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In northern Ecuador, soils of high altitude grasslands (páramos) are mainly non-allophanic Andisols developed on Holocenic volcanic ash. These soils have a high water retention capacity and are the “water tank” of central Ecuador. To assess the effect of land use (burning and tillage) on soil hydrodynamic properties, rainfall simulation was conducted at two different sites. At Pichincha near Quito, the simulation was conducted on a recent volcanic ash soil comparing natural, tilled and burned plots. At El Angel, the simulation was conducted on a mature non-allophanic Andisol comparing natural, recently tilled and formerly cultivated plots.On natural plots, the infiltration rate was very high and sediment loss very low. Results for infiltration rate and runoff indicated that land use change on páramos increased runoff flow and reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity. Superficial reorganisation of the soil surfaces occurred on tilled plots at both sites. This crusting process was fast and resulted in surfaces with very low conductivity at Pichincha. The same processes seemed to be slower at El Angel. The soil surface of recent Andisols at Pichincha was prone to crusting whereas the mature Andisol, at El Angel, with a lower bulk density, was compacted when the kinetic energy of raindrops was high. Water repellency occurred after burning at Pichincha and following long natural air drying after tillage in the non-allophanic A horizon at El Angel. Water repellency combined with the low bulk density of soil aggregates explain the intensity of sediment losses in the abandoned soils after cultivation (Bare fallow plots). Erosion occurred in these areas through floating hydrophobic and stable aggregates.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to elucidate the distribution patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria in a paddy-field soil quantitatively by the use of Morishita's -index. It was shown from the -quadrat size relations and (s)/(2s) curves that the bacterial distribution was not uniform nor random, but contagious, forming a small clump or clumps of several sizes, which were estimated to be 8 to 32 mm2.  相似文献   

The advent of civilization has made humans dependent on plants for food and medicine, leading to the intensification of agricultural production. The intense cultivation of crops has resulted in the depletion of available nutrients from soil, thereby demanding the application of excess nutrients to soil to improve yield. Thus, mineral fertilizer discovery and application have, in many ways, contributed greatly to meeting global food demands. However, aside from the positive effects of mineral fer...  相似文献   

The effects of five conservation tillage drills with crop residue levels covering between 17% and 79% of the soil, and tillage depths ranging from 25 to 200 mm, were examined over 3 years. The tillage systems ranged from a relatively disruptive Farm System to a Low Disruption system, with three intermediate treatments labelled Sumo DTS, Claydon and Mzuri. The study involved field sites on a clay or clay loam soil, where winter wheat and oilseed rape were grown in rotation. In the clay field, the Mzuri and Low Disruption treatments, which produced the highest residue coverage, showed the greatest increase in surface total soil organic carbon (1.1 and 0.48 Mg C ha−1, respectively) between years 1 and 3. The least disruptive tillage system also resulted in the highest density of earthworms (181–228 m−2), and the most disruptive system produced the lowest densities (75–98 m−2). In the third year, the least disruptive system also showed a higher proportion of water-stable aggregates (29.8%) than the other treatments (22.7%–25.3%). Linear regressions showed positive relationships of both soil organic carbon and earthworm density with surface residue cover, and of the proportion of water-stable aggregates with soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative method (VERMOST) to evaluate complex site conditions at the level of a federal state (Brandenburg) and at different areal units. The methodology uses primary site conditions and provides the possibility to objectively compare and judge different ecological questions. Objects with heterogeneous content are pooled in comparison groups. Considering the main site characteristics allows a goal-oriented allocation of subsidies. The use of VERMOST is demonstrated for the wind and water erosion risk assessment across different scales from a federal state down to a parcel of land. The ‘parcel’ aggregation-level proves to be useful to assess the erosion risk. Larger scales are less useful in the assessment of subsidies policy with regard to erosion risk. A moving-window-technique combined with VERMOST is demonstrated to be suitable for comparing and assessing regional aspects more objectively compared with data administratively linked.  相似文献   

