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Many producers are using foliar fertilizers on seedling cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with the intent of promoting early vigor and increasing yields. However, the hypothesis that foliar feeding young cotton increases seedling vigor and yield has not been rigorously tested. We conducted 5 studies during 1990 to 1992 to investigate the value of one, two or three foliar applications of 12–48–8 fertilizer to seedling cotton. Two studies also included foliar‐applied urea. Plant height and whole‐plant phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) were determined two weeks after each application in two studies. Yield and P and N concentrations were not influenced by foliar fertilizers in any study. Seedling height was not influenced by applications of 12–48–8. A slight early‐season height advantage was observed with foliar‐applied urea at one location. Our results suggest that application of foliar N and P fertilizers to seedling cotton has little agronomic value.  相似文献   

Farmers normally practice conventional tillage ((CT), disk plowing, cultivator, rotavator, and leveling) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with 15 cm intra-row spacing to avoid risks of poor plant stand and obtain higher yield. However, CT is costly besides it has adverse effects on soil and crop when sown after wheat. Conservation tillage [zero tillage (ZT) or reduced tillage (RT)] with suitable spacing can reduce production cost, increase cotton yield and quality, and it has favorable effects on soil properties. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate cotton response to tillage (ZT, RT, and CT) and intra-row spacing (15.0, 22.5, 30.0, 37.5 cm). Results revealed that RT produced higher bolls plant?1, boll weight, seed cotton yield, ginning out turn, fiber length and strength than ZT and CT. Mean boll weight, seed cotton yield, earliness, and fiber qualities were optimum at 22.5 cm spacing. Tillage × spacing interaction showed optimum boll weight, earliness, and fiber strength with 15.0–22.5 cm spacing under RT. CT with 22.5 cm spacing also performed better in terms of boll weight and fiber strength; however, 15.0 cm spacing resulted in earlier maturity. RT with 22.5 cm spacing is an alternative to CT for higher yield, earliness, and quality of cotton besides environmental safety.  相似文献   

Potato is one of the most important crops in the world because of its high nutritional value; however, traditional cultivation in bare soil may render low yields and poor quality. Crop production efficiency can be increased by using plastic mulching and row covers to modify root zone temperature and plant growth, in addition to reduction in pest damage and enhance production in cultivated plants. However, there is little information demonstrating the effect of row covers in combination with plastic mulch on potato. The aim of this study was to assess the change in root zone temperature and its effect on growth, leaf nutrient, and yield of potato using plastic mulch of different colors, in combination with row covers. Seed of cultivar Mondial was planted in May 2012. The study included four plastic films: black, white/black, silver/black, aluminum/black, and a control with bare soil, which were evaluated alone and in combination with row covers removed at 30 days after sowing in a split-plot design. Higher yields were obtained when no row cover (43.2 t ha?1) and the white/black film (42.2 t ha?1) were used. Leaf nitrogen, sulfur, and manganese concentration were higher in plants when row cover was used; in contrast, no–row cover plants were higher in Fe and Zn. Mulched plants were higher in Mn concentration than control plants. There was a quadratic relationship between mean soil temperature and total yield (R2 = 0.94), and between plant biomass and total yield (R2 = 0.98), between leaf area with total yield (R2 = 0.98).  相似文献   

Fumigation of field soil with chloropicrin alone or followed by methyl bromide