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盆栽选取四川、重庆典型的砂岩黄壤、灰岩黄壤、酸性紫色土为供试土壤,田间选取在砂岩黄壤上生长了25年的茶园,连续5年研究了施用钾肥(硫酸钾)对茶园土壤钾库及钾素平衡的影响。结果表明:施用钾肥能显著提高土壤钾库的各类钾素,但其绝对含量都呈逐年下降的趋势。土壤中各类钾素的变化因土壤类型而异,土壤各类钾素的增量均为灰岩黄壤砂岩黄壤酸性紫色土。不施钾肥(CK)的盆栽茶树、田间茶树分别每年从土壤取走钾素0.10.g/kg。盆栽三种土壤的钾素年平均流失量分则别为0.18.g/kg(灰岩黄壤)、0.09.g/kg(砂岩黄壤)、0.07g/kg(酸性紫色土),可见种植茶树施用K肥很有必要。  相似文献   

长期施肥对水稻土和紫色土钾素容量和强度关系的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用钾素容量/强度(Q/I)法研究了长期不同施肥对水稻土和紫色土供钾状况的影响。结果表明:经过长期不同施肥影响,水稻土和紫色土的钾离子平衡活度比(AR0K)大小顺序均表现出:化肥有机肥配施(NPKM)>化肥NPK配施(NPK)>不施肥(CK)>化肥氮单施(N)和化肥氮磷配施(NP);土壤活性钾(KL)、非专性吸附钾(-ΔK0)和专性吸附钾(KX)大小顺序水稻土为NPKM>NPK>CK>N和NP,紫色土为NPKM>NPK和CK>N和NP。长期施肥对水稻土钾位缓冲容量(PBCK)影响不明显,施肥15a后紫色土PBCK大小顺序为:NP>N>CK>NPKM和NPK。水稻土的AR0K、KL和-ΔK0值均大于紫色土,而其PBCK(21.7~29.1)和K+与Ca2++Mg2+交换自由能(-ΔG)值(11.4~13.9kJmol-1)小于紫色土(PBCK值为48.2~125.8,-ΔG值为14.9~19.9kJmol-1)。长期单施N和施NP条件下,土壤AR0K、KL、-ΔK0和KX值降低,而PBCK和-ΔG值升高,土壤(尤其是紫色土)钾素耗竭程度加剧,施NPK和NPKM减缓了土壤钾素的耗竭。长期不同施肥下,紫色土钾素的耗竭程度均高于水稻土,前者年均钾肥或有机肥的施用量不足。  相似文献   

四苯硼钠溶液中含钾矿物非交换态钾的释放特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含钾矿物的全钾含量、非交换态钾总量以及非交换态钾的释放速率因矿物种类而异,且3种参数之间没有必然的相关性。供试5种含钾矿物非交换态钾总量由高到低的顺序是:金云母 5.19% 黑云母3.08% 蛭石2.01% 白云母1.18% 钾长石0.24%,占各矿物全钾的比例分别为:58.4% 、99.7% 、62.5% 、14.2% 和4.98% ,平均达48%。选择较弱提取力的四苯硼钠溶液进行非交换态钾的释放特性研究,5种矿物非交换态钾3d释放累积量顺序为:黑云母 蛭石 金云母 白云母 钾长石;非交换态钾平均释放速率也表现为同样的顺序。上述5种矿物在弱提取力的四苯硼钠溶液中释放3 d,非交换态钾的平均释放速率分别为5.99、2.34、0.52、0.22和0.17 mg/(kgmin),差异明显。如何根据非交换态钾的释放量和释放速率来综合评价矿物钾的生物有效性是未来研究中需要明确的问题。  相似文献   

Potassium (K) release from sources that are not initially exchangeable is attributed to depletion of interlayer K of micas and clay minerals or weathering of feldspars. The aim of the present study was to estimate the K release from interlayer K. Soil samples from 17 field experiments in ley on a range of mineral soils in Norway were used in the study. The change in K‐fixation capacity was used as an estimate of depletion of interlayer K. It was assumed that the increase in K‐fixation capacity during 3 yr of cropping was equivalent to the amount of K depleted from the interlayer positions. Mean K fixation increased in the majority of the soils during 3 yr of grass cropping both with and without K application. The increase in K fixation indicated that without K application, the K uptake from interlayer K amounted to 43%, 28%, and 26% of the K yield for clay soils, high‐K sandy soils, and low‐K sandy soils, respectively. Including K uptake from exchangeable K in the topsoil and from subsoil, the explained K uptake amounted to 79%, 69%, and 81% for the three groups of soil, respectively. Simple linear‐regression analyses showed that the change in K fixation during 3 yr of grass cropping was best explained by the percentage of clay in the soil.  相似文献   

