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细根分解是草地土壤有机质和养分的主要来源,全球N沉降背景下细根分解动态变化对生态系统碳和养分循环具有重要意义。采用埋袋法研究黄土高原天然草地3个优势物种细根分解速率和养分释放规律及其对模拟N沉降(10g·N/(m2·a))的响应。结果表明:细根分解过程分为快速(0~60d)和慢速分解(60~719d)2个阶段。大针茅、甘青针茅和白莲蒿细根分解60d的质量残留率分别为86.3%,86.2%,90.7%,分解719d的质量残留率分别为58.1%,64.7%,70.5%,表明细根分解速率大小为大针茅甘青针茅白莲蒿。相关分析表明,细根分解常数与细根初始N含量、N/P值呈显著的正相关关系,与初始C含量、C/N值呈显著的负相关关系。随着根系分解,3种细根C元素表现为直接释放,N元素表现为N富集,P元素表现为富集-释放模式,整体呈波动式下降。模拟N沉降显著抑制了3种植物细根的分解,使大针茅、甘青针茅和白莲蒿细根分解系数分别显著降低了21.3%,26.8%,47.4%。模拟N沉降使大针茅、甘青针茅和白莲蒿分解末期C元素分别增加了26.8%,20.7%,16.6%,N元素分别增加了18.2%,17.0%,13.4%,而对P残留率均没有显著影响。综上,未来氮沉降的增加会抑制黄土高原封育草地优势物种的细根分解速率,减慢其细根分解向土壤输入C和N养分的过程。  相似文献   

不同草本层三倍体毛白杨林地土壤抗蚀性研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
以未退耕的陡坡耕地作对比,对退耕还林4年后三倍体毛白杨林地两种不同草本层模式进行的土壤抗蚀性研究,以及它们和林地细根和草根的相关性分析表明:林地土壤的水稳性团聚体含量上、中、下层和未退耕地在总量上差别不大,但林地上层和中层大粒级的水稳性团聚体含量明显高于未退耕地,林地又以自然草林地高于人工草林地;自然草林地有机质比人工草林地略高,但不明显,未退耕地则由于人为增施农家肥而高于林地;以微团聚体含量为基础的各项抗蚀指标,虽一定程度上也表明林地的抗蚀性高于未退耕地,但不如以水稳性团聚体含量明显;各抗蚀指标与林内细根和草根的相关性表明,就提高大粒级水稳性团聚体含量和水稳性团聚体总量来说,0~2mm细根总体上作用是很显著的,相关系数分别达到0 906和0 798;而≤1mm根系起主要的作用,这其中草根的作用不可忽视,无论细根分级如何,总而言之,凡和有机质相关系数显著的径级,同时也和团聚体呈显著相关关系。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区人工油松林地土壤特性及细根特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查和室内实验分析的基础上,研究了黄土丘陵区人工油松林生长发育过程中的细根垂直分布特征及其土壤特性。结果表明:(1)小密度林地改善土壤结构能力最好,其次是中、大密度,采伐地最差。(2)小、中、大密度林地0—300 cm土层土壤含水量分别为12.95%,12.87%和12.78%,表现出随林分密度增加而减少的变化趋势,采伐地则为17.10%,说明采伐地土壤水分在一定程度上得到了补偿。(3)油松细根主要分布在0—60 cm土层,占细根总量的90%以上。(4)细根分布与土壤特性关系密切,以40—60 cm土层最为显著。  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨+黑麦草复合模式根土养分动态研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对退耕还林地三倍体毛白杨幼林与黑麦草牧草复合模式,研究了模式根系养分含量与土壤养分的动态变化。结果表明:模式中植物对土壤速效N的吸收,草根在0.395~0.408g/kg,变化幅度平稳,树根在0.173~0.369g/kg,变化幅度较大;对有效P的吸收规律正好与N素相反,树根含量在2.486~3.486g/kg,变化较平缓,草根在4.572~6.092g/kg,变化幅度较大;树根K的含量变幅较大,草根在整个年周期中的变幅都较小,而土壤K素供应充分;三倍体毛白杨根系吸收Ca含量是随着林地含量的增加而增加,其变幅在4.651~9.764g/kg,而草根变幅达8.226~10.877g/kg,与林地Ca的含量成相反趋势,草根在生活周期中对Ca的吸收影响着交换性Ca的变化;树根和草根生长对Mg的需求分别在10.547~10.744g/kg和10.365~10.610g/kg之间,不仅在月动态上相似,且在需求量上也相近,故在平衡施肥中应注意Mg肥的可利用性及生物吸持性。  相似文献   