Soil erosion and sediments in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin as a result of climate change and changes in land use pose a threat to the existence of the riparian people, biodiversity and ecosystems. This study seeks to assess the annual soil erosion in terms of spatial distribution and the trends of sediment yield with the climate and land changes in future scenarios in 2030 and 2040 through the modified RUSLE model. Future lands were simulated by using the MLP artificial neural network and the Markov chain analysis. The future climate was examined by using the Max Planck Institute model, which showed a corrected bias and downscaled grid size under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The simulated land use indicated that the forest areas were converted mostly to agricultural lands and urban areas. In the future, the average rainfall under all RCP scenarios is higher than that from the historical period. The R and C factors changed constantly, thereby affecting the soil erosion rate and sediment yield. The maximum erosion was estimated at approximately 21,000 and 21,725 t/km2/y under RCP8.5 in both years. Meanwhile, the results of sediment yield in 2030 and 2040 under RCP scenarios were much higher when compared to historical sediment data around 66.3% and 71.2%, respectively. Thailand's plateau, some parts of Cambodia and Laos PDR and the Mekong Delta are vulnerable to increase soil erosion and sediment yield. Measures to address these issues need to be planned to prepare and mitigate the possible effects, especially the loss of storage capacity in dams.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage systems may be an option to allow rapid crop establishment in areas constrained by a short growing season, but such methods need to be adapted to soil tillage requirement and crop establishment needs. Rotation and tillage studies were conducted during a 6-year period on a fine sandy loam (Podzol) with silage maize (Zea mays L.) under the cool, humid climate, and relatively short growing season of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Canada. The objective was to compare a continuous maize rotation with a maize–barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) rotation, using both no-tillage and conventional mouldboard ploughing for the maize, and to evaluate treatment effects on maize growth and productivity, weed populations, and soil quality. Plant population and maize yield were not consistently influenced by the tillage or rotation treatments. Mean maize yield ranged from 7.2 to 7.7 Mg ha−1. An increasing density of weeds over the 6-year period, especially perennial species, was evident under no-tillage, compared to mouldboard ploughing. Except for slight changes in soil pH, spatial variation in extractable soil P, and a higher level of organic C and labile forms of C (microbial biomass and mineralizable C), soil chemical quality was similar among treatments. An apparent decline in soil physical quality, as indicated by a reduction in macro-porosity volume and increase in soil penetration resistance below the 8 cm soil depth, was evident under the no-tillage at the end of the 6-year period. However, macro-pore continuity was less affected by a reduction in tillage, while field measurements of soil hydraulic conductivity increased under no-tillage compared to ploughing. The latter result may be related to the observed increase in earthworm population where tillage was reduced. Use of rotational tillage resulted in an intermediate soil physical condition between continuous no-tillage and ploughing. Overall, no-tillage appears a promising strategy to facilitate a fast and early establishment of maize on sandy loam soils in Atlantic Canada, but some ongoing monitoring of the soil physical condition would be required.  相似文献   

 In the central highlands of Mexico, heavily eroded soils are often colonized by catclaw (Mimosa buincifiera): an N2-fixing shrub. An experiment was carried out to investigate how this shrub affected characteristics of the soil and its biological functioning. Soil was sampled from outside and under the canopy of catclaw at three sites characterized by different degrees of erosion and an increase in plant density. The soil microbial biomass C, total amounts of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing micro-organisms were measured, while production of CO2 and dynamics of nitrate (NO3 ), nitrite (NO2 ) and ammonium (NH4 +) were monitored in an aerobic incubation at 22±1  °C for 35 days. The C content was 1.6 times greater in the area with the largest density of plants and the least erosion (RECUP) compared with the site with the lowest density and greatest erosion (DEGR), while it was 1.2 times greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it (average of the three sites). The incorporation of N into the soil organic matter was greater under the canopy of the catclaw than outside it as the C:N ratio was on average 8.4 and 9. 1, respectively. The microbial biomass C, as a percentage of soil organic matter, was 1.5 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR site. Greatest total number of colony-forming bacteria and fungi (mean of organisms found under and outside the canopy) were found in the RECUP treatment and lowest in the DEGR treatment. Free-living N2-fixing organisms and actinomycetes showed opposite trends. Greater total numbers of colony-forming bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and free-living N2-fixing organisms (mean of the three treatments) were found under the canopy of catclaw than outside of it, Production of CO2 was 1.8 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 1.6 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. Production of NO3 was 1.3 times greater in the RECUP than in the DEGR and 3.5 times greater under the canopy of catclaw than outside. There was no significant effect of location or canopy on NO2 and NH4 + concentrations. It is concluded that the natural vegetation of catclaw increased microbial biomass and soil organic matter content under, but also outside its canopy, and preserved N better, releasing greater amounts of inorganic N upon mineralization. Catclaw can serve as a first colonizer of heavily eroded soil and be replaced by other vegetation, natural or crops, when fertility is restored. Received: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

