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Heavy metal pollution of soils and sediments in Liaoning Province, Northeast China, was investigated. Fifty seven samples of agricultural soils and 8 samples of sediments were collected in 1996 from paddy or upland fields and irrigation channels, respectively, in Shenyang, Fushun, Liaoyang, Anshan, and Tieling regions, and concentrations of total and 0.1 mol L-1 HCI-extractable Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were analyzed using ICP spectrometry. Seventeen samples of unpolished rice were also collected from selected paddy fields and total concentrations of the four elements were determined.–

Both paddy and upland soils were polluted with Cd: average total concentration was 0.70, 0.57, and 0.53 mg kg-1 in the western and southern parts of Shenyang, and Anshan, respectively, and significantly higher than the background level of 0.32 mg kg-1. Cd concentrations of four samples exceeded even 1 mg kg-1, which corresponds to the critical level of Cd contamination in China. About 65% of the total Cd was extracted with 0.1 mol L-1 HCI, suggesting that Cd was relatively mobile compared with other metals. The level of Cd pollution was, however, lower than that previously reported and serious polIution was not observed for Cu, Pb, and Zn. Accordingly, Cd concentration in upland rice was within the range of the unpolluted level in this study. Nevertheless, Cd concentration in a sediment of irrigation channels in the western part of Shenyang exceeded 16 mg kg-1, indicating the possibility of further contamination of agricultural soils. In conclusion, soils and sediments were still polluted with Cd in the southern part of Shenyang, Anshan, and especially in the western part of Shenyang, and further countermeasures are urgently required to ensure safe food production in these regions.  相似文献   

华南大宝山矿周边土壤和大豆的重金属污染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni in soybean (Glycine max L.) grown near the Dabaoshan Mine were investigated, and their potential risk to the health of inhabitants was estimated. In the Fandong (FD) and Zhongxin (ZX) villages, which are near the Dabaoshan mineral deposit, concentrations of Pb (0.34 mg kg-1 for FD), Cd (0.23 mg kg-1 for ZX) and Cr (1.14 and 1.75 mg kg-1 for FD and ZX, respectively) in the seeds of soybean exceeded the tolerance limit set by Chinese standards. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) from consumption of soybean seeds for FD inhabitants were 0.570, 0.170, 38.550, 142.400, 1.910 and 14.530 μg d-1 kg-1 boby weight for Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni, respectively. Our results indicate that soybeans grown in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine accumulate some metals, and the seeds pose a potential health risk to the local inhabitants.  相似文献   

Controlled-release N fertilizers can affect the availability of heavy metals in the contaminated paddy soil.A soil incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of prilled urea(PU),S-coated urea(SCU),and polymer-coated urea(PCU)on the solubility and availability of heavy metals Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn in a multimetal-contaminated soil.The results showed that the application of different coated urea significantly affected the solubility and availability of heavy metals.At 5 d of incubation,the application of PU,SCU,and PCU had significantly decreased the concentrations of water-soluble and available Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn,when compared with the control.At 60 d of incubation,the depletory effects of PU on water-soluble and available heavy metals had reduced,and the initial decrease in the concentrations of water-soluble Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn caused by SCU had changed to an increase.The concentrations of water-soluble Pb,Cu,and Zn in the SCU-treated soil were higher than those in the control.Application with PCU led to a higher water-soluble Cu than that in the control,while the available Cd,Pb,and Zn were lower than those in the control.The effect of different coated urea was much stronger on the water solubility of the heavy metals than on their availability.The effects of controlled-release urea on the transformation of heavy metals resulted in changes in the concentrations of NH4^+,water-soluble SO4^2-,and soil p H.The results further suggested that PCU could be used in dry farming operations in multimetal-contaminated acid soils.  相似文献   

