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传统耕作和免耕的红壤生态系统土壤动物种群的分异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a field experiment ,the popultions of major soil fauna groups including earthworms,enchytraeids,arthropods and nematodes were examined in conventional tillage(CT) and no-tillage(NT) red soil ecosystems to evaluate their responses to tillage disturbance.Earthworms,macro- and micro-arthropods were stimulated under NT with earthworms showing the highest population increase by four times ,while enchytraeids and nematodes favored CT system predicting certain adaptability of these animals to plow-disturbed soil envi-ronment ,On the basis of relative response index it was found that soil fauna was more sensitive to tillage than soil resource base(C and N pools) and microflora.The population structure of soil fauna was also affected by tillage treatments.Analysis on nematode trophic groups showed that bacteria-feeding and plant parasitic nematodes were more abundant in CT soil whereas the proportions of fungivores and onmivore-predators increased in NT soil.Possible reasons for the differentiaion in both size and structure of the fauna populaion were discussed and the ecological significance involved in these changes was emphasized.  相似文献   

玉米整秸覆盖地小麦免耕播种技术初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在玉米整秸覆盖条件下,在玉米行间免耕播种小麦是中国北方小麦、玉米一年两熟地区小麦免耕播种的一种全新方法。介绍了玉米整秸覆盖地小麦全免耕播种技术、所需机具、作业工艺、技术要点及试验结果。研究结果表明:该项技术及配套机具能够保证小麦免耕播种、施肥的农艺技术要求,且具有蓄水保墒效果;作业收费较传统的作业方式降低50%左右。具有省工、省力、省时、省钱、节能、增产、增收之功效;配套机具充分利用了农村小型拖拉机保有量多的特点,具有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

三种一年两熟地区小麦免耕播种机适应性试验与分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
免耕播种是保护性耕作技术最重要的作业环节之一,为了在一年两熟旱作区选择适合的播种机来实施保护性耕作技术,对国内目前可选用的JOHN DEERE 1590型小麦免耕播种机、2BMD-12型小麦对行免耕播种机、2BMFS-6/12型带状浅旋免耕播种机在3种地表覆盖状况下进行田间播种适应性试验,结果表明:参照播种机国家标准和农业部农机试验鉴定总站对小麦免耕播种机播种质量的检测指标,3种免耕播种机在秸秆粉碎覆盖地面条件下基本上都能满足播种要求。JOHN DEERE 1590型小麦免耕播种机不适合于在直立秸秆情况下  相似文献   

小麦免耕播种机性能指标体系的建立与灰色评估   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
探索科学合理的小麦免耕播种机性能指标评价方法,对保护性耕作技术的推广应用有重要意义。该文以2BMF-9型小麦免耕播种机为研究对象,以农艺和生产要求为基础,通过试验、专家咨询与层次分析法,对小麦免耕播种机评价指标体系构建、指标测定方法与权重进行研究;通过双因素试验设计了秸秆状态不同的8种试验处理,测出各地表处理的性能指标值与反映播种质量的出苗率和冬前分蘖数;采用灰色评估模型,给出各指标高、中、低级别的参考值。结果表明:该机播深合格率、种肥间距合格率性能较好,播种均匀性一般,通过性和覆土性能较差;改善免耕播种机的性能,要以提高播种均匀性、通过性和覆土性能为目的,从机具结构设计和作业地表处理方面着手。  相似文献   

少免耕模式对冬小麦花后旗叶衰老和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
小麦开花后旗叶的生理活性对产量存在显著影响.为了研究少免耕耕作体系对冬小麦旗叶衰老状况的影响,采用4种土壤耕作模式(常规耕作秸秆还田、旋耕秸秆还田、耙耕秸秆还田、免耕秸秆覆盖)在山东龙口进行了3年田间试验,研究了耕作模式对小麦产量及花后不同时期旗叶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)和可溶性蛋白含量的影响.结果表明:与常规耕作秸秆还田模式相比,旋耕秸秆还田和耙耕秸秆还田模式旗叶衰老过程中活性氧清除系统的自动调节能力较强,SOD、POD活性变化幅度较常规耕作模式平稳;免耕覆盖模式小麦旗叶在蜡熟期MDA含量显著低于其他模式,而可溶性蛋白含量显著高于其他模式,表现出明显的贪青晚熟的特点.旋耕秸秆还田和耙耕秸秆还田模式产量与常规耕作秸秆还田差异不显著,免耕秸秆覆盖模式产量显著低于其他耕作模式.研究表明短期(1~3年)少耕耕作模式可以在该地区应用,而免耕覆盖则不适宜.  相似文献   

