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Normally, sows are in anoestrus during lactation and start their new cycle at the day of weaning. Modern hybrid primiparous sows that suckle large numbers of piglets may lose substantial amounts of body reserves during lactation. This compromises follicle development during lactation. As modern sows have short weaning-to-oestrus intervals, these compromised follicles are recruited for ovulation directly after weaning, resulting in lower ovulation rates and lower embryo survival. Postponing or skipping first oestrus after weaning in primiparous sows may help to limit the negative consequences of lactation on subsequent reproduction. Multiparous sows may have very high litter sizes, especially after long lactations as applied in organic sows. These high litter sizes compromise piglet birthweight and survival and subsequent performance. Inducing lactation oestrus in multiparous sows may help to limit litter size and improve piglet survival and performance. This study discusses physiological and reproductive effects of extending the start of a new pregnancy after lactation in primiparous sows and induction of lactation oestrus in multiparous sows. We thereby challenge the view that weaning is an ideal start for the reproductive cycle in modern sows.  相似文献   



Shoulder ulcers can have a significant impact on the welfare of sows. In Denmark, rubber mats are used for treatment of shoulder ulcers. The objective of the study was to compare a treatment consisting of a combination of rubber mats and zinc ointment with the effect of local antibiotic spray (chlortetracycline) on shoulder ulcers.


A total of 304 sows with shoulder ulcers were observed shortly after farrowing (day 1) and on days 14 and 21 after the first observation. The sows were paired according to the grade of the shoulder ulcer using the official Danish scoring system. From each pair of sows, one sow was allocated to mat group (M) and the other to an antibiotic group (A) in a random way. In the M group, rubber mats were placed on the floor, and the ulcers were treated with zinc ointment once a day. In the A group, sows were treated with antibiotic spray daily. The size of the shoulder ulcer was measured manually on a continuous scale on days 1, 14 and 21. The data were analysed by use of two multivariable models where the response was the area of the shoulder ulcer on day 14 and day 21, respectively. Explanatory variables were treatment, herd, parity, body condition and size of ulcer on day 1. If a sow had an ulcer on both shoulders, the shoulder with the largest ulcer was selected.


The treatment consisting of mats and zinc ointment had a statistical significant effect on the size of the shoulder ulcer on day 14 and day 21 compared to daily treatment with antibiotic spray. For lean sows that were kept on rubber mats and zinc ointment, the average shoulder ulcer was significantly smaller on day 14 (3.8 cm2 versus 9.5 cm2 when antibiotic spray was used) and day 21 (3.4 cm2 versus 6.6 cm2) compared to lean sows that were only treated with antibiotic spray. For fat sows this was also the case when using the lesion on day 21 as the response (2.0 cm2 versus 5.7 cm2) but not on day 14. Moreover, the size of the lesion on day 1 was statistically associated with the size of the lesion on day 14 and on day 21. The treatment was equally effective in the three herds.


Rubber mats and daily smearing with zinc ointment slow progression and contribute to the healing of shoulder ulcers compared with housing on slats and daily spraying with antibiotics. It is recommended to place a rubber mat in the farrowing crate at the first sign of shoulder ulcers.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Mentha piperita L. (MP) dried leaves on the in vitro rumen methanogenesis and fermentation. It was found that after 24 hours of incubations, addition of 16.34 and 23.35 mg of MP to the 233.3 mg of substrate significantly decreased methane emission by 41.52 and 15.51%, respectively. Simultaneously, the MP supplementation exerted no effect on the dry matter digestibility and volatile fatty acid profile. Addition of MP to the ruminants' diet inhibits the methane production without altering the basic parameters of rumen fermentation.  相似文献   

