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Abstract. Nitrate leaching from crop rotations supporting organic grain production was investigated from 1997 to 2000 in a field experiment at three locations in Denmark on different soil types. Three experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: (1) proportion of N2-fixing crops in the rotation (crop rotation), (2) catch crop (with and without), and (3) manure (with and without). Three, four-course rotations were compared, two at each location. The nitrate leaching was measured using ceramic suction cells. Leaching losses from the crop rotation with grass–clover green manure and without catch crops were 104, 54 and 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 on the coarse sand, the loamy sand, and the sandy loam, respectively. There was no effect of manure application or time of ploughing-in the grass–clover green manure crop on the accumulated nitrate leaching from the entire rotation. Catch crops reduced nitrate leaching significantly, by 30–38%, on the sandy soils. At all locations catch crops reduced the annual averaged nitrate concentration to meet drinking water quality standards in the crop rotation with green manure. On the coarse sand there was a time lag between the onset of drainage and the start of N-uptake by the catch crop.  相似文献   

During 2005–2007, studies were carried out in two field experiments in southwest Sweden with separately tile‐drained plots on a sandy soil (three replicates) and on a clay soil (two replicates). The overall aim was to determine the effects of different cropping systems with catch crops on losses of N, P and glyphosate. Different times of glyphosate treatment of undersown ryegrass catch crops were examined in combination with soil tillage in November or spring. Drainage water was sampled continuously in proportion to water flow and analysed for N, P and glyphosate. Catch crops were sampled in late autumn and spring and soil was analysed for mineral N content. The yields of following cereal crops were determined. The importance of keeping the catch crop growing as long as possible in the autumn is demonstrated to decrease the risk of N leaching. During a year with high drainage on the sandy soil, annual N leaching was 26 kg/ha higher for plots with a catch crop killed with glyphosate in late September than for plots with a catch crop, while the difference was very small during 1 yr with less drainage. Having the catch crop in place during October was the most important factor, whereas the time of incorporation of a dead catch crop did not influence N leaching from either of the two soils. However, incorporation of a growing catch crop in spring resulted in decreased crop yields, especially on the clay soil. Soil type affected glyphosate leaching to a larger extent than the experimental treatments. Glyphosate was not leached from the sand at all, while it was found at average concentrations of 0.25 μg/L in drainage water from the clay soil on all sampling occasions. Phosphorus leaching also varied (on average 0.2 and 0.5 kg/ha/yr from the sand and clay, respectively), but was not significantly affected by the different catch crop treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of various measures introduced to increase nitrogen (N)‐use efficiency and reduce N losses to water in a 6‐yr crop rotation (winter wheat, spring barley, green manure, winter wheat, spring barley, spring oilseed rape) were examined with respect to N leaching, soil mineral N (SMN) accumulation and grain yield. An N‐use efficient system (NUE) with delayed tillage until late autumn and spring, direct drilling of winter wheat, earlier sowing of winter and spring crops and use of a catch crop in winter wheat was compared with a conventional system (CON) in a field experiment with six separately tile‐drained plots in south‐western Sweden during the period 1999–2011 (two crop rotation cycles). Total leaching of NO3‐N from the NUE system was significantly 46 and 33% lower than in the CON system during the first and second crop rotation cycle, respectively, with the most pronounced differences apparently related to management strategies for winter wheat. Differences in NO3‐N leaching largely reflected differences in SMN during autumn and winter. There was a tendency for lower yields in the NUE system, probably due to problems with couch grass. Overall, the measures for conserving N, when frequently used within a crop rotation, effectively reduced NO3 concentrations in drainage water and NO3‐N leaching losses, without severely affecting yield.  相似文献   