金优253免耕抛栽秧苗的根系生长与立苗特性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
2003年早季和晚季在大田条件下.以常耕抛栽为对照.对金优253免耕抛栽秧苗的根系生长与立苗特性进行了研究。结果表明,与常耕抛栽秧苗相比,免耕抛栽秧苗前期立苗速度较慢,后期立苗速度较快,总的立苗时间相同,但免耕抛栽秧苗的立苗更易受不良气候的影响;免耕抛栽秧苗立苗期发根较多.但根系生长受阻,根系的总长度不及常耕抛栽秧苗;抛后1周内,抛栽秧苗根系活力经历了由低到高再到低的变化过程。当根系活性上升时,免耕抛栽秧苗上升速度慢;当根系活力下降时.免耕抛栽秧苗下降也慢。  相似文献   

No-tillage (NT) is becoming increasingly attractive to farmers because it clearly reduces production costs relative to conventional tillage (CT). However, many producers in southern Italy are reluctant to adopt this practice because NT can have contrasting consequences on grain yield depending on weather conditions. The effect of NT and CT on continuous durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under rainfed Mediterranean conditions was studied, over a 3-year period (2000–2002) at two locations (Foggia and Vasto) in southern Italy. Yield, grain quality [thousand kernel weight (TKW), test weight (TW) and protein content (PC)] and soil water content were assessed.Higher yield was obtained with NT than CT in the first 2 years at Foggia. In contrast, mean yield and quality parameters at Vasto were similar for the two treatments, except in the third year in which CT produced more than NT (4.6 Mg ha−1 versus 2.9 Mg ha−1). At Foggia, TW and TKW were higher in NT than CT in all years. Highest PC was obtained under CT (19.6% and 15.5% for CT versus 14.7% and 11.4% for NT, respectively, in the growing season 2000–2001 and 2001–2002) indicating that grain was shriveled with low starch accumulation.At Foggia, where this study was part of a long-term experiment started in 1995, a strong correlation was observed between yield and rainfall during the wheat growing season. The coefficient of determination (R2) values for CT and NT were 0.69* and 0.31 ns, respectively, and the regression straight line crossed around 300 mm of rainfall. These results indicate that NT was superior below this rainfall value, whereas more rainfall enhanced yield in CT. We conclude that NT performed better at Foggia with limited rainfall during the durum wheat growing season. The superior effect of NT in comparison to CT, was due to lower water evaporation from soil combined with enhanced soil water availability.  相似文献   


Effects of silicon (Si) priming at 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5?mM on germination, ion balance, and root structure of two durum wheat cultivars at 0, 100, and 200?mM sodium chloride (NaCl) was conducted in a laboratory. An aliquot of 200?mM NaCl with 1.5?mM Si improved Behrang cultivar germination from 54 to 88%, but in Yavaros only from 49 to 85%. In Behrang, the control root length at 200?mM NaCl increased from 5.07 to 7.11?mm when treated with 1.5?mM Si, but Yavaros only increased from 3.18 to 4.09?mm. Behrang accumulated less sodium (Na+) and more potassium (K+). For mean diameter of central and peripheral metaxylem cells, Behrang benefitted more from Si amelioration than Yavaros. Salinity affected the diameter of central and peripheral metaxylem cells to a greater degree compared to vessel number. Si soil application (1.0 and 1.5?mM Si) may help to establish durum wheat seeds grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