不同年龄木麻黄林地根际土壤养分含量和酶活性动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在福建省东山县滨海沙地,开展了不同年龄木麻黄林地根际和非根际土壤养分和酶活性的测定,研究结果表明:(1)不同年龄木麻黄林地根际pH小于非根际土壤,随林龄增长根际土壤和非根际土壤pH值均表现为下降趋势;根际土壤有机质、全氮和水解氮含量高于非根际土壤,各土层有机质含量在中龄林时最大;从中龄林阶段至过熟林,水解氮含量下降;全磷和速效磷含量从幼林发育至中龄林、近熟林逐渐减少,至过熟林略有恢复;根际土壤全钾、速效钾含量呈增加趋势。(2)不同年龄木麻黄林地根际CEC值、水解性总酸度、交换性盐基总量、交换性Mg^2+均大于非根际土壤;幼林龄根际交换性Ca^2+低于非根际;土壤CEC值在中龄林时最高。(3)不同年龄木麻黄林地根际土壤磷酸酶、过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶活性均大于非根际土壤;随着林木的生长,根际和非根际土壤磷酸酶活性逐渐升高,并且根际与非根际间的差异也呈增大趋势;根际过氧化物酶活性从幼龄林到中龄林下降,随着林木生长至过熟林有所升高;根际多酚氧化酶活性在过熟林阶段高于其它发育阶段。  相似文献   

湖南马尾松人工林群落细根生物量及时空动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年在长沙天际岭国家森林公园,用钻取土芯法,对马尾松森林群落细根生物量进行了研究。结果表明,该森林群落的年均活细根生物量为1.117 4 t/hm2,死细根生物量为0.118 3 t/hm2,活细根和死细根生物量均存在明显的季节变化,活细根生物量变化趋势总体上呈"单峰型",死细根生物量呈不规则波动。活细根和死细根生物量主要分布在0~30 cm土壤层,其活细根生物量占总活细根生物量的70.73%,其死细根生物量占总死细根生物量的71.43%。活细根生物量和死细根生物量与土壤温度呈显著性指数相关,与土壤湿度呈显著性线性相关。  相似文献   

蒋家沟新银合欢人工林土壤养分分布及其与细根的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分层挖掘法对东川蒋家沟新银合欢人工林土壤养分分布特征及其与细根的关系进行了研究,结果表明:除全钾外,土壤表层养分含量相对优越,集聚现象明显,随土层深度的增加土壤养分含量降低且趋于贫瘠;3年生新银合欢林土壤养分表聚程度、土壤养分状况明显优于20年生,20年生与9年生基本一致;新银合欢细根主要集中于0—100cm土层,0—20 cm土层富集明显,且在垂直剖面上呈对数函数递减。回归分析显示,土壤养分(碱解氮、速效磷、有机质、速效钾和全氮)与细根质量间存在极显著的线性关系,其中速效磷同细根质量关系更为密切,在一定程度上决定着新银合欢细根根系的空间分布。  相似文献   

滨海沙地木麻黄人工林细根的生产、分解及周转研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在福建省惠安县赤湖林场用根钻法和分解袋法对18年生木麻黄人工林细根生物量、分解及周转进行了研究.结果表明,18年生木麻黄活细根生物量平均为6.693 t · hm-2,死细根平均为2.292 t · hm-2,细根生物量具有明显的季节动态,活细根和死细根生物量年变化均为双峰型,活细根生物量峰值出现在1月和7月,死细根出现在3月和7月.用试验期间不同时间数据拟合得到木麻黄细根分解回归方程:x/x0=1.06e-0.0014t.应用模拟方程计算出木麻黄分解1年的干重损失率理论值(35.96%)与实测值(38.19%)较为接近.木麻黄细根半分解时间为537 d,95%分解时间为2 181 d.结合木麻黄人工林在不同季节的细根生物现存量,18年林龄木麻黄细根年死亡量分别为1.825 t · hm-2,年生长量为3.173 t · hm-2,年周转0.474次.  相似文献   

