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THE CATTLE DUNG PATCH   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The eifect of 1 ft-diameter (0.30 m) dung patches on the yield and botanical composition of a dairy pasture was followed in two randomized-block experiments. Experimental plots consisted of 3 concentric rings round each dung patch of diameter 2 ft (0.61 m), called R2; 3 ft (0.91 m), called R3; and 4 ft (1.22 m), called R4. They were sequentially harvested. In the first experiment described there was a significant increase in the total yield of grass species, predominantly ryegrasses, around each dung patch. This increase was first evident in R2 but spread progressively outward and was still detectable in R4. Plant material, particularly clover components, decayed rapidly beneath the dung patches. Leaving a dung patch on the pasture for 15 days kiUed 75% of the grass tillers and the rooted nodes of clover stolons; thus causing a significant reduction in pasture regrowth from the patch area when the dung patch was removed. The second experiment included three defoliation treatments, viz. 1. Cut regularly to 1 in. (2.54 cm) in all three rings; 2. Cut to 21/2 in. (6.35 cm) in R2 and 1 in. (2.54 cm) in R3 and R4; 3. Control undefoliated. In all three treatments there was a significant increase throughout the experiment in total yield of grasses around the dung patchy. The increase was confined to R2, but was still evident after 14 weeks. The greatest cumulative yield during tbe period of the experiment came from around the dung patches receiving the most intensively defoliated treatment.  相似文献   

Over three seasons, 1957–9, soilage or zero-grazing was found to be more efficient than rotational grazing. This increased efficiency amounted to a 5% greater output of beef per acre and 8% greater stock-carrying capacity.  相似文献   

THE CATTLE DUNG PATCH   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Soil samples were taken at 0–1 in. (0–2.54 cm) and 1–3 in. (2.54–7.62 cm) depths on five occasions over a period of 55 days from under (3 in. (7.62 cm) radius from centre) and around (9 in. (22.86 cm), 12 in. (30.48cm) and 18 in. (45.72 cm) radius from centre) dung patches deposited on pasture. The samples were analysed for available N, K and P. There was a significant increase in the level of all three elements in the 0–1 in. samples beneath the dung patch. The increase persisted throughout the experiment. K exhibited the greatest increase, but was not detected beyond the edge of the dung patch. The increase in soil N was smaller but was detected up to 6 in. (15.24 cm) from the edge of the dung patch. P also increased, but was more variable than either N or K. Soil N, P and K did not increase in the 1–3 in. samples. The weight and fibre content of the dung patch was also measured throughout the experiment. After high initial losses (25%) the dung patch decayed only slowly. The loss of ammonia from dung patches was followed over 13 days in a separate experiment During the relatively hot weather over this period approximately 5 % of the N iu the dung was lost as ammonia, mainly in the first five days. During the experimental period of 13 days 60% of the original weight of the dung patch was lost through evaporation. The results are discussed in relation to the growth of herbage surrounding a dung patch reported in the previous paper (12).  相似文献   

Many studies in recent years have stressed that grassland provides the greater part of the feed requirements of ruminant livestock in temperate lands, that a large proportion of this is supplied as grazing (83, 122) and that in this form it is the cheapest source of feed for ruminants (25, 38, 40). Several authors have contrasted the production estimated to be available from pasture with the much lower proportion—about 50% (74, 116)—harvested by the animal. For these reasons the efficiency of grass utilization under grazing conditions has received intensive study in the past 20 years and many of the principles of grazing management have been elucidated. Consideration of grazing management involves a study of the needs of the animals to be catered for, the sequence of grass crops which may be grown over the season, including the influence of special-purpose pastures and of fertilizer treatment on the yield and seasonal distribution of production, and the effective conservation of surplus herbage. In this review, however, attention is concentrated on the problems concerned in grazing management for the dairy cow during the main growing period of the year. The object of grazing management may be defined as 'to ensure a large supply of nutritious grazing over the growing season at a low cost and to utilize it in such a manner that physical waste of herbage and inefficient utilization by the animal are minimized and the productive capacity of the sward is maintained'. It is a complex subject, involving many interrelated factors including botanical, animal and per-acre considerations. These are briefly outlined before the available experimental data in grazing management practices are considered.  相似文献   