长期留茬免耕对河西绿洲灌区春小麦产量及稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探寻河西绿洲灌区春小麦高效可持续生产耕作措施,基于2004年设置的长期留茬免耕田间定位试验,针对单作小麦、春小麦/玉米、春小麦/大豆3种典型春小麦种植方式,在长期留茬免耕和传统翻耕条件下,通过分析2004-2018年小麦产量、产量构成要素及农艺性状的演变特征来诠释长期留茬免耕对春小麦产量的影响,同时分析评价产量的稳定性和可持续性,旨在为区域内春小麦的高效可持续生产提供理论依据。结果表明,单作小麦、春小麦/玉米和春小麦/大豆3种种植方式下的春小麦籽粒产量在年际间变动较大,呈锯齿状波动。与传统翻耕处理相比,留茬免耕的增产效应随种植年限的延长而不断增强,长期留茬免耕可以提高春小麦产量的稳定性和可持续性,而且间作相比单作可以更好地维持产量的可持续稳定生产能力。产量构成要素之间的叠加效应可以显著提高小麦籽粒产量,其中,2004-2012年留茬免耕主要通过显著提高穗粒数来增加小麦产量;2013-2018年,单作小麦和春小麦/大豆时,留茬免耕主要通过显著提高千粒质量来增加小麦产量,春小麦/玉米时,留茬免耕主要通过显著增加穗长来促进小麦生长,进而显著提高小麦产量。气温、降雨量和穗粒数在春小麦产量中起主要作用,收获指数和气温在春小麦产量稳定性中起主要作用,穗长和产量在春小麦产量可持续性中起主要作用。综上,留茬免耕是河西绿洲灌区单作小麦、春小麦/玉米和春小麦/大豆3种春小麦种植方式下切实可行的耕作措施。  相似文献   

Two varieties of durum wheat (Om Rabiaa and Karim), were analyzed and evaluated in the presence of increasing doses of NaCl (0, 100, 200 and 300?mM) in which we added different concentrations of nitrate (0.1, 3, 10?mM). The data obtained showed that presence of NaCl in the culture medium induces the increase of the salt accumulation levels (Na+, Cl?) and reduces the levels of K+ and NO3? in the cultivar Om Rabiaa. In Karim variety, ions that have been heavily accumulated following exposure to NaCl are Na+ and K+ while low levels of NO3? and Cl? have been detected. Those findings highlight the difference in the salinity tolerance of durum wheat cultivars also depending on nitrogen (N) availability, Karim cultivar being less sensitive to NaCl treatment than Om Rabiaa. These data also suggested a relationship between salt tolerance capacity and enhancement of nitrogen and carbon metabolisms enzyme activity.  相似文献   

利用位于北京的称重式蒸渗仪,对喷灌条件下的冬小麦和糯玉米需水规律进行了测定,进而计算了两种作物的作物系数。结果表明,冬小麦和糯玉米的作物系数与播种后天数之间的关系均可以用四次多项式来表征。根据FAO-56推荐的作物系数计算方法,计算了两种作物的分段单值作物系数和双作物系数,发现华北平原喷灌条件下冬小麦和糯玉米的作物系数在生育期内的变化可以用FAO-56推荐的模式来描述,但实测值一般大于FAO-56的建议值。为了能利用FAO-56推荐的模式较好地描述喷灌作物系数变化规律,依据实测资料对FAO-56建议的单值作物系数和基础作物系数进行调整后,模拟了两种作物需水量的变化,模拟的作物阶段需水量与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

