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施氮量与行距对冬小麦品质性状的调控效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当今小麦产量不断提高的同时,籽粒品质逐渐受到人们的重视,不同的栽培措施会对小麦籽粒品质产生一定影响。为探明施氮量与行距互作对强、中筋小麦品质的调控效应及小麦类型间差异,于2013—2014年在中国农业科学院作物科学研究所中圃场试验田,以强筋小麦‘济麦20’和中筋小麦‘中麦8号’为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,以施氮量(150 kg·hm-2、210 kg·hm-2、270 kg·hm-2)为主区,行距(12 cm、20 cm)为裂区,供试品种为小裂区,研究田间高产栽培条件下不同施氮量和行距配置对不同类型冬小麦品质的影响。结果表明,‘济麦20’和‘中麦8号’花后蛋白质积累量、成熟期籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量均随施氮量和行距增加而显著提高,且在低氮条件下施氮效果较为显著。在270 kg·hm-2施氮量水平下,增大行距对2个小麦品种灌浆后期籽粒蛋白质积累量的影响存在显著差异。在20 cm行距条件下,210 kg·hm-2施氮量有利于强筋小麦‘济麦20’硬度、出粉率、湿面筋含量、沉降值及粉质参数等品质指标的改善,而270 kg·hm-2施氮量能够有效提高中筋小麦‘中麦8号’磨粉品质和粉质参数;2个筋型小麦面包体积和面包评分均随着施氮量的增加而升高,而2个小麦品种容重随施氮量的增加而显著下降。当施氮量在150 kg·hm-2以上时,增大行距,‘济麦20’和‘中麦8号’加工品质均能够显著提升,即在20 cm行距水平下2个筋型小麦加工品质较好。适当的施氮量和合理的行距配置能够提高小麦籽粒品质,本试验条件下,‘济麦20’和‘中麦8号’籽粒品质在行距20 cm、施氮量分别为210 kg·hm-2和270 kg·hm-2时达到最优。说明适当增加施氮量和增大行距均有利于强、中筋冬小麦品质的改善。  相似文献   

Accumulation of reduced nitrogen and its partitioning between vegetative tissue and grain are two important aspects of the nitrogen economy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the range of nitrogen harvest index (NHI) among four hard red winter wheat cultivars differing in grain protein percent (GPP) and the influence of NHI on grain protein percent, and 2) to contrast the partitioning of nitrogen and dry matter to the component parts of the plant throughout growth and development. Plants were grown in a nutrient solution and nitrogen salts were withheld from the solution when the wheat reached anthesis. High nitrogen percentage of plant parts tended to correlate positively with grain protein percentage at first node and anthesis stages, but correlated negatively at latter stages. Dry weight was important in the accumulation of nitrogen; however, neither dry weight nor total plant nitrogen was correlated with GPP. Nitrogen harvest index was correlated strongly and positively with GPP and was independent of plant stature. The selection of parents with high NHI could be an important criterion in breeding programs to increase GPP of wheat.  相似文献   

适宜机插株行距促进水稻生长提高产量   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
为了比较不同行距插秧机的作业效果,以及机插秧不同株行距组合对水稻生长和产量的影响,在江苏靖江、张家港和黄海农场3地进行了连续2 a田间定位试验。每个试验点设置行株距分别为:30 cm×11 cm、25 cm×14 cm、25 cm×11 cm 3种株行距组合处理,3次重复。结果表明,在水稻漏插率方面,2012年30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最高,25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最低,2013年30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理仍最高,25 cm×14 cm(行距×株距)处理最低。窄行距大株距有利于降低水稻漏插率,但在伤秧率、倒秧率方面和每穴平均株数方面,3个品种的不同处理之间均无统一规律;分蘖稳定后各试验点茎蘖数均为30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最高,25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最低,大株行距有利于促进水稻分蘖;产量方面各处理每公顷有效穗数30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理,其他产量构成因素差异不显著,最终各处理实际产量表现为25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理较好,故插秧机行株距为25 cm×11 cm较适合于江苏省水稻机械化种植。该研究可为江苏省水稻插秧机机具选型提供参考。  相似文献   

