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After nine experimental years in a field trial with four fertiliser treatments combined with five mineral N treatments and cultivation of sugar beets, winter wheat and winter barley yearly the after effect has been tested in a pot experiment with raygras. After the end of the field trial soil has been taken from all the four organic treatments, from two mineral N treatments and from each crop in the crop rotation. The after effect of nine years different organic fertilisation has been proved to be apparent, but is heavily covered by the effect of the precrop and partly also by the N-fertilisation in the field. Nevertheless the second organic fertiliser treatment (catch crop, straw, leaves of sugar beets) was concerning the after effect more effective compared with the treatment application of pig slurry yearly to all crops or the application of pig slurry once in three years to sugar beets.The effect of the last cultivated crop in the field trial influenced the after effect of grass in some cases significantly. Sugar beets were superior to winter wheat and winter barley.The N-contents in the grass and the N-uptake were significantly influenced by the additional N-application in the pot experiment. The other factors were only of small influence.Summarizing the results of the pot trial show, that after nine years different organic fertilisation no clear evaluation is possible about its after effect, due to partly significant interactions with the precrop and the mineral N-fertilisation.  相似文献   

Roads may effect animal communities in various ways. One such way is ‘di sturbance’, i.e. emission of stimuli to which animals may respond by avoiding the vicinity of the road. The extent, intensity and mechanism of this effect is almost entirely unknown. Veen (1973), studying the bird species lapwing Vanellus vanellus, black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa, oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, redshank Tringa totanus and ruff Philomachus pugnax in open grassland areas, found disturbance over surprisingly long distances, ranging from 500–600 m for a quiet rural road to 1600–1800m for a busy highway. However, his approach has met with serious methodological criticism.The validity of Veen's conclusions was tested by critically reanalysing bird distribution in one of his study plots. It is inferred that his conclusions do hold for the lapwing, the godwit and possibly the redshank, though not for the oystercatcher. An additional field study in four areas yielded similar results, with comparable disturbance distances. The total population loss over this distance may amount to 60%. Rough indications were obtained that the distance-density graph is a logistic one, while the relation between traffic volume and total population loss is possibly logarithmic. In addition confirmation was obtained of the general impression that, apart from roads, disturbance may also be caused by farms, other buildings and plantations, suggesting that disturbance caused by a road is not easily eliminated by planting trees alongside.It is recommended that extra care be taken in planning new roads, while impact statements concerning roads which disregard disturbance and other long-distance effects on the fauna should be rejected.  相似文献   

Unique experiments performed since the 1950s at the Arshan’-Zel’men Experimental Station have formed the basis for afforestation in the dry steppe and semidesert zone without irrigation on the salt-affected soils of solonetzic soil complexes of the Ergeni Upland. Ameliorative measures favored the accumulation of productive moisture in the upper 2-m-thick soil layer, which ensured the growth of trees and the partial leaching of soluble salts to a depth of 1–1.4 m. However, no complete desalinization of the soil profiles took place. The degree of removal of exchangeable sodium from the exchange complex (soil dealkalization) was smaller. The monitoring of changes in the salt status of the soils upon agroforest reclamation was performed until the early 1980s. Our investigations of 2005–2006 showed that the soil amelioration is still in progress: the salt maximum in the profile of the solonetzes descended to a depth of 2.2 m, and the exchangeable sodium was lost from the plow layer (0–40 cm). Plowed soils between forest shelterbelts were also subjected to desalinization and dealkalization of their soil profile, though less intensely than those under the shelterbelts.  相似文献   

