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Lead poisoning was diagnosed in three cattle along with increased mercury levels in the liver and kidney tissues of two of these animals. The clinical signs were different in each case and included salivation, anorexia, delayed menace response, delayed withdrawal reflex, head pressing, localized muscle fasciculation, reduced tongue tone, ataxia, rumen atony and seizures. Blood lead concentration was increased in all three cases to 0.76, 0.37 and 0.454ppm. Post mortem changes characteristic of lead poisoning were only recognized in one case and included cerebro-cortical oedema, cortical neuronal necrosis and endothelial proliferation, especially at the tips of the cerebral gyri. The animals were poisoned by ingestion of lead-contaminated ash residues from a bonfire. The abnormal levels of mercury in the liver and kidney tissues of two animals may also be at least partly attributable to the intake of the metal in the ash residues. The levels of mercury in the three samples from the ash residue were relatively low (1.31, 0.7 and 2.1ppm).  相似文献   

文章旨在了解饲料与营养对肉牛生产性能、消化性能、瘤胃发酵以及甲烷(CH4)排放的影响.文章综述了2019年国外的相关文献报道,主要从精饲料、粗饲料及饲养营养综合评价3个方面进行综述.精饲料集中于各种蛋白质饲料和能量饲料的研究.粗饲料研究侧重于粗饲料品种和加工方式对不同生理阶段肉牛生产性能、消化性能和CH4产生的影响.饲...  相似文献   

Objective Integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial use (AMU) across One Health sectors is critically important for effective, evidence-based policy, stewardship, and control of AMR. Our objective was to evaluate progress towards achieving comprehensive, integrated AMR/AMU surveillance in Canada.Materials and methods Based on an environmental scan, interviews of subject matter experts, and reports from the 2014 National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases and the 2016 Canadian Council of Chief Veterinary Officers, we identified 8 core surveillance requirements and their specific components; the latter were assessed using a 2-way classification matrix, with 7 common elements ranked according to development stage.Results Components that mapped to requirements of a comprehensive, fully integrated AMR/AMU surveillance system were mostly in the lowest stages of development (Exploration or Program Adoption). However, both the establishment of the Canadian AMR Surveillance System integrated reporting and expansion of existing components under the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program and the Canadian Integrated Program for AMR Surveillance are improvements. Regardless, obvious gaps in Canadian AMR/AMU surveillance prevent this from being a comprehensive and integrated One Health program.Conclusion Action is needed in 3 crucial areas: i) development of a complete, integrated AMR/AMU surveillance program, based on current success; ii) changes in Federal/Provincial/Territorial policies to require standardized AMR/AMU reporting; and iii) more resources for AMR/AMU surveillance (dedicated persons, funding, and enabling structures and policy). There is an urgent need for prioritization by Federal/Provincial/Territorial governments to address governance, leadership, and funding to create surveillance systems that inform stewardship and policy.  相似文献   

Beef and dairy cattle serum samples, collected during 2000 at sale barns throughout Georgia, were obtained from the Georgia State Brucellosis Laboratory and were used to conduct a retrospective epidemiological study. Statistical samplings of 5,307 sera, from over 200,000 sera, were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, (Johne's disease) using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test kit. An overall period seroprevalence in all classes of cattle tested was 4.73%. The period seroprevalence in dairy cattle was 9.58%, in beef cattle it was 3.95%, and in cattle of unknown breed it was 4.72%. It was concluded that the seroprevalence of Johne's disease in cull beef and dairy cattle in Georgia is economically significant.  相似文献   

This is a review of the physiology and endocrinology of the estrous cycle and how ovarian physiology can be manipulated and controlled for timed artificial insemination (TAI) in beef and dairy cattle. Estrus detection is required for artificial insemination (AI), but it is done poorly in dairy cattle and it is difficult in beef cattle. Protocols that synchronize follicle growth, corpus luteum regression and ovulation, allowing for TAI, result in improved reproductive performance, because all animals are inseminated whether they show estrus or not. As result, TAI programs have become an integral part of reproductive management in many dairy herds and offer beef producers the opportunity to incorporate AI into their herds. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone-based protocols are commonly used in North America for estrus synchronization as part of a TAI program. Protocols that increase pregnancy rates in lactating dairy cows and suckling beef cows have been developed. Protocols that improve pregnancy rates in heifers, acyclic beef cows, and resynchronized lactating dairy cows are also discussed.  相似文献   

The first finding of the causative agent of paramphistomatosis of cattle in the coastal region of Algeria is described. As found on the basis of histological diagnosis, this causative agent is the species Paramphistomum daubneyi (Dinnik, 1962). Lymnaea truncatula was found to be present as a potential intermediate host at the localities where the cattle harbouring these trematodes were kept. It is suggested by the high intensity of invasion by the trematodes (up to 2204 specimens in one host) that the animals suffered from severe helminthosis in some cases. The finding of the causative agent of bovine paramphistomatosis in Algeria draws attention to the need of further investigation of trematodosis in the cattle kept in that country.  相似文献   

