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采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   

采用培养试验研究了磷缺乏与正常供磷条件下,CO2浓度由350μL/L升高至800μL/L苗期番茄的生物量、根系特征和不同器官N、P、K养分含量的变化。结果表明,无论缺磷与否,CO2浓度升高均能显著增加番茄地上部及根系的干物质积累量,提高根冠比。在磷缺乏条件下,CO2浓度升高对番茄根系生长的促进主要表现为增加根系的体积和表面积;而在磷正常供应条件下主要表现为同时增加根体积和分根数,有利于形成强壮的根系。在两种供磷水平下,CO2浓度升高对番茄各器官的N、P、K含量产生不同的稀释效应,但N、P、K总积累量却随CO2浓度升高而显著增加;而且CO2浓度与供P水平对番茄植株的N、P、K积累量具有极显著的正交互效应。  相似文献   

Since large areas of agricultural fields in the world become compacted every year, much effort has been made to reduce the adverse effects of soil compaction on plant growth. Mechanical methods to control soil compaction may be laborious and expensive; however, biological methods such as using arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) may be more useful, economically and environmentally. The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate the effects of soil compaction on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth, and (2) to evaluate if using AM of different origin can reduce the stressful effects of soil compaction on wheat growth. Unsterilized and sterilized soils, different levels of compaction and three species of arbuscular mycorrhiza were applied in four replicates. The experiments were conducted in the Soil and Water Research Institute, Karaj, Iran. Soil physical and chemical properties were determined. The AM increased wheat growth in both soils at different levels of soil compaction in both experiments. For root, shoot (P=0.1) and grain (P=0.05) dry weights increases were significant. AM enhanced root growth more than shoot growth under compaction (AM resulted in significant increase in root/shoot ratios, P=0.1). Due to its unique characteristics, AM may reduce the stressful effects of soil compaction on wheat growth, though its effectiveness may decrease with increasing compaction.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium and humic acid on seed germination, growth and macro- and micro-nutrient contents of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) seedlings in saline soil conditions were evaluated. Different levels of humic acid (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg kg?1) and calcium (0, 100, 200 and 400 mg kg?1) were applied to growth media treated with 50 mg NaCl kg?1 before sowing seeds. Seed germination, hypocotyl length, cotyledon width and length, root size, shoot length, leaf number, shoot and root fresh weights, and shoot and root dry weights of the plant seedlings were determined. Macro- and micro-nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) contents of shoot and root of seedlings were also measured. Humic acid applied to the plant growth medium at 1000 mg kg?1 concentration increased seedling growth and nutrient contents of plants. Humic acid not only increased macro-nutrient contents, but also enhanced micro-nutrient contents of plant organs. However, high levels of humic acid arrested plant growth or decreased nutrient contents. Levels of 100 and 200 mg kg?1 Ca2+ application significantly increased N, Ca and S contents of shoot, and N and K contents of root.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is of great importance in agriculture, because its high levels may adversely affect plant growth and the environment. Since mechanical methods are not very efficient and economical, using biological methods to alleviate the stress of soil compaction on plant growth may be beneficial. The objectives of this study were to: (1) evaluate the effects of soil compaction on corn (Zea mays L.) growth, and (2) test the hypothesis that applying arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) with different origins can partially or completely overcome the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn growth under unsterilized and sterilized conditions. Corn was planted in unsterilized and sterilized compacted soils, while treated with three species of AM including, Iranian Glomus mosseae, Iranian Glomus etunicatum, and Canadian Glomus mosseae, received from GINCO (Glomales in vitro Collection), Canada. Plant growth variables and soil resistance parameters were determined. AM significantly increased root fresh (maximum of 94% increase) and dry (maximum of 100% increase) weights in the compacted soil. AM with different origins may improve corn growth in compacted soils, though its effectiveness is related to the level of compaction and also to the interaction with other soil microorganisms.  相似文献   


