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为了解粉煤灰充填复垦土壤重金属污染情况,通过实地试验与现场采样化验相结合的方法,对复垦时间不同的粉煤灰复垦土壤里砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、铜(Cu)、硒(Se)、锌(Zn)、、镍(Ni)和氟(F)等重金属和微量元素含量的时空变异性进行了研究。结果发现:以土壤本底值作为评价标准时,粉煤灰充填复垦土壤整体处于受污染状态。其中,表层复垦土壤受到Cd、Se、Zn、F 4种元素污染较重;粉煤灰充填复垦土壤适合旱作,不适合用作水田;随着复垦时间的增加,表层复垦土壤的污染指数呈递增趋势。  相似文献   



-situ sorbent amendment is a relatively low-cost, low-impact approach for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals (HMs), and thus is considered a way to be favored in developing countries. In this study, materials of non-hazardous, alkaline agronomic and industrial by-products were used as sorbents to explore their capacity of in situ immobilization of multiple HMs in mining-impacted arable soil. These sorbents included fly ash (FA), biochar (BC) and apatite (AP) and they were implemented with varying ratios of combinations. Results of soil microcosm tests showed that after incubation for 90 days, concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cd in their exchangeable forms determined by a sequential extraction method significantly decreased in amended soils, as opposed to the unamended control. Of the five sets of amendments, the composite of FA, BC, and AP resulted in the maximum reduction (up to 80%) in the mobility of Pb, Zn, and Cd in soils. The mechanisms underlying the immobilization of HMs in amended soils might involve processes of surface precipitation, ion exchange and complexation, in which the physicochemical properties of sorbent materials played an important role. The immobilization efficacy of sorbent amendments on HMs in soil was further supported by pot experiments in which significant inhibition of HM accumulation in the belowground and aboveground tissues of maize was observed after 50-day cultivation in amended soils as compared with control soil. Together, these results suggest that the application of cost-saving and environmentally friendly materials derived from wastes as sorbents to remediate soils contaminated with multiple HMs is promising for developing countries like Vietnam.  相似文献   

水溶性树脂包膜控释肥料养分释放特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了探讨不同养分配比包膜控释肥料的养分释放特征,采用相同工艺制造同一包膜厚度而核心肥料氮磷钾配比(以下简称核心肥料)不同、同一核心肥料而包膜厚度不同的水溶性树脂包膜控释肥料,并在高温和常温下的纯水中培养,研究核心肥料、包膜厚度、培养温度对养分释放特征的影响。结果表明:在(25 ± 0.5)℃或(40 ± 0.5)℃下,膜材用量为50 g/m2和70 g/m2的高氮型控释肥料的养分累积释放特征曲线均呈S型,增加包膜厚度或降低培养温度,均可延长培养前期的养分缓慢释放阶段。在(25 ± 0.5)℃下,膜材用量为50 g/m2时,均衡型和高钾型控释肥料的养分累积释放曲线为抛物线型,膜材用量为70 g/m2时,则为双抛物线型;培养温度为(40 ± 0.5)℃时,养分累积释放曲线均转变为抛物线型。3种因素不仅影响养分释放曲线的形状,同时对肥效期产生明显影响,增加包膜厚度或降低培养温度,均可延长养分的肥效期。氮磷的肥效期大小顺序为高氮型>高钾型>均衡型,而钾的肥效期则是高钾型>高氮型>均衡型。综上所述,包膜厚度、培养温度及核心肥料同时影响着包膜控释肥料的养分释放特征,养分释放越快,其曲线形状趋向于抛物线型,反之则趋向于S型;3类核心中,以高氮型核心最能发挥水溶性树脂的控释性能。  相似文献   

粉煤灰和PAM改良沙土物理性质田间试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用粉煤灰和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)混合施用改善沙土的水分环境和物理化学性质,为植物生长提供良好的条件,同时研究PAM在粉煤灰混合沙土的复杂环境下,能否增强粉煤灰改良沙土的效果.试验于2011年在内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗万通现代农业科技园进行,试验粉煤灰使用量为0%,5%,10%,15%(质量比),PAM的使用量为0,60,120mg/kg.结果表明,粉煤灰质量比为10%,同时使用120mg/kg PAM时,能够提高土壤田间持水量18%,减小土壤饱和导水率26%,同时增加土壤有效水含量.粉煤灰和PAM混合使用于沙土会引起土壤有害元素含量升高,使用15%粉煤灰时土壤重金属含量仍符合国家标准.从而避免了使用过高比例粉煤灰而对土壤环境造成的潜在影响.  相似文献   

