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Catches are commonly misreported in many fisheries worldwide, resulting in inaccurate data that hinder our ability to assess population status and manage fisheries sustainably. Under‐reported catch is generally perceived to lead to overfishing, and hence, catch reconstructions are increasingly used to account for sectors that may be unreliably reported, including illegal harvest, recreational and subsistence fisheries, and discards. However, improved monitoring and/or catch reconstructions only aid in the first step of a fisheries management plan: collecting data to make inferences on stock status. Misreported catch impacts estimates of population parameters, which in turn influences management decisions, but the pattern and degree of these impacts are not necessarily intuitive. We conducted a simulation study to test the effect of different patterns of catch misreporting on estimated fishery status and recommended catches. If, for example, 50% of all fishery catches are consistently unreported, estimates of population size and sustainable yield will be 50% lower, but estimates of current exploitation rate and fishery status will be unbiased. As a result, constant under‐ or over‐reporting of catches results in recommended catches that are sustainable. However, when there are trends in catch reporting over time, the estimates of important parameters are inaccurate, generally leading to underutilization when reporting rates improve, and overfishing when reporting rates degrade. Thus, while quantifying total catch is necessary for understanding the impact of fisheries on businesses, communities and ecosystems, detecting trends in reporting rates is more important for estimating fishery status and setting sustainable catches into the future.  相似文献   

The koi herpesvirus (KHV) has spread worldwide since its discovery in 1998 and causes disease and mortality in koi and common carp populations with a high impact on the carp production industry. Many investigations have been conducted to examine ways of distribution and to identify possible transmission vectors. The answers, however, raise many new questions. In the present study, different wild fish species taken from carp ponds with a history of KHV infection were examined for their susceptibility to the virus. In the tissue of these fish, the virus load was determined and it was tested whether a release of the virus could be induced by stress and the virus then could be transferred to naive carp. Wild fish were gathered from carp ponds during acute outbreaks of virus‐induced mortality in summer and from ponds stocked with carp carrying a latent KHV infection. From these ponds, wild fish were collected during the harvesting process in autumn or spring when the ponds were drained. We found that regardless of season, temperature variation, age and infection status of the carp stock, wild fish from carp ponds and its outlets could be tested positive for the KHV genome using real‐time PCR with a low prevalence and virus load. Furthermore, virus transfer to naive carp was observed after a period of cohabitation. Cyprinid and non‐cyprinid wild fish can therefore be considered as an epidemiological risk for pond carp farms.  相似文献   

g CHC in city presently.community health care,public health service,assessment广州市卫生局《广州市社区卫生服务中心和站配置标准研究》资助项目0中国初级卫生保健Chinese Primary Health Care5-7R193E0534E;E053_4李芳健;1-3广州市某区2007年社区预防保健服务评价探索与实践李芳健;周红伟;王家骥;王心旺;广州医学院公共卫生与全科医学学院,广州市番禹区卫生局,广州医学院公共卫生与全科医学学院,广州医学院公共卫生与全科医学学院 广东广州510182,广东广州511400,广东广州510182,广东广州510182社区卫生服务;;公共卫生服务;;评价目的通过对社区卫生服务机构提供的社区预防保健等公共卫生服务项目进行评价,核拨社区预防保健等公共卫生服务补助经费,引导社区卫生服务机构健康发展。方法组织专家成立社区公共卫生服务评价小组,对9家社区卫生中心(站)进行了社区预防保健等公共卫生服务评价。结果各社区卫生服务机构社区预防保健等公共卫生服务评价分数相差悬殊(32.5~84.5分),其中社区卫生服务中心评价分数(56分)比社区卫生服务站(48分)高。结论本评价体系较适用于现阶段城市社区公共卫  相似文献   

