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Epididymitis in rams and lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews lamb epididymitis and epididymitis caused by Brucella ovis. Pathogenesis, occurrence, signs and lesions, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous inoculation with Br. ovis bacterin plus Br. abortus strain 19 produced the greatest immunity. This procedure was not permitted, however, as widespread use of Br. abortus in sheep might pose a hazard to the brucellosis eradication program in cattle. Subsequent work demonstrated that an aluminum hydroxide adsorbed bacterin, administered as two injections spaced 3-6 weeks apart, conferred a significant and acceptable level of immunity.  相似文献   

The Entropion in newborn lambs could be proved so far in 8 sheep-breeds and 7 cross-breeds out of 33 flocks in the Federal Republic of Germany. In our patients the Entropion was found at the lower eyelid only. The owners of the animals often mistake the Entropion for an ophthalmia. An early diagnosis and an early beginning of the therapy keep the expenditure of treatment small and shorten the period of treatment; therefore examination is commendable within a short time after birth. Female lambs get clearly more often affected than male ones (Gynecotropia). In small pure-bred flocks with only one breeding-ram (and also in breeds with a limited population) the percentage of suffering lambs is higher than in large and crossed flocks with several rams and in large populations (except the breed "Heidschnucke"). In agreement with the literature it must be supposed that different genes are responsible for the Entropion. The selection of ill animals and those which are suspected of transmitting the disposition is evidently appropriate to lower the number of attacks of illness within a population considerably. All 47 affected eyes of 32 lambs were treated. Low degrees of Entropion were healed by repeated manual eversion plus application of antibiotic eye-ointment. In middle and high degrees of Entropion the application of Michel-wound-clamps on 23 of 26 eyes was successful; antibiotic eye-ointment was applied here, too; additionally these lambs prophylactically got 2000 I.U. of Tetanus-antitoxin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ram epidiymitis caused by Brucella ovis can be effective controlled by an annual program combining rigorous culling clinically affected animals and appropriate vaccination of the remaining animals. Yearling rams purchased or saved as replacement breeders should be immunized at 4-5 months of age by two injections of Br. ovis bacterin spaced 3-6 weeks apart. Annually, approximately one month prior to the breeding season, all rams, replacements and older breeders as well, should be carefully examined by palpation of the scrotal contents. Every ram evidencing an abnormality should be culled as a breeder. All the remaining rams should receive a "booster" injection of Br. ovis bacterin.  相似文献   

In the present study early postnatal changes in erythropoietin (Epo) level and hemoglobin concentration in 8 lambs were examined. Plasma Epo was estimated by a monoclonal enzyme-immunoassay (ELISA), developed for human Epo. In all the lambs, except one, Epo was low, or undetectable, immediately after birth. Within 6-12 h after birth, a marked increase in plasma Epo was found in 4 of the lambs. Within 3-7 days after birth, Epo was back to low levels. In the lamb with high Epo levels at birth, drastic decreases were observed during the next 6 h. There was no obvious correlation between the hemoglobin concentrations and the changes in plasma Epo.  相似文献   

Clinical data were collected from 102 cases of watery mouth in newborn lambs, and blood samples were taken from 23 of the lambs for the estimation of glucose and gamma globulin. Most cases (80%) occurred in the first 72 h of life and castration of ram lambs with rubber rings at 12 to 24 h of age appeared to be one predisposing factor. Swelling of the abdomen, probably due to an accumulation of gas in the gut, was commonly observed. There was no relation between susceptibility to watery mouth and the plasma levels of either glucose or immunoglobulin G but low plasma glucose levels were found in the lambs which died. These results suggest 1) that the incidence of watery mouth might be reduced by delaying castration, 2) that watery mouth is associated with impaired gut motility and 3) that the prevention of starvation would help to reduce mortality to a minimum.  相似文献   

Radiographic diagnosis of hereditary chondrodysplasia in newborn lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normal appearing Suffolk lambs affected with hereditary chondrodysplasia (HC) and normal appearing unaffected lambs were radiographed at birth, and at 2, 4, and 8 weeks of age. In affected lambs, lesions were seen consistently in the elbows, shoulders, sternum, and spine. Similar lesions were not identified in unaffected lambs. A malformed Corriedale lamb was radiographed to compare its lesions to those seen in HC. The Corriedale lamb had islands of ossification of the anconeal process similar to those identified in lambs with signs of HC at birth. The islands of ossification seen in the Corriedale lamb were fused by 2 months of age, whereas elbow lesions seen in lambs with HC increased in severity during the same period.  相似文献   