于2007~2009年在江苏省丹阳市,以江淮地区20世纪50年代至今冬小麦代表性主栽品种为材料,设置两个氮肥水平,研究该区冬小麦生产力与氮肥效率的变化特征.结果显示,冬小麦生物学产量随年代变迁呈现递减趋势,低氮水平下1980年之前品种的生物量显著高于1980年之后的品种.冬小麦籽粒产量呈现递增趋势,高氮水平下1980年之前品种的籽粒产量明显低于1980年之后的品种.1980年之前品种的生产力对氮肥的响应不明显,而1980年之后品种的生产力则随施氮量增加而明显提高.1980~1990s品种与2000s品种之间的生物量与籽粒产量差异均不显著.低氮水平下,不同年代品种间的茎叶氮含量、籽粒氮含量、地上植株氮积累量、籽粒氮积累量和氮偏生产力无明显变化趋势;高氮水平下,上述各氮指标均随年代变迁而呈现递增趋势,尤其是植株氮积累总量和氮偏生产力显著提高.1980~1990s品种的各氮指标与2000 s品种的相应指标之间无明显变化趋势.冬小麦品种的演变过程是遗传改良与氮肥施用增加的互促过程,现代品种在高氮水平下呈现出增产优势.  相似文献   

Two pot experiments were conducted in the greenhouse of the National Research Center, Egypt during 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 to investigate the efficacy of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) on root colonization, growth and productivity in two wheat cultivars, Sakha 8 and Giza 167, under salt stress. The extent of the AM effect on wheat development varied with plant cultivar and salinity level. Maximum root colonization and spore production were observed with the Sakha 8 cultivar, which resulted in greater plant growth and productivity at all salinity levels. AM and plant development were adversely affected by increasing salinity. However, the presence of mycorrhizal fungi protected wheat against the detrimental effect of salinity, and stimulated growth, productivity, total crude protein concentration and nitrate reductase activity. The average enhancement in grain yield due to AM inoculation was 76 and 68% at 0.15 mS cm?1, 93 and 84% at 3.13 mS cm?1, 130 and 115% at 6.25 mS cm?1, and 154 and 120% at 9.38 mS cm?1 salinity for Sakha 8 and Giza 167, respectively. In general, mycorrhizal inoculation enhanced the ability of wheat to cope with saline conditions and using AM inoculants can help plants to thrive in degraded arid/semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

不同播量与行距对小麦产量与辐射截获利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在田间试验条件下,设置了3个播种量(6 kg·667m 2、9 kg·667m 2和12 kg·667m 2)和3个种植行距(20 cm、25 cm和30 cm)共9个处理。通过测定小麦群体生长动态、辐射截获量和籽粒产量,研究分析不同行距和播种量对小麦产量形成和辐射利用效率的影响。结果表明:群体总茎数和叶面积指数表现为随播种量增大而增加;在相同播种量下,尽管20 cm行距的小麦分蘖数最高,但其有效成穗数却最低;叶面积指数与群体总茎数变化动态一致,而叶日积却表现为随行距和播量加大而增加。在相同播种量下,籽粒产量和辐射利用效率均随着种植行距增加呈递增趋势变化,在3个播种量下表现趋势一致。行距由20 cm增加到25 cm和30 cm,籽粒产量平均增加81.62 g·m 2和162.53 g·m 2,截获辐射利用效率平均增加0.18%和0.35%。产量和截获辐射利用率在行距间的差异均达到极显著水平,而播种量之间没有表现出显著差异,播种量和行距之间也没有明显互作效应。由此说明:调整行距对产量的影响作用大于调整播种量对产量的影响作用。因此,在水肥条件较好的黄淮海平原区小麦生产中,把传统种植行距15~20 cm调整为25~30 cm,播种量在常规播种量的基础上适量增加,可以提高小麦单产与辐射资源利用潜力。  相似文献   