Many studies have evidenced the negative effects of synthetic fertilizers toward the environment and also the crop products itself. Hence, the improvement of organic fertilizers is necessary to resolve this problem. Seaweeds or marine macroalgae are considered to be an excellent natural resource in different aspects of agricultural fields. Brown macroalgae Turbinaria murayana (TM) is often found in Indonesian coastal areas with high bioavailability throughout the year. This study evaluated the potentials of TM as biofertilizer in tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.). Evaluation of phytohormones present in TM crude extract was conducted with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Macro and micronutrients available in TM crude extract were determined by atomic absorbance spectroscopy (AAS). A concentration of 4% TM crude extract was applied to tomato plants. The vegetative properties of the treated tomatoes were observed such as growth and yield. Current results evidenced the presence of growth-promoting factors (kinetin, gibberellin and ABA) and essential elements (N, P, K, Ca, Fe and Mn) in TM crude extract. Application of 4% TM extract to tomato plants significantly increased vegetative growth compared to untreated plants; plant height, leaf number and branch number, approximately 58.4%, 87.5% and 200%, respectively. Similar results were also found in the response of generative growth. Application of 4% liquid extract significantly improved flower and fruit number compared to control; 53.6% and 125%, respectively. These results suggest that TM crude extract is a potential source for developing organic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is of great importance, due to its adverse effects on plant growth and the environment. Mechanical methods to control soil compaction may not be economically and environmentally friendly. Hence, we designed experiments to test the hypothesis that use of plant symbiotic fungi, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) may alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn (Zea mays L.) growth through enhancing nutrient uptake. AM continuously interact with other soil microorganisms and its original diversity may also be important in determining the ability of the fungi to cope with the stresses. Hence, the objectives were: (1) to determine the effects of soil compaction on corn nutrient uptake in unsterilized (S1) and sterilized (S2) soils, and (2) to determine if inoculation of corn with different species of AM with different origins can enhance corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil. Using 2 kg weights, soils (from the field topsoil) of 10 kg pots were compacted at three and four levels (C1, C2, C3 and C4) (C1 = non-compacted control) in the first and second experiment, respectively. Corn (cv. 704) seeds were planted in each pot and were inoculated with different AM treatments including control (M1), Iranian Glomus mosseae (M2), Iranian G. etunicatum (M3), and Canadian G. mosseae, received from GINCO (Glomales In Vitro Collection), Canada (M4). Corn leaf nutrient uptake of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu were determined. Higher levels of compaction reduced corn nutrient uptake, however different species of AM and soil sterilization significantly increased it. The highest increase in nutrient uptake was related to P (60%) and Fe (58%) due to treatment M4S2C3. Although it seems that M3 and M4 may be the most effective species on corn nutrient uptake in a compacted soil, M2 increased nutrient uptake under conditions (C3 and C4 in unsterilized soil) where the other species did not. Through increasing nutrient uptake AM can alleviate the stressful effects of soil compaction on corn growth.  相似文献   

Summary Lettuce and tomato seeds were treated in Petri dishes with a humic acid derived from an oxidized coal and with fractions of the same humic acid obtained by ultrafiltration through membranes of known molecular cutoff and by extracting with buffers set at pH 4 and pH 5. The unfractionated humic acid was applied at 40, 100, 1000, and 5000 mg l-1 whereas the humic fractions were applied at 40, 100, and 200 mg l-1. Germination parameters such as the number of total germinated seeds, the velocity of seed germination, the fresh weight and dry weight of total seedlings were measured and related to the chemical and physicochemical properties of the humic material. No increase in the germination percentage or the germination rate was observed for either lettuce or tomato seeds. The fresh weight of total seedlings and per seedling increased in treatments with unfractionated humic acid with increasing concentrations for both lettuce and tomato plants without showing signs of growth inhibition up to 5000 mg l-1. This was attributed to cell elongation and more efficient water uptake. For the lettuce, the fresh weight both of total seedlings and per seedling was enhanced by treating the seeds with fractions of low molecular weight and high content of acidic functions, whereas the dry weight both of total seedlings and per seedling did not change with the humic fraction used. For the tomato seeds in contrast, the dry weight both of total seedlings and per seedling was increased by the use of unfractionated humic acid and by some of the humic fractions. An uptake of humic material by growing tomato seedlings was inferred.  相似文献   

The high price of synthetic fertilisers and the price barrier for biochar as a soil amendment have encouraged the exploration of using biochar in fertiliser replacement formulations. Biochars coupled with fertilisers can be applied at lower application rates to achieve benefits in plant growth and nutrition, as well as soil biological fertility.~It is necessary to evaluate the use of biochar as a fertiliser substitute.~Therefore, this study investigated the comparative influences of biochars, including {\it Acacia saligna} (AS), Simcoa jarrah (SJ) and Wundowie jarrah (WJ), mineral fertiliser with microbes (MF + M), biochar-mineral complex (BMC) and their combination on mycorrhizal colonisation, growth and nutrition of wheat in a glasshouse experiment and sorghum in field conditions. BMC + MF + M treatment produced higher mycorrhizal colonisation than MF + M alone, indicating that BMC had a significant role in increasing mycorrhizal colonisation.~SJ (treated with acetic acid) and MF + M treatments, as well as AS + MF + M application, showed si\-milar effects on mycorrhizal colonisation, but lower colonisation than the BMC~+~MF~+~M treatment.~Overall, the BMC + MF + M treatment supported the maximum shoot, root and total plant dry weight followed by AS + MF + M and WJ + MF + M. The~MF + M treatment had the maximum shoot N and K concentrations, while BMC + MF + M application had the maximum shoot P concentration. AS + MF + M and WJ + MF + M treatments supported the maximum N uptake by wheat shoots, while BMC + MF + M supported the maximum P uptake.~The results showed that biochars and BMCs could increase mycorrhizal colonisation, plant growth and nutrient uptake of wheat, particularly N, P, K, S and Zn. The field experiment confirmed that BMC application at a rate of 300 kg ha$^{-1}$ could increase the yield of irrigated sorghum on a loam soil and provide better applied P use efficiency compared to a water-soluble fertiliser alone. These results indicated that biochar-based fertilisers might increase the resilience and sustainability of dryland cropping in environments such as in Western Australia and warrant further field evaluation.  相似文献   


Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major nitrogen consuming crop, as nitrogen is considered as an important determinant of its grain yield. Though inorganic fertilizer is widely recommended, the problem of high cost and inaccessibility limit its usage by resource poor farmers. Biochar application provides a new technology for both soil fertility and crop productivity improvement. With limited research on the suitability of biochar for soil improvement practices in Ghana, our objective was to determine the synergistic effect of biochar and inorganic fertilizer on the nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use efficiency, and yield of maize. Field experiment was conducted in Ghana, KNUST, in the major and minor raining seasons. Biochar was applied at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 t ha?1 and fertilizer N applied at 0, 45, and 90?kg ha?1. The results showed significantly (p??1 supplemented with 45?kg N ha?1 increased N uptake by 200%, and grain yield by 213% and 160% relative to the control in the minor and major rainy seasons, respectively. The greater yield of maize recorded on biochar-amended soils was attributed to the improved N uptake and nitrogen use efficiency. In conclusion, our finding suggests that the application of combined biochar and inorganic N fertilizer is not only ecologically prudent, but economically viable and a practicable alternative to current farmers’ practice of cultivating maize in Ghana.  相似文献   

Fertilization is required for optimum plant growth, particularly in unfertile soils, while optimizing nutrient use efficiency is an alternative to reduce inorganic fertilizer needs and reduce environmental problems caused by nutrient leaching. This study investigated soil properties and cowpea yield responses to biochars (BCs) made from different feedstocks, baby corn peel biochar (BC1), branches of mango tree biochar (BC2), and rice husk biochar (BC3), applied in combination with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) fertilizers. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, using an acid sandy soil (Arenosol) that was submitted for 70 d to the following eight treatments:i) control; ii) full dose of NPK (a commercial compound fertilizer (12-24-12 of N-P2O5-K2O) + urea (46% N)); iii) BC1 + half dose of NPK; iv) BC1 + full dose of NPK; v) BC2 + half dose of NPK; vi) BC2 + full dose of NPK; vii) BC3 + half dose of NPK; and viii) BC3 + full dose of NPK. All biochars were applied at a rate of 0.9% (weight/weight), and each type of biochar was combined with half and full doses of NPK fertilizers. Soil pH increased significantly (P < 0.05) in treatments with BC1 and BC2, while cation exchange capacity (CEC) and available P were higher in the treatments with BC1; BC1 and BC2 also induced higher activity of enzymes related to the P cycle and higher cowpea yield. Similar soil properties and cowpea yield parameters were obtained with the full and half doses of NPK fertilizers for each type of biochar used. In conclusion, biochars in the combination with NPK fertilizers improved soil chemistry and enzymatic activities, allowing reduced fertilizer application and food production costs in the acid soil studied.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effects of limining on growth and nutrient concentrations of Brachiaria decumbens inoculated with five vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungal assemblages which orginated from soils with different acidity. Liming increased plant growth when applied at rates up to 3 g kg-1 soil and depressed growth at higher rates. Mycorrhizal plants grew better than non-mycorrhizal ones in unlimed soil and also liming rates of 4.5 and 6.0 g kg-1 soil. The growth amelioration effects of VAM in highly acid or over-limed soils were related to nutrient uptake. VAM fungi isolated from an acidic soil exhibited a high symbiotic effectiveness and were better adapted to unlimed soil than those that originated from non-acidic soils. VAM root colonization, 90 days after planting, was little affected by liming. Fungal spore production and species compositions were highly affected by liming. A mixture of Glomus diaphanum and Glomus occultum predominated in unlimed soils inoculated with VAM assemblages isolated from non-acidic soils. In these fungal assemblages, an increased liming rate favored Glomus etunicatum over the other VAM fungi. Gigaspora margarita sporulated abundantly when introduced into unlimed soils, but rarely in limed soils. VAM appear to be crucial for the establishment of brachiaria pastures in the nutrient-deficient acidic soils of Central Brazil. It is suggested that liming may cause striking shifts in VAM populations which may, in turn, have a long-term impact on agricultural productivity in the tropics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of selected halotolerant endophytic bacteria isolated from the roots of Salicornia europaea on the growth parameters of Beta vulgaris under different concentrations of salinity. Two endophytic strains were selected as inocula for the pot experiment: Pseudomonas sp. ISE-12 (B1) and Xanthomonadales sp. CSE-34 (B2). Surface-sterilised seeds were incubated in the bacterial inoculation suspensions before sowing and cultivated in a sterile mixture of sand and vermiculite (1:1). Six salinity treatments were taken into account: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 300 mM NaCl. Inoculation of seeds with B1 and B2 positively affected germination percentage and germination index and shortened mean germination time, which led to a quickening of the growth stages of seedlings. After 42 days inoculated plants had, in general, a greater root length, higher dry biomass, lower tissue water content and lower specific leaf area compared with the control. While the positive effect of B2 bacteria was visible only at low salinity, strain B1 stimulated plant growth at higher salinities (200 and 300 mM NaCl). We suggest that the superior growth promotion observed for B1 may be related to the higher metabolic activity of these bacteria.  相似文献   

