‐1 condition or lagged, age‐0 weight (g). In contrast, adult brown trout demonstrated density‐dependent effects on condition and growth when reared experimentally. Field estimates of adult growth rates (g·day?1), although variable, declined subtly with increasing density, and annual survival was significantly greater in the mainstem sites (mean = 52%) relative to a high‐density tributary site (mean = 22%). Annual predicted age‐0 brown trout growth potential was four‐times greater at the lowermost site, compared with the highest elevation site, although fish lost weight over winter months at all sites. While adult density dependence may influence population abundance at some sites, extreme spring–winter conditions may ultimately limit the upper elevational extent of brown trout in this system. With changing climatic conditions and the potential for habitat degradation in the future, these results have important implications for native fish conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Downstream movement of a wild population of brown trout was examined in a small Danish stream in relation to morphological and physiological smolt status from March to May. Downstream movement was monitored in a Wolf-type trap covering all possible passage routes in the stream. Trout caught in the trap were classified as parr, pre-smolt or smolt based on morphological criteria and compared with trout randomly caught by electrofishing upstream of the trap. Representative gill samples from trap-caught and electrofished trout were analysed for gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and used as a measure of physiological smolt status. Only a few parr occurred in the trap. Few pre-smolts occurred in the trap evenly in March and early April. In late April, pre-smolt movement peaked. By comparison, the main downstream movement of smolts occurred in distinct peaks through late March and April. The majority of fish caught in the trap were judged as pre-smolts or smolts based on morphological criteria's and they were characterised by relatively high gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity compared with trout judged as parr. Trout caught by electrofishing upstream the trap, were classified as parr, pre-smolts and smolts early in the season (March). During and after the main smolt-run in April the distribution of the remaining trout in the brook became skewed in favour of pre-smolt and parr. The study suggests that smolting trout initiate downstream movement once having reached a certain physiological smolt condition (judged by increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity).  相似文献   

Abstract. Hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., yearlings were captured shortly (3h to one week) after their release in a Norwegian stream. The feeding of recaptured hatchery fish was compared with that of wild brown trout. The investigations were carried out during three different periods (May, July and October). Investigations of drift fauna indicated that food availability was best in May. Most hatchery-reared brown trout started feeding shortly after their release in all three periods. Hatchery fish went through a learning process with respect to feeding. This was most clearly demonstrated by the amounts of plant fragments in their stomachs, which were always greater in hatchery fish than in wild fish but which decreased with time after release in hatchery fish stomachs in all three periods. By about a week after release, hatchery trout appeared to be feeding on wild prey nearly as well as did wild fish, but they achieved this better in May than in October.  相似文献   

While the existence of dominance hierarchies within natural populations of salmonids is well known, little is known about the physiological consequences of these social interactions. To investigate such physiological effects, replicate groups of four brown trout (Salmo trutta) were held under simulated natural conditions in an artificial stream tank. Behavioural observations allowed the fish to be ranked for dominance. After two weeks, physiological status was assessed through measurements of specific growth rate, condition factor, plasma cortisol and ion concentrations, haematocrit, leucocrit, hepatosomatic index, hepatic glycogen concentration, interrenal cell nuclear area and gill epithelium chloride cell density. Weight gain in the first-ranking (dominant) fish was significantly higher than in the second-ranking fish. In addition, the condition factor of the second-ranking fish decreased over the experimental period while those of the first- and third- ranking fish increased, resulting in significant differences among the three groups. The only other physiological parameter which varied significantly among the ranked fish was chloride cell density, which was significantly higher in the second-ranking fish than in the dominant fish. Cortisol concentrations were low in all fish and did not vary significantly with dominance status. Overall, the least beneficial position, in physiological terms, appears to be the second rank in the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