钾细菌制剂对土壤钾素的影响探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
试验K细菌制剂在控制条件和大田下对土壤难溶性K的转化作用,特别是土壤速效钾和缓效钾的动态变化表明,缺K土壤适当施用K细菌制剂,可增加土壤速效钾含量,成熟植株体内K增加32.3%,拔节孕穗期土壤速效钾含量比对照高128.6%,而土壤、磷矿粉、沙子等3种基质平均速效钾含量比对照高160.6%。K细菌制剂不板结土壤和不污染水源。  相似文献   

Adsorption isotherm is essential for predicting its mechanisms, which are important for potassium (K) fertilizer application and to recommendation appropriate rates for acidic soils. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate K adsorption characteristic of the selected soils by comparing different adsorption models with soil properties of the soil in different districts (Sodo Zurie, Damot Gale, Damot Sore and Boloso Sore) in the Wolaita Zone of Southern Ethiopia. Four adsorption isotherms are: Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Van Huay were used to describe adsorption processes. Composite surface (0-20 cm) depth soil samples from four districts sites were collected. The results revealed that the K adsorption data coincide with both models with (r2 = 0.99). However, Freundlich model was better in describing K adsorption than the other model. The adsorption maxima(ad(max), distribution coefficient, buffer capacity (BC), and adsorption capacity(a(capacity) values of soils ranged from -333 to334.5,0.54 to78.7,159.9 to 389.3, and 327 to 417mg Kkg-1 respectively, these results showed that Sodo Zurie, Bolos Sore and Demote Sore were effective model parameters. Van Huay a(capacity) 417mg Kkg-1 while the bonding energy constant Langmuir is -0.075mg Kkg-1 in Bolos Sore soil compared to other soils, which were found to be more valuable in discriminating between high K adsorption soils. Correlation between some soil properties with ad(max) were positively a highly correlated with clay, pH, organic carbon (OC) and exchangeable potassium with r2 = 0.92**, 0.93**, 0.95** and 0.96 ** respectively, but negatively correlated with bonding energy with r2= -0.79, -0.80,-0.77 and -0.72 respectively, while calcium carbonate (CaCO3) was very highly correlated with ad(max) r2= 0.99***). The Freundlich constant, Temkin BC, and Van Hauy a(capacity) were correlated with CaCO3 content soils with r2=0.12,-0.01,and 0.12,respectively, while slope (1/n) was significantly negatively correlated with soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), CaCO3, clay contents and exchangeable K and Mg2+ with r2= 0.04, -0.67, -0.78, -0.69, and –0.69, respectively. These findings reveal the extent of K depletion in the soils of Wolaita providing a baseline for K rates required for crop production and validation of all models through real-time experiments in the field; this is recommended before the models are used on a large scale basis.  相似文献   

Imbalanced application of nutrients in the intensively cropped areas results in deterioration of soil fertility. Application of recommended dose of potassium (K) is essential for improving the use efficiency of other nutrients. To assess the buffering capacity of soil, three composite soil samples were collected from the surface soil (0–30?cm) during 2015 from 3 production systems viz., organic, inorganic and integrated which was maintained from 2004 with basmati rice–wheat–Sesbania system under Network Project on Organic Farming at ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, Modipuram. Fractionation of potassium (K) was achieved by sequential extraction of soil samples with distilled water, ammonium acetate and nitric acid in the same order. The relationship between the adsorbed and equilibrium potassium concentration, quantity was determined by plotting Freundlich adsorption isotherms. This was used to determine the buffering capacity and the concentration levels of potassium adsorbed on un-specific sites in the soil. The suitability of the adsorption equation was determined by applying the least square regression analysis. The results revealed that available potassium in the soils ranged from 119.51 to 135.01?mg/kg with 126.02?±?5.24?mg/kg as mean (ammonium acetate method) while water soluble and nitric acid extracted potassium ranged from 28.51 to 29.05?mg/kg and 2594.49?±?19.33?mg/kg (mean) in various production systems. The mean free energy of replacement was found to be ?1998.01?±?28.38?cal/mol indicating that soils have comparatively higher potassium supply under organic system. The potassium buffering capacity of the soils was found to be 0.7462?±?0.16?mg/kg, 0.6295?±?0.20?mg/kg and 0.6774?±?0.09?mg/kg in organic, integrated and inorganic systems, respectively. The amount of potassium adsorbed on un-specific sites of the organic, integrated and inorganic systems was found to be 7.4730?±?1.81, 15.11?±?2.40 and 11.6 89?±?3.58?mg/kg, respectively. It can be concluded that long-term organic production system improves K+ buffering capacity of Typic Ustochrept soil as compare to the integrated as well as inorganic production systems.  相似文献   