The study aimed at investigating effects of lime and mineral P fertilizers on P uptake and growth of maize (Zea mays subsp.) in greenhouse pot experiment. Combination of four P rates and four lime rates were applied to four highly acidic soil samples and the soils were incubated for a total of 112?days after which maize (Zea mays subsp.) was planted. The maize plants were harvested for analysis after 42?days of growth. Control experiments were also included. Available P (Bray I) and pH were significantly increased after incubation. Maximum available P was obtained in the soils that received the highest P rate and optimum lime rate. Levels of exchangeable acidity were significantly decreased in the P and lime treated soils compared to the control experiments. Plant biomasses and P uptake of maize increased significantly (p?≤?0.001) with application of P and lime compared to the control experiments.  相似文献   


As a corollary of a detailed study on the ecology of the Harvester ants in soils of semi‐arid natural pastures, samples from a loessial Arid Brown soil were analyzed for the content of nitrogenous constituents (humic compounds, amino acids, nitrates, ammonia) as well as phenols and carbohydrates and the nutrient status of the soil.

While there was a significant increase in fulvic and humic acids in the ant nests, the simultaneous decrease in amino acids ‐ in relation to the surrounding soil ‐ indicates that the humic substances have been synthesized from amino acids and the abundantly present phenols and possibly carbohydrates.

The much higher concentration of nitrogen compounds in the ant mounds supports the idea that the soil mixing activity of the Harvester ants enhances microbiological processes and in turn the fertility of the mounds, as evident in the better growth of the pasture plants.  相似文献   