Gravid brown trout (Salmo trutta) females were injected with various doses of a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa), given with or without an injection of triiodothyronine (T3), in order to investigate the potential of T3 (a) to enhance the stimulatory effect of GnRHa on ovulation, and (b) to enhance the growth and survival of the produced progeny. From the time the hormonal treatments were initiated until ovulation was detected 5–38 days later, endogenous plasma T3 levels increased from an average of 3.6 to 11.6 ng ml−1. Injection with 20 mg T3 kg−1 body weight, further elevated plasma T3 levels at ovulation (16.0 ng ml−1. Mean time to ovulation was reduced significantly in fish injected with 10 μg kg−1 of GnRHa, whereas treatment with lower doses was ineffective. Injection with T3 did not enhance the ovulatory response of brown trout to GnRHa. Unfertilized eggs obtained from T3-injected females had a higher T3 content, suggesting a transfer of T3 from the maternal circulation into the oocytes. Maternal T3 injection had no effect on egg fertilization rates, embryo survival to eyeing and hatching, or the prevalence of abnormal larvae at the time of hatching. Length and weight gain of the progeny during yolk absorption was also not influenced by maternal T3 treatment. At the completion of yolk-sac absorption, progeny from females injected with T3 had a higher prevalence of skeletal abnormalities than controls. The results suggest that in teleosts like brown trout, which have high endogenous circulating T3 levels, treatment of females with T3 does not enhance responsiveness to GnRHa and it has the potential for deleterious effects on their offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The interaction between brown trout ( Salmo trutta ; fork length (FL) range 255–390 mm) and inanga ( Galaxias maculatus ; FL range 55–115 mm) was tested during summer through autumn in an artificial stream consisting of a single run-riffle-pool sequence with a natural food supply. Each experimental trial lasted for 15 days, and consisted of two brown trout and 50 inanga collected fresh from a nearby stream, with each species given prior residence in four replicate tests, totalling eight trials in all. In addition, two control trials (each 10 days), with 50 inanga in each, were run. Brown trout almost exclusively occupied the pool, whereas inanga occupied all habitat types, although in different proportions, when tested with and without brown trout. The proportion of inanga in the pool was appreciably lower in the experimental trials with brown trout than in the control trials with no brown trout; prior residence had no significant effect on inanga habitat use. Mortality of inanga attributable to predation by brown trout ranged from 0 to 40% with a mean of 14.5 ± 4.7%. The results suggest that habitat use and survival of inanga populations in small streams can be adversely affected by brown trout.  相似文献   

Abstract— Feed intake, specific growth rate and changes in body composition were studied in age 1+ (140-190 g) brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) reared at three temperatures (2, 4 and 6°C) under continuous light conditions. Feed in take increased from 35.7 kJ-kg−1.day−1 at 2°C to 95.7 kJ-kg−1-day−1 at 6°C, and the growth rate increased from 0.19%-day−1 to 0.42%-day−1 over the same temperature range. The estimated lower temperature limits for feeding and growth were slightly above 0°C. For all groups of fish, the majority (about 75%) of the weight gain comprised water and protein, but lipid deposition tended to increase with increasing temperature. The deposition of lipid accounted for about 50% of the body energy gain at all temperatures.  相似文献   

Interactive segregation has been suggested as the ruling competition mechanism determining niche and niche segregation between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Results from allopatry–sympatry observations of habitat use in both nature and in experiments were contrary to predictions derived from the interactive segregation hypothesis. Habitat use parameters under natural conditions such as distance to shore for Atlantic salmon parr were nearly identical in allopatric (mean ± SD; 3.2 ± 1.4 m) and sympatric (3.3 ± 1.4 m) situations. Occupied water depths largely reflected available water, but water depths <15 cm were avoided by salmon parr. Under experimental conditions, habitat use of allopatric salmon was density independent and salmon size had only minor effects, with smaller fish being more likely to occur in the shallow. Habitat use of salmon in sympatry with trout did not differ from allopatric salmon habitat use, and only salmon size had minor effects on depth choice – occurrence of trout or fish density had no effect. Allopatric trout was in general more frequent in the shallow habitat than salmon. Habitat use of sympatric trout was affected by the occurrence of salmon and trout size, resulting in a higher use of the shallow habitats for small trout. To conclude, selective segregation has a dominant role in salmon habitat use (not affected by trout occurrence), whereas a mixed situation occurs in trout habitat use with elements of interactive segregation when competing with Atlantic salmon (affected by salmon occurrence).  相似文献   