Commercial fishing licences are central to fisheries management systems. They define and allocate harvest rights, place rules upon authorized harvesters and, in some cases, require holders to pay user fees. In this paper, we ask how licences and licensing relate to access, itself a broader concept defined as the opportunity to derive benefits from resources and that draws attention to how institutions and social structures enable and constrain different individuals and groups. Using published literature, reports and publicly available licence data for fisheries off of British Columbia, Canada, we overview licensing history and examine all major commercial licence types in the jurisdiction. Using a network approach, we also describe the diverse suite of licence portfolios held in 2017. Results show that there were 6,563 commercial fishing licences registered by 2,377 unique holders, including a handful that hold ‘access‐rich’ and a much larger number who hold ‘access‐constrained’ portfolios. The literature review and analysis support two broadly applicable conclusions. First, that licensing history shapes access and that limited entry policies continue to influence who benefits from fisheries resources well beyond implementation. Second, that analysing licence holdings suggests business strategies and fishing prospects available to different harvesters and other commercial fisheries participants in a jurisdiction. In response to demand for greater attention to human dimensions and to the perception that indicators are challenging to develop and integrate, we advance conceptual thinking and practical approaches relevant to fisheries research and evaluation.  相似文献   


Bahrain, located in the Arabian Gulf, is composed of low‐lying islands made up primarily of sand covering limestone bedrock. The climate is extreme with seawater temperatures ranging between 8 and 38 °C. Seawater salinity ranges from about 40–60 p.p.t. Freshwater resources are limited with about half the freshwater consumed coming from desalinization plants. Total fish landings have increased over time with some fluctuations. Per caput consumption has dropped from a high of 27.2 kg/caput (1985) to 12.6 kg/caput (1997). Landings for certain preferred species have declined dramatically over the last 10 years. For example, total grouper landings have declined about 70% in 10 years. This has resulted in increased prices at the local market. Bahrain has no history or tradition of aquaculture. In 19 79, FAO conducted an initial assessment of aquaculture in Bahrain. This led to construction of basic laboratory facilities and some baseline aquaculture experiments. A second phase was started in the early 1990s that included establishing the National Mariculture Center (NaMaC). Initial work at NaMaC concentrated on small‐scale culture trials of orange‐spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, pearl‐spotted rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus and yellow‐finned black seabream, Acanthopagrus latus. Recently, NaMaC has been successful in mass culture of the sobaity bream, Sparidentex hasta. The initial 1979 FAO study recommended an economic assessment of aquaculture in Bahrain. An initial financial assessment was finally completed in 1994. At that time, hatchery and grow‐out production was not financially feasible. A subsequent grouper grow‐out production study indicated that if seed supplies could be assured, grow‐out operations might be financially feasible. Additional economic studies have been completed on feed and cage suppliers. In addition, local market surveys indicated good consumer acceptance of aquaculture products. Aquaculture management in Bahrain is under the Directorate of Fisheries. The goal of mariculture development in Bahrain is the establishment of a commercially viable private sector industry. This has yet to be achieved. Regulations for such an industry have been drafted, but have not yet been formalized. Bahrain has taken a long‐term perspective to aquaculture development. It has set up infrastructure and is developing technology to support commercial aquaculture. However, financial constraints have limited, but not stopped progress towards development of a commercially viable industry. As the economic conditions and the fisheries change, feasibility of such an industry should continue to improve.  相似文献   

The livelihoods of people dependent on the Tonle Sap floodplain ecosystem in Cambodia are expected to be affected by changes in economic conditions, social circumstances, environmental perturbations, demographic shifts and political climates. This study assesses how small‐scale fisheries’ livelihoods are changing in response to social and environmental conditions using the opinions of fishers collected through an intensive family survey of 514 households from Pursat and Battambang Provinces in Cambodia. Probit modelling approach was used to assess whether a fisher would continue fishing or not in the future when subjected to a variety of shifting conditions and identify the factors associated with their response. It was found that in any future condition about 50% of fishers would likely continue to fish, which suggests how much they love their traditional livelihood of fishing. The remaining 50% considered to diversify their livelihood strategy by shifting towards a combination of fishing, farming, and off‐farm jobs. Furthermore, the analysis found that the fishers will change their fishing practices depending on how other sectors in the region develop. The model showed increasing access to agricultural activities decreased the likelihood of continuing to fish, whereas finding an off‐farm job corresponded to increased likelihood of continuing to fish.  相似文献   