This factorial experiment consists of four levels of sulfur+Thiobacillus and three levels of triple superphosphate arranged in a completely randomized block design in three regions. With an increased sulfur+Thiobacillus and phosphorus (P), grain yield, phosphorus, iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) uptake of canola increased in Qom and Mazandaran. Combined treatments of S2000T40 and P100% showed these properties most. In Safiabad, S1000T20 resulted in a significant increase of P, Fe, and Zn uptake of canola, and no significant effect was found on the grain yield. The highest Fe and Zn concentrations in Qom soil was measured in S2000T40. In Safiabad, maximum Fe concentration in soil was registered by S1000T20 and P65%. The minimum soil pH of Qom and Mazandaran was recorded by S1000T20 and S2000T40, respectively. The effect of sulfur and Thiobacillus on nutrients uptake and canola yield was good and indicates its potential for alleviating the impacts of calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) Pseudomonas lurida-NPRp15 and Pseudomonas putida-PGRs4 possessing multiple plant growth-promoting traits were isolated from rhizoplane of pea and rhizosphere of garlic, respectively. The effects of individuals and combinations of Pseudomonas spp. with effective root nodulating symbiotic nitrogen fixing Rhizobium leguminosarum-FB1 on plant growth, nutrient uptake and yield of the rajmash plant were studied under greenhouse conditions. Bacterial inoculation resulted in significantly higher values for plant dry biomass, N, P, K, Zn and Fe contents as compared to the uninoculated control. Furthermore, dual inoculation of P. lurida-NPRp15 with R. leguminosarum-FB1 significantly increased root and shoot dry weight, nodulation, nutrient uptake, pod yield, and nutrient content of pods of rajmash VL63 compared to controls, single and triple inoculation. The results of the study indicate the potential of harnessing the benefit of plant growth-promoting and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms to improve the growth and yield of rajmash.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of boron (B) application on yield and B uptake of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in B-deficient calcareous soil of south-west Punjab. The treatments comprise six levels of soil-applied B (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 mg B kg?1soil) and two levels of foliar-applied B (0.1% and 0.2% borax and granubor solution) along with the common control (no B application). The experiment was laid out in RBD factorial design with three replications. The seed cotton yield and its attributing characters (plant height, number of sympodial and monopodial branches, boll weight, and number of boll per plant) and root biomass increased significantly with increasing levels of boron up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 level over the control and then remained nonsignificant with further higher levels of soil-applied boron. Among foliar-applied boron levels, 0.1% borax solution was better than 0.2% borax solution. Soil-applied boron was at par with foliar-applied boron. The efficiency of borax and granubor was found to be equal in both sources of boron. The mean B content and its uptake by seed cotton and roots increased significantly up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 soil-applied B level and then recorded nonsignificant with further higher levels of boron. For the foliar method of B application, the mean B content and its uptake by seed cotton increased significantly over the control. The mean available B content in soils (0–15 cm) at 45, 75, 105, and 145 days after sowing increased significantly over the control for all soil-applied B levels, while it remained nonsignificant over the control for all growth stages of cotton in foliar method of B application. Further, it was positively correlated with root biomass (r = 0.91), boron uptake by root (r = 0.98), and sympodial branch per plant (r = 0.81). The interaction of B application levels and sources was not significant for all studied traits. Regardless of B sources, B application had a significant effect on yield, yield attributes, and B uptake up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 level for soil-applied B and 0.1% borax or granubor solution for foliar-applied B.  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a heavy feeder of nutrients and requires balanced and adequate supply of nutrients for optimum growth and yield. Information regarding soil nutrient status and leaf nutrient concentration is very much required for proper fertilizer application. Therefore, a survey was conducted for assessment of soil nutrient status and leaf nutrient concentration in 64 oil palm plantations in the state of Goa lying in the west coastal region of India. Soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), available potassium (K) (ammonium acetate-extractable K) (NH4OAc-K), available phosphorus (P) (Bray’s-P), exchangeable calcium (Ca) (Exch. Ca) and magnesium (Mg) (Exch. Mg), available sulphur (S) (calcium chloride-extractable S) (CaCl2-S), and hot water soluble boron (B) (HWB) in surface (0–20 cm depth) soil layers ranged from 4.25 to 6.77, 0.05 to 1.06 dS m–1, 5.07 to 48.4 g kg–1, 58.1 to 1167 mg kg–1, 1.80 to 415 mg kg–1, 200 to 2997 mg kg–1, 36.0 to 744 mg kg–1, 3.00 to 87.7 mg kg–1 and 0.09 to 2.10 mg kg–1, respectively. Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms were established for different nutrient expressions and were used to compute DRIS indices. As per DRIS indices, the order of requirement of nutrients in the region was found to be P > Mg > K > nitrogen (N) > B. Optimum leaf nutrient ranges as per DRIS norms varied from 1.64 to 2.79%, 0.36 to 0.52%, 0.37 to 0.75%, 0.89 to 1.97%, 0.35 to 0.63%, 0.89 to 1.50%, 3.10 to 13.9 mg kg?1, 7.50 to 32.2 mg kg?1, 35.0 to 91.1 mg kg?1, 206 to 948 mg kg?1, and 895 to 2075 mg kg?1 for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) respectively. On the basis of DRIS-derived sufficiency ranges, 14, 5, 11, 6, 6, 6, 8, 2, 3, 6, and 16% of leaf samples had less than optimum concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe respectively. The optimum ranges developed can be used as a guide for routine diagnostic and advisory purpose for balanced utilization of fertilizers.  相似文献   

Produced waters are considered a byproduct from the oil industry that may contain mineral elements essential for plant nutrition, which enables them for irrigation purposes. Due to the growing demand for water for agricultural use in the world, the aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using dilutions of fresh water and produced water derived from the gas-producing zone of Sabinas-Piedras Negras, in northern México and their effect on mineral content and allocation, growth, and yield of tomato plants. The results showed that the dilutions containing produced water reduced fruit, stem, and leaf fresh weight, and that the uptake and accumulation of minerals in plant tissues, except for sodium, was also decreased. However, plants irrigated with dilutions of produced and fresh water showed increased translocation of essential minerals from the leaves to the fruit, which partially contributed to alleviate the negative effects on fruit yield.  相似文献   

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