种植行距与灌水量对西北日光温室番茄生育和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究膜下滴灌番茄不同种植行距与灌水量对番茄生育及产量的影响,试验在大小行沟垄种植形式的基础上设置3种种植行距分别为L1(60cm)、L2(45cm)和L3(30cm);以蒸发皿累积蒸发量E为标准设置0.6E、0.8E、1.0E、1.2E共4个灌水水平,共12个处理。研究了不同种植行距与灌水量对番茄不同生育期生长生理指标及产量的影响,探讨了不同生长生理指标与产量间的关系。结果表明:低种植行距处理(L3),会造成植株徒长及过高的叶面积指数,抑制作物群体的光合生理活动,导致较低的产量和灌溉水利用效率。过低的灌水量(0.6E)会抑制番茄植株的光合生理活动,且随生育期的进行表现出明显的水分胁迫的累积作用。叶面积指数和净光合速率对产量的影响最为直接,提高作物的净光合速率是实现作物增产的重要途径;株高茎粗与叶面积指数间具有良好的回归关系(P=0.004 6),高茎粗低株高植株具有较为适宜的叶面积指数,有利于产量的形成。相较于产量最高的种植行距与灌水量组合L1-1.2E处理,L1-0.8E和L2-0.8E处理可在产量仅降低4.28%和9.00%的情况下提高灌溉水利用效率36.00%和29.29%。该结果为西北地区日光温室番茄科学种植与灌水提供依据。  相似文献   

宽窄行配置对机插中晚稻生长特性及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨不同行距配置对机插单季中稻和双季晚稻生长特性及产量的影响,以单季中稻丰两优香1号和徽两优898以及双季晚稻镇稻18和上农粳2号4个品种为材料,开展了等行距25、30 cm,宽窄行20 cm+30 cm、25 cm+30 cm、25 cm+35cm共5种机插水稻行距配置对比试验,分析了插秧后不同品种水稻农艺性状和产量,对不同品种机插水稻的株高、叶面积指数、茎蘖动态、干物质累积量、产量及其构成因素等方面进行比较。结果表明:1)在5种行距配置下,各生育期株高受品种遗传特性影响,不同行距配置间差异不显著,叶面积指数、茎蘖数和干物质累积量在不同行距配置间差异极显著(P0.01),但各品种机插水稻生长特性随行距配置变化趋势不同,单季中稻品种叶面积指数、分蘖稳定后的茎蘖数、分蘖成穗率、干物质累积量和生长率均在宽窄行25 cm+35 cm配置下最大,且随着行距配置的增大而增大,而双季晚稻品种各项生长指标则在宽窄行20 cm+30 cm配置下最大,且随行距配置增大而减小。2)在产量构成因素中,受行距配置影响较大的是有效穗数(变异系数1.93%~7.50%)、穗粒数(变异系数1.58%~6.08%)和结实率(变异系数0.86%~4.54%),较小的是千粒质量(变异系数0.81%~2.70%)和穗长(变异系数0.89%~2.82%)。3)单季中稻在宽窄行25 cm+35 cm配置下产量最高,双季晚稻则在宽窄行20 cm+30 cm配置下产量最高,各产量构成因素峰值基本与产量峰值接近。研究结果可为安徽省沿江江淮地区机插单季中稻和机插双季晚稻配套品种选用及栽植行距设置提供参考。  相似文献   

Cereal cropping productivity in the Indo‐Gangetic Plain (IGP) of India is declining, which may be overcome by diversification, alternate crop establishment methods and mulching. This study was conducted to determine whether no‐till flat (NTF), permanent raised beds (PRB) and nontraditional ex situ mulching would improve crop and water productivity, economic profitability and soil biological properties in an irrigated maize (Zea mays)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) system (MWS). NTF systems produced 10% higher economic net returns compared with PRBs. Non‐traditional mulching (Sesbania, Jatropha and Brassica) increased yields by >10% and net returns by >12% compared with no‐mulch. The water saving in PRBs compared with NTF systems was 79, 94 and 173 mm/ha in maize, wheat and MWS, respectively. PRBs saved 29.2% of irrigation water and improved the MWS irrigation water productivity (WPI) by 24.5% over NTF. On average, mulching saved 23.8 mm/ha irrigation water over no‐mulch and improved WPI by 12.0%. PRBs with ex situ mulching produced wheat and maize equivalent system yields lower than NTF but improved WPI and soil biological properties. Jatropha and Sesbania mulching improved yield, water saving, WPI and system profitability. In limited irrigation and no crop residue availability conditions, Sesbania, Jatropha and Brassica vegetation material have potential applications for ex situ mulching under PRBs for water saving and NTF for productivity.  相似文献   