Aerobic soils are important sinks for atmospheric methane. CH4 oxidation, mediated mainly by methanotrophic bacteria, is the responsible process, which is strongly inhibited by ammonium accessible for nitrification. An inhibitory effect immediately after fertilization as well as a long-term effect exists, which results from repeated ammonium applications and which is independent from the actual concentration of NH4+-N in soil. This long-term effect could be caused by a shift in the microbial population of the soil. Thus, with soil samples from long-term fertilization treatments of the field experiment ”︁Ewiger Roggenbau” at Halle (Germany) incubation studies were conducted to investigate the interference between CH4 oxidation and nitrification and to determine the cell numbers of methanotrophic bacteria. Including the treatments PK, NPK, and farmyard manure, which were established in 1878, a close negative correlation between CH4 oxidation and net nitrification was found (r = —0.92). The CH4 oxidation rates, determined with an initial concentration of 10 μl CH4 l—1, varied between 6.7 and 1.1 μg C kg—1 d—1 in the PK and NPK treatment, respectively. After application of NH4Cl a strong inhibition of CH4 oxidation occurred, which was 91%, 88%, 81%, and 63% in the treatments PK, NPK, FYM, and U (unfertilized), respectively. After a lag-phase of 2 to 3 weeks an incubation with high CH4 concentrations (20 Vol.% CH4) could induce CH4 oxidizing activity in the NPK treatments under continuous rye or maize cropping. An increase of up to 40 times in comparison to the control under atmospheric CH4 (2 μl CH4 l—1) was observed. A negative correlation (r = —0.74) existed between the CH4 oxidation rates of the soils without recently applied NH4+ and the numbers of methanotrophic bacteria, determined with the ”︁most probable number” method (MPN). Thus, the MPN technique is not suitable to characterize the physiologically active population of methanotrophic bacteria in soils, which oxidize CH4 in the atmospheric concentration range. The results of this study suggest that in aerobic arable soils methanotrophic bacteria and not nitrifiers are responsible for CH4 oxidation.  相似文献   


Long-term microscale field experiments established at four sites in the Czech Republic (since 1996) were used for an assessment of the severity of the wide-scale contamination of treated soils by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as a result of the long-term regular pollutant load via sewage sludge and farmyard manure applications and for an estimation of the potential environmental risk caused by long-term pollutant inputs to agricultural soils.

Material and methods

The experimental plots were treated as follows: (i) NPK mineral fertilization (NPK); (ii) sewage sludge (SS1); (iii) sewage sludge applied at three times the rate compared to SS1 (SS2); (iv) farmyard manure (FYM); and (v) untreated control. Except for antibiotics, which showed results for all analyses below the detection limit, all groups of the analyzed compounds showed measurable contents in the treated soils.

Results and discussion

Among the POPs, the levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were detected at two locations at levels exceeding the Czech preventive values for their contents in agricultural soils (7.5 μg/kg for dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane family, 20 μg/kg for hexachlorbenzene, and 10 μg/kg for α-hexachlorocyclohexane), regardless of the treatment. Similarly, elevated contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were occasionally observed without any substantial relationship to the fertilizer application scenario. Thus, these contaminants are connected with atmospheric deposition in the given areas (PAHs) and their long-term stability (OCPs) even several decades after their ban; the role of the fertilizer composition was negligible.


The levels of per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances, brominated flame retardants, and synthetic musk compounds tended to increase in the sewage sludge–treated plots, indicating that sewage sludge can contribute to the abundance of these compounds in soil, although the contaminant levels determined do not represent a direct environmental risk. The levels of these contaminants in sewage sludge and sludge-treated soils should be regularly monitored in further research.


The near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) method was used in the present study to compare earthworm-made soil aggregates to aggregates found in the surrounding bulk soil. After initially assessing the daily cast production of Metaphire posthuma, boxes with soil incubated with M. posthuma and control soils were subjected to wetting in order to reorganize the soil structure. After two months of incubation, soil aggregates produced by earthworms (casts and burrows), soil aggregates that were appeared to be unaffected by earthworms (bulk soil without visible trace of earthworm bioturbation from the earthworm treatment) and soil aggregates that were entirely unaffected by earthworms (control – no earthworm – treatment) were sampled and their chemical signatures analyzed by NIRS. The production of below-ground and surface casts reached 14.9 g soil g worm?1 d?1 and 1.4 g soil g worm?1 d?1, respectively. Soil aggregates from the control soils had a significantly different NIRS signature from those sampled from boxes with earthworms. However, within the earthworm incubation boxes the NIRS signature was similar between cast and burrow aggregates and soil aggregates from the surrounding bulk soil. We conclude that the high cast production by M. posthuma and the regular reorganization of the soil structure by water flow in and through the soil lead to a relatively homogenous soil structure. Given these results, we question the relevance of considering the bulk soil that has no visible activity of earthworm activity as a control to determine the effect of earthworms on soil functioning.  相似文献   