In this study we describe 207 cases of neuroinflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) in dogs autopsied at the Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (University of Georgia, United States) from 2008 to 2019. Idiopathic and infectious diseases were diagnosed in 111 cases (53.6%) and 96 cases (46.4%), respectively. Idiopathic diseases consisted of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (n = 42; 37.8% of idiopathic cases), nonspecific lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalomyelitis (n = 39; 35.1%), necrotizing meningoencephalomyelitis (n = 22; 19.8%), presumed steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (n = 6; 5.4%), and necrotizing leukoencephalitis (n = 2; 1.8%). Infectious diseases consisted of bacterial infections (n = 49; 51% of infectious cases), viral infections (n = 39; 40.6%), fungal infections (n = 5; 5.2%), and parasitic infections (n = 3; 3.1%). Our study provides an overview of the most frequent neuroinflammatory diseases of the CNS of dogs in our diagnostic routine; indicates that a comprehensive diagnostic approach, including a thorough evaluation of the pathology findings and ancillary laboratory testing results, is important for an adequate diagnosis of neurologic diseases in dogs; and underscores the problems associated with the variability in tissue sample collection methods among cases. The great number of nonspecific lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalitis also highlights the need for development of molecular laboratory tests to identify potential infectious agents in these cases.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Field data on weight recordings provided by the Australian Simmental Breeders Association was analysed. From a data set of 64,962 animals, which had either birth (BW), weaning (WW), yearling (YW), or final weight (FW) records a subset of 17 herds comprising 18,083 animals was used to obtain uni- and bivariate estimates of variance components. This subset had to be subdivided into six further subsets, called group herds. The models used allowed for additive genetic, maternal genetic, and permanent environmental effects and for a covariance between additive direct and maternal genetic effects. Estimates were pooled across group herds. The results for BW, WW, YW, FW were .33, .35, .37, and .30, respectively, for heritabilities and .074, .18, and .11 for maternal heritabilities (not estimated for FW). Significant correlations between direct and maternal genetic effects (rAM) existed for WW and YW in the magnitude of -.39 and -.22. However, further research is needed due to the problems associated with the estimation of r(AM) . ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Sch?tzung direkter und maternaler (Ko)Varianz-Komponenten für Wachstumsmerkmale bei australischem Fleckvieh Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren im Feld erhobene Gewichte, die von der Australischen Simmental Breeders Association bereitgestellt worden waren. Aus einer Datei von 64.962 Tieren, die entweder ein Geburtsgewicht (GG), ein Absetzgewicht (AG), ein J?hrlingsgewicht (JG) oder ein Endgewicht (EG) aufwiesen, wurde ein Teildatensatz von 18.083 Tieren extrahiert und einer uni- und bivariaten Sch?tzung von Varianzkomponenten unterzogen. Diese Datei mu?te weiterhin in sechs verschiedene Dateien aufgeteilt werden; diese wurden Gruppenherden genannt. Die verwendeten Modelle erlaubten additiv-genetische, maternal-genetische und permanente Umwelteffekte sowie das Vorhandensein einer Kovarianz zwischen additiv-genetischem und maternal-genetischem Effekt. Die Sch?tzwerte wurden über die Gruppenherden gepoolt. Die Ergebnisse in der Reihenfolge GG, AG, JG und EG waren 0,33, 0,35, 0,37 und 0,30 für die Heritabilit?ten sowie 0,074, 0,18 und 0,11 für die maternalen Heritabilit?ten (nicht gesch?tzt für EG). Signifikante Korrelationen zwischen direktem und maternal-genetischem Effekt (r(AM) ) existierten für AG und JG in der Gr??enordnung von -0,39 und -0,22. Trotz dieses Ergebnisses sind weitere Untersuchungen n?tig, weil die Sch?tzung von r(AM) problematisch ist.  相似文献   

A novel technique [Section‐Ligation‐Release (SLR)] was evaluated for castration in the horse. Clinical traits, serum testosterone concentrations after challenge with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), and histopathological changes of the testicular tissue were assessed. Five stallions, aged 24–48 months, were castrated using SLR technique under general anaesthesia. Both spermatic cords in each stallion were exposed at the scrotal neck by two 5‐cm long incisions, followed by sharp dissection through the parietal vaginal tunic. Both vascular and non‐vascular structures in the cords were triple clamped, transected and ligated. Both testes were left in situ. Serum testosterone concentrations were measured pre‐operatively and at 2 months after castration following IV administration of 1 × 104 IU of hCG. Both testes from each castrate were collected at 2 months for histopathologic examination. SLR castration was successfully achieved. Moderated scrotal and preputial swelling was the only experienced short‐term complication. Serum testosterone concentrations were significantly lower than basal pre‐operative levels at 2 months after castration, and did not respond to hCG. On histopathology, hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules and loss of testicular interstitial tissue were indicative of complete avascular necrosis. This novel primary closure castration technique of stallion is a simple practical method, with minimal post‐operative complications; and could be safely advocated as an alternative to the traditional castration techniques allowing for second intention healing of scrotal wounds.  相似文献   