The major constraint in the promotion of organic farming, a safe and sustainable alternative, is lack of availability of quality organic resources in sufficient quantities. The quality of resources can be ascertained by monitoring its nutrient release pattern, which has not yet been attempted. A controlled condition pot experiment was conducted at ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, India, in completely randomized design to study the nutrient dynamics of various organic and inorganic resources, commonly used in cassava production, at monthly intervals up to six months. The release of almost all nutrients and activity of soil enzymes were higher at the middle (3 or 4?months) of the incubation period. The pH showed an increasing trend and electrical conductivity, organic C and Fe content declined from initial. Averaging over stages, organic practice favored the activity of soil enzymes and release of almost all nutrients over conventional system significantly, except N.  相似文献   

在室内进行了粉煤灰与有机物料(糠醛渣)不同组成的基质配比盆栽试验,探讨了各种基质在不同管理条件下的物理特性和营养元素的变化与循环,结果表明:糠醛渣与粉煤灰混合后,在一定程度上可以改善粉煤灰的特性,经过合理的肥水管理,基本上可以满足作物生长,混合基质中糠醛渣的最佳配比比例为5%~20%。另外,研究中发现,盐分含量是抑制作物正常生长的主要因素之一,实例中设计的盐分冲洗定额为4.39×103 m3 /hm2,能将盐分控制在作物正常生长的范围之内。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the comparative effect of waste water (WW) and ground water (GW) alone and along with different nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) combinations (N0P0K0, N40P15K15, N60P30K30, N80P45K45) together with different levels of fly ash (FA) (FA0, FA10, FA20), to obtain a suitable combination of fertilizers, FA and water based on the growth, physiology, yield, and heavy metal contents of Brassica campestris cv. Pusa Gold. Results revealed that WW irrigation proved beneficial over GW. All the parameters increased in both levels of FA10 and FA20 along with three doses of NPK but FA at 20 t ha?1 proved better. The effect was more efficacious with both wastes together which makes NPK optimum at N60P30K30 instead of N80P45K45 treatment combinations and thereby lowered input of fertilizers. Therefore, utilization of these wastes may be recommended for the purpose of irrigation, soil amendment, and as a source of nutrients in augmenting the mustard yield.  相似文献   

长期集约化耕作导致中国设施土壤重金属累积和面源污染风险增加的状况已引起广泛关注。该研究总结了中国设施土壤重金属累积状况及其来源,发现长期盲目投入肥料及农药是引发设施菜田土壤重金属累积问题的主要原因。目前,设施土壤重金属累积呈现出广泛性和中轻度污染特征,其中镉是主要的污染元素。遵循面源污染治理中“源头预控-过程阻断-末端修复”原则,基于国内外文献综述,该文总结归纳出适用于设施土壤重金属累积特征与污染的联合阻控技术及作用机制。首先在灌溉和肥药投入等源头环节减少重金属输入;其次在作物种植过程中,通过选用重金属低积累特性的蔬菜种类或品种,结合水肥一体化施用大分子有机水溶性肥料或叶面喷施具有阻控重金属作用的营养型阻控剂,抑制作物吸收重金属;最后在末端修复环节,利用具有多元功能的土壤改良剂或微生物菌剂进行土壤钝化修复,或采用具有超重金属富集能力且能提高设施土壤生物多样性的植物作为填闲作物,实现生物修复的目标。该联合阻控技术的原则在于协同考虑污染防治、土壤改良、减肥增效等农学和环境目标,集成土壤修复与改良、水肥一体化、填闲作物栽培等技术,并兼顾设施土壤重金属污染修复工程所面临的投入品成本较高、经济效益不明显、缺失可持续改良导致效果不稳定等问题,优推能够钝化重金属并改良土壤的多功能土壤改良剂以及具有阻控重金属吸收、提高作物抗逆性的多功能有机水溶性肥料。上述措施能解决设施土壤普遍存在的重金属累积问题,提升土壤的安全生产能力,可为设施农业可持续发展提供更有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