不同行距对冬小麦麦田蒸发、蒸散和产量的影响   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
为了研究不同行距对冬小麦田棵间蒸发、蒸散和产量的影响,于2002~2003年在中国科学院栾城农业生态实验站进行了试验。结果表明:不同行距处理对棵间蒸发的影响在不同的冬小麦生育时期表现不同,在4月份呈现显著性差异,在12月-3月之间,处理之间没有明显差异,在其它时期7.5 cm的行距处理与30 cm行距的处理呈显著性差异,15cm的处理与它们均没有明显的差异;在整个生育期内,7.5 cm的行距处理比15 cm和30 cm的行距处理分别减少棵间蒸发13.26和29.04 mm,蒸散量减少22.76 mm和51.88 mm;7.5 cm的行距处理比15 cm和30 cm的行距处理分别提高产量水分利用效率0.11 kg/m3和0.23 kg/m3。  相似文献   

为高效利用天然降水资源, 提高自然降水水分利用效率, 在山西临汾采用随机区组设计方法研究了田间微集雨种植方式及其播种行距对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响.结果表明: 集雨产流带覆盖面积与种植带面积比例为1:1.5和1:1的种植方式平均产量均较对照(露地种植)显著增产, 1:1.5、1:1和露地种植的播种行距分别以11.3 cm、15 cm和15 cm具有较好的增产效应; 1:1.5和1:1种植方式在拔节期的个体生物学性状株高、单株分蘖和单株绿叶数优于露地栽培; 1:1.5、1:1和露地栽培的水分利用效率分别为19.8 kg·mm-1·hm-2、17.4 kg·mm-1·hm-2、14.3 kg·mm-1·hm-2.该项研究同时明确了不同田间微集雨种植方式在各生育时段的土壤水分变化动态特征.  相似文献   


The lack of water availability led scientists to breed short duration rice varieties despite their lower yield potential than the long duration rice varieties to ensure sustainability in lowland rice fields. It is not yet clear whether this reduction in yield is due to the reduced crop duration and/or is associated with the reduction in biomass and nutrient accumulation rates. Field experiments were conducted at low-fertile and fertile sites using 22 rice varieties differing in their duration (short, medium, and long), and yield potential (low and high). Straw and grain dry weights (DW), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations were measured. For rice varieties grown in the low-fertility site, straw and grain DWs, biomass accumulation rate (g plant?1?day?1), and N, P, and K accumulation rates (mg plant?1?day?1) were reduced by 63, 61, 56, 44, 79, and 43%, respectively, than those observed in the fertile site. At the low-fertile site, short duration rice varieties had only 64% straw and 76% grain DWs, 67% biomass accumulation rate, and 87% N, 82% P, and 64% K accumulation rates than those observed in medium and long duration rice varieties. The differences were less pronounced at the fertile site. Reduced biomass, N, P, and K accumulation rates, apart from the reduced crop duration, hindered grain yield and thereby the sustainability of short duration rice varieties, particularly at low-fertile sites. Thus, rice breeding programs for low-fertile soils and short duration varieties should specifically be designed.  相似文献   

A experiment was carried to evaluate the effects of Al on growth, accumulations of free proline and amino acid in 2 wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.), Yangmai No.5 and Jian 864, differing in Al sensitivity. Plants grew initially in a nutrient solution without Al for 13 days before the addition of Al and finally in a nutrient solution containing 0.5mmol Al (L-1) for 19 days. The results showed that there were marked decreases in dry weight, relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) of Al-treated seedlings compared with control plants. The Al effects were more evident in Yangmai No.5 than Jian 864. Leaf area ratio(LAR) was little affected by Al. RGR was highly correlated with NAR rather than LAR. Aluminum increased the concentrations of free proline and total free amino acid in shoots of both the cultivars. The increases were greater in Yangmai No.5 than in Jian 864. The percentage of free proline in total amino acid in shoots was not affected by Al treatment. It was possible that accumulation of proline was merely a symptom of Al injury. The concentrations of total nitrogen in Al-treated plants did not significantly differ from those of control plants. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves was severely decreased by Al, and a greater decrease was noted in Yangmai No.5 than in Jian 864, but NRA in roots of both the cultivars was not affected. The decreases in NRA might be an indirect (accumulation of amino acid) rather than a direct result of Al toxicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the spatial distribution of roots and cracks in two clay soils cropped with sunflower under different inter-row spacing in order to identify the optimal management. A latin square experimental design was applied to compare bare soil and soil cropped with sunflower, with three plant densities, obtained by keeping constant the number of plants on the row (3 plants m?1) and varying the row spacing (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 m). The presence of the crop and the different distance between rows influenced soil moisture content as well as the root spatial distribution and thus the structural features of cracks. Increasingly lower values of moisture were found in both soils as the distance between rows decreased; an opposite trend was observed for both root density and crack size. The volume of cracks in the soil grown with sunflower at 0.4 m row spacing was 201.4 m3 ha?1, thus 8 times higher than the value on the bare soil and 2.5 times higher compared to the one grown at 0.8 m between rows. Optimal results in terms of root density, soil moisture and crack size were obtained with an inter-row spacing of 0.6 m.  相似文献   