We investigated tree species effects on the soil microbial community in the tropical montane forest on Mt. Kinabalu, in Malaysian Borneo. We investigated microbial composition (lipid profile) and soil physicochemical parameters (pH, moisture, total C, N and phenolics concentration) in top 5-cm soils underneath two conifers (Dacrycarpus imbricatus and Dacrydium gracilis) and three broad-leaves (Lithocarpus clementianus, Palaquium rioence and Tristaniopsis clementis). We found that the primary difference in microbial composition was between conifer versus broad-leaves. The abundance of specific microbial biomarker lipids correlated with soil pH, total C and N. We conclude that tree species have significant impacts on the soil microbial community through their effects on soil pH, total C and N.  相似文献   

 Extractability of microbial N was estimated using in situ labelling of the microbial population with 15N. Four arable soils (one grey forest soil and three chernozems with different long-term fertilization) were amended with (NH4)2SO4 (unlabelled or labelled with 15N) and d-glucose with a C : N ratio of 10 : 1 or 20 : 1 for the grey forest soil and 50 : 1 for the chernozems. d-glucose and labelled N with a C : N ratio of 20 : 1 did not cause microbial immobilization of unlabelled N. The use of substrates with a C : N ratio of 50 : 1 led to a pronounced priming action on soil N and decreased the extractability of immobilized 15N. Values of the extractable biomass N fraction (k EN ) assessed for the fumigation-extraction and rehydration procedures were similar and varied in inverse proportion to the C : N ratio of the flush. The k EN factor was calculated using values of the C : N ratio in flushes and the fixed C : N ratio of structural cell components, with the assumption that the C : N ratio of the extractable cytoplasmic cell fraction is variable. The ratio between the extractable and non-extractable biomass N fraction (k EC ) and the C : N ratio of non-extractable cell components were assessed as equation parameters optimized for the measured k EN and C : N ratio of flush data. Received: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

Der geringe Bestand an Rindern in den neuen Bundesländern lässt auch den Einsatz von Schafen zur Offenhaltung des Niedermoorgrünlandes erforderlich werden. Die hohe Selektivität bei der Futteraufnahme macht Maßnahmen des Weidemanagements erforderlich, die über die reine Standweide hinausgehen. Der Verlauf der TS-Gehalte im Aufwuchs zeigt ein deutliches Maximum im Juni. Durchwuchs junger Triebe im Sommer lässt die Gehalte im Mittel zwar absinken, der Bestand bleibt aber sehr unausgeglichen. Bei Einschaltung einer Mähnutzung werden wichtige Parameter im Sinne von Futterqualität und Verzehrleistung positiv beeinflusst (TS-Gehalt, Rohfaser, Rohprotein). Die späte Mahd ist kaum wirkungsvoll und kann auf biologisch aktiven Weideflächen durch Verteilung von Erdaufhäufungen zur Verschmutzung des Futters beitragen.  相似文献   

Forty-two-day-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. Asakazekomugi) plants were treated with complete, K-free (—K), Ca-limited (—Ca), and Mg-free (—Mg) nutrient solutions for 10 days using 2 mM NH4NO3 as the nitrogen source, which was replaced with 4 mM 15 NH4C1 or Na15NO3 for the subsequent 2 days to investigate the absorption, translocation, and assimilation of inorganic nitrogen in relation to the mineral supply. In another experiment plants were grown on NO3 ?, NH4 +, NH4N03, and K-free and Ca-limited NH4N03 nutrient solutions for 10 days, and then in the latter three treatments the nitrogen source was replaced with NO3 ? and half of the —K plants received K for 6 days to examine the changes in the nitrate reductase activity (NRA).