We studied soil hydraulic conductivity (K) and porosity in five combinations of soil tillage and cover crop management systems. Treatments were winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown on a conventionally tilled soil (CT), on a no‐till soil (NT), and on an NT with three different cover crops: red fescue (Festuca rubra L.; Fr), bird's‐foot‐trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.; Lc) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.; Ms). Measurements were made on a loamy soil in Grignon, France, in November 2004, May 2005 and October 2005. K and mean size of hydraulically active pores were measured in situ at three water potentials (?0.6, ?0.2 and ?0.05 kPa) at the soil surface and at 10 cm depth. In November 2004 and May 2005, pore space was described using 2D image analysis of pores on undisturbed soil samples in the 0–10 cm layer and in the 10–20 cm layer. The major differences were caused by soil tillage that created two heterogeneous soil layers and increased K in the 0–10 cm layer relative to NT. The effects of cover crop on K and porosity were not affected by the root type: there were no major differences between the grass cover crop (fibrous‐root type) and the leguminous ones (tap‐root type). However, we recorded larger functional pores and more tubules in the no‐till treatments with a cover crop, compared with the no‐till treatment without cover crop; this was probably the result of root activity. Although these changes generally did not result in larger values of K, they participated in the maintenance of soil structure and K over time.  相似文献   

Large‐scale inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is generally impractical in most regions and we have little understanding of the factors that determine inoculation success. Nevertheless, the ability to take full advantage of indigenous AMF for sustainable production needs to be developed within cropping systems. We used part of a long‐term field experiment to understand the influence of tillage and the preceding crop on AMF colonization over the growing season. Arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization rate was more affected by treatment (tillage or the combination of crop and preceding crop) than by the total number of AMF spores in the soil. Conventional tillage (CT) had a statistically significant negative effect (P ≤ 0.05) on spore numbers isolated from the soil, but only in the first year of study. However, the AMF colonization rate was significantly reduced by CT, and the roots of wheat, Triticum aestivum, L, cv. Coa after sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., were less well colonized than were those of triticale, X Triticosecale Wittmack, cv. Alter after wheat, but the affect of tillage was more pronounced than was the effect of crop combination. Under no‐till there was a significant increase in AMF colonization rate throughout the sampling period in both wheat and triticale, indicating that the extraradical mycelium previously produced acted as a source of inoculum. In general, triticale showed greater AMF colonization than wheat, despite the preceding crop being less mycotrophic. Under these experimental conditions, typical of Mediterranean agricultural systems, AMF colonization responded more strongly to tillage practices than to the combination of crop and preceding crop.  相似文献   

Thirty-four durum wheat cultivars representing the Tunisian durum (Triticum durum Desf.) wheat collection and seven wild species of wheat relatives (Triticum turgidum L., T. dicoccon Schrank., T. dicoccoides (Körn) Schweinf., T. araraticum Jakubz., T. monococcum L., Aegilops geniculata Roth, and Aegilops ventricosa Tausch) were analysed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers. Both marker systems used were able to differentiate durum wheat cultivars from the wild relatives and to specifically fingerprint each of the genotypes studied. However, the two marker systems differed in the amount of detected polymorphisms. The 15 SSR markers were highly polymorphic across all the genotypes. The total number of amplified fragments was 156 and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 24 with an average of 10.4. Two SSR markers alone, Xwms47 and Xwms268, were sufficient to distinguish all 34 durum wheat genotypes. The five AFLP primer pair combinations analysed yielded a total of 293 bands, of which 31% were polymorphic. The highest polymorphic information content (PIC) value was observed for SSRs (0.68) while the highest marker index (MI) value was for AFLPs (7.16) reflecting the hypervariability of the first and the distinctive nature of the second system. For durum wheat cultivars, the genetic similarity values varied between 31.3 and 81% for AFLPs (with an average of 54.2%), and between 3.6 and 72.7% for SSRs (with an average of 19.9%). The rank correlation between the two marker systems was moderate, with r = 0.57, but highly significant. Based on SSR markers, highest genetic similarity (GS) values were observed within the modern cultivars (37.3%), while the old cultivars showed a low level of GS (19.9%). Moreover, the modern cultivars showed low PIC and MI values. UPGMA Cluster analysis based on the combined AFLP and SSR data separated the wild wheat species from the durum wheat cultivars. The modern cultivars were separated from the old cultivars and form a distinct group.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage techniques and direct seeding method that can replace the conventional methods, were examined in the western part of Turkey (Trakya Region) during the years of 1999 and 2000. In the experiment five tillage methods and no-tillage (DRD) were used. All tillage methods and direct seeding were applied in the dry soil conditions except conventional method. The tillage methods are heavy-duty disc harrow (DIS), plough (PLO), rotary tiller (ROT), tillage combination of tine, rotor and roller (TIC) and conventional tillage method in which plough is used in wet soil condition.