Objectives : The objective of this study was to evaluate the surgical times for removal of ovaries, and the frequency of intra‐operative complications with two different instruments used for canine laparoscopic ovariectomy. Methods : A randomised prospective clinical study. Laparoscopic ovariectomy was performed under general anaesthesia on 10 healthy female dogs admitted for elective ovariectomy. Each ovary was randomly assigned to removal by use of either a SonoSurg? ultrasonic surgical device (Olympus), or a LigaSure? vessel‐sealing system (Valleylab/Covidien). Surgical time for removal of each ovary was measured and the frequency of intra‐operative complications was recorded. A follow‐up was made by interview with the owners, 2·5 years after surgery. Results : The two techniques did not statistically differ with regard to surgical time, or frequency of complications. All owners were very satisfied with the procedure. Clinical Relevance : Both the SonoSurg? and the LigaSure? devices appear to be effective, safe and easy to use when performing laparoscopic ovariectomy in dogs.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular system is the first functional organ in the embryo, and its blood vessels form a widespread conductive network within the organism. Blood vessels develop de novo, by the differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells (vasculogenesis) or by angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones. This review presents an overview of the current knowledge on physiological and pathological angiogenesis in the horse including studies on equine endothelial cells. Principal study fields in equine angiogenesis research were identified: equine endothelial progenitor cells; equine endothelial cells and angiogenesis (heterogeneity, markers and assessment); endothelial regulatory molecules in equine angiogenesis; angiogenesis research in equine reproduction (ovary, uterus, placenta and conceptus, testis); angiogenesis research in pathological conditions (tumours, ocular pathologies, equine wound healing, musculoskeletal system and laminitis). The review also includes a table that summarizes in vitro studies on equine endothelial cells, either describing the isolation procedure or using previously isolated endothelial cells. A particular challenge of the review was that results published are fragmentary and sometimes even contradictory, raising more questions than they answer. In conclusion, angiogenesis is a major factor in several diseases frequently occurring in horses, but relatively few studies focus on angiogenesis in the horse. The challenge for the future is therefore to continue exploring new therapeutic angiogenesis strategies for horses to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.  相似文献   

1. Hens fed on a diet containing 0–05% calcium virtually ceased egg laying (production <4%) whereas those fed on a diet containing 0–5% Ca maintained production at between 20 and 30%.

2. After a return to a normal diet (3% Ca) egg weight, shell weight, ovarian characteristics and oviduct size were of a similar nature in the two groups, though the differences in egg weight, shell weight and shell calcium were significant at the 1 % level.

3. Bone weight and bone ash did not differ significantly between the groups but after a return to normal rations, bone weight and bone ash became higher in the group that had received the 0.05% Ca diet.

4. There were no clinical signs of bone demineralisation during the experiments.  相似文献   

A sporadic wasting syndrome affecting beef cattle herds parasitized by Eurytrema coelomaticum is described in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. The disease was characterized by progressive weight loss, poor body condition despite plenty of good quality forage available, and death. Annual losses ranged from 1 to 3%. The clinical course of the disease varied from 2 to 10 months after the onset of the first clinical signs. At necropsy, one of the three distinct following patterns of lesions were observed: the pancreas was of normal size and color; small, shrunken, white and markedly and diffusely firm (fibrosis); or slightly enlarged and dark with a shriveled capsular surface. Myriads of leaf-shaped trematodes of the genus Eurytrema were packed inside multiple dilated ducts with thickened, whitish fibrous walls, or the flukes were embedded in the remaining pancreatic parenchyma. Microscopic findings included extensive loss of the pancreatic parenchyma with replacement fibrosis, intralesional flukes and eggs, and ductal hyperplasia. Inflammatory reaction varied from absent to severe with the presence of a granulomatous reaction around the trematode eggs. One affected animal had high plasma amylase concentration (1580U/L) suggesting exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Glucose blood levels were not significantly increased. We suggest that diffuse and marked fibrosis of the pancreas induced by the presence of large amounts of pancreatic flukes is the cause of the sporadic cases of chronic wasting and death of cattle in this geographic area.  相似文献   

