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The technology diffusion process of green mussel, Perna viridis, farming in Kerala, India, was studied by analyzing the adoption pattern, socioeconomic profile of mussel farmers, differences in farming methods, profit variations, development of trade and downstream industries, and the social factors responsible for the growth of this new industry. The farming practice has been adopted by villagers from 1996, and because of its rapid growth, India has risen to one among the top 10 farmed mussel producing nations in Asia, with an annual production of 10,060 tonnes, worth $US1.79 million at farm‐gate level. Three types of farm ownerships were observed: individual ownership (IND), family ownership (FAM), and ownerships by self‐help groups (SHG). The adoption curves are such that there were only a few adopters initially followed by an increasing rate of adoption in the subsequent years because of the demonstration effect. The study indicated the deep‐rooted “risk aversion” attitude widely prevalent among technology adopters. Age could not be significantly related to technology adoption, while education and occupation of the respondents significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the technology adoption process. The biggest outcome of mussel farming in Kerala was the empowerment of women with 87% of the SHG farms owned by women. The successful diffusion of mussel farming is the result of a combination of factors, chiefly, the availability of suitable water bodies; high rate of education; proximity of mussel markets and high degree of mussel consumption in the area; and a unique synergy between technology developers, promoters, and credit advancers. This development scenario can work as a role model for developing nations.  相似文献   

在拖网渔船的设计中,需要重点考虑螺旋桨与船-机的匹配、渔具与船-机-桨的匹配,实现推进系统的高效能发挥。本文引入时间概率的最佳螺旋桨参数优化确定方法,考虑拖网渔船设计的限制条件,通过优化分析,达到运营工况综合效能最佳,实现螺旋桨与船-机的合理匹配。从拖网渔船数据库中选取30艘运营状况优良的渔船进行有效拖力计算,建立拖网渔船有效拖力与主机功率和拖速的多元非线性回归方程,依据此方程得出的有效拖力结果选择网具和网板,实现有效拖力与渔具的合理匹配,最终实现渔具与船-机-桨的合理匹配。通过实船计算对比,验证了回归的有效拖力估算公式误差范围和适用性。研究表明:在拖网渔船设计初期,可以利用该公式估算有效拖力进行网具和网板的匹配,实现技术经济优化论证,最终实现船-机-桨-网的优化匹配。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The distribution and movement of the hairtail Trichiurus lepturus stock in the Aru Sea were investigated using logbook data from four Taiwanese commercial otter trawlers. Fluctuations in population size, population density index and the distribution of catch per unit effort (CPUE) and fishing effort are discussed. The CPUE data were standardized by using the generalized linear model (GLM) in which fishing month, fishing area and size category of the hairtail were taken into account. The fishing season could be divided into three episodes: aggregation between March and April, dispersion between May and June, and aggregation again between July and December. A seasonal two-peak distribution of the population size of hairtail reflects the aggregation–dispersion pattern. The first peak in May–June can be explained in terms of the hairtails' overwintering migration. The second peak in October–December is likely to be the result of spawning aggregation.  相似文献   

  • 1. The fishing effort and turtle catch of vessels harbouring at Lampedusa island and fishing in the wider central Mediterranean area was monitored using a voluntary logbook programme. Two large trawlers were monitored between 2003 and 2005 and six small vessels using trawl nets, pelagic longline or bottom longline were monitored in the summer 2005.
  • 2. The observed turtle catch rates of pelagic longline and bottom trawl were among the highest recorded in the basin, and high catch rates by bottom longline were observed too. This suggests that the area contains major oceanic and neritic habitats for the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 3. When fishing effort is considered, these results suggest a very high number of captures by Italian trawlers and longliners in the area, as well as by fleets from other countries. This is reason of concern for the conservation of the loggerhead turtle within the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 4. Different fishing gear have different technical/operational characteristics affecting turtle catch and mortality and the present knowledge about associated parameters of these gear varies too.
  • 5. All this considered, specific actions are recommended: (i) an awareness campaign to fishermen to reduce post‐release mortality, (ii) technical modifications to pelagic longline gear to reduce turtle catch, (iii) further investigation into turtle bycatch in all fishing gear, with priority given to bottom longline fishing and quantification of mortality caused by trawlers, (iv) assessment of the turtle populations affected by fishing activity in the area, and (v) international cooperation in undertaking threat assessments, and implementing regulations, management measures and monitoring.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Apart from penaeid shrimp culture, crab farming and fattening and other several diversified aquaculture practices are now emerging as viable ventures in India. About 11 types of crab products are being exported from India with an average unit value realization of US$ 3.73 kg?1, pinpointing its importance in the foreign exchange earnings. An economic evaluation of mud crab culture, fattening and fattening with composite culture of shrimp/finfish has been attempted in this paper. The major operating cost was that of seed and it was higher for crab fattening (87% of the total operating cost). Feed costs were very low compared to that of shrimp farming. Annual profit obtained was US$ 22812.5 ha?1 year?1 for culture and US$ 30820.8 ha?1 year?1 for fattening. Economic indicators such as net profit, rate of return, pay back period and breakeven price indicate that crab fattening/culture is much more profitable than any other coastal aquaculture operations currently in practice, provided hatchery production is established in the country to ensure adequate supply of mud crab seeds.  相似文献   