Grazing of winter forage crops is a common management option used in the dairy industry of New Zealand, particularly in the South Island, where they are used to feed nonlactating, pregnant dairy cows prior to calving. However, there is concern that the large crop yields per hectare grazed, combined with a high stocking density of cows, lead to large amounts of urinary nitrogen (N) deposited on bare, wet soil that, in turn, could lead to large nitrate leaching losses. We report the results of a simulated winter forage grazing event using field lysimeters planted with a kale (Brassica oleracea L.) crop. The effect of sowing a ‘catch crop’ of oat (Avena sativa L.) following the simulated winter forage grazing on nitrate leaching losses from urine applied at different times throughout the winter was measured. A catch crop sown between 1 and 63 days after the urine deposition in early winter reduced N leaching losses from urine patches by ~34% on average (range: 19–49%) over the winter–spring period compared with no catch crop. Generally, the sooner the catch crop was sown following the crop harvest, the greater the uptake of N by the catch crop and the greater the reduction in nitrate leaching losses. The results indicate that sowing of a catch crop following winter crop grazing could be an effective management strategy to reduce nitrate leaching as well as increase the N‐use efficiency of dairy winter forage grazing systems.  相似文献   

为筛选出吸氮效果明显的北方设施菜地夏季填闲作物,在北京郊区设施菜地,以甜玉米、高丹草、红叶苋菜、空心菜和小麦等5种不同作物为处理设置试验小区,开展田间监测、土壤和植株样品采集及检测,进行试验数据和资料的统计分析。结果表明,5种作物中,甜玉米生物量大、吸氮量大且速率快,阻控硝酸盐向深层土壤淋溶能力强。本试验条件下,甜玉米生物量和吸氮量分别达到92335kg·hm^-2和330kg·hm^-2;种植甜玉米后,0-120cm土层的硝酸含量减少近140kg·hm^-2,均显著大于同等种植条件下的其他4种作物(P〈0.05)。就减少土壤硝态氮淋失的效果而言,甜玉米是北方设施菜地夏季填闲作物的较好选择。  相似文献   

This model analysis of catch crop effects on nitrate retention covered three soil texture classes (sand, loamy sand, sandy loam) and three precipitation regimes in a temperate climate representative of northern Europe (annual precipitation 709–1026 mm) for a period of 43 years. Simulations were made with two catch crops (ryegrass and Brassica) with different rooting depths, and soil N effects in the next spring were analysed to 0.25, 0.75 and 2.0 m depth to represent the catch crop effect on following crops with different rooting depths. Nitrate retained without a catch crop was generally located in deeper soil layers. In the low precipitation regime the overall fraction of nitrate retained in the 0–2.0 m soil profile was 0.23 for the sandy soil, 0.69 for the loamy sand and 0.81 for the sandy loam. Ryegrass reduced leaching losses much less efficiently than Brassica, which depleted nitrate in the 0–0.75 m soil layer more completely, but also in the deeper soil layer, which the ryegrass could not reach. A positive N effect (Neff, spring mineral N availability after catch crop compared with bare soil) was found in the 0–0.25 m layer (that is shallow rooting depth of a subsequent main crop) in all three soil texture classes, with on average 10 kg N/ha for ryegrass and 34 kg N/ha for Brassica. Considering the whole soil profile (0–2.0 m deep rooting of next crop), a positive Neff was found in the sand whereas generally a negative Neff was found in the loamy sand and especially the sandy loam. The simulations showed that for shallow‐rooted crops, catch crop Neff values were always positive, whereas Neff for deeper‐rooted crops depended strongly on soil type and annual variations in precipitations. These results are crucial both for farmers crop rotation planning and for design of appropriate catch crop strategies with the aim of protecting the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrogen (N) leaching losses from a shallow limestone soil growing a five course combinable croprotation (oilseed rape, wheat, peas, wheat, barley) were measured from 1990 until 1995 using porous ceramic cups, at 60 cm depth, and drainage estimates. The crops were grown with three husbandry systems and two levels of N fertilizer. The husbandry systems were designed to reflect local practice (Standard), the best possible techniques to reduce N loss (Protective) and an Intermediate system which was a compromise between the two. Nitrogen was applied at full and half recommended rates. Drainage started during September in four years and November in one year, with above average drainage in three years. Losses of N were largest after peas (58 kg/ha) and oilseed rape (42 kg/ha), and least (17 kg/ha) before peas sown in spring after a cover crop. Over five years, the Protective management system, which used early sowing and shallow cultivation wherever possible, lost least N (31 kg/ha/y) and the Standard system, with conventional drilling dates and ploughing as the primary cultivation, lost most (49 kg/ha/y). Halving the N fertilizer decreased N loss by 11 kg/ha/y, averaged over the rotation. None of the treatments gave mean drainage water nitrate concentrations of less than 50 mg/l, averaged over the five years. Changes to arable cropping alone will not eliminate the need for other measures to control nitrate concen-trations in public drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching as influenced by soil tillage and catch crop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of public and political concern for the quality of surface and ground water, leaching of nitrate is of special concern in many countries. To evaluate the effects of tillage and growth of a catch crop on nitrate leaching, two field trials were conducted in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under temperate coastal climate conditions. On a coarse sand (1987–1992), ploughing in autumn or in spring in combination with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as a catch crop was evaluated. Furthermore, rotovating and direct drilling were included. The experiment was conducted on a 19-year-old field trial with continuous production of spring barley. On a sandy loam (1988–1992), ploughing in autumn or in spring in combination with stubble cultivation and perennial ryegrass, in addition to minimum tillage, was evaluated in a newly established field trial. For calculation of nitrate leaching, soil water isolates from depths of 0.8 or 1.0 m were taken using ceramic cups. No significant effect of tillage was found on the coarse sand; however, a significant effect of tillage was found on the sandy loam, where leaching from autumn ploughed plots without stubble cultivation was 16 kg N ha−1 year−1 higher than leaching from spring ploughed plots. Leaching was significantly less when stubble cultivation in autumn was omitted. Leaching on both soil types was significantly reduced by the growth of a catch crop which was ploughed under in autumn or in spring. It was concluded that soil cultivation increased leaching on the sandy loam but not on the coarse sand, and that the growth of perennial ryegrass as a catch crop reduced leaching on both soil types, particularly when ryegrass was ploughed under in spring.  相似文献   