Feeding cows' colostrum to newborn lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Growth and carcass characteristics of lambs sired by Dorper and Dorset rams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth and carcass merit of Dorset-(DO) and Dorper-sired (DP) lambs were compared over 3 yr in matings with 50% Dorset, 25% Rambouillet, 25% Finnsheep ewes. The DP were slightly lighter (P = 0.09) at birth than the DO lambs. In the first year of the study, DP lambs produced by AI using imported South African sires were heavier than DO lambs when weaned at 60 d of age (21.7 vs. 19.5 kg; P = 0.05). In yr 2 and 3, however, offspring of natural-service Dorper sires produced in the U.S. did not differ in weaning weight from DO lambs (16.9 vs. 17.8 kg; P = 0.02 for breed x year interaction). Lamb survival was also affected by breed x year interaction (P = 0.04). In 2000 and 2001, with 12 to 16% triplet or larger litters, mortality was higher for DP lambs (14.9 vs. 7.7%; P = 0.12). However, in 2002, with approximately 33% triplet or larger litters and with higher mortality levels in all birth types, DP lambs had fewer death losses than did DO lambs (23.2 vs. 36.1%; P = 0.11). No differences between DO and DP lambs were observed in postweaning gain during summer grazing or in drylot in autumn. At chilled carcass weights of approximately 25 kg, DP lambs were somewhat fatter than DO lambs, with greater body wall thickness (P < 0.01; 22 vs. 19 mm) and slightly greater backfat thickness (P = 0.15; 6.4 vs. 5.5 mm) and yield grades (P = 0.15; 2.9 vs. 2.6). The DP lambs also had more desirable leg scores (P = 0.01; 11.6 vs. 10.9) and slightly larger LM area (P = 0.13; 14.1 vs. 13.5 mm2) than did DO lambs, confirming acceptable muscling and conformation in carcasses from Dorper-sired lambs. However, differences were not observed in the percentage of carcass weight in the leg or loin, or in the lean:bone ratio in the dissected leg. Ultrasonic measurements of backfat thickness and LM area taken in live lambs before slaughter were positively associated with direct measures on chilled carcasses with correlations of 0.77 for backfat thickness and 0.51 for LM area.  相似文献   

The objectives for this study were to 1) determine the relationship between sexual performance class and lambs sired in a competitive mating environment, and 2) determine whether the male-oriented ram test is valid. Fifteen 2- to 3-yr-old whitefaced rams classified as female-oriented, with high or low sexual performance, or classified as male-oriented were used in a multiple-sire breeding arrangement. Five groups of approximately 200 ewes each were exposed for 21 d to 3 rams per group consisting of 1 ram from each class. Rams were blocked for sexual class, and those with close genetic relationship were assigned to different pens. Genomic DNA was prepared from blood collected from 15 rams, 934 ewes, and 1,757 lambs. Up to 4 microsatellite markers were used to determine a lamb's sire. Of 884 ewes with identifiable lambs (known sires), 178 ewes had single lambs, 408 had multiples sired by 1 ram, and 298 had multiples sired by more than 1 ram. The sexual partner preference test used to identify male-oriented rams did not absolutely reflect their sexual performance during competitive breeding. In contrast to only mounting and servicing males in preference tests before breeding, male-oriented rams sired 480 lambs from 330 ewes. Serving capacity tests predicted sexual performance of high and low sexual performance rams. High performance rams impregnated more ewes (499 vs. 258; P < 0.05) and sired more lambs (756 vs. 357; P < 0.05) than did low performance rams, respectively. Low performance and male-oriented rams did not differ for ewes impregnated or lambs sired. We conclude that 1) sexual partner preference tests used to classify male-oriented rams were not absolute in reflecting their breeding performance in a competitive breeding environment; 2) serving capacity tests predicted that high performance rams would breed more ewes than low performance rams and sire more lambs than either low performance or male-oriented rams; and 3) under the conditions of this study, low performance and male-oriented rams did not have an adverse impact on the overall breeding outcome. Combined, low performance and male-oriented rams sired 81 more lambs than did high performance rams, but this required twice as many rams to obtain approximately equal breeding results. Therefore, we suggest that serving capacity tests should be used to select high performance rams, reduce number of rams with marginal sexual performance, and make decisions on ram numbers needed.  相似文献   

Serum immune globulin concentrations of newborn hill lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

AIM: To determine the cause and nature of a disease in newborn New Zealand Romney lambs characterised by progressive weakness and premature death. METHODS: Affected lambs were examined clinically, humanely killed and submitted to necropsy. Selected fonmalin-fixed tissues were examined histologically. Data on the parentage of the lambs were collected. RESULTS: The principle lesions found were degeneration and loss of neurons in ventral horns of the spinal cord and brain stem and Wallerian degeneration of motor nerves and denervation atrophy of skeletal muscles fibres. CONCLUSION: The lesions are those of a lower motor neuron disease which appeared to have a genetic cause.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A group of 545 pregnant rising 2-year-old Coopdale ewes on a Southland sheep farm were grazed over winter on a fodder beet (Beta vulgaris) crop. Subsequently, 45 out of approximately 750 lambs were born with a variety of skeletal deformities, including shortened limbs, varus and valgus angular limb deformities, palmar grade stance and cranial bowing of the carpus. Analysis of the crop showed the fodder beet contained a low percentage of phosphorus. In addition, 60 out of 460 rising 2-year-old ewes that had been grazed on the fodder beet crop as 1-year-olds had incisor abnormalities and malocclusion.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Two affected lambs (1-day-old and 3-days-old) with representative clinical signs examined postmortem were found to have markedly enlarged costochondral junctions, and noticeably enlarged long bone metaphyses. In addition, one lamb had a dense band of metaphyseal sclerosis beneath the physes of all long bones examined. Histopathological findings included small islands and columns of chondrocytes and eosinophilic cartilage matrix present in the metaphysis. Metaphyseal trabeculae were disorganised and often lined by accumulations of pale pink osteoid; similar pale pink osteoid was also present in the cortices. Unerupted molar teeth in the affected lambs lacked a layer of enamel, and the dentine was irregular with globular basophilia.

DIAGNOSIS: The gross and histopathological lesions were consistent with a diagnosis of rickets.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Nutritional congenital rickets has not been previously diagnosed in sheep, but is a recognised disease of human infants with vitamin D deficient mothers. The rickets in affected lambs was most likely associated with phosphorus deficiency as a result of the pregnant ewes grazing fodder beet during gestation. While vitamin D deficiency was not definitively ruled out in these cases, practitioners are alerted to the possible effects of feeding phosphorus-deficient fodder beet to ewes for long periods during gestation and to 1-year-old sheep during important growth periods.  相似文献   

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