包膜控释肥料在土壤中养分释放特性的测试方法与评价   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
在土壤培养基础上,着重研究了包膜控释肥料养分释放率的三种测定方法以及在土壤中测得的包膜控释肥料养分释放率与在水中测得的养分释放率间的相关性。结果表明,在土壤培养中,采用肥料养分化学测定法、肥料养分称量法和土壤无机氮增量法都能直接或间接表征包膜控释肥料在土壤中的养分释放率及其相关性状。包膜控释肥料在土壤与水两种体系中所测得的养分释放率之间相关性显著,其相关关系符合一元一次线型回归方程,相关系数(r)大于0.920。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to describe the main physicochemical characteristics of diverse types of humic‐metal‐phosphate acid complexes. The effects of these complexes on phosphorus (P) fixation in soils with different pH values and physicochemical features and on plant phosphorus uptake are also discussed. Humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes have apparent stability constants in the same range as those of metal‐humic complexes, in solutions with diverse pH and ionic‐strength values. Likewise, the molecular‐size distribution of humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes as a function of pH is similar to that of potassium or sodium humates and metal‐humic complexes. Humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes are able to decrease phosphate fixation in soils and increase plant growth and phosphate uptake. Phosphorus fertilizers containing humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes proved to be efficient to improve plant growth and P uptake with respect to conventional fertilizers such as single superphosphate. The values of parameters related to plant phosphorus‐utilization efficiency (PUt E) suggest that the regulation of root acquisition of phosphate from these complexes could involve the interregulation of a system for the optimization of metabolic P utilization in the shoot and another system involving stress responses of roots under phosphorus deficiency.  相似文献   

Scalded lands are common in acid sulphate soil areas on the New South Wales coast, Australia. In this work, chemical characteristics of the scalded acid sulphate soils at nine sites along this coast were investigated. The investigated acid sulphate scalds are characterized by an extremely acidified topsoil layer (0–0.6 m) although they derive from the sediments of varying salinity and the metal sulphides contained in the soils have experienced different degrees of oxidation. Almost all of the investigated scalds occur in the areas that have a lower surface elevation than the surrounding areas. These hollows may act as sinks for acid sulphate materials and salts that are transported from the surrounding areas and the shallower watertables in such locations may enhance upward transport of acid and salt materials from the underlying oxidized sulphidic sediments. In general, the scalded acid sulphate soils have less organic matter and soluble phosphorus, and a greater salinity, soluble acidity, soluble Al, Mn and Zn concentrations, compared to the adjacent non‐scalded acid sulphate soils. These are most likely soil constraints for revegetation of the scalded lands and treatment will need to involve acid neutralization (e.g. application of lime) and addition of P fertilizers to reduce the soluble acidity, immobilize soluble Al, Mn and Zn, and increase P availability. The evidence also shows that the higher soluble Al concentration in the scalded soils, relative to the non‐scalded soils, is related to their lower organic matter content. Hence, rehabilitation of these scalded lands should involve the addition of organic matter to reduce soluble Al concentrations; it may also help reduce Mn and Zn toxicity, and salinity. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Iron and steel slags are smelting wastes, mainly including blast furnace slag(BFS) and steel slag(SS) produced in the iron and steel industry. Utilization of iron and steel slags as resources for solving the problem of slag disposals has attracted much attention with increasing iron and steel smelting slags in China. Because the iron and steel slags contain calcium(Ca), magnesium(Mg), phosphorus(P), and silicon(Si), some have tried to use them as Si-and P-fertilizers, for producing Ca-Mg-P fertilizers, or as soil amendments in agriculture. However, in the iron metallurgical process, several pollutants in iron ores can inevitably transfer into iron and steel slags, resulting in the enrichment of pollutants both in BFS(mainly nickel(Ni), copper(Cu), mercury, zinc(Zn),cadmium(Cd), chromium(Cr), arsenic, lead, selenium, fluorine(F), and chlorine(Cl)) and in SS(mainly Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, F, and Cl), in which some of pollutants(especially Cr, Ni, F, and Cl) exceed the limits of environmental quality standards for soils and groundwater. The elements of manganese, barium,and vanadium in iron and steel slags are higher than the background values of soil environment. In order to ensure soil health, food safety, and environmental quality, it is suggested that those industrial solid wastes, such as iron and steel slags, without any pretreatment for reducing harmful pollutants and with environmental safety risk, should not be allowed to use for soil remediation or conditioning directly in farmlands by solid waste disposal methods, to prevent pollutants from entering food chain and harming human health.  相似文献   