Abstract. An empirical model was developed for prediction of annual average nitrate leaching as affected by the long-term rate of N fertilization and crop type. The effect of N fertilization was estimated from annual values of nitrate leaching obtained from two Danish investigations of drainage from pipe drains with four rates of N fertilization on a loamy sand and sandy clay loam from 1973-89. The effect of crop at normal N fertilization was estimated from 147 observations of annual nitrate leaching obtained from field measurements. The nitrate leaching model consists of a relative N fertilization submodel and an absolute submodel for specific combinations of crop, soil and drainage at the normal rate of N fertilization. The relative submodel is Y/Y lN= exp[0.7l(N/ N1– I)], where Y is the nitrate leaching (kg N/ha per year) at fertilization rate N , and Y IN and N1 are the corresponding values at the normal rate of N fertilization. The relative submodel is valid for cereals, root crops and grass leys fertilized with mineral fertilizer at N/N 1 < 1.5, and on the prerequisite that the fertilization rate N has been constant for some years. To illustrate the use of the relative leaching submodel, estimated values of Y IN corrected to mean annual drainage for 1970 to 1990 in Denmark for spring cereals and grass on sandy and loamy soils are given as input to the relative leaching submodel. The model can be used for sandy to loamy soils to estimate the mean nitrate leaching over a number of years.  相似文献   