采用根钻法采集细根,分析了祁连山中段寺大隆林区3种主要乔木植被青海云杉纯林、杨树纯林和祁连圆柏纯林的细根生物量、土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤养分状况,并在3种森林群落之间进行了比较研究,旨在为该区提高森林生产力和根系碳汇的后续研究提供理论依据。结果表明:研究区内3种乔木植被总细根生物量和活细根生物量之间呈极显著正相关,而细根生物量和土壤水分与土壤容重均呈显著负相关,土壤养分和土壤含水量对细根生物量有着积极的促进作用。3种植被类型的细根生物量都集中分布在20—40 cm土层,而且杨树林分依次是青海云杉林分的154倍、祁连圆柏纯林的308倍;3种植被类型的土壤容重依次为Sd > Sd > Sd,且两两之间差异显著;0—10 cm土壤含水量差异显著,青海云杉纯林远高于其他两种乔木植被;另外,3种植被类型土壤中含有的碳、氮含量差异也比较显著。  相似文献   

在黄土高原子午岭林区,对油松人工林、白桦天然林细根生物量、比根长、根长密度和细根表面积的垂直分布特征,以及这些根系指标与土壤水分、土壤容重、氮素和有机质的关系进行了研究。结果表明,油松人工林细根生物量随土壤深度增加呈单峰曲线,白桦林细根生物量随土壤深度增加呈减少趋势;油松林大部分根系生物量集中分布在040.cm土层中,其中020.cm土层占37%以上,2040.cm集中了41%以上;表层土壤(020.cm)具有较高的比根长、根长密度和细根表面积,而底层(4060.cm)的比根长、根长密度和细根表面积最低。油松林土壤全氮和有机质含量垂直变化趋势相似,随土壤深度的增加而降低;硝态氮(NO3--N)均随土壤深度的增加呈单峰曲线变化趋势,而铵态氮(NH4+-N)随土壤深度增加呈先降低后增加的抛物线趋势。白桦林75%的细根生物量集中在020.cm土层,比根长、根长密度和细根表面积的垂直分布规律与油松林相似,表层土壤白桦林细根表面积是油松人工林的3.91倍,而2040.cm土层白桦林细根表面积比油松人工林降低了33%。白桦林土壤全氮、有机质含量、NO3--N和NH4+-N垂直变化趋势与油松林相似。土壤水分、容重、全氮和有机质对油松和白桦细根分布的影响明显大于NH4+-N和NO3--N。白桦林表层土壤有机质含量与细根生物量的相关性达到显著水平(r=0.99,P0.05),白桦林表层土壤有机质含量与比根长和根长密度的相关性(分别为r=0.91,r=0.8)低于油松林(分别为r=0.95,r=0.94)。油松和白桦林040.cm土层细根表面积与土壤全氮相关性随土壤深度增加而下降,比根长和根长密度与土壤全氮相关性随土壤深度增加而增大。油松和白桦林2060.cm土层细根生物量、细根表面积和根长密度随有机质含量的减少而增加,而比根长呈相反的变化规律。  相似文献   