Some cyanobacteria strains have biofertilization and/or bioconditioning effects in soils as a result of their ability to fix dinitrogen or produce exocellular polysaccharides. The objective of the present study was to screen indigenous cyanobacteria strains with the potential to improve the N fertility and structural stability of degraded soils, and evaluate their ameliorative effectiveness in semiarid soils of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Soils from Guquka, Hertzog and Qunu villages, and Fort Cox College were used in the screening study. The results showed that only three cyanobacteria strains (3g, 3v and 7e) out of 97 isolated strains were heterocystous, with appreciable nitrogenase activity and the ability to produce exocellular polysaccharides. Nostoc strains 3g and 3v had a greater ability to produce exocellular polysaccharides, but low potential to fix dinitrogen (4.7 and 1.3?nmol C2H4?μg?1?chl?h?1, respectively). Strain 7e had the greatest ability to fix dinitrogen (16.1?nmol C2H4?μg?1?chl?h?1), but produced fewer exocellular polysaccharides. The ability of strains 3g and 7e to influence maize dry matter (DM) and soil C and N contents was tested in a nitrogen-poor soil with Nostoc strain 9v as a reference strain. Potted soils with and without growing maize plants were inoculated with the different cyanobacteria strains in a glasshouse at a rate of 6?g?m?2 soon after maize emergence. Harvesting and soil sampling were done 6?weeks after inoculation. Inoculation with strains 3g and 7e increased maize DM and N uptake significantly, on par with the reference strain. These increases were consistent with increases in nitrate-N observed at harvest time in inoculated cropped and non-cropped soils. Strain 7e resulted in greater increases in soil nitrate-N, tissue N and uptake than strain 3g, perhaps because of its greater ability to fix dinitrogen. Cropping with maize reduced soil total C and N, possibly owing to its negative effects on cyanobacteria establishment. These results suggest that indigenous cyanobacteria strains screened for greater N2-fixing ability have the potential to improve the productivity of N-poor soils in semiarid regions in South Africa.  相似文献   

In some densely-populated countries, farmland has been widely cadmium (Cd) contaminated, and the utilization of the contaminated farmland for crop production is currently unavoidable. This necessitates the use of low-Cd crops (i.e., pollution-safe cultivars, the crop varieties with the ability to accumulate a low level of Cd in their edible parts when grown on polluted soil) in these areas and highlights the importance of knowledge on phenotypic variation in crop Cd accumulation for food Cd risk control. Studies on phenotypic variation in heavy metal accumulation started decades ago for a wide range of crops, and synthesis of the scattered experimental results in the literature is in need. We built a Low-Cd Crops Database based on literature research, and relevant meta-analysis was performed to quantitatively explore the phenotypic variation in Cd uptake and translocation of rice and wheat. Considerable variability existed among rice (median grain Cd bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 0.10) and wheat (median grain Cd BCF of 0.21) phenotypes in grain Cd accumulation, and this variability was labile to soil pH and the level of Cd stress. Wheat statistically had a higher root-to-shoot Cd-translocating ability than rice, highlighting potential food Cd risks and the importance of growing low-Cd wheat in slightly Cd-contaminated regions. Meanwhile, no correlations were detected among soil-to-root, root-to-shoot, and shoot-to-grain translocation factors, implying that Cd uptake and internal translocation in crops were probably controlled by different underlying genetic mechanisms. Root-to-shoot Cd transport could be a favorable target trait for selecting and breeding low-Cd rice and wheat. In all, this review provides a comprehensive low-Cd crop list for remediation practice and a systematic meta-analysis inferring food Cd risks based on plant capacity for Cd accumulation and desired traits for low-Cd crop breeding.  相似文献   

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