 Delaying cultivation and incorporation of arable crop residues may delay the release of NO3 and hence reduce leaching. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of timing of cultivation on the mineralization and leaching of NO3 from an arable crop residue. Overwinter N leaching and periodic measurements of soil inorganic N were combined to estimate net N mineralized after ploughing a crop residue into a free-draining loamy sand soil in central England on six dates from June 1994 to January 1995. The crop residue was whole green barley with approximately 2% N. N leaching in the two following winters was increased by the addition of crop residues. Early residue application also tended to increase N leached in the first winter, largely as a consequence of relatively large losses early in the drainage period. Thus, early incorporation of crop residues presents a greater leaching risk. The amount of N leached in the second (drier) winter was similar for all dates of incorporation. At the end of the first winter, inorganic N derived from the crop residue was greatest for earlier additions: June (40% N applied) > September (30% N applied) > August (20% N applied) > October (19% N applied) > November (11% N applied) > January (3% N applied). However, at the end of the experiment, there was no evidence that the residues which had mineralized least by the end of the first winter had, to any significant degree, caught up, and this was confirmed by the parameters of the equation for first-order decomposition in thermal time. These results indicate that the effect of temperature, particularly in the early stages of residue mineralization, is complex and interacts with other soil processes in terms of the fate of the N mineralized. Received: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching depending on N fertilization and different crop rotations was studied at two sites with sandy soils in N Germany between 1995 and 2000. The leaching of NO was calculated by using a numerical soil‐water and N model and regularly measured Nmin values as input data. Also the variability of Nmin values on the sandy soils was determined along transects. They reveal the high variability of the Nmin values and show that it is not possible to confirm a significant Nmin difference between fertilizer treatments using the normal Nmin‐sampling intensity. Nitrate‐leaching calculations of five leaching periods showed that even strongly reduced N‐fertilizer applications did not result in a substantially lower NO leaching into the groundwater. Strong yield reductions of even more than 50%, however, were immediately measured. Mean NO concentrations in the groundwater recharge are >50 mg L–1 and are mainly due to mineralization from soil organic matter. Obviously, the adjustment of the N cycle in the soil to a new equilibrium and a reduced NO ‐leaching rate as a consequence of lower N inputs need a much longer time span. Catch crops are the most efficient way to reduce the NO concentrations in the groundwater recharge of sandy soils. Their success, however, strongly depends on the site‐specific development possibilities of the catch crop. Even with all possible measures implemented, it will be almost impossible to reach NO concentrations <50 mg L–1 in sandy soils. The only way to realize this goal on a regional scale could be by increasing areas with lower nitrate concentrations in the groundwater recharge like grassland and forests.  相似文献   

Urinations of ruminants on grazed pastures increase the risk of nitrate leaching. The study investigated the effect of reducing the length of the grazing season on nitrate leaching from a coarse sandy, irrigated soil during 2006–2007 and 2007–2008. In both years, precipitation was above the long‐term mean. The experiment was initiated in a 4‐yr‐old grass‐clover sward in south Denmark. Three treatments were as follows grazing only (G), spring cut followed by grazing (CG) and both spring and autumn cuts with summer grazing (CGC). Nitrate leaching was calculated by extracting water isolates from 80 cm depth using ceramic suction cups. Because of considerable variation in measured nitrate concentrations, the 32 installed suction cups per treatment were insufficient to reveal differences between treatments. However, weighted nitrate leaching estimations for G, CG and CGC showed estimated mean nitrate N concentrations of 23, 19 and 13 mg/L for an estimated proportion area occupied by urine patches of 0.33, 0.26 and 0.16, respectively. Thus, N concentrations in G and CG exceeded the EU limit of 11.3 mg N/L. Under the prevailing conditions, the time of urination did not appear important. The estimated background leaching calculated from suction cups presumably not situated under urine patches resulted in mean nitrate N concentrations of 2.6 mg/L.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3?) can contribute to surface water eutrophication and is deemed harmful to human health if present at high concentrations in the drinking water. In grazed grassland, most of the NO3?‐N leaching occurs from animal urine‐N returns. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in decreasing NO3? leaching in three different soils from different regions of New Zealand under two different rainfall conditions (1260 mm and 2145 mm p.a.), and explore the relationships between NO3?‐N leaching loss and ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA). The DCD nitrification inhibitor was found to be highly effective in decreasing NO3?‐N leaching losses from all three soils under both rainfall conditions. Total NO3?‐N leaching losses from the urine patch areas were decreased from 67.7–457.0 kg NO3?‐N/ha to 29.7–257.4 kg NO3?‐N/ha by the DCD treatment, giving an average decrease of 59%. The total NO3?‐N leaching losses were not significantly affected by the two different rainfall treatments. The total NO3?‐N leaching loss was significantly related to the amoA gene copy numbers of the AOB DNA and to nitrification rate in the soil but not to that of the AOA. These results suggest that the DCD nitrification inhibitor is highly effective in decreasing NO3? leaching under these different soil and rainfall conditions and that the amount of NO3?‐N leached is mainly related to the growth of the AOB population in the nitrogen rich urine patch soils of grazed grassland.  相似文献   