The population of burrowing plateau zokors (Myospalax baileyi) was markedly increased in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of zokor foraging and mound-making disturbance on topsoil properties and organic C pools at an alpine site of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Surface (0–15 cm) soil samples were collected from mounds with different ages (3 months and 3, 6, and 15 years) and from undisturbed grassland. Above- and below-ground plant biomasses were depleted by zokors in newly created mounds (3 months). Plant cover and root biomass gradually recovered thereafter, but were still lower in the 15-year-old mounds than in the undisturbed soils. Organic C contents of coarse (>2 mm), soil (<2 mm), particulate (2–0.05 mm) fractions, and microbial biomass, organic C mineralization, β-glucosidase activity, urease activity, alkaline phosphatase activity, acid phosphatase activity, and soil aggregation were significantly lower in the 3, 6, and 15-year-old mound soils than in the undisturbed soils or newly created mound soils. Fifteen years after mound creation, the soil had only 12% of root biomass, 35% of coarse organic C, 83% of particulate organic C, 58% of microbial biomass C, 57% of 30-day respired C, and 45% of water-stable aggregate mean weight diameter, compared to values of the undisturbed soils. Our results suggested that foraging and mound-making by zokors have negative impacts on properties and organic matter content of the topsoil.  相似文献   



Wastewater irrigation is still a common practice in many cities worldwide. After ending the wastewater irrigation, the question arises as to how the highly polluted areas can be reused. Mostly, the remediation costs for liming or adding synthetic soil conditioners are too high for decision makers, often leading to unattractive wastelands in neighboring suburbs. This story shows how part of a former wastewater disposal field in Berlin (Germany) was remediated by adding and mixing loam-rich glacial until excavated from subway construction work. The remediation led to long-term improvements of soil and landscape, which nowadays is an attractive forested recreation area. Part of this landscape is used as an ecological lab for research, art, and education.

Materials and methods

The article summarizes the results of soil analysis of the contamination status and remediation technique over the last 2 decades. We collected and reevaluated historical data, research results, technical reports, and graphic materials concerning the wastewater disposal field in Berlin, Germany.

Results and discussion

The remediation concept without adding any synthetic substances was a successful soft technology leading to (i) a reduction of the long-term groundwater risk, (ii) an immobilization of the trace element concentration in the soil solution, and (iii) a reduction of the metal uptake by plants. Remediation led to much better conditions for plant growth, soil fauna, and microbiological activity, which improved the environment in a sustainable way. The implementation of a new landscape concept combining ecology, culture, and art totally changed the character of the landscape from former stinking wastewater fields to present-day attractive sites that can be used for many purposes.


The remediation of the former wastewater disposal fields, using natural glacial till materials rich in clay and silt, became a “story of success.” However, a remediation project of this type and scope only becomes reality if all responsible actors in society participate continuously. We conclude that stakeholders should not focus only on remediation costs but also on the benefits for society: reclaiming waste sites significantly improves our well-being.

Four Scythian kurgans of the burial site Beloe Lake-3 were studied in the Turan–Uyuk Depression in the Republic of Tyva. They were constructed about 2565–2390 calendar years ago (calibrated with deviation 1 σ). Soil formation after 2500 yrs of the construction of the kurgans was examined in the interkurgan area. The properties of the background surface and ancient buried soils have much in common, and the difference between the soils of the four kurgans is small. This attests to the fact that the paleoclimatic conditions in the period of the necropolis construction remained stable and were similar to the modern climatic conditions. According to palynological data, the climate at the stage of the construction of the first two kurgans was a little more humid in comparison with the modern climate; it became somewhat drier after 95 years, during the construction of the third kurgan (2425 cal. BP) and again tended to humidification at the final stage of the necropolis creation. These changes in the paleoclimatic conditions are indicated by variations in the structure and composition of associations of xerophytes, mesophytes, hydrophytes, and ruderal plants. At the Uyuk stage, the area was mainly occupied by steppe phytocenoses with a predominance of xerophytes over mesophytes, and hydrophilous vegetation was allocated to moistened habitats near water reservoirs. Larch forests grew near water bodies. The variable anthropogenic impact on the landscape was stronger at the initial and final stages of the construction of the Uyuk culture necropolis.  相似文献   