Groups of 8 steers weighing 300–400 kg (660–880 Ib) were rotationally grazed on a ryegrass-dominant pasture for 115 days. The systems compared were zero grazing (Z), field grazing conducted at the same stocking rate (FC), and field grazing conducted at a stocking rate varied with the intention of giving the same liveweight gain per uiimal as zero grazing (FV). Mean daily liveweight gains were: Z, 0.98; FC, 0.78; FV, 0.90 kg/animal (2.2, 1.7 and 20 Ib/animal), and liveweight gains/unit area were in the ratio 100:78:85. Organic-matter intake, measured on four occasions, was, on average, Z, 6.54; FC, 6.18; FV, 687 kg/head daily (14.4, 13.6 and 15.1Ib). From these results it appears that a comparison of zero grazing and field grazing made at the same stocking rate is likely to underestimate the potential of field grazing for beef production from grass.  相似文献   

An account is given of the climate, vegetation and native pastures of the beef-cattle regions of Argentina. Though some of these native pastures have a satisfactory carrying capacity, most of them are defective in quality or low in productivity; there is considerable scope for increasing production through the establishment of sown pastures. Trials have been made with a wide range of grasses and legumes, principally of African and European origin. Though the pattern of species to be used in these regions is imperfectly resolved, the authors present a map showing tentative boundaries for temperate, sub-tropical and tropical species. Work to date suggests that pasture development can probably proceed over great areas without the use of fertilizers, and this adds to the attractiveness of pasture programmes. A problem of no less importance than the technical aspects of pasture improvement is that of gaining a greater investment of capital into the development of cattle estancias.  相似文献   

Study of the epidemiology of parasitic gastro-enteritis in calves suggested that control measures should consist of moving calves in mid-July to pastures not grazed by cattle since the winter and at the same time giving them adequate anthelmintic treatment in order that they should not contaminate the new pasture. Controlled trials are described in which calves managed according to these proposals made far better weight gains than comparable calves remaining on the same pasture throughout the season. Observations made in different parts of the country suggest that the same measures may be widely applicable. Possible causes of failure are discussed.  相似文献   

Oesophageal-fistulated calves and cattle were used in various experiments during 1963 to 1966; results for 1966 are reported.
The method of inserting the fistula, the routine care of the animals and the methods of sampling through the fistula, are described.
Individual stall-feeding experiments in 1966 gave recovery values of 99.7% for herbage extruded through the fistulae, in relation to herbage eaten. The in vitro organic-matter digestibility of the grass offered and of the extrusa samples were identical. The digestibility of the grass fed in these experiments was high, but was comparable with that of herbage used in the grazing experiments reported. Grazing studies on grass/white clover pastures are reported. The digestibility was determined on all samples and they were separated into various plant fractions. Results obtained were compared with herbage samples cut at the same time. In most cases the digestibility and % N of the extrusa sample was higher than that of the corresponding herbage sample. The quantity of dead material present increased, and more was eaten, as the season advanced; it was of low digestibility. Results of intake studies with grazing animals are presented and the use of oesophagea-istulated cattle as an aid in such studies is discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 228 separate dung pats voided by lactating dairy cows between May and October on a ryegrass/dover sward were studied for 2 years. The pats were on grazed swards receiving, on average, either 440 or 110 lb N/ac (492 or 123 kg/ha) per year. The mean area of the pats was 0.62 ft2 (0.058 m2) with no difference in area between the pats on the two N treatments. On average, the pats on the high- and the low-N treatments crumbled in 63 and 55 days, respectively, and disappeared in 115 and 113 days, respectively. Pats deposited in July disappeared significantly quicker than pats deposited in May. The average area of rejected herbage around the pats was 2.63 and 084 ft2 (0.244 and 0.078 m2), respectively, 1–2 months, and 1 year after they were voided; but after 2 years the affected areas were recolonized with ryegrass and clover and were grazed normally. It is concluded that the levels of N fertilizer applied had no differential effects on the breakdown of the dung and on the subsequent recolonization of the affected areas by pasture plants.  相似文献   