Abstract  Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), in the Bay of Biscay exhibited diel activity patterns with more individuals outside their burrows at dawn and dusk, increasing catchability at these times. Data from an on board observer programme on Nephrops trawlers between 2002 and 2005 were used to assess variability in catchability in commercial catches. Catch numbers per haul varied spatially and between months, but no signal for diel variations was found. Fishing strategies developed by the Nephrops trawlers had several components. On a seasonal level, they started around sunrise. On a haul level, haul duration decreased from haul to haul, with the longest hauls taking place at the time of the highest catchability. By-catch of hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), increased more than proportionally with haul duration.  相似文献   

Danish seines and bottom trawls operate differently and have different catching processes. Both gears belong to the same legislative category in European fisheries, but different management strategies in other countries and criticism by fishers on grouping Danish seines and trawls together indicate disagreement on current gear classification. This study compared both gears in terms of their fishing characteristics and catches of commercial species based on 16 years of observer data. Danish seining is a specialised fishing method that targeted few species but with higher total catch rates than bottom trawlers. Bottom trawling is a more all‐purpose fishing method that targets a larger number of species, and bottom trawlers use larger engines than Danish seiners. A generalised additive mixed model indicated that catch rates of flatfish are generally higher for Danish seines, and catch rates of roundfish species are higher for trawlers. The results do not directly suggest a separation of the gears in terms of legislation as the quantities of fish below current minimum size were similar, but for example future survival studies may reach different conclusions. Additional factors were found to be important in determining catches of both gears.  相似文献   

Abstract Monthly surveys of local fisheries from five principal landing sites on the River Ganges at Bhagalpur, India, were conducted from 2001 to 2007. Fishes of a range of sizes with mostly periodic‐type life‐history strategies, including many catfishes and carps, dominated the catch. Average annual yield (total mean monthly catch in units of biomass) was highly variable but trended downward during the study. Statistical ordination revealed associations between assemblage composition and hydrological seasons. Overall yields in this reach of the River Ganges tended to be greatest when the annual flood pulse was sustained longer. Patterns of average stock yields and inter‐annual variability of yields were associated with species life‐history strategies, with the most abundant and least variable species having periodic‐type strategies of seasonal spawning, high fecundity, small eggs and no parental care. Although not appearing to have declined precipitously during the study, many stocks in this stretch of the River Ganges, including those of the largest and most valuable species, nonetheless seemed to remain below historical yield levels because of multiple impacts, including chronic intense fishing and other anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Marine populations are distributed heterogeneously in space and time because of the diversity of habitats and the requirements of species life cycles. Human exploitation of these resources also varies as a function of space, time and the type of fishing activities performed. These three factors determine fishing strategy at different levels of integration. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse, with respect to different time scales, the relations between the modalities of resource exploitation and the biological or demographic characteristics of the species involved. These investigations relate to the more general task of acquiring the basic knowledge needed for spatialised management of fishing effort. A fleet of trawlers from La Rochelle, operating in the Bay of Biscay, was studied over a 15-year period (1979–1993), which led to the development of a reference resource exploitation scheme for these vessels. The degree of stability of this scheme over time was determined from landing profiles of the 18 most important species fished (94% of landings). An annual cycle for the species composition of landings was determined by multiple factor analysis. Two factors account for more than 55% of the inertia of the data. The first, of biological origin, is closely related to the breeding activity of species and associated migrations between the coast and the open sea. The second is spatial in nature, corresponding to the distribution and availability of resources according to a bathymetric gradient. This organisational scheme persisted over the first 13 years, but showed signs of change toward the end of the study period. Analysis of multi-year trends indicated four periods marked by sustained levels of landings per unit of effort for some species (decreasing for sole and wedge sole, or increasing for Norway lobster, striped red mullet, rays and the smallspotted catshark). These changes are attributable to restrictions on resource access imposed on the fleet (regulations and/or competition among the fishing gears for occupation of space), variations in the abundance of traditionally fished populations (hake, anglerfish) and changes in the professional behaviour of fishermen.  相似文献   