The effects of the treatments on soil penetration resistance, mean emergence dates, percentage of emerged seedlings, plant height, stem diameter and silage corn yield were measured.

All the parameters tested were found to be statistically significant. Direct seeding method gave the best result for mean of emergence dates (4.93 days) and percentage of emerged seedlings (95.48%). The best result for silage yield (69.32 Mg ha−1) was found in tillage combination. The lowest yield (58.92 Mg ha−1) was found in the heavy-duty disc harrow tillage method. Direct seeding gives the best results for tillage efficiency parameters, such as fuel consumption, effective power requirement and field efficiency. Reduced tillage and direct seeding methods can be used in second crop silage corn in the region.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to compare patterns of agronomic characters and yellow pigment content diversity between Iranian durum landraces and modern varieties. In four field experiments, a collection of 127 accessions of landraces and 23 modern cultivars tetraploid wheat representing Iranian and global genetic diversity were tested under optimum and rain-fed conditions. Across the environments, the yellow pigment concentrations ranged from 1.85 mg kg?1 to 8.95 mg kg?1 in the field-grown samples. Multivariate analysis detected five groups, four including landraces and one comprising modern cultivars. As a group, modern cultivars were the most productive and showed high mean values for harvest index, grains per spike and yellow pigment, but they had the lowest plant height. Landraces had the highest mean number of spikes per m2 and 1000-kernel weight, but were characterized by low plant height and yellow pigment content. Clustering analysis also showed that, based on yield and yellow pigment content, the accessions in different groups were of different origins, suggesting that there was no clear relationship between accessions and geographical diversity. According to our results, Iranian landraces can be particularly useful as germplasm in breeding programmes to improve spikes per m2 and 1000-kernel weights.  相似文献   

少免耕对灌溉农田冬小麦/夏玉米作物水、肥利用的影响   总被引:68,自引:9,他引:68  
土壤耕作可影响土壤硝态氮的淋失、土壤的贮水量和作物的水分利用效率。为了研究少免耕在冬小麦套作夏玉米一年两熟灌溉农田对作物产量、水分利用效率和土壤硝态氮含量的影响,采用了5种土壤耕作体系(常规耕作无秸秆还田、常规耕作秸秆还田、旋耕秸秆还田、缺口圆盘耙耕秸秆还田、免耕秸秆覆盖)在山东龙口进行了田间试验。利用烘干法测定了土壤含水率,利用连续流动分析仪测定了土壤硝态氮的含量。结果表明:相对于常规耕作,少耕特别是旋耕还田方式能够增加土壤贮水量、提高作物水分利用效率和全年作物产量,提高土壤0~60 cm层次硝态氮含量、减少硝态氮的淋失。以旋耕还田为主的耕作体系可以在该地区应用,而免耕覆盖则不适宜。  相似文献   

Summary A collection of 2,420 accessions derived from single-spike population samples of durum wheat landraces collected in 1984 from 172 sites in 28 provinces in Turkey was evaluated for nine adaptive traits at the ICARDA research station at Tel Hadya, near Aleppo, Syria. Differentiation of these accessions among provinces was found for number of days to heading, maturity, grain-filling days, as well as for plant height, peduncle length, number of spikelets per spike, spike length, awn length, and kernel weight. The first three canonical variables accounted for 90% of the total variance. Canonical analysis also revealed significant correlations to province mean temperatures, altitude, latitude, and length of the growing season, but not with total seasonal rainfall. Eight distinct groups of provinces were identified by cluster analysis. These clusters had both geographical orientation to eastern and western Turkey and to agroecological zonation for clusters having both eastern and western provinces. Accessions were found with high kernel weight, early heading and maturity, and awnless spikes which could be utilized in crop improvement programs targeted at either favorable or stressed environments.  相似文献   

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