Background: Interferon-γ(IFN-γ) is critical for innate and adaptive immunity against viral and bacterial infections. IFN-γ reportedly affects the phagocytic ability of monocytes and macrophages as well as regulates pituitary function in humans and mice. The present study analyzed the impact of IFN-γ on monocyte and macrophage phagocytosis, production performance, and pituitary function in vivo and in vitro(in dwarf chickens). IFN-γ was injected into dwarf chickens through a vein, and then, the laying rate, average egg weight, and levels of follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and IFN-γ were measured in treatment and control groups. For the in vitro experiment, the pituitary tissues were supplemented with IFN-γ, and the m RNA expression levels of follicle-stimulating hormone beta subunit(FSH-β), interferon gamma receptor 1(IFNGR1),and interferon gamma receptor 2(IFNGR2) in the pituitary were assessed.Results: Monocyte and macrophage phagocytosis product(PP) was decreased by IFN-γ treatment in a dose-dependent manner in vitro. In the in vivo experiment, the level of IFN-γ in the treatment group was higher than that in the control group at 7 d(P 0.05), 14 d(P 0.01), and 21 d(P 0.01) post-injection.Compared with the control group, monocyte and macrophage PP was lower in the treatment group after injection(P 0.01). The laying rate was higher in the treatment group than in the control group at 2 and3 wk post-injection(P 0.05). There was a significant difference between the treatment and control groups in the levels of FSH at 1, 3, 7, and 14 d post-injection(P 0.01). In the in vitro experiment, increased m RNA expression levels of FSH-β, IFNGR1, and IFNGR2 were observed in the treatment group after stimulation with100 U/m L IFN-γ for 24 h compared to those in the control group(P 0.05).Conclusions: IFN-γ inhibited the phagocytosis of monocytes and macrophages; up-regulated the m RNA expression levels of the FSH-β, IFNGR1, and IFNGR2; enhanced the secretion of FSH; and improved the laying rate. IFN-γ might be an important regulator in the trade-off between the immune effect and production performance in dwarf chickens.  相似文献   

The relations between woody and herbaceous plants in southern African savannas are reviewed in the context of pastoral use. Current knowledge is summarized, important gaps are indicated and research priorities are suggested. Although all savannas consist of a grass and a woody component, the physical determinants, biological interactions and individual species properties are unique to each spatial and temporal situation. In addition, past management has resulted in different kinds and degrees of modification. Primary and secondary determinants are discussed in terms of how they influence the structure and productivity of savanna communities. More than one outcome is possible to any competitive interaction owing to the modification of the effects of determinants by changing weather sequences, asymmetrical competition and biological interactions. This contrasts sharply with the conventional rangeland succession model. Relations between woody and herbaceous plants are often discontinuous because of the dynamic interactions between determinants, plants and herbivory. There is an apparent discrepancy between the convex and concave response of grass productivity to increasing woody biomass. It is hypothesized that a single discontinuous function explains this apparent discrepancy. This unifying theorem accounts for the modifications due to changes in levels of determinants and different species mixes within and between sites. With a few notable exceptions, research in southern Africa has been of an ad hoc, empirical and limited nature. It has not aimed at achieving an understanding and a predictive capability beyond the site and circumstances of individual trials themselves. A case is made for a systems‐orientated research approach, so that site and situation‐specific problems can be solved to fulfil management objectives.  相似文献   

Although natriuretic peptides have played an important role in the fluid homeostasis of vertebrates for over several million years, their importance has only been noticed in the last few decades. Yet, the family of natriuretic peptides have since their discovery, drawn the attention of a broad spectrum of physicians and researchers involved in the maintenance of fluid homeostasis, including marine biologists, basic scientists, physicians and veterinarians.While all natriuretic peptides share a common phylogenetic background, due to differences in receptor-binding affinities, they have evolved into different hormones with clear distinct functions.B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is the most studied member of the natriuretic peptide family, and together with its cleavage equivalent amino-terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) these peptides have emerged as important cardiovascular serum markers. However, since their introduction, physicians involved in human or animal medicine have faced common but also different challenges in order to optimally interpret the diagnostic and prognostic value of these novel cardiovascular biomarkers.  相似文献   

Conflict between predators and small-livestock farmers is a global phenomenon adversely impacting the preservation of wildlife, the well-being of livestock and human livelihoods. Such conflict is pervasive in the Karoo region of South Africa but its contemporary history and various causes remain poorly understood. In this study, we interviewed 77 small-livestock farmers in the Central Karoo between July 2014 and March 2015 to (1) assess the spatio-temporal distribution and severity of the reported predation problems with the main regional predators of livestock (black-backed jackal, caracal and baboon) and (2) describe the perceived reasons for changes in predator numbers. Farmers reported that serious predation problems have increased since the 1990s for all three predators. Jackal predation appears to have re-emerged, particularly since the 2000s, while baboon predation seems to have escalated rapidly since 2014 for select farmers. Farms with more rugged terrain were more likely to experience serious problems with baboons and caracal but ruggedness did not predict the year of onset of problems. Farmers perceive predator numbers to be increasing and attribute this trend to declining government support for predator management, changes in farming practices and the associated increase in suitable predator habitat, from which they can recolonise commercial farms.  相似文献   

1. The influence of the shell membranes on shell strength was studied in 21 Single Comb White Leghorn eggs.

2. Shell deformation and shell thickness were plotted for each egg and the regression line was calculated. The difference between the observed shell deformation and that predicted by the regression line was calculated for each egg and this distance, with changed sign, was called the shell deformation index.