Wheat plants absorbed NH4 ?N and NO3-N at a similar rate. Influence of K on the absorption of N03-N was stronger than that on the absorption of NH4-N in wheat plants. The supply of K to the —K plants increased the absorption of NO3-N, while the absorption of NH4-N still remained at a lower rate in spite of the addition of K. A limited supply of Ca and lack of Mg in nutrient media slightly affected the absorption of NH4-N. The influence of K was stronger on the translocation of nitrogen from roots to shoots, while Ca and Mg had little effect. When K was supplied again to the —K plants the translocation of NO3,-N was more accelerated than that of NH4-N. Incorporation of NH4-N into protein was higher than that of NO3-N in all the tissues; root, stem, and leaf. Assimilation of NH4-N and NO3-N decreased by the —K and —Mg treatments.

Leaf NRA of wheat plants decreased in the —K and —Ca plants. Higher leaf NRA was found when K was given again to the —K plants than when the plants were continuously grown in K-free media. Replacement of NO3 ? with NH4 + as the nitrogen source caused a decline of leaf NRA, while the supply of both NH4 ?N and NO3-N slightly affected the leaf NRA.  相似文献   


Long-term microscale field experiments established at four sites in the Czech Republic (since 1996) were used for an assessment of the severity of the wide-scale contamination of treated soils by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as a result of the long-term regular pollutant load via sewage sludge and farmyard manure applications and for an estimation of the potential environmental risk caused by long-term pollutant inputs to agricultural soils.

Material and methods

The experimental plots were treated as follows: (i) NPK mineral fertilization (NPK); (ii) sewage sludge (SS1); (iii) sewage sludge applied at three times the rate compared to SS1 (SS2); (iv) farmyard manure (FYM); and (v) untreated control. Except for antibiotics, which showed results for all analyses below the detection limit, all groups of the analyzed compounds showed measurable contents in the treated soils.

Results and discussion

Among the POPs, the levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were detected at two locations at levels exceeding the Czech preventive values for their contents in agricultural soils (7.5 μg/kg for dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane family, 20 μg/kg for hexachlorbenzene, and 10 μg/kg for α-hexachlorocyclohexane), regardless of the treatment. Similarly, elevated contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were occasionally observed without any substantial relationship to the fertilizer application scenario. Thus, these contaminants are connected with atmospheric deposition in the given areas (PAHs) and their long-term stability (OCPs) even several decades after their ban; the role of the fertilizer composition was negligible.


The levels of per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances, brominated flame retardants, and synthetic musk compounds tended to increase in the sewage sludge–treated plots, indicating that sewage sludge can contribute to the abundance of these compounds in soil, although the contaminant levels determined do not represent a direct environmental risk. The levels of these contaminants in sewage sludge and sludge-treated soils should be regularly monitored in further research.


In 1948, a model trial to study soil formation was arranged at Halle/Saale by K. Schmalfuß. Loess with very low content of soil organic matter was used as substrate. The aim was to investigate the soil formation processes influenced by the P and N mineral fertilization. After 30 years, crop yields reached a characteristic, approximately constant level corresponding to the different fertilization treatments and cultivated plants. Recent comparisons of the highest N with the no-N fertilizer treatment show that the mean shoot dry weight per year has a 2.5-fold higher but the Corg content in the topsoil only a 1.2-fold higher value. An accumulation of alkaline-soluble organic soil substances and a decrease of hot water soluble carbon compounds were observed in the highest fertilizer treatment as well as in the treatments without N or P fertilization. Carbon compounds were apparently enriched in the inert carbon pool of the topsoil. During soil formation, the cation exchange capacity and the content of easily soluble P compounds increased, lime content decreased and the C/N ratio became narrower. The results suggest that these parameters are continuing to change and the steady state of the level of organic soil substances and of the transformation processes between C pools in the topsoil has not yet been reached.  相似文献   