株间机械除草技术与装置能有效摆脱田间除草的繁重体力劳动并消除化学除草方法所带来的危害,株间机械除草装置的牵引拖拉机在跟踪作物行时总会产生航向偏差,导致除草装置出现横向偏移,甚至无法进入除草的株间区域,同时还会增加伤苗率。为增大株间机械除草的作用区域和降低伤苗率,该文提出了通过作物行信息识别出株间机械除草装置与作物行横向偏移量的方法,并设计了株间机械除草作物行跟踪机构和控制器,实现了株间机械除草跟随作物行。采用正弦波和三角波2种标准信号作为横向偏移补偿量信号,对作物行跟踪控制器的性能进行了测试,试验结果表明:作物行跟踪控制器能较好地控制除草装置跟随横向偏移补偿信号,前进速度为0.5 m/s时正弦波信号跟踪最大误差10 mm,平均误差0.8 mm,三角波信号跟踪最大误差11 mm,平均误差1.2 mm。除草试验表明,作物行跟踪控制系统能较好地控制株间除草装置跟踪作物行,在0.5 m/s前进速度下跟踪最大误差为20.8 mm,平均误差2.5 mm;作物行跟踪控制明显减少了除草爪齿未进入株间区域的比例,在300 mm株距下,可保证93.3%的株间区域有除草爪齿进行除草作业,在200 mm株距下为85.9%;作物行跟踪控制降低了除草爪齿对作物的损伤,伤苗率从20%以上降到了12%以内,提高了株间机械除草的作业效果。  相似文献   

间作系统中作物种间距离的变化直接影响着系统的生产力,因此,合理的种间配置是间作获得高产的前提。本研究总结归纳了2010年甘肃武威和2014年甘肃张掖的小麦/玉米、蚕豆/玉米间作系统玉米行距试验,旨在探明间作玉米在不同种植行距下对间作体系生产力的影响及玉米生长的差异。试验设置5个间作玉米的种植行距处理(D0:10 cm、D20:20 cm、D40:40 cm、D60:60cm、D80:80 cm),测定了作物产量、产量构成、生物量累积。结果表明:间作玉米行距变化对间作配对作物产量无显著影响,主要影响间作玉米产量;2010年,两间作体系间作玉米产量、体系混合产量、系统生产力(system productivity)均以D60最高,2014年均以D40最高;随玉米行距增大,系统生产力先增加后减小,拐点均出现在D60;玉米行距变化显著改变了玉米的穗粒数、百粒重、单株粒重;小麦/玉米体系,两年单株粒重峰值分别出现在D60(132 g·株~(-1))和D40(216 g·株~(-1));蚕豆/玉米体系均出现在D40,分别为158g·株~(-1)(2010年)和220 g·株~(-1)(2014年);不同行距处理下玉米共生期和单独生长期生长速率均存在差异,共生期各处理生长速率显著低于单独生长期,无论哪个时期,D40和D60处理的生长速率均占优。河西灌区小麦/玉米和蚕豆/玉米间作中玉米种植的最佳行距为40 cm和60 cm,此行距下间作系统可得到最大系统生产力。  相似文献   

中国小麦绿色全要素生产率时空特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
小麦生产向绿色化转型是保障中国粮食安全以及小麦产业可持续高质量发展的必然要求,该研究以面源污染和碳排放量作为非期望产出,使用超效率SBM-ML模型测算了2004-2019年15个省份的小麦绿色全要素生产率,并使用Tobit模型在经济水平、财政投资、资源禀赋、生产条件等4个方面,对小麦绿色全要素生产率的影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明,在时间变化上,小麦绿色全要素生产率在2004-2019年间整体处于下降态势,说明小麦产量提高的同时确实付出了环境破坏的代价,技术\  相似文献   