The heavy metal contents of some solid wastes produced in residential areas, a market, a cafeteria and the composts in lbadan, Nigeria, were measured. The solid wastes produced in low density areas with higher per capita income showed higher levels of heavy metals. The cafeteria waste showed low levels of some of these metals. The significance of the heavy metal status on Nigerian environment is discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated soil health in fields of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Shatabdi) and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) irrigated by different blends of municipal wastewater (hereafter called wastewater). The crops were grown with and without added fertilizers over three consecutive years. The wastewater contained high concentrations of organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S), zinc (Zn) and boron (B). It also contained negligible concentrations of a few heavy metals. Irrigation by wastewater resulted in an increase in the porosity of the surface soil and thus a reduced bulk density. Wastewater enhanced the saturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity of the soils. The organic carbon, total N, available P and S, and exchangeable Na, K, Ca and Mg of the soils increased proportionately with the quantity of applied wastewater. C, N and K increased significantly (α = 0.05) when fields were irrigated using raw wastewater after applied fertilizers; the other elements accumulated in the soil insignificantly under both fertility levels. Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH of the upper 0–20 and 20–40 cm soil layers increased with the application of wastewater; the increase was significant only under raw wastewater irrigation. In the 40–60 cm soil layer, both EC and pH remained unchanged. The applied inorganic fertilizers raised EC but reduced soil pH. The wastewater contained large counts of total coliform (TC: 17.2 × 106 cfu/100 mL) and faecal coliform (FC: 13.4 × 103 cfu/100 mL). Irrigation using municipal wastewater is proposed for improving soil fertility as well as for alleviating water scarcity with the exception of some crops whose edible parts come in direct contact with wastewater and/or are eaten uncooked.  相似文献   

镉、铅、锌对红壤微生物生物量的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
Nitrogen(N)losses from ammonium bicarbonate or urea applied to wheat and then followed immediately by irrigation were investigated.Ammonia volatilization was determined by a micrometeorological method (ammonia sampler),total N loss was estimated by the ^15N mass balance method ,and denitrification loss was measured by the diference method(calculated from the difference between the total N loss and ammonia loss) and a direct method (measuring the emission of (N2 N2O)-^15N).Total ammonia losses from ammonium bicarbonate and urea in 33 days were 8.7% and 0.9% of the applied nitrogen ,respectively.The corresponding total N losses were 21.6% and 29.5%,Apparent denitrification losses(by the difference method) were rather high,being 12.9% from ammonium bicarbonate and 28.6% from urea .However,no emission of (N2 N2O)-^15N was detected using the direct method.  相似文献   

农田土壤作为保证粮食安全及人类发展的重要资源,近年来其受到的重金属污染备受关注。文章选取长三角发达地区某田块作为研究对象来分析同源情形下重金属的污染特征及主要影响因素。结果表明:该田块Cd平均质量分数为3.74 mg/kg,超出二级标准值达12.5倍,高值区主要分布在入水口及出水口附近。其余重金属元素(Pb,Cr,As,Co,Cu,Ni,Zn)均未超标。运用地累积指数、Hakanson潜在风险指数、内梅罗综合污染指数等多种污染评价方法均发现,Cd的严重超标导致该田块已达到重金属污染的最高等级。采用相关分析及通径分析方法,揭示了Cd污染的主要影响因素,Cd与土壤理化性质在0.01水平上均不存在显著相关,表明与持续的Cd外源输入相比,土壤对Cd的吸附能力极其有限。距入水口出水口的距离是影响Cd空间差异的最直接因素和决定性因素。减少外源Cd的持续输入及改良灌溉排水设施是解决田块Cd重污染的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文综述了土壤重金属污染的植物修复、金属超富集植物及其遗传工程的最新研究进展及存在问题,并提出加紧筛选和发现野生高生物量的金属超富集植物,在现有高生物量作物种质资源中筛选金属超富集作物,应用遗传工程技术把野生植物的超富集基因转移到现有高生物量植物(作物)中,寻找综合、可持续的植物修复手段等对策。  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal pollution, influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors, significantly reduces environmental quality. In this study, Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, and Pb in eight different land-use soils from Patuakhali District in Bangladesh were assessed. Concentrations of Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, and Pb in soils were 1-87, 5-271, 4-181, 0-80, 0.2-24.0, and 5-276 mg kg-1, respectively, measured using an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer. The enrichment factor, pollution load index (PLI), and contamination factor (Cfi) of metal i were used to assess the ecological risk posed by metals in soils. The PLI ranged from 0.78 to 2.66, indicating baseline levels to progressive deterioration of soil due to metal contamination. However, Cfi of Cd ranged from 1.8 to 12.0, which showed that the studied soils were strongly impacted by Cd. Considering the severity of the potential ecological risk of a single metal, the descending order was Cd > As > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cr. Soils under all land uses showed moderate to very high potential ecological risk.  相似文献   