A method to determine the contents of imogolite and Al-rich allophane (Sil Al ? 1 : 2) in volcanic ash soils was presented. The method is based on the (1) assessment of the presence of Al-rich allophane in clays by successsive extraction with dithionite-citrate and oxalate-oxalic acid, (2) trimethylsilylation of soil clay with a mixture of hexamethyldisiloxane, HCl, and isopropyl alcohol, and determination of the content of monomeric Si based on the trimethylsilyl derivative of monomeric orthosilicate anion by gas / liquid chromatography, (3) determination of the total content of imogolite and Al-rich allophane based on the content of monomeric Si from imogolite, (4) determination of the imogolite content by Thermogravimetry (TG )-Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) based on the weight loss due to endothermic dehydroxylation with maximum values at ca. 386°C, (5) calculation of the Al-rich allophane content by subtracting the imogolite content from the total content of these minerals, and (6) evaluation of the imogolite and Al-rich allophane content of soil by multiplying clay content of soil and the two mineral content of clay. The trimethylsilylation analysis was found to be reproducible, and the estimated total amounts of two minerals in clays by this method were adequately approximated to those evaluated from the amount of Si (= Sio) extracted with oxalate-oxalic acid after extraction with dithionite-citrate. The variation in the abmldance of two minerals in the soil horizons of volcanic ash soils from the San'in region indicated that this method is suitable for the profile-study of volcanic ash soils.  相似文献   

On lowland moor large units pasture, which are used for holding paddock sheep, several differences in aerosis ability are given, in the apparent digestibility and in the capacity of energy (metabolizable energy and net energy lactation) in connection with stage of vegetation between several care variants (without fertilization, fertilized and combined utilization) of fodder plants. Especially in the second period of vegetation one has to consider a reduction of nutrient concentration in the fodder on unfertilized pasture segments. Under conditions of extensive grassland management with intensive races these relations have a limitative influence on the animal efficiency, because in fodder growth there are imbalances between the energy and protein supply. On the other hand, grass in the fertilized variant shows a higher digestibility and more energy at this time. In relation to the nutrient supply, the combined utilization is the most well-known variant. Lower raw fibre concentrations offer a high feed intake capacity for pasture animals.  相似文献   

Die bodenmeliorativen und ertragssteigernden Effekte des Einsatzes von N-modifizierter Weichbraunkohle als Humusdüngestoff bei der landwirtschaftlichen Rekultivierung humusfreier Kippenböden werden in mehreren Freilandversuchen überprüft. In diesem Beitrag wird über die zu Rekultivierungsbeginn mit W.-Roggen, W.-Weizen, Kartoffeln und Luzerne erzielten Ergebnisse berichtet.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The combination of chemostabilization and phytoextraction provide an affordable and environmentally effective remediation technology for the heavy metals in...  相似文献   

The effect of various combinations of organic and mineral N fertilizers was studied on the organic matter content of the soil, grain yield, dry matter production and N-uptake of maize. In a model experiment, large pots were filled with 55?kg sandy loam soil originating from the plots of the ‘International Long-term Experiments for Investigating the Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers’ (IOSDV), Keszthely. The field experiment, which was set up in 1983, contained three crop-rotations with maize, winter wheat and winter barley. Treatments: (1) inorganic fertilizers only with increasing N-doses (N); (2) farmyard manuring (FYM) in every third year+N; (3) stalk, straw or green manure+N. Our results clearly proved the advantage of organic matter recycling combined with mineral fertilization over treatment 1. In the fifth and sixth rotations, both types of organic matter recycling resulted in significantly higher Corg contents compared to mineral N fertilization without farmyard manuring or incorporation of crop residues. Grain yields in the field trial were the lowest in treatments without organic matter recycling. In the pot experiment, dry matter production and N accumulation in the grains and vegetative plant parts were also significantly higher in treatments where mineral fertilization was combined with organic matter recycling.  相似文献   

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