3. The force needed to separate the shell membranes from a 10 mm wide strip of the shell was determined by a tensile testing machine and was termed attachment strength.

4. The correlation between shell deformation index and attachment strength was highly significant (r=0.88, P<0.0005). Thus the shell membranes contribute to shell strength, probably by serving as a reinforcement of the crystalline part of the shell.  相似文献   

Food-borne salmonellosis continues to be a major public health concern, and contamination with Salmonella spp. in pre-harvest animal production is considered a primary contributor to this problem. Animal feeds can easily become contaminated during primary production, feed mixing and processing as well as during feeding. Consequently, monitoring and surveillance of feeds and feed ingredients for Salmonella spp. contamination may be useful or necessary in the prevention and control of this organism. Cultural and immunological detection methods for salmonellae have been used or suggested as possible approaches for use in animal feeds. Cultural methods remain advantageous owing to their ability to detect viable bacterial cells, while immunological methods have the capability of detecting nonculturable bacterial cells. Advancements and improvements in both methodologies offer opportunities for eventual routine use of these detection technologies in animal feed assays.  相似文献   

This study compares the potency and efficacy of different relaxant drugs including anticholinergic, β-adrenergic and methylxanthine agents on acetylcholine-contracted feline bronchi, and investigates the influence of the initial muscarinic-induced tone on bronchodilator response. Feline bronchi were removed from euthanased client-owned cats and were contracted with acetylcholine to cause either 40% or 80% of the acetylcholine maximal contraction. The efficacy and potency of bronchodilating drugs were obtained from cumulative dose-response curves with efficacy (E(max)) as the maximal relaxant response and potency (-logEC(50)) as the logarithm of the concentration of drug inducing 50% of maximal relaxation. Under low contractile tone (40%), all bronchodilators relaxed feline bronchi in a concentration-dependent manner with the following rank order of potency: formoterol>ipratropium bromide>fenoterol>isoprenaline>salbutamol≥salmeterol>theophylline. E(max) values ranged from 80% to 100% depending on the tested drug. Constriction of feline bronchi with high-dose acetylcholine (80%) caused a rightward and downward shift of the β(2)-mimetic dose-response curves. Significant decreases in -logEC(50) and E(max) values were reported for salbutamol, formoterol and salmeterol. This study provides evidence that existing classes of bronchodilators produce effective relaxation of acetylcholine-contracted feline bronchi and that airway responsiveness to β(2)-stimulants is dependent on the magnitude of the initial muscarinic-induced tone. The clinical relevance of these in vitro findings has yet to be explored in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) continues to pose a major threat to human health. In animals, MRSA has become established as a veterinary pathogen in pets and horses; in livestock, it presents a concern for public health as a reservoir that can infect humans and as a source of transferrable resistance genes. Genetic analyses have revealed that the epidemiology of MRSA is different in different animal hosts. While human hospital-associated MRSA lineages are most commonly involved in pet infection and carriage, horse-specific MRSA most often represent 'traditional' equine S. aureus lineages. A recent development in the epidemiology of animal MRSA is the emergence of pig-adapted strains, such as CC398 and CC9, which appear to have arisen independently in the pig population. Recent insight into the genome structure and the evolution of S. aureus has helped to explain key aspects of these three distinct epidemiological scenarios. This nonsystematic literature review summarizes the structure and variations of the S. aureus genome and gives an overview of the current distribution of MRSA lineages in various animal species. It also discusses present knowledge about the emergence and evolution of MRSA in animals, adaptation to different host species and response to selective pressure from animal-specific environments. An improved understanding of the genetics and selective pressure that underpin the adaptive behaviour of S. aureus may be used in the future to predict new developments in staphylococcal diseases and to investigate novel control strategies required at a time of increasing resistance to antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

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