During the last century, concerns about nitrate presence in the groundwater have tremendously increased worldwide, mainly because of its detrimental consequences on environment and human health. There are different factors contributing their past in nitrate pollution, farm manure is given due consideration. Knowing above facts, a field study was performed to check the effect of different farm yard manure (FYM) levels with urea on nitrate distribution in the soil profile and yield of wheat crop. The experiment was set out in a randomized complete block design, consisted of application of nitrogen at 125?kg ha?1 from urea, 80?kg ha?1 of N from urea +10 tons FYM ha?1 and 20 tons FYM ha?1 with three replications. Wheat (cultivar S7ehar-2006) was sown as test crop. Soil samples were examined to measure the nitrate concentration from four different depths (0–25, 25–50, 50–75, and 75–100?cm) after harvesting. Results showed that the straw yield, total biomass, spike length, and number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight were significantly influenced by fertilizer strategies. All manure treatments significantly affected the infiltration rate and concentration of nitrate at different depths of the soil profile. Farm yard manure showed greater nitrate concentration up to 50?cm depth as compared to alone urea and combined application, while at the depth of 100?cm, combined application of urea and FYM showed a minimum concentration of nitrates than alone application of either urea or FYM.  相似文献   

基于多年MODIS-NDVI的黄淮海农区冬小麦生产力评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄淮海农区是中国重要的粮食生产基地,研究该地区不同等级生产力耕地的空间分布,对提高该地区生产力有重要的意义。该文在提取研究区冬小麦种植空间分布的基础上,对10a时间序列冬小麦MODIS-NDVI进行特征参数提取,并将冬小麦主要生长季多年NDVI特征值均值和年际变异系数,作为多年平均产量水平和稳产水平的指示指标,进行黄淮海农区冬小麦种植区耕地生产力评价,得到黄淮海农区冬小麦生产力空间分布图。结果显示:1)多时相MODIS-NDVI数据可以用于研究区冬小麦种植空间分布提取。经县级尺度验证,有较高的提取精度;2)县级尺度的冬小麦单产水平与其辖区内冬小麦生长关键期多个NDVI特征值有显著的相关关系,可以用来评价冬小麦生产力水平;3)研究区冬小麦种植区耕地以中低生产力水平为主,高生产力水平的耕地只占不到20%。高生产力的麦田大多分布在水热条件较好的黄淮平原亚区,中等生产力麦田大多分布在燕山太行山山麓平原亚区和鲁西黄灌区,而低生产力的麦田多分布在冀、鲁、豫低洼平原亚区。低生产力麦田分布集中连片的区域多为春旱易发、土壤粘淤或低洼积盐的地区。呈现出整体气候条件主导,局部土壤条件影响的高中低生产力空间分布特征。研究结果可以为黄淮海农区的耕地质量管理和中低产田改良提供依据。  相似文献   

研究了加拿大南部冬小麦田在轮作、耕作和行距共同作用下的土壤温度动态。田间裂区试验主区为3个轮作(冬小麦连作、冬小麦/油菜轮作和冬小麦/夏休闲),副区包括两种耕作技术(免耕和常规耕作),小裂区包括两种种植行距(等行距和大小行)。结果表明,免耕处理下秸秆覆盖有效地降低了冬季土壤的冻结深度。在1993~1994年度,连作小麦免耕土壤的-5℃等温线要比常规耕作浅22cm。免耕秸秆覆盖的温度效应在冬小麦连作和冬小麦/油菜两种轮作上比在冬小麦/夏休闲上更为明显。在冬小麦连作和冬小麦/油菜轮作下,免耕土壤2.5cm的春季温度连续4个月显著低于常规耕作土壤。1994年4月8日,免耕和常规耕作农田2.5cm处的温差在冬小麦连作处理上达到4.1℃。对于冬小麦/夏休闲处理,由于秸秆覆盖量较少,耕作措施对土壤温度的影响不太明显。在1994年春季,大小行种植的土壤温度显著高于等行距种植的土壤温度。因此,免耕主要通过秸秆覆盖来改变土壤的温度状况。通过轮作、耕作和行距等措施,可以在一定程度上实现土壤温度的人为调节  相似文献   

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