In this field study, we explored the spatial segregation between the litter- and humus-inhabiting organisms of the detrital food web using 15N-isotope technique. The study was established in 11 × 11 m plots fertilized with 15N-labelled urea. Ten years after urea application, soil samples were taken, both from the litter layer and the combined F+H layer. The samples were analysed for N content and the proportion of 15N in (i) the residual organic matter in the litter and F+H layer (excluding microbes), (ii) microbial biomass, and (iii) various feeding guilds of soil fauna. The basal resource, soil microbes, and the fauna were more enriched with 15N in the F+H layer than in the litter layer. In the litter layer, the 15N enrichment of the expected food source equalled the one of the consumers, whereas in the F+H layer all trophic groups, except microbes and small microbi-detritivores, showed a significantly lower 15N enrichment than their expected food source. The results indicate that large and mobile humus-inhabiting decomposers exploit the overlying litter layer as a feeding site, whereas the feeding of the more sedentary smaller organisms is restricted to the humus layer.  相似文献   

Foliar concentrations of eight essential elements were measured in three sizes of Metrosideros polymorpha tree seedlings that had been subjected to five different light levels as part of a canopy thinning experiment in a Hawaiian montane rain forest. Most element concentrations were reduced by increased light intensity, but this was statistically significant only for Ca, Mg, and Zn. N and P concentrations markedly decreased with increasing plant size. No element exhibited consistent concentration increases in response to higher light or greater size. As in temperate herbaceous species, lower element concentrations associated with larger or more illuminated plants may represent a dilution effect related to the cumulative amount of C fixed in the lifetime of individual leaves. The rapid growth of newly unshaded seedlings may result in nutrient limitations in seedlings not rooted in mineral soil.  相似文献   

The cold tolerance of flower buds of apple Malus domestica Borkh. ('Mclntosh'/M.7) declined during spring growth. The absence of fruit in the previous year increased the ability of the buds to withstand lower temperatures. All flower buds retained the capacity to tolerate freezing injury until first pink stage. The median lethal temperature (MLT) of the flower buds increased relatively throughout the sampling period. The flower buds of cropped trees were more susceptible to low temperature injury during spring at all stages of development. The flower buds of non‐cropped trees contained higher levels of hydrophilic and acidic amino acids from October until April, which may be related to their greater cold tolerance. A new nitrogen:protein conversion factor (5.51) was calculated based on total amino acid analysis which could be substituted for 6.25 as a means of estimating total protein content of apple flower bud tissue using the Kjeldahl method.  相似文献   

The results of soil studies performed in 2005–2009 at the first experimental plot of the Arshan’-Zelmen Research Station of the Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences are discussed. The post-reclamation state (about 55 years after reclamation) of the soils under forest shelterbelts and adjacent croplands in the rainfed agriculture was studied. The long-term efficiency of forest reclamation and crop-growing technologies developed in the 1950s by the Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute and the Institute of Forest to reclaim strongly saline solonetzic soils was proved. In 55 years, strongly saline sodic solonetzes with sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate composition of salts were replaced by agrogenic soils with new properties. Under forest shelterbelts, where deep (40–60 cm) plowing was performed, the soils were transformed into slightly saline solonetzic agrozems with slight soda salinization in the upper meter and with dealkalized plowed and turbated horizons (0–20(40) cm). Under the adjacent cropland subjected to the influence of the shelterbelts on the soil water regime, strongly saline solonetzes were transformed into solonchakous agrosolonetzes with slight soda salinization in the upper 50 cm. In the plow layer, the content of exchangeable sodium decreased to 4–12% of the sum of exchangeable cations. An increased alkalinity and the presence of soda were found in the middle-profile horizons of the anthropogenically transformed soils.  相似文献   