3大豆皮对奶牛和肉牛的饲用价值用大豆皮替代奶牛混合精料中的燕麦或玉米并不会使产奶量和产奶效率下降(Kung和Lin,1997;Kohlm eier,1996)。Owen等(1984)在3个独立的奶牛试验中用大豆皮代替21% ̄50%的混合谷物,产奶量、产奶效率未受显著影响。在后来的研究中(Nakam ura和Owen,1  相似文献   

前言大豆作为蛋白质来源已有五千多年的历史。中国首先提倡种植大豆,本世纪初传入美国。起初,人们主要关心大豆的含油量,提出油以后的大豆粕和大豆皮仅仅是副产品。不久,大豆粕中蛋白质的优异品质被人们所认识。从此,大豆粕成了猪、鸡日粮中补充蛋白质的主要来源。大豆加工时可  相似文献   

Fowl adenoviruses (FAdVs) and avian reoviruses (ARVs) are ubiquitous in poultry farms and most of them are not pathogenic, yet often cause damage to chicks. A total of 104 chicken fecal samples were collected from 7 farms of breeder chickens (layers and broilers) in Japan from 2019 to 2021, and yielded 26 FAdV plus 14 ARV isolates. By sequencing, FAdV isolates were classified as FAdV-1, 5 and 8b. ARV isolates were classified as genotype II, IV and V. These results suggest that FAdVs and ARVs are resident in the breeder chicken farms in Japan.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to compare feed cost, palatability and environmental impacts among feeding systems of high concentrate (HC), high hay (HH) and grass‐only‐fed (Gof) groups. Feed cost was the sum of costs paid for feed intake times the price of feed per kilogram. Palatability was measured by a panel taste test using HH and Gof beef and analyzed for differences. Environmental impacts were calculated based on 1 kg of Japanese beef yield of CO2 equivalents (eq) and animal end weights at each feeding stage. Results showed that the HH and Gof feeding systems could significantly reduce feed costs by approximately 60% and 78%, respectively, from the HC. In the panel taste test, 50% and 47.50% of panelists indicated that HH beef was ‘extremely delicious’ and ‘acceptable,’ respectively, while 15% indicated that Gof beef was ‘extremely delicious’; 62.50% indicated that Gof beef was ‘acceptable.’ Environmental impacts of each feeding system in terms of CO2 equivalents (eq) were 9.32, 6.10 and 2.04 tonnes of eq for the HC, HH and Gof, respectively. The HH was an economical system that produced moderate impacts on the environment and had impressive taste.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of tropical theileriosis was performed on 12 farms in the Doukkala region of Morocco during 1990. Adult Hyalomma detritum detritum were collected between March and early October and a peak in numbers was observed at the end of June. Nineteen percent (24/127) were infected with Theileria species and, amongst these, over 50% had five or more sporoblasts in their salivary glands (range 1-151). Hyalomma d detritum larvae and nymphs were found on cattle between September and early December with the highest numbers in late October. The prevalence of T. annulata piroplasm carriers at the beginning of the year was 48.5% (47 positive out of 97) and there were 14 new infections during the disease season (March to September) of which five developed into clinical cases. The incidence rates of new infection and clinical disease were 0.156 and 0.056 per animal-season, respectively. Differences were observed between age categories of cattle in both tick and parasite infections. A significantly lower number of adult H.d. detritum were collected from calves than from adult cattle. The prevalences of piroplasm carriers before the disease season were 0%, 36% and 76%, respectively, in (a) calves which had been born since the previous disease season, (b) calves born before then and (c) adults. However, the incidence rates of infection and disease for uninfected animals in the two categories of calves were approximately the same: 0.299 and 0.378 new infections, and 0.085 and 0.126 clinical cases per animal-season for (a) and (b), respectively. The date predicted for the appearance of adult H.d. detritum, based on published tick development times and local temperature records, was within 2 weeks of the study visit when the highest number of adults were collected from cattle. However, the date predicted for the appearance of larvae was 6 weeks earlier than the observed peak populations and may indicate that H.d. detritum delays either egg laying in the summer or larval host searching in the autumn.  相似文献   

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