To investigate fine root dynamics after thinning (50% of standing tree) and liming calcium magnesium carbonate[CaMg(CO3)2] 2 Mg ha? 1, a 2-year study was performed in 40-year-old pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) and 44-year-old Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord.) plantations in central Korea. Mean total fine root mass (kg ha? 1± SE) in the control, thinned, and limed plots were 1234 ± 32, 1346 ± 67, and 1134 ± 40 for the pitch pine plantation and 1655 ± 48, 1953 ± 58, and 1868 ± 70 for the Japanese larch plantation, respectively. Live fine root mass of pitch pine at 0-10 cm soil depth decreased after thinning and liming. In addition, liming significantly increased dead fine root mass of Japanese larch. Fine root production (kg ha? 1 yr? 1± SE) in the control, thinned and limed plots was 1108 ± 148, 2077 ± 262, and 1686 ± 103 for the pitch pine plantation and 1762 ± 103, 1886 ± 277, and 2176 ± 271 for the Japanese larch plantation, respectively. Fine root turnover rates increased after liming for both plantations. Fine root nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations of Japanese larch (1.012% of N and 0.073% of P) were higher than those of pitch pine (0.809% of N and 0.046% of P) in the control. Also N and P inputs into soil through fine root turnover increased after treatments. Results indicated that comparing fine root dynamics among forest types and after forest management practices might influence differences in soil fertility and underground nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the performance of recommended doses of chemical fertilizer (RDF) and locally isolated strains of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculated either solely or in combination with seedlings of Red Delicious and Lal Ambri cultivars. The RDF (T7) treatment recorded significantly greater vegetative growth and leaf nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents over multi-inoculation of Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) but root colonization and microbial counts decreased significantly. Inoculation of Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) was superior over sole and dual inoculation with respect to vegetative growth and nutrient contents in leaves and soil but had significant greater counts of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and Pseudomonas than RDF. Greatest root colonization (34.0 and 35.1%) was recorded in Azotobacter + Azospirillum + AMF (T6) followed by AMF (T4) treatment (29.3 and 32.0%) in Red Delicious and Lal Ambri seedlings, respectively. Overall, it can be inferred that multiinoculation of synergistically interacting bioinoculants may be helpful in the establishment of healthy organic apple orchards.  相似文献   

木荷林凋落物的归还动态及分解特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对杭州常绿阔叶林中凋落物的定位观测研究表明,该系统中年均凋落物量为5.85t/hm2,其中以叶最多,占总量的79.5%,枝果较少,分别占7.1%和13.4%。归还动态呈双峰型,即4月和9月为2次高峰。凋落物的半分解时间为1.59a,分解动态呈指数衰减规律。凋落物的年养分归还量达223.69kg/hm2。木荷林中凋落物的现存量为7.47t/hm2。平均分解率为45.18%。林分中凋落物量还处于增长阶段。  相似文献   


Plant litter and fine roots are important in maintaining soil organic carbon (C) levels as well as for nutrient cycling. The decomposition of surface‐placed litter and fine roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum), lucerne (Medicago sativa), buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris), and mulga (Acacia aneura), placed at 10‐cm and 30‐cm depths, was studied in the field in a Rhodic Paleustalf. After 2 years, ≤10% of wheat and lucerne roots and ≥60% of mulga roots and twigs remained undecomposed. The rate of decomposition varied from 4.2 year?1 for wheat roots to 0.22 year?1 for mulga twigs, which was significantly correlated with the lignin concentration of both tops and roots. Aryl+O‐aryl C concentration, as measured by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, was also significantly correlated with the decomposition parameters, although with a lower R 2 value than the lignin concentration. Thus, lignin concentration provides a good predictor of litter and fine root decomposition in the field.  相似文献   

条桑在河北省东部平原沙地和丘陵梯田广泛种植,与农作物间作是其主要栽培模式。2006年在河北省迁安市进行了桑粮间作田条桑根系断面积、根量、根系直径分布特征及其对土壤水分、养分影响的研究。结果表明:根系分布主要集中在20~40 cm土层内,此范围内的根系重量占总根量的60%~80%。根系以直径小于3 mm的细根居多,占总根量的30%~40%,大于7 mm的粗根数量很少,占总根数的5%~15%。平原沙地条桑根系主要分布在距桑丛中心100 cm范围内,桑丛外缘100 cm处的根量仅为总根量的6.52%,水平延伸幅度较窄,根系垂直分布明显;丘陵梯田条桑根系水平延伸可达桑丛外250 cm处,只有少量根系垂直深入岩石中,水平分布趋势明显。条桑根量、根系直径、根系断面积分布依立地条件及土层深度的不同而异。桑丛中心外1 m处深层土壤含水量增加,桑丛附近2.5 m内没有存在严重的土壤水分亏缺。平原沙地和丘陵梯田桑丛附近条桑富集土壤养分作用明显。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in a phosphorus (P)–deficient acidic Alfisol in northwestern Himalayas to study the effect of three vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) cultures [VAML, local VAM culture (Glomus mosseae) developed by CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur, India; VAMT, VAM culture (Glomus intraradices) developed by Centre for Mycorrhizal Research, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India; and VAMI, VAM culture (Glomus mosseae) developed by Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India] on growth, productivity, and nutrient dynamics in rainfed soybean. Plant height, aboveground dry matter, root dry matter, total dry matter, root length, root weight density, Rhizobium root nodule count, root colonization, yield attributes, yield, and nutrient uptake of soybean increased consistently and significantly with increase in inorganic P levels from 25 to 75% of recommended P2O5 dose based on targeted yield precision model coupled with various VAM cultures. VAMT (Glomus intraradices) at each P level showed its superiority over VAMI and VAML. Sole application of any of the three VAM cultures produced similar growth and development parameters as well as grain yield (18.68 to 19.08 q ha?1) as produced through farmers’ practice (nitrogen at 20 kg ha?1), indicating that VAM has a vital role in root morphology and nutrient dynamics in a soil–plant system, though significantly greater productivity was obtained with 100% of the recommended P2O5 dose based on soil-test crop response (STCR) precision model without VAM inoculation. Targeted grain yield of soybean (25 q ha?1) was achievable with 75% of the recommended P2O5 dose applied with any of the three VAM fungi cultures without impairing soil fertility, thereby indicating that VAM fungi can save about 25% P fertilizer in soybean in P-deficient acidic Alfisols of northwestern Himalayas.  相似文献   