Abstract. A brown trout, Salmo trutta fario L., population in homeothermous stream conditions was investigated in terms of age, length-weight relationship, annual and seasonal growth, changes in seasonal condition and specific growth rates, as management variables. The growth of this species in the stream studied was very good, with the most rapid growth in the first year of its life (15·9cm) when the juvenile trout emerged early (April) from the stream bed. The greatest specific growth rate in length was between birth and the first year of life (182·6%). There was an agreement between the condition factor (K) and the growth rate. The values of K, for the juvenile trout, increased continuously because these mainly resulted from their growth through the year. The growth of the two sexes was similar except for the period from October to February when the growth of males was higher than that of females. Also the growth for both sexes was well described by the Von Bertalanffy growth model. No effect was found on the growth rate of tagged and untagged fish. The density and biomass were low, ranging between 0·008 and 0·035 fish.m?2 and 1·25 and 5·63 g.m2 respectively.  相似文献   

Many investigators have examined the importance of suitable in‐stream habitat and flow regime to salmonid fishes. However, there is much less known about the use of small (<5 l·s?1 discharge) first‐order streams within a larger stream network by salmonids. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of small headwater streams by juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta in the Emmons Creek stream network in Wisconsin, USA, and to determine whether abundance was related to habitat variables in these streams. Fishes in eight spring‐fed first‐order streams were sampled during a 7‐month period using a backpack electroshocker and measured for total length. Habitat variables assessed included stream discharge, water velocity, sediment composition and the abundance of cover items (woody debris and macrophytes). Densities of YOY trout ranged from 0 to 1 per m2 over the course of the study and differed among first‐order streams. Stepwise multiple regression revealed discharge to be negatively associated with trout density in spring but not in summer. All other habitat variables were not significantly related to trout density. Our results demonstrate the viability of small first‐order streams as nursery habitat for brown trout and support the inclusion of headwater streams in conservation and stream restoration efforts.  相似文献   

This study investigated interactions between eco‐hydromorphological state, riparian vegetation cover, water temperature and fish community composition in lowland rivers in Ireland. Physical habitat modification of study sites corresponded with degraded eco‐hydromorphological state (degree of ecological and physical modification) and reduced thermal buffering capacity (greater temperature fluctuation and increased frequency of extreme temperature events). This impact was reflected in the fish community, with a shift from a brown trout‐dominated (Salmo trutta L.) fish assemblage to predominance of the more thermally plastic minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), and stone loach, Barbatula barbatula (L.). Eco‐hydromorphological state may be a central factor affecting the ability of temperate rivers to resist temperature change in a warming climate and to maintain suitable conditions for salmonids and other cold‐water biota. Strategies aimed at climate change proofing of temperate rivers should focus on preserving or re‐establishing the eco‐hydromorphological processes that create habitat complexity and buffer stream temperature.  相似文献   

Molecular markers (PCR–RFLP and microsatellite) were used to investigate the genetic background of the only brown trout (Salmo trutta m fario) broodstock in Hungary which due to the hydrogeography of the country should theoretically belong to the Danubian lineage. PCR–RFLP (mitochondrial DNA control region and lactate dehydrogenase and somatolactin genes) as well as microsatellite (BFRO002, OMM1064, Ssa408uos, SsoSL417, SsoSL438) markers were used to distinguish between Danubian and Atlantic lineages of brown trout in the Lillafüred broodstock. Altogether 435 fish were tagged during the experimental period. Due to mortalities, fin clips were collected from 401 individuals. According to the genetic analysis of the mitochondrial DNA, the Danubian haplotype is present in only one individual (0.2 %) of the broodstock. Analysis of the nuclear markers revealed that alleles characteristic of both the Atlantic and the Danubian lineages are found in the population. However, Atlantic alleles dominate throughout the broodstock which is in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium according to the investigated markers. Results indicate that the original broodstock that was introduced to the farm following its construction in 1933 was of the Atlantic lineage. Although later fish from a local stream were collected and added to the broodstock, the number of these was limited and they were almost exclusively males. Fish from this farm that are stocked by anglers can have a significant genetic impact on trout populations of natural streams.  相似文献   