Fillets from Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) were salted with and without polyphosphates (PP) by means of a short three-step salting process. The changes in phosphate and water content during different steps of production were determined by comparing fillets with and without addition of PP. While fillet samples after salt injection and wet-salting contained different water content, from 80.1% to 74.6% depending on processing step and PP addition or not, after dry-salting there was no significant difference in water content between fillets with (58.1%) or without PP (58.9%). Dry-salted fillets with PP addition showed a phosphate content of 6.1 mg P2O5/g. In the following rehydration process (48 h), the total phosphate content dropped down to 2.9 mg P2O5/g, which was lower than the natural total phosphate content of 4.4 mg P2O5/g in the raw material.  相似文献   

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - In the Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta), the serotonin (5-HT) transporter (SERT) is highly expressed in the heart, and the heart and gill both demonstrate the...  相似文献   

  • 1. European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is recognized as a critically endangered species in the northern hemisphere. Threats such as overfishing or pollution are well known as risks for eel populations. However, much less is known about the impact of introduced fish on European eels. In particular, introduced large‐bodied predators could become new predators to eels.
  • 2. The potential impact of European catfish (Silurus glanis L) on an eel population in the Camargue, southern France was studied using a combination of stable isotope and gut content analyses.
  • 3. Only large‐bodied catfish (>500 mm) can consume numerous fish prey. However, catfish mostly consumed crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), these prey items being found in 79% of the guts of the largest individuals. Eel was absent from the dissected catfish guts. A mixing model based on Bayesian inference revealed that catfish diet included only 5% (0–8.5%) of marine sources (both eel and mullet).
  • 4. While local economic interests prompted ecological studies to assess whether catfish exerted a new and strong predatory pressure on eel, this study found that European catfish behaved as an opportunistic omnivore, and as such was not a direct threat as a predator on eel populations in the Camargue. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Survival in larval rearing experiments is difficult to estimate due to accidental losses and periodic sampling. The number of sampled fish can be a large proportion of the stocked ones, making it difficult to calculate the overall survival rate and mortality coefficient as this is based on the initial number. Here, a new method of calculating survival is proposed using the mortality coefficient. When the initial stocking density and sampled and final numbers are known, and assuming that mortality coefficient is constant, the final number of fishes can be represented by the formula N t = emt (N 0 − ΣN Sne mdn), where t is rearing period (days), N 0 indicates initial number, N t indicates the survival number at t days of rearing, m is the natural mortality coefficient, N Sn is the sampled number in the nth sampling, and dn is the rearing period until removal of the nth sample. The provisional mortality coefficient is calculated from initial and final stocking numbers. Then values for the natural mortality coefficient are substituted into the formula with successive approximation. The coefficient, which most closely approximates the actual survival, is determined as the best fit natural mortality coefficient. Examples of larval experiments are provided to demonstrate the method and show that survival is often underestimated using traditional methods.  相似文献   

The research parts of the project operated by YSFRIYSFRI is involved in5 sub- projects of the“Bei Dou”Fisheries Research and Management Project,1997/1998- 2 0 0 0 .About2 0 scientists at YSFRI worked in the project.From the Norwegian side,the scientiststaking part in the work were Svein A. Iversen, ivind Strand,Einar Lied and Anders Aksnes. The Chineseand Norwegian scientists work together to achieve the objectives of the project.Monitoring survey for fisheries managementThe go…  相似文献   