  • 1. Denison's Barb, Puntius denisonii (Day) is an endemic and endangered cyprinid fish of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot in peninsular India, which is the focus of an organized yet undocumented fishery targeting juveniles for the international aquarium trade.
  • 2. Research on P. denisonii has been very limited and there has been no systematic effort to assess and monitor their abundance, distribution and populations.
  • 3. Anecdotal and circumstantial evidence indicates a highly restricted distribution, low abundance, declining populations, low catch per unit effort and increasing market prices, providing evidence of an impending conservation crisis and the need for urgent management of wild stocks.
  • 4. This paper reviews current knowledge, provides results from the authors' field study and suggests priorities for conservation and management actions for P. denisonii in the streams of Kerala.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了探究鱼类反复运动疲劳后游泳能力和游泳行为的变化,以鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)幼鱼为研究对象,利用环形水槽实验装置,采用流速递增法,通过LoliTrack视频软件分析鱼类游泳行为,研究不同运动状态下鳙幼鱼的游泳特性变化情况。结果表明,鳙幼鱼疲劳前耗氧率随游泳速度的增大显著增加,且临界游泳速度恢复过程中最大耗氧率小于突进游泳速度恢复过程中最大耗氧率。视频分析显示,摆尾频率与游泳速度呈线性正相关关系。同时发现,在2组反复疲劳运动状态下,连续进行2次临界游泳速度测定过程中,鳙幼鱼频繁使用爆发-滑行游泳行为,而在经过突进游泳速度测试后转入临界游泳速度测定过程中,实验鱼并未使用这一游泳行为。经过一次临界游泳速度测试后,第二次临界游泳速度显著大于突进游泳速度测试后的临界游泳速度(P0.05),第一次突进游泳速度与第二次突进游泳速度无显著差异(P0.05)。无氧运动消耗导致鳙幼鱼有氧运动能力显著下降,而有氧运动消耗过程对无氧运动能力无显著影响。  相似文献   

  • 1. Cetacean observations were made by fisheries observers on trawlers targeting Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the area around the Flemish Cap, northwest Atlantic.
  • 2. Data from four observers amounted to a total of 291 observer days at sea aboard fishing vessels. This effort was mainly concentrated in the periods July to September 1996 and February to April 1997.
  • 3. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were the most frequently sighted cetacean, with 82 encounters on 64 different days. Pilot whales were encountered on nine occasions.
  • 4. Sighting rates of sperm whales during net hauling were significantly (approximately 30 times) greater than during shooting or steaming. Sperm whales were observed in aggregations of up to six animals close to the vessel and net during hauling. It is suggested that the sperm whales were attracted by the potential food source within the net, and possibly were feeding on fish escaping from the net. This represents rarely reported behaviour for this species.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘勇  程家骅  陈挺 《水产学报》2022,46(2):298-309
海洋捕捞渔船现为属地化管理,但其海上生产具有跨地区管辖水域作业特点.传统上,各地渔船因在近岸水域沿袭地方捕捞经验与传统捕捞习惯,均具显著的地方特性.但随着捕捞渔船的钢质化、大型化,海洋捕捞的作业空间不断扩展,了解与掌握当前海洋捕捞是否具有区域特征差异,对于渔业抽样统计调查研究和精准渔业管理有着重要的科学理论指导意义.本...  相似文献   

An ecosystem model was constructed for the northern Bay of Bengal (nBoB) using Ecopath (version 6.4.4). The model covered an area of 18,500 km2. There were 32 functional groups in the model including the non-living group, detritus. Trophic levels (TLs) for individual groups ranged from 1.0 to 4.22. Ecotrophic efficiency for most of the small pelagic fishes was found to be greater than 0.7. For hilsa it was 0.853, indicating high exploitation of this fish within the system. The nBoB was estimated to be a low ascendancy area (~?19.2%) with a system overhead of 80.8%, which indicates system stability and a certain maturity. The total system throughput and the total primary production/total respiration estimated for the study area indicate that nBoB is a maturing ecosystem. The mean TL of the catch for the study area was 3.115. The results indicate that the nBoB system is still in a developing stage. The low mean TL of the catch indicates fishing practices targeting fish of lower TLs in the system. In the long run, this may cause fishing down the food web, which will eventually lead to declining catches. These results indicate that present fishing practices are unsustainable for the nBoB ecosystem.  相似文献   