林木细根分布规律与土壤水分响应关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过野外调查和室内分析,对渭北黄土高原主要造林树种的根系分布特征和土壤水分的季节变化规律进行研究.结果表明:林地土壤水分可以划分为土壤水分活跃层、土壤水分稳定利用层和土壤水分稳定层3个层次,不同立地不同层次上的土壤含水量具有不同的时空分布特征.对不同立地条件上林木根系分布特征的研究结果表明,不同立地上刺槐根系的空间分布特征具有明显差异,阴坡立地上的刺槐根系具有更大的分布空间.进一步的分析结果表明,土壤水分的变化规律与根系的分布特征有密切的关系,适宜的水分环境可以保证根系得到充分的牛长发育,扩大水分养分的吸收空间,使林木的地上部分表现出更大的生产力,反之则降低林木生产力.  相似文献   

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi symbiosis confers benefits directly to the host plant's growth and yield through acquisition of phosphorus and other macro- and micronutrients, especially from phosphorus (P)–deficient acidic soils. The inoculation of three VAM cultures [viz., local culture (Glomus mosseae), VAM culture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi (Glomus mosseae), and a culture from the Centre for Mycorrhizal Research, Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi (Glomus intraradices)] along with P fertilization in wheat in a P-deficient acidic alfisol improved the root colonization by 16–24% while grain and straw yields increased by 12.6–15.7% and 13.4–15.4%, respectively, over the control. Uptake of nitrogen (N), P, potassium (K), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) was also improved with VAM inoculation over control, but the magnitude of uptake was significantly greater only in the cases of P, Fe, Zn, and Cu. Inoculation of wheat with three VAM cultures in combination with increasing inorganic P application from 50% to 75% of the recommended P2O5 dose to wheat through the targeted yield concept following the soil-test crop response (STCR) precision model resulted in consistent and significant improvement in grain and straw yield, macronutrient (NPK) uptake, and micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) uptake in wheat though root colonization did not improve at P2O5 doses beyond 50% of the recommended dose. The VAM cultures alone or in combination with increasing P levels from 50% to 75% P2O5 dose resulted in reduction of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) contents in P-deficient acidic soil over the control and initial fertility status, although micronutrient contents were relatively greater in VAM-supplied plots alone or in combination with 50% to 75% P2O5 dose over sole application of 100% P2O5 dose, thereby indicating the positive role of VAM in nutrient mobilization and nutrient dynamics in the soil–plant system. There was significant improvement in available N and P status in soil with VAM inoculation coupled with increasing P levels upto 75% P2O5 dose, although the greatest P buildup was obtained with sole application of 100% P2O5 dose. The TERI VAM culture (Glomus intraradices) showed its superiority over the other two cultures (Glomus mosseae) in terms of crop yield and nutrient uptake in wheat though the differences were nonsignificant among the VAM cultures alone or at each P level. Overall, it was inferred that use of VA-mycorrhizal fungi is beneficial under low soil P or in low input (nutrient)–intensive agroecosystems.  相似文献   

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