自今年5月以来,“Looking to Canada——勘望加拿大”水族展在北京海洋馆开幕。来自加拿大太平洋海域的“客人”远渡重洋落户北京海洋馆。在这里进行为期半年的展示。BC省(不列颠哥伦比亚省)总理戈登·坎贝尔、温哥华水族馆总裁约翰·南丁格尔、北京市西城区副区长苏东、北京海洋馆总经理胡维勇等嘉宾出席了开幕式。  相似文献   

This paper examines freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in southwest Bangladesh where a large number of farmers have converted their rice fields to export oriented prawn farms, locally known as gher. The gher design potentially provides good opportunities for diversified production of prawn, fish, rice and dike crops, that has brought about a ‘blue revolution’. The average annual yield of prawn, fish and rice was estimated at 467, 986 and 2,257 kg ha−1, respectively. Large farmers produced higher production due to more inputs, larger farm size and longer experience of prawn farming than others. All farmers in different gher size categories (i.e., small, medium and large) made a profit, with seed and feed dominating variable costs. Despite a higher production costs per hectare, the average annual net return was higher in large farms (US2,426), compared with medium (US2,426), compared with medium (US1,798) and small (US$1,420) farms. Prawn production in gher systems has been accompanied by a great deal of social and economic benefits. Most farmers associate the blue revolution with increases in income and living standards. Socio-economic benefits of the households of prawn farmers depend on resource ownership (i.e., farm size) and are very apparent. Nevertheless, a number of significant challenges, particularly social and environmental issues, are vital in translating its benefits effectively to the thousands of rural poor.  相似文献   

Fishers’ economic status is hard to assess because fisheries socio‐economic data, including earnings, are often not centrally available, standardized or accessible in a form that allows scaled‐up or comparative analyses. The lack of fishing income data impedes sound management and allows biased perceptions about fishers’ status to persist. We compile data from intergovernmental and regional data sets, as well as case‐studies, on income earned from marine wild‐capture fisheries. We explore the level and distribution of fishers’ income across fisheries sectors and geographical regions, and highlight challenges in data collection and reporting. We find that fishers generally are not the poorest of the poor based on average fishing income from 89 countries, but income levels vary widely. Fishing income in the large‐scale sector is higher than the small‐scale sector by about 2.2 times, and in high‐income versus low‐income countries by almost 9 times. Boat owners and captains earned more than double that of crew and owner‐operators, while income from fisheries is greater than that from agricultural work in 63% of countries in this study. Nonetheless, incomes are below national poverty lines in 34% of the countries with data. More detailed fishing income statistics is needed for quantitative scientific research and for supporting socio‐economic policies. Key gaps to address include the lack of a centralized database for fisheries income statistics and the coarse resolution at which economic statistics are reported internationally. A first step to close the gap is to integrate socio‐economic monitoring and reporting in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Individual quota (IQ) management systems in commercial marine fisheries are highly diverse, differing in the security, durability and exclusivity of the harvesting privilege and the transferability of quota units. This diversity in the degree of harvest rights may influence the effectiveness of IQ fisheries to meet management objectives. We conducted a global meta‐analysis of 167 stocks managed under IQs to test whether the strength of harvest rights impacts the conservation status of stocks in terms of catch, exploitation rate and biomass relative to management targets. We used non‐parametric methods to assess non‐linear relationships and linear regression models to explicitly consider interactions among predictors. Most IQ fisheries consistently met fleet‐wide quota limits (94% of stocks had recent catches below or within 10% of quotas), but only 2/3 of IQ fisheries adhered to sustainable management targets for biomass and exploitation rate (68% of stocks had exploitation rates below or within 10% of targets and 63% of stocks had biomass above or within 10% of biomass targets). Strikingly, when exclusivity of the harvesting privilege was low, exploitation rates depended on whether IQ implementation was industry‐driven (exploitation below targets) or government‐mandated (exploitation above targets). At high levels of exclusivity, exploitation rates converged to just below management targets. Transferability of quota units was associated with stock biomass closer to and slightly above target levels than stocks with non‐transferable quota. However, regional differences had the strongest effect on biomass, suggesting that other management or biological attributes of regional fishery systems have greater influence on marine populations.  相似文献   