Scientists, land managers and environmental regulators all want to quantify the amount of nitrate leached into groundwater to better understand and manage the risk of environmental contamination from agricultural land, including grazed pasture. The ability of current technology to adequately measure the nitrate leached from a grazed paddock is tested in a stochastic simulation study. Results show that impractical numbers of samplers are needed to achieve estimates accurate to within ±20% of the true value. Rather than trying to directly measure paddock‐scale leaching under grazing, we suggest that further consideration be given to wider application of controlled application of nitrogen onto a few lysimeters and then extrapolate from the resulting measurements of leached nitrate to the paddock scale and beyond based on urine patch coverage.  相似文献   

甜玉米填闲减缓菜田土壤硝酸盐淋溶的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为提高菜田氮肥的利用率,降低氮肥对环境的污染风险。在中德合作项目东北旺试验田(土壤类型为潮土),三年(1999~2001)9季蔬菜长期传统施氮灌水与推荐施氮灌水处理的地力基础上,于高温多雨的夏季选择甜玉米作为填闲作物,以休闲处理作对照,研究甜玉米在土壤硝态氮淋溶关键期对土壤残留硝态氮素分布及对后茬蔬菜产量的影响。研究结果表明甜玉米生长迅速、生物量大、吸收氮素能力强,吸氮量可达205.6~246.1 kg/hm2;与休闲处理相比,种植甜玉米能有效的吸收0~60 cm土壤中残留氮素,实现了土壤残留氮素的再利用。0~180 cm剖面中土壤硝态氮的残留量都有不同程度的降低,有效阻抑了氮素向土壤深层的淋洗。甜玉米也获得了较高的经济产量,穗净鲜重达9.2~10.2 t/hm2。后茬作物菠菜收获后未被利用的氮素大部分残留在土壤浅层;甜玉米处理与休闲处理相比未显著影响后季菠菜的生长,产量达18.4~20.7 t/hm2。该研究表明:甜玉米是较为理想的填闲作物。  相似文献   

In temperate climates with surplus precipitation and low temperatures during autumn and winter, nitrate catch crops have become crucial in reducing nitrate leaching losses. Preferably, the N retained by the catch crop should remain in the soil and become available to the next main crop. Fodder radish (Raphanus sativus, L.) has emerged as a promising nitrate catch crop in cereal cropping, although the course of remineralization of residue N following termination of this frost‐sensitive crucifer remains obscured. We incubated radish residues of different age (different planting and harvest dates) with a loamy sand soil; mineralization of residue N was determined after 1, 2, 4 and 7 months of incubation at 2 °C and 10 °C. Incubations with soil only and with residues of white mustard (Sinapis alba, L) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne, L.) were included as references. Using linear regression, net N release was fitted to plant chemical characteristics (initial concentrations of N, fibre fractions, lignin and C/N ratio). Residue C/N ratio (ranging from 10 to 25) and N concentration (ranging from 17 to 40 mg N/g dry matter) showed superior fits to net N release at both temperatures (r2, 0.64–0.94) while fibre analyses provided inferior fits (r2, 0.12–0.64). This was true across planting date and plant age. Net N release after 7 months of incubation at 2 °C and 10 °C accounted for up to 40% and 50% of residue N, respectively. During most of the incubation period, nitrate dominated the mineral N pool at both temperatures. The N mineralization and nitrification potential at these low soil temperatures suggest that a considerable fraction of the N captured by nitrate catch crops may be remineralized, nitrified and thus available for plant uptake but also for loss by leaching and denitrification.  相似文献   