Acquaintance of potassium (K) transformation in soil is crucial for K management in management system of arid India. Present study revealed that the extractable K like ammonium acetate–potassium (NH4OAc–K), nitric acid (HNO3)–K, and hydrochloric acid (HCl)–K under different systems were followed the order: irrigated low input > rainfed low input > irrigated high input > no input. The pearl millet systems in irrigated low input practice maintained a higher NH4OAc–K than irrigated high input practice. The exchangeable-K (Exch-K), non-exchangeable-K (Non-exch K) and lattice-K were observed highest in irrigated low input system and lowest in no input system. It is noticed that Exch-K contributed 2.3–2.6% over total-K, which readily available to plants. The Exch-K was highly significant correlated with K pools and soil properties, indicating that rapid establishment of equilibrium between the pools. Thus, knowing K reserve and distribution of K forms can help in understanding K replenishment capacity of arid soil under long-term intensive cultivation.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, soils representing ten locations and three agro-climatic zones of foot-hills of north-west Himalayas were studied to assess Non-exchangeable Potassium (NEK) reserves, its release and influence of K-fixing capacity and clay minerals on NEK release. Maximum release of non-exchangeable K was obtained in temperate zone soils (295 mg kg− 1) followed by intermediate zone (227 mg kg− 1) and sub-tropical zone soils (106 mg kg− 1), having relative soil quality index (RSQI) values of 85, 80 and 65, respectively. The quantitative analysis of clay minerals, through XRD technique, revealed that the temperate soils have more illite (averaging 62%) which holds well as a reason for high NEK reserves of 1556 mg kg− 1 in these soils in comparison to intermediate (having illite averaging 53%) and sub-tropical (having illite averaging to 49%) soils having NEK amounting to 1022 and 918 mg kg− 1, respectively. In order to study the NEK removal from the soils under investigation, maize was grown as a test crop and potassium was applied through four treatments having four levels of K (0, 15, 30 and 60 mg kg− 1) applied as KCl. The crop demonstrated significant response in terms of dry matter yield up to 30 mg kg− 1 in sub-tropical and intermediate soils while no such response was obtained in temperate soils. The percent NEK removed by maize crop from NEK reserves was 14, 25 and 20% in sub-tropical, intermediate and temperate soils, respectively. The information about NEK release, its removal as well as its relationship with K fixing capacity, clay minerals and RSQI can be used for understanding the K buffering potential of soils especially under adverse soil and climatic conditions that prevail in southwest India. Besides, the regression equations developed can be used for predicting NEK release on the basis of K fixing capacity and clay mineralogical composition.  相似文献   

铵、钾同时存在时, 土壤对铵的优先吸附   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ten soils collected from different parts of China were used in a series of experiments to study fixation of NH4^ and K^ by soils.When K^ was added concurrently with or prior to NH4^ ,the soils were found to fix more moles of NH4^ than those of K^ ,irrespective of the mole ratios of NH4^ to ^ that were added.  相似文献   

[目的]香蕉生长快,需要及时充足的水肥供应,特别是钾素的供应.研究滴灌条件下减量施钾对香蕉产量品质、钾肥利用率、钾素平衡及经济效益等的影响,为制定适合香蕉生产的水肥一体化施肥方案提供依据.[方法]2016-2018年,在福建漳州进行了为期3年的田间定位试验.在施用等量氮磷肥的基础上,以不施钾肥(K0)和常规灌溉施钾14...  相似文献   