Evidence from DNA‐analysis is commonplace in human criminal investigations, and while it is increasingly being used in wildlife crime, to date, its application to control and enforcement activities in fisheries and aquaculture has only been sporadic. Contemporary DNA‐analysis tools are capable of addressing a broad range of compliance issues, species identification, mislabelling of fish products, determining the origin of catches and the farm of origin of aquaculture escapees. Such applications have the potential to ensure traceability along the fish product supply chain and to combat consumer fraud and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing. Nevertheless, DNA‐analysis is not yet used routinely in investigations into compliance with fisheries and aquaculture legislation. One potential reason for this is that DNA‐analysis techniques may have been regarded as too expensive. However, costs have plummeted over the past decade prompting us to objectively assess whether the costs associated with routine use of DNA‐analysis techniques for fisheries and aquaculture control and enforcement activities do constitute an impediment. Based on a number of recent fisheries and aquaculture compliance investigations that incorporated DNA‐analysis, our results indicate that the use of genetic analysis was justified and worthwhile in all cases examined. We therefore conclude that the costs associated with DNA‐analysis do not represent a barrier to the routine adoption of DNA‐analysis techniques in fisheries and aquaculture compliance investigations. Thus, control and enforcement agencies should be encouraged to use such techniques routinely.  相似文献   

1. Forest drainage, including mainly ditching of waterlogged peatlands in order to increase wood growth, has caused substantial changes in the hydrology and water quality of Finnish streams. However, knowledge on the ecological impact of these changes is poor. This paper studies the potential impact of forest drainage, catchment characteristics and habitat factors on the water quality and benthic macroinvertebrates in headwater streams of the River Isojoki, western Finland. An intensive programme of water sampling was carried out at nine study sites, while zoobenthic samples covered a total of 18 streams. 2. According to multivariate regression models concentrations of aluminium and suspended solids in stream water at nine study sites increased significantly with increasing forest drainage of the catchment area. Further, drainage intensity contributed significantly to the decrease in minimum values of alkalinity. 3. In a Canonical Correspondence Analysis, the variation in macroinvertebrate species distribution and abundance was largely explained by drainage intensity, moss coverage and the concentrations of aluminium and iron in stream water. A significant positive correlation was established between the species richness of benthic macroinvertebrates and the proportional cover of vegetation on the stream bed, whereas a significant negative correlation was found between species richness and sand cover. 4. The results suggest that drainage has significantly contributed to the deterioration of water quality and habitat structure, and impoverishment of benthic communities in the headwater streams of the River Isojoki. In order to protect the ecological integrity of such boreal headwater streams, more effective protection schemes in forestry practices and rehabilitation of the adversely affected streams and their catchment areas are needed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Behavioural thermoregulation enables ectotherms to access habitats providing conditions within their temperature optima, especially in periods of extreme thermal conditions, through adjustments to their behaviours that provide a “whole-body” response to temperature changes. Although freshwater fish have been detected as moving in response to temperature changes to access habitats that provide their thermal optima, there is a lack of integrative studies synthesising the extent to which this is driven by behaviour across different species and spatial scales. A quantitative global synthesis of behavioural thermoregulation in freshwater fish revealed that across 77 studies, behavioural thermoregulatory movements by fish were detected both vertically and horizontally, and from warm to cool waters and, occasionally, the converse. When fish moved from warm to cooler habitats, the extent of the temperature difference between these habitats decreased with increasing latitude, with juvenile and non-migratory fishes tolerating greater temperature differences than adult and anadromous individuals. With most studies focused on assessing movements of cold-water salmonids during summer periods, there remains an outstanding need for work on climatically vulnerable, non-salmonid fishes to understand how these innate thermoregulatory behaviours could facilitate population persistence in warming conditions.  相似文献   

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