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) (2.7 g initial mean weight) were reared in freshwater for 8 months at water velocities of <0.1 (control group), 1 or 2 body lengths per second (BL s?1) (exercise groups). Growth (body weight, body length and body width), muscle structure (muscle fibre diameter and width of myosepta) and flesh quality parameters (dry matter, muscle pH, collagen content and solubility, instrumental evaluation of texture) were measured at the end of the experiment. The body weight of fish at 1 BL s?1 was 22% higher than the control group. Muscle development was stimulated at 1 and 2 BL s?1, leading to a higher condition factor, greater body height and width, and muscle fibre hypertrophy (55 vs. 59.5 μm fibre diameter in the control and 2 BL s?1 groups respectively). Connective tissue and collagen were only slightly affected by exercise (no difference in collagen solubility, but a greater proportion of γ trimer and fewer α chains in the control compared with the exercised group). Flesh quality was affected, with greater dry matter content and lower post‐mortem pH in the 1 BL s?1 group compared with the control and 2 BL s?1 groups. The mechanical resistance of the raw fillets was slightly but significantly increased by exercise. The exercise‐related changes in muscle structure and texture are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of supplementary stocking of juvenile (age 0+), hatchery‐reared, brown trout, Salmo trutta L., on annual yields was assessed in a Norwegian mountain reservoir between 1979 and 2007. Fishing was mainly carried out by local fishermen with benthic gillnets. During the study period, annual stocking ranged from 0 to 52 500 fish (19.8 ha?1). No stocking has been carried out since 1997. Annual yield varied from 1650 to 5653 kg, corresponding to 0.62–2.13 kg ha?1. Exploitation rate in terms of number of gillnets and mean weight of 6+ fish (age when catchable size was reached) explained 64% of the variability in catches. Stocked fish contributed very little to the yield or catch‐per‐unit‐effort, exhibiting no positive correlation with stocking density. The lack of contribution from stocked fish was probably caused by a competitive bottleneck in the eroded epibenthic zone, causing high juvenile mortality. If stocking continues, it is recommended that fish with body lengths >15–20 cm are used.  相似文献   

Abstract – Cold water temperatures are widely supposed to reduce the food intake of stream salmonids. Although cold temperatures have been documented to reduce swimming ability, digestion and gastric evacuation rates, little is known about how temperature influences the ability of fish to capture prey. We examined the effects of water temperature on the prey capture probability of drift‐feeding juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a laboratory stream. Temperatures ranged between 5.7 °C and 14 °C. We found significant effects of water temperature on prey capture probability and capture manoeuvre time. The mean capture probability dropped from 96% at 14 °C to 53% at 5.7 °C. At 8 °C and higher temperatures, foraging performances did not differ much among treatments. We suggest that reduced swimming ability could be one of the most important mechanisms for the observed pattern of reduced prey capture probability at cold water temperatures, but prey detection limitations and predator avoidance may play a role. Our results will be of use for bioenergetics‐based drift‐foraging models, which to date have not incorporated a temperature‐dependent prey capture function.  相似文献   

Sperm density, mineral and organic composition of the seminal plasma and their physiological relationship were investigated in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius). To establish a rapid and accurate method for assessment of sperm density, three different techniques were used: sperm counting, spectrophotometry (at 480 nm) and determination of the spermatocrit. The seminal plasma contained 159.26±8.84 mM sodium (Na), 33.72±2.01 mM potassium (K), 133.04±5.96 mM chlorine (Cl), 1.68±0.2 mM calcium (Ca) and 0.988±0.13 mM magnesium (Mg). The following organic components were found: total protein 0.75±0.14 mg 100 mL−1, cholesterol 2.86±0.58 mg L−1 and glucose 3.81±1.04 mM L−1. The mean sperm density was estimated to be 3.3 × 109 spermatozoa mL−1. The spermatocrit (%) ranged from 25 to 52 in sperm samples. Highly significant linear relationships were found between sperm density and spermatocrit (R2=0.703, P<0.001) and sperm density and optical density (R2=0.909, P<0.001), indicating that optical density can be used as a quick and accurate method of estimating sperm density. Significant relationships were also found between sperm density and Ca, Mg and total protein of seminal plasma. A significant correlation was also observed between the Ca and Mg concentrations (R2=0.774, P<0.01). The following correlations were observed between mineral and organic components: total protein and Ca (R2=0.462, P<0.05), total protein and Mg (R2=0.518, P<0.05) and glucose and Cl (R2=0.374, P<0.05). These parameters should be considered when developing procedures for either artificial fertilization or for cryopreservation of sperm.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fingerling (O+) brown trout, Salmo trutta L., pond-reared on natural food or hatchery-reared on artificial food started feeding immediately following their release into a lake or a stream. There was no difference in feeding ability between the hatchery- and the pond-reared fish.  相似文献   

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