伴随阴离子对马铃薯种植冲击土中钾素固持与淋溶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V. SHARMA  K. N. SHARMA 《土壤圈》2013,23(4):464-471
A column study was carried out to assess the influence of accompanying anions on potassium (K) leaching at potato growing sites with different soil textures (sandy loam and clay loam) in northwestern India. Potassium was applied in the top 15 cm layer of soil column at 30 and 60 mg K kg-1 through different sources having different accompanying anions (Cl-, SO42-, NO3- and H2PO4-). Maximum K was retained in the top 0--15 cm layer with a sharp decrease in K content occurring in 15--30 cm layer of the soil column. The trend was similar for both levels of applied K as well as frequency of leaching and soil type. The decrease of K content in soil column after four leaching events was maximum in case of Khanaura sandy loam, while only minor decrease was observed in Hundowal clay loam when K was applied at 60 mg K kg-1, indicating higher potential of clay rich soil to adsorb K. In general, the K leaching in presence of the accompanying anions followed the order of SO42- ≤ H2PO42- < NO3- = Cl-. Highest 1 mol L-1 CH3COONH4-extractable K was retained when K was applied along with SO42- and H2PO4- anions, and the least was retained when accompanying anion was Cl-1. The influence of anions was more pronounced in the light textured soil and at high amounts of K application. Higher levels of K application resulted in higher losses of K, especially in sandy loam soil as observed from the leachate concentration. Among the different K sources, the maximum amount of K leaching was noticed in the soil column amended with KCl. After four leachings, the maximum amount of K leached out was 6.40 mg L-1 in Hundowal clay loam and 9.29 mg L-1 in Khanaura sandy loam at 60 mg K kg-1 of soil application through KCl. These concentrations were lower than the recommended guideline of the World Health Organisation (12.00 mg L-1).  相似文献   

低钾胁迫下外源生长素对烟草根系生长及钾吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】探明生长素参与低钾胁迫下植株根系的生长发育及吸钾机制,同时为提高植物体内钾素水平提供理论依据。【方法】采用室内水培法,以模式植物烟草为试验材料,通过设置2个钾浓度(5、0.15 mmol/L)和5个外源生长素(3–吲哚乙酸)浓度(0、5、10、20、40μmol/L),对植物根系生理特征、内源生长素浓度、钾素累积及钾吸收动力学和相关钾离子通道基因转录表达进行比较研究。【结果】1)与正常钾水平相比,在低钾胁迫条件下,植株地上部干重显著降低15.6%;根系扫描8项指标中,除根平均直径外,其余7项指标值均显著降低;ATPase活性显著降低43.3%;主根尖、侧根尖及叶片内源生长素浓度显著升高;钾吸收动力学参数Vmax、Km值分别显著降低了89.2%、99.6%;植株根系、叶片钾浓度分别显著降低了93.0%、62.2%;根系中内流型钾离子通道基因Ntkc1的表达量显著降低56%。2)添加外源生长素后,正常供钾植株的根系干物质重、根系活力、主根尖及侧根尖内源生长素浓度有增加的趋势,Vmax值和内流型钾离子通道基因NKT2、NtKC1的表达量明显增加;低钾条件下,植株表现出和正常供钾相似的规律,除此之外,低钾植株的根系生长得到明显改善,ATPase活性和地上地下部钾素浓度明显增加,外流型钾离子通道基因Ntork1的表达量明显降低。3)当添加生长素浓度为10μmol/L时,与未添加生长素相比,正常供钾植株的地上地下部干重显著增加了6.05%、8.54%;根体积及根系交叠数显著增加16.5%、23.2%;根系活力显著增加了298%;Vmax值显著增加了118%;低钾植株地上地下部干重与不添加相比显著提高了5.61%、28.6%;根系活力达到113μg/(g·h), FW,为无添加生长素时的3.3倍;根系ATPase活性相对增加了87.5%;根系钾浓度显著增加250%;钾离子通道基因NKT2在根系中表达量显著增加了7.04倍,Ntork1在根系及叶片中表达量显著降低了49.5%、72.5%。【结论】低钾胁迫影响烟草根系生长及植株对钾素的吸收累积,添加适当浓度外源生长素可改善植株根系生长发育状况,增加内流型钾离子通道基因NKT2、NtKC1的表达量,降低外流型钾离子通道基因Ntork1的表达量,且提高植株钾吸收动力学参数Vmax值、降低Km值,从而提高了植株对钾离子的吸收能力与亲和力,进而增加植株钾素浓度。  相似文献   