高羊茅和黑麦草对污染土壤Cd,Pb,Zn的富集特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以潮褐土为供试土壤,通过模拟试验研究了高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)和黑麦草(Lolium multif lorum)对复合污染土壤Cd,Pb,Zn的富集特点。结果表明,在土壤Cd,Pb,Zn复合污染处理条件下,高羊茅Cd,Pb,Zn的平均富集量,地上部分别为5.76,19.77,418.18 mg/kg,地下部分别为129.82,256.66,354.66 mg/kg;黑麦草Cd,Pb,Zn的平均富集量,地上部分别为5.57,26.13,467.18 mg/kg,地下部分别为114.53,155.98,513 48 mg/kg。通过方差分析,这两种草坪草的重金属富集量没有显著差异,并且富集规律呈现较为一致的特点。地上部的富集量和土壤重金属含量的离子冲量呈显著的线性相关。这两种草坪草对其重金属的富集能力顺序为:Zn>Cd>Pb,其中对Zn的吸收呈现富集植物的特性规律,当土壤Zn含量>400 mg/kg时,其转运系数>1,地上部对Zn的富集能力很强,可作为Zn污染土壤的修复植物。通过偏相关和多元回归分析表明,这两种草坪草在土壤Cd,Pb,Zn复合污染条件下均未产生复合效应。  相似文献   

苏南地区土壤重金属向蔬菜的迁移研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Vegetable fields in peri-urban areas receive large amounts of extraneous heavy metals because of rapid urbanization and industrialization in China. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb in 30 soil samples and 32 vegetable samples, collected from 30 different sites in southern Jiangsu Province of China, were measured and their transfer from soil to vegetable was determined. The results showed that the soil samples had wide ranges of pH (4.25-7.85) and electrical conductivity (EC) (0.24-3.42 dS m-1). Among the soil samples, there were four soil samples containing higher Cu and two soil samples containing higher Zn concentrations than those specified in the Chinese Soil Environmental Quality Standard II. However, no vegetable sample was found to contain a high level of Cu or Zn. In contrast, one vegetable sample contained 0.243 mg Pb kg-1 FW, which was above the Chinese Food Hygiene Standard, whereas the corresponding soil Pb concentration was lower than the Chinese Soil Environmental Quality Standard II. The transfer coefficients of Cu of all vegetable samples exceeded the suggested coefficient range, implying that extraneous Cu had high mobility and bioavailability to vegetables. There was no significant correlation between extractable soil heavy metal concentrations with four kinds of extractants and soil pH, EC, heavy metal concentrations in vegetables and soils, except that soil pH correlated well with the extractable soil Cu, Zn, and Pb concentrations with 1.0 mol L-1 NH4NO3. Moreover, diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction method was a more effcient method of extracting heavy metals from the soils independent of soil pH and EC than other three methods used.  相似文献   

A greenhouse assay using an arugula (Eruca sativa L.) hydroponics system was carried out to evaluate the following effects of increasing amounts of cadmium and lead in nutritive solution: (a) production; (b) translocation of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) throughout the plants; (c) possible interactions of Cd and Pb with other mineral elements, transition metals, essential to plants; (d) tolerance limits to Cd and Pb with regard to production; and (e) chelating interaction of Cd and Pb with root substances. The absorption of Cd and Pb increased with increasing dosages in solution. Roots accumulated larger amounts of metals than shoots. Plants develop better with less than 0.025 mg L?1 of Cd, with a damaging Cd concentration of 1 mg L?1. The tolerable Pb concentration was up to 10 mg L?1. Cadmium and Pb translocate poorly in plants and their deleterious effect is due to the deposit of very stable chelates in roots.  相似文献   