This experiment compared the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) in decreasing NO3‐N leaching from dairy cow urine (1000 kg N/ha equivalent). DCD was applied to perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on three soil types (silt loam, sandy loam and clay) and under two precipitation regimes using intact soil monolith zero tension lysimeters (50 cm diameter by 65 cm deep). Over the two experiment years, annual precipitation (rainfall plus supplemented irrigation) covered the range 1103 to 2351 mm. Soil type affected the forms of N that leached after urine application. Most urea was lost from the clay soil in the first drainage collections after application. Ammonium‐N leached from the sandy soil. Apart from one soil type (sandy loam) giving a nil response to DCD in 1 yr, there was no strong evidence that soil type changed DCD effectiveness (the amount of NO3‐N retained, expressed as a percentage of the NO3‐N leached from untreated urine). Where DCD decreased leaching, effectiveness ranged between 6 and 57% with a mean value of 34 ± 5%. Drainage depth explained 50% of the variation in DCD effectiveness (P < 0.05) and indicated a 7% decrease per 100 mm extra drainage. Extra pasture growth and N uptake were strongly related to the amount of N saved by DCD application. We conclude that there may be scope to use rainfall/drainage as an estimate of likely DCD effectiveness at a site, but further work is required to test this across a wider range of circumstances.  相似文献   

Effect of nitrogen inputs to cereals on nitrate leaching from sandy soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer inputs to cereal crops on nitrate leaching after harvest was tested on 21 experiments on sandy soils in England. At small nitrogen fertilizer rates leaching increased very little with increasing inputs, while at high rates more than half of any additional nitrogen could be accounted for as increase in nitrate leached. In many cases the response fitted two straight lines. Nitrogen offtake in grain also fitted two straight lines, with a form which complemented the leaching response. The gradient averaged 0.52 kg N in grain for every additional 1kg N applied below the break point, but only 0.05 kg/kg above. The break points were generally close to or above the economic optimum N input. The effect of inputs on leaching could he quantitatively related to nitrogen offtake in grain, assuming a constant ratio of nitrogen in grain to total nitrogen uptake. The results show that fields receiving N inputs in excess of the economic optimum cause a disproportionately large nitrate loss. However because of uncertainty in predicting the break point in advance, modest further reduction in leaching will occur by reducing inputs to somewhat below the expected economic optimum.  相似文献   

土壤干缩开裂是常见的自然现象。目前关于土壤干缩开裂的研究主要集中于裂缝的最终形态特征,并且以室内试验为主。本研究通过室外大田试验,结合动态计算机图像分析及水氮运移模拟软件WHCNS,研究土壤干缩开裂的动力学过程、特征及其对农田水氮运移的影响。利用原位熔化石蜡浇筑得到了裂缝三维结构形态,借助三维激光扫描仪量化裂缝的几何特征,发现每平米裂缝平均长度为4.58m,裂缝上表面平均宽度为5.72 mm,平均深度为9.06 cm。基于三维扫描仪提取得到的裂缝几何参数,通过WHCNS仿真模拟,发现相较于无裂隙情况,裂隙的存在分别增加了传统施肥和优化施肥情况下97.40%和256.43%的硝态氮淋失量;与优化施肥模式相比,传统施肥模式更容易造成硝态氮的淋失风险。在模拟灌溉模式对硝态氮淋洗情况的影响时,其差异不明显;强降雨的设置同样增加了硝态氮的淋失风险,导致硝态氮的年均淋洗量增加83.61%。裂缝的存在严重影响农田作物对肥料的吸收和利用,通过优化施肥量、更改灌溉模式以及避免强降雨前施肥都可以减少肥料的损失。  相似文献   

在北方设施菜地雨季休闲敞篷期种植填闲作物(甜玉米),通过现场采样及室内分析测试,研究了正常施肥条件下休闲和填闲前后NO3--N的淋失状况、土壤电导率的变化以及对下茬作物产量和品质的影响。结果表明,种植填闲作物较休闲处理0~100cm土壤硝态氮表观损失量减少了28.4kg·hm-2,剖面NO3--N的累积峰也低于休闲处理;种植填闲作物可以显著降低表层土壤(0~20cm)的电导率,较正常休闲处理低41.4%;种植填闲作物并未造成下茬作物产量的降低,同时可显著降低下茬作物果实中硝酸盐含量,较休闲处理降低了28.9%。从降低NO3--N淋失的角度看,雨季敞篷休闲期种植填闲作物可以作为减少氮素淋失的一种有效手段,同时,对提高下茬作物品质,降低可食部分硝酸盐含量有明显的作用。  相似文献   

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