不同施肥措施提高南方黄泥田供钾能力及钾素平衡的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】基于连续 30 年南方低产黄泥田培肥定位试验,研究土壤全钾、速效钾、缓效钾含量与钾素盈亏特性,明确钾肥投入量与产量的关系,以期为黄泥田钾素肥力定向培育及水稻钾肥施用提供科学依据。 【方法】定位监测不施肥 (CK)、单施化肥 (NPK)、化肥 + 牛粪 (NPKM)、化肥 + 全部稻草还田 (NPKS) 四种施肥处理代表性年份耕层土壤钾素含量动态变化,分析各形态钾素间及与有机碳含量的关系,并于相邻集中年份 2010、2011、2013、2014 年采集植株样品以评价土壤钾素水平、土壤钾素盈亏、植株养分对钾肥投入量的响应。 【结果】30 年施肥处理下,土壤全钾含量平均较 CK 增加 2.2%~5.0%,且双季稻年份不同处理差异较单季稻年份大,速效钾含量历年平均较 CK 增加 43.9%~102.4%,以 NPKS 增加最为明显,而不同处理的土壤缓效钾含量无明显差异。土壤速效钾含量与全钾呈显著正相关,土壤全钾、速效钾含量与有机碳均呈极显著正相关。各施肥处理提高了收获期植株钾含量与累积量。NPKS 处理每年盈余钾素 (K2O) 101.1 kg/hm2,其余处理每年亏缺幅度为 –89.4~–18.6 kg/hm2。钾肥用量、速效钾含量、土壤钾素盈亏量相互间呈极显著正相关,可推算出外源钾肥 (K2O) 每年投入量达到 161.8 kg/hm2 时,土壤钾素处于持平状态,其对应的土壤速效钾含量为 95.3 mg/kg。钾肥用量、速效钾含量、土壤钾素盈亏量及籽粒钾含量均与植株产量呈显著正相关。 【结论】水稻增产效果与土壤钾肥投入量、速效钾含量及钾素盈亏量有关。黄泥田土壤速效钾较缓效钾、全钾更直接反映生产力水平。长期施肥提高了黄泥田土壤全钾与速效钾含量,NPK 化肥加秸秆还田对增加土壤钾素盈余与提升速效钾效果要明显优于单施 NPK 化肥或 NPK 肥配合粪肥。  相似文献   

Background : Potassium (K) availability in soil and plant uptake is restrained by the dynamic interactions among the different pools of K. Aims : To understand these interactions, a study was undertaken to assess the quantity–intensity (Q/I) and buffering characteristics of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) growing soils. Ten contrasting soils were evaluated for K partitioning changes in exchangeable K (ΔEK) and non‐exchangeable K (ΔNEK) pools in the soil‐solution phase and buffering characteristics using a modified version of Q/I approach. Results : The partitioned Q/I isotherms showed strong adsorption with the increase in K concentration ratio (CRK) and the changes due to ΔEK were higher than changes due to ΔNEK. Total buffering capacity (PBCK) significantly correlated (r = 0.92, p <0.01) with clay content with a major share contributed by buffering capacity owing to non‐exchangeable K ( PBC Δ NEK K ) rather than exchangeable K ( PBC Δ EK K ). The fixation capacity (β) factor, the magnitude of added K converted into a non‐exchangeable pool, ranged from 41 to 63%, whereas release (α) factor, the magnitude of added K converted to the exchangeable pool, ranged from 19 to 36%. Both threshold solution K (CKr) and threshold exchangeable K (EKr) values were found to be high in Satran clay loam (S2) and lower in Doon silty clay loam (S3) soils. The equilibrium exchangeable K (EKo) was found close to minimum exchangeable K (Emin) in Doon silty clay loam (S3) and Babaweyl sandy clay loam (S1) soils and overall Emin constituted about 8.94 to 0.57% of the EKo. Conclusion : It may be concluded that K Q/I isotherm partitioning provides a valuable insight to assess the dynamic relations. The ratio of α/β (K recharge index) could be used to evaluate the K enrichment capacity of soil to K additions while EKr and Emin can be potentially useful in the elucidation of exchangeable K as K fertility index especially in soils with poor K fertilizer management.  相似文献   