The extensive zero-water exchange shrimp farming system in the periphery of Chilka lagoon (Orissa, India) was studied. The study aimed to describe this unique farming system with special reference to dynamics of macrozoobenthos, production characteristics and economics. The study conducted was based on a general survey as well as monitoring of five individual farms over a complete production cycle. The farming practice in this area is characterized by complete absence of water exchange during rearing. Ponds in this area are generally shallow (mean 72 cm). Most of the water and soil quality characteristics of these farms are within acceptable levels. Macrozoobenthos belonging to 12 taxa were collected, amphipods (81%) and polychaetes (13%) being most numerous. Overall macrobenthic density of farms studied varied from 968 to 11,470 individuals/m2 with a gross mean of 5644 individuals/m2. There was no general pattern to the variation in abundance of various taxa in different phases of the rearing cycle, suggesting a low predatory pressure by shrimp in the farms studied. Shrimp production was highly variable (91–250 kg/ha), but generally low with a mean of 145 kg/ha. The net income of these farms was estimated to be Rs. 63,250 per crop per ha. Compared with shrimp farming system with regular water exchange in the same area, Chilka farms generated high benefit-cost ratio indicating high profitability and sustainability.  相似文献   

The extensive zero-water exchange shrimp farming system in the periphery of Chilka lagoon (Orissa, India) was studied. The study aimed to describe this unique farming system with special reference to dynamics of macrozoobenthos, production characteristics and economics. The study conducted was based on a general survey as well as monitoring of five individual farms over a complete production cycle. The farming practice in this area is characterized by complete absence of water exchange during rearing. Ponds in this area are generally shallow (mean 72 cm). Most of the water and soil quality characteristics of these farms are within acceptable levels. Macrozoobenthos belonging to 12 taxa were collected, amphipods (81%) and polychaetes (13%) being most numerous. Overall macrobenthic density of farms studied varied from 968 to 11,470 individuals/m2 with a gross mean of 5644 individuals/m2. There was no general pattern to the variation in abundance of various taxa in different phases of the rearing cycle, suggesting a low predatory pressure by shrimp in the farms studied. Shrimp production was highly variable (91–250 kg/ha), but generally low with a mean of 145 kg/ha. The net income of these farms was estimated to be Rs. 63,250 per crop per ha. Compared with shrimp farming system with regular water exchange in the same area, Chilka farms generated high benefit-cost ratio indicating high profitability and sustainability.  相似文献   

  1. The impacts of fisheries on several charismatic marine fauna have been a subject of global concern. Sea snakes share the same habitats as many commercially important fish species and often end up as fisheries bycatch.
  2. Previous studies of bycatch from India have been limited to individual reports of mortality, with little information on the regional community structure of sea snakes. This study was carried out along the Konkan coast, off the central west coast of India, between 2016 and 2018, to determine trends in the bycatch of sea snakes in coastal fisheries.
  3. In this study, 922 sea snakes were encountered in 916.57 gillnet haul hours and 449.16 trawlers haul hours of fishing, comprising largely of two species: beaked sea snake (Hydrophis schistosus) and spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) (83.05 and 16.94% respectively) which was in stark contrast to a similar study conducted in 2002–03, which recorded a dominance of H. curtus (84%) followed by H. schistosus (14%) in the same region. Both studies, however, indicated higher mortality in H. curtus than in H. schistosus in trawl nets.
  4. This study highlights the significant impact of non-selective fishing practices on regional assemblages of other marine organisms such as sea snakes from South Asia, which has been relatively understudied, and the potential consequences for local ecosystems.

The relationships between surface area, stocking density and fish yield in 40 small reservoirs in India between 1994 and 1999 were examined. A significant positive correlation (r = 0.6) was found between stocking density and fish yield. Area was negatively correlated with stocking density (r = ?0.57) and fish yield (r = ?0.62), but its correlation with efficiency of stocking was not significant for all the size groups of small reservoirs.  相似文献   

An epidemiological investigation was done in brackish water culture systems in three coastal districts of West Bengal. A total of 198 farms were randomly surveyed with a structured questionnaire. The data showed that there was a significant difference in outbreak of white spot disease (WSD) (p < 0.01), shell-associated problems (p < 0.01), and gill-associated problems (p < 0.05) among the culture systems. Among all systems, stunted and uneven growth and white fecal disease (only in shrimp monoculture) were the dominant emerging disorders. WSD remained the most prevalent disease. Some farms tested (polymerase chain reaction [PCR]) positive for WSD, but the animals were apparently healthy. Chlorination, use of PCR screening, application of immunostimulants, and strict bio-security measures play major roles in containing disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

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