Simultaneous soil acidification and deposition of heavy metals is a major concern for forest and agricultural soils of the Black Triangle region of East Central Europe including southern former East Germany, northern Bohemia of the Czech Republic, and southern Poland. The objective of this project was to develop historical and future projections of acid and heavy metal deposition to soils (As, Cd, Pb, Zn) and to produce a preliminary map of soil sensitivity to cadmium pollution and uptake by crops. Ultimately, we wish to assess the relative hazard and recovery times of soils to metals deposition in the region. Emission and deposition data bases obtained from several models developed at IIASA were linked using the Geographical Information System ARC/INFO to produce soil maps of sensitivity to cadmium mobility based on metals deposition, soil type, soil texture, organic matter content, and acid deposition. RAINS 6.1 (Alcamo et al., 1990) was utilized to produce maps of acid deposition for EMEP grids (150 km x 150 km). The largest amount of acid load is deposited in southern East Germany. Sulfur deposition in that area was 10–12 gS/m2/yr in 1990, and S+N deposition exceeded 8000 eq/ha/yr. But the hot spot for metals deposition is further to the east, in the Silesia area of southern Poland. The TRACE2 trajectory model of Alcamo, Bartnicki, and Olendrzynski (1992) was used to estimate cumulative metals deposition since 1955 with scenarios to 2010. Pb has improved over Europe since 1970 when depositions in the Ruhr River Valley of West Germany exceeded 60 mg/m2/yr. But cadmium deposition in southern Poland (Katowice and Krakow) has now accumulated to 60–70 mg/m2 by atmospheric deposition alone. During base case simulations from 1955–87, approximately 1.8 mg/kg Pb and 0.12 mg/kg Cd have been added to the mixed plow-layer of 30 cm. If these emissions continue indefinitely, the accumulation of metals will become problematic for agriculture and the food chain.  相似文献   

土壤环境质量铅镉基准值的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了分别用生物环境效应试验和土壤生态地球化学方法研究铅镉基准值的特点和进展。探讨了土壤生态地球化学,地球化学以及生态毒理学研究者对铅镉土壤环境质量基准值的研究思路。比较了国内外在确定铅镉基准值时存在的差异。列举了针对不同口的制订铅镉基准值的研究现状。为完善现有土壤环境质量标准提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

 The effect of addition of municipal solid waste (MSW) at different degrees of stabilisation on the biological properties of an arid soil was studied 24 months after application. This included effects on the indigenous soil microflora and soil enzyme activities in the presence and absence of Pythium ultimum. The addition of organic waste (fresh or composted) reduced populations of culturable bacteria and fungi and disease symptoms caused by P. ultimum, and resulted in heavier plants with longer and more extensively branched roots. Addition of organic waste increased the population size of culturable bacteria and fungi, while enzymatic activity of the soil was higher in soil amended with organic matter than in non-amended soil. Populations of biological control agents, such as Trichoderma and fluorescent pseudomonads, were larger in soil amended with organic matter. The addition of urban waste could therefore be a suitable technique with which to restore soil quality by stimulating biological control against plant pathogens such as P. ultimum. Received: 3 May 1999  相似文献   

Industrial Cu and Zn pollution reduces the decomposition rate, phosphatase activity, and P mineralization rate in the mor horizon of conifer forest surrounding a brass mill in Sweden. There is statistical evidence for Cu being more responsible for this effect than Zn at about equal concentrations. A negative influence on the phosphatase activity is measurable already at a low degree of pollution. A higher pH of the soil may counteract the heavy metal effect to some extent.  相似文献   

通过对来源于广东省516个蔬菜种植基地18种蔬菜品种1 465个样品中铅、镉含量的检测分析,结果表明:蕹菜品种铅平均含量最高(0.11mg·kg-1),西洋菜镉平均含量最高(0.060mg·kg-1);总样品铅检测合格率97.0%,镉检测合格率98.9%;所检蔬菜品种的铅、镉平均污染指数均小于0.7。表明广东省各生产基地的蔬菜重金属安全状况总体较好,处于优良水平。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验及连续浸提形态分级方法,研究了Cd和Pb在土壤中的形态分布规律及其对油菜的生物有效性的影响。结果表明,当土壤受外源Cd/Pb污染后,重金属的形态分布特征发生了变化,以可交换态(EXC)响应最大,Cd、Pb的赋存形态分别以碳酸盐结合态(CAB)、铁锰氧化态(FMO)和碳酸盐结合态(CAB)为主;一定浓度范围内的Cd/Pb复合胁迫能促进油菜的生长,油菜根系和茎叶的Cd、Pb含量均随着Cd/Pb复合胁迫水平的升高而持续增加。茎叶中的Cd含量远远高于根系,Pb含量反之。油菜可将更多的Cd从根系转移至茎叶,而将更多的Pb滞留在根系中;对油菜根系吸收Cd最重要的形态为可交换态(EXC)和碳酸盐结合态(CAB),而对茎叶吸收Cd以及油菜吸收Pb贡献最大的则为碳酸盐结合态(CAB)。  相似文献   

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