Pig slurry in quantities of 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, and 1000 m3 ha-1 year-1 was added to two calcareous soils, which differed in concentration and type of clay minerals. The soils were cultivated with two successive crops of pepper and tomatoes grown in containers. A control was given no slurry. The soils were analysed after harvesting for exchangeable K+. Differences in exchangeable K+ were studied in relation to the concentration and type of clay minerals. The soil with the higher clay content and of the illite type retained K in the exchangeable form to a much greater extent than the soil with the low clay content. In the soil with the lower clay content, of the interstratified illitic — montmorillonite type, very little K was incorporated into the exchange complex. The exchange capacity being low, the amount of K added had little effect on the level of exchangeable K+.  相似文献   

The ability of a few soil bacteria to transform unavailable forms of potassium (K) to an available form is an important feature in plant growth-promoting bacteria for increasing plant yields of high-K-demand crops. In this research, isolation, screening, and characterization of six isolates of K solubilizing bacteria (KSB) from some Iranian soils were carried out. The ability of all isolates were tested in three treatments including acid-leached soil, biotite, and muscovite by analyzing the soluble K content after 5 days of incubation at 28 ± 2°C. Identification and phylogenetic analyses were also carried out by morphological, biochemical, and 16S rDNA analyses. Among the six efficient isolates, five isolates belonged to Bacillus megaterium (JK3, JK4, JK5, JK6, and JK7), while isolate JK2 belonged to Arthrobacter sp. The soluble K contents in all isolated-treatments were significantly (< 0.01) higher than the contents in nonbacteria treatment. Herein, isolate JK2 had lower potential for K solubilization (910 mg kg?1) compared with other isolates in acid-leached soils. The six bacterial strains showed higher solubilized K in biotite treatment than other two treatments. Overall, it can be concluded that the isolates belong to B. megaterium are the most efficient KSB under in vitro condition.  相似文献   

Three K silicates having SiO2/K2O ratios of 4, 5, and 6 were compared with single and split applications of KCI, (KPO3)n, and sulfur-coated KCI (SCK-34) for their availability to four cuttings of common bermudagrass. At the rate of 200 mg of K/pot, all silicates applied in fine particles gave the same pattern of yield and K uptake as readily soluble KCl; however, less response to these finely sized K silicates at applications from 200 to 500 mg of K/pot suggests that they supply K more slowly than do soluble sources. K2O.6SiO2, when granulated in the size of 0.41-1.2 or 1.65-2.36 rom gave typical yieiJ and K uptake patterns of slowrelease sources similar to those for SCK-34 at both rates of application. (KPO3) n supplied K in the same pattern as KCl and no effect of granulation was observed. A better balanced K supply through the whole period and the production of forage of more stable mineral composition is expected by the use of these slow-release K sources.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to evaluate the dynamics of potassium (K) in six representative soil series of southwestern Nigeria to provide guidelines on soil K management. Quantity–intensity (Q/I) approach was used and the Q/I isotherms obtained revealed that all the soils released K before reaching equilibrium, having a negative intercept. The results showed that labile K from the Q/I evaluation was greater than exchangeable K from ammonium–acetate extraction in all the soils, showing that evaluation of soil K by exchangeable K alone may not give an in-depth understanding of the K dynamics in soil. Hence, it should be used in addition to Q/I parameters for a reliable evaluation. The potential buffering capacity obtained ranged from 0.4983 to 1.4272 cmol kg?1/(mol L?1)1/2, indicating that the soils have a low capacity to maintain K concentration for a long period and hence would require frequent K fertilization.  相似文献   

Potassium fixation capacity and mineralogical analysis of 24 representative soils, collected from southern Iran, were studied. Potassium fixation analysis was performed by adding six rates of K from 0 to 1000 mg kg?1 soil in a plastic beaker and shaking for 24 h. Mineralogical analysis showed that the clay fractions were dominated by smectite, chlorite, mica, palygorskite, vermiculite and quartz. In general, the studied soils fixed 8.5–55% of the added K. The potassium fixation capacity of the studied soils was significantly correlated with smectite content (r 2 = 0.87), clay content (r 2 = 0.60), cation-exchange capacity (r 2 = 0.79) and NH4OAc-K. Wetting and drying treatment and incubation time had significant effects on K fixation. The average percentage increase in K fixation following the wetting and drying treatment was 24 and 30% for surface and subsurface soils, respectively. The average percentage increase in K fixation with increasing residence time was 79 and 56% for surface and subsurface soils, respectively. Because K fixation is a diffusion process, time and increased concentration of soluble K (because of soil drying) are factors affecting the rate of K diffusion from a soil solution to the interlayer positions of the expansible 2:1 clay minerals.  相似文献   

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