Neglecting the spatial variation in soil nutrient status may result in unused yield potential and in environmental damage. Site-specific management has been suggested to reduce inappropriate fertilization that can adversely affect soil, ground and surface water. Decision criteria for determining variable-rate nitrogen fertilization are, however, lacking. This paper analyses the spatial variation of nitrate nitrogen (NO3–N) and soil properties related to the N cycle at the plot-scale. Three 50×50 m plots were sampled in nested sampling designs of varying complexities. Classical statistics revealed a characteristic ranking in the variability of soil properties. Geostatistical analysis of the NO3–N data from two plots showed that the small-scale variation found in one small subgrid was not typical for the small-scale variation in the entire plot, indicating bias in the sampling design. A trend component was found in the NO3–N data and, consequently, the minimal requirement for the regionalized variable theory was not fulfilled. Problems due to design were overcome with a more complex nested sampling at the third plot. However, the spherical model fitted to the NO3–N data of the first year explained only 21% of the total variance, whereas a pure nugget effect was observed in the second year. The water content data also showed a low structural variance, which was different in the two years. In contrast, two thirds of the variance of total carbon (Ct) and total nitrogen (Nt) could be explained by the fitted models. Seasonal variations, such as varying duration of snow cover, and extrinsic management effects, such as growing of a cover crop, may have contributed to the observed differences in variability between the years. Due to the low proportion of structural variance and the observation that spatial distribution was not stable with time, geostatistical analysis of NO3–N and water contents data added only little information to classical statistical analysis. However, geostatistical analysis of total C and N contents provided a useful means to calculate spatial distribution patterns of these properties.  相似文献   

The watersheds at Bear Creek, Oak Ridge, TN, have similar soil–landscape relationships. The lower reaches of many of these watersheds consist of headwater riparian wetlands situated between sloping non-wetland upland zones. The objectives of this study are to examine the effects of (i) slope and geomorphic processes, (ii) human impacts, and (iii) particular characteristics of soils and saprolite that may effect drainage and water movement in the wetlands and adjacent landscapes in one of these watersheds. A transect was run from west to east in a hydrological monitored area at the lower reaches of a watershed on Bear Creek. This transect extended from a steep side slope position across a floodplain, a terrace, and a shoulder slope. On the upland positions of the Nolichucky Shale, mass wasting, overland flow and soil creep currently inhibit soil formation on the steep side slope position where a Typic Dystrudept is present, while soil stability on the shoulder slope has resulted in the formation of a well-developed Typic Hapludult. In these soils, argillic horizons occur above C horizons on less sloping gradients in comparison to steeper slopes, which have Bw horizons over Cr (saprolite) material. A riparian wetland area occupies the floodplain section, where a Typic Endoaquept is characterized by poorly drained conditions that led to the development of redoximorphic features (mottling), gleying, organic matter accumulation, and minimal development of subsurface horizons. A thin colluvial deposit overlies a thick well developed Aquic Hapludalf that formed in alluvial sediments on the terrace position. The colluvial deposit from the adjacent shoulder slope is thought to result from soil creep and anthropogenic erosion caused by past cultivation practices. Runoff from the adjacent sloping landscape and groundwater from the adjacent wetland area perhaps contribute to the somewhat poorly drained conditions of this profile. Perched watertables occur in upland positions due to dense saprolite and clay plugging in the shallow zones of the saprolite. However, no redoximorphic features are observed in the soil on the side slope due to high runoff. Remnants of the underlying shale saprolite, which occur as small discolored zones resembling mottles, are also present. The soils in the study have a CEC of <10 cmol kg−1, silt loam textures and Fed values of 0.5–4.3%. These soils are also mainly acidic and low in total carbon.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition was almost entirely excluded from the forested headwater catchment G1 ROOF, by means of a 7000 m2 plastic roof that prevents rain and throughfall from reaching the ground. Under the roof an irrigation system was installed to simulate a natural precipitation regime. The intercepted throughfall was substituted by the same amount of clean pre-industrial throughfall. The experiment started in April 1991. During the four years of the treatment, 2960 mm (18 600 m3) of sprinkled solution was applied under the roof, which is about 15 times the mean water storage of the catchment. After four years of treatment major changes in runoff chemistry were observed. The exclusion of all non-marine sulphate (SO4 2–) input to the catchment (i.e. ca 75 % of total SO4 2– input excluded) resulted in significant decline of sulphate in runoff through all four years of treatment. During the fourth year, annual volume weighted SO4 2– concentration was 46 % lower than the two years prior to the treatment. Concentrations of inorganic aluminium Al3+ declined 52 % and Mg2+ declined 54 %. No change of H+ concentration was detected. As the treatment proceeds there seems to be a trend towards less negative acid neutralising capacity in runoff.  相似文献   

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