During June to September 1966 grazing activities of four randomly selected individuals in a herd of 17 non-lactating, free-ranging cattle were observed on an Irish hill-farm of approximately 15 hectares which provided a choice of four distinct vegetative associations. A marked preference for Holcus-Poa-Anthoxanthum-Agrostis sward was noted. Grazing did not take place at night. During daylight it occupied three distinct periods, ceasing shortly after sunset and beginning at dawn.  相似文献   

A series of trials was carried out in which barn-dried hay and silage were fed to young fattening cattle with or without supplementary barley. Liveweight-gains on silage and barn-dried hay alone were too low to provide an adequate finish during winter feeding. Liveweight-gains on hay alone were always higher than those obtained on silage alone, the difference being more marked in lighter animals. There was a marked response to supplements of 3 and 4 lb (1.4 and 1.8 kg) of barley, the response being significantly greater in silage-fed cattle than in those fed on barn-dried hay. There was some evidence of growth compensation with the introduction of a barley supplement to cattle on silage diets, but there was no such response in those fed on hay. Compensatory growth was not accompanied by improved digestibility or N retention.  相似文献   

Trials are described in which the intake of silage of varying length was determined. The results indicate that a higher voluntary dry-matter intake occurred as the length of the silage became progressively shorter, but this effect appeared to diminish when the silages were supplemented with concentrates. Data from one trial indicate that reducing the length of hay had no effect on voluntary intake when concentrates were fed.  相似文献   

Autumn grazing of creeping red fescue seed fields at moderate stocking rates produced excellent animal gains, while only slightly reducing the subsequent seed yields. Under autumn grazing of moderate intensity (3.7 animal units/ha) steers made gains of over 1 kg/day while seed yields were reduced by 8%. Under grazing of heavy intensity (6.2 animal units/ha) animal gains were almost 1 kg/day, but seed yields were reduced by 16%.
A spring-grazing period reduced seed yields by 35% and was too short to provide animal gains. Removal of the aftermath as hay improved seed yields slightly, particularly in the second and third harvest years.
A conversion of TDN to body gain of 5.5:1 indicated that the nutritive quality of the aftermath was adequate.  相似文献   

Two comparisons between spring and autumn pasture for beef cattle were made. Animals used in all comparisons were of similar breed and weight and were subjected to the same feeding regime for 6–8 weeks before turn-out. The pastures were grazed on an equal grazing pressure basis between season comparisons. The pastures received similar rates of fertilizer N between seasons and had similar lengths of rest period for regrowth. Intakes of digestible OM were greater per unit of metabolic liveweight in spring than in autumn. Daily liveweight gains in spring were high, being 1·09 and 1·37 kg (2·4 lb and 3·0 lb), but were lower from autumn pasture at 0·98 and 0·71 kg (2·2 lb and 1·6 lb). Weather was implicated as a factor affecting daily gain from autumn pasture. Greater herbage yields in spring supported 42 and 204 more grazing days per ha which together with the greater gains per animal supported 80–120% more liveweight gain/ha.  相似文献   

Grassland plots were dressed with different amounts of cow slurry in January or March and grazed by dairy heifers at intervals from late April to August. In the first experiment slurry was applied at levels up to 56 tonnes/ha (22±4 tons/ac) in March. Total herbage DM production was directly proportional to the amount of slurry applied. There was no effect of treatment on percentage herbage utilization. In the second experiment slurry was applied at levels up to 100 t/ha (40 tons/ac) in January or in March. There was no significant effect of time or level of slurry application on herbage production or on animal intake, but the behaviour of the heifers was modified during the first eight weeks after plots had been dressed with 75 or 100 t/ha (30 or 40 tons/ac).  相似文献   

Results are reported from a 10-month trial, using 50 oxen, in which growth rates of groups receiving restricted and normal night grazing were compared. The resiriction of night grazing was found to lead to a significant decline of 30% in live-weight gain. This difference was largely attributed to periods of moderate grass shortage (i.e. marginal day grazing) when those animals with the longer grazing period were able to select a diet of superior quality and quantity. Under good, or very bad, grazing conditions the availability of night grazing did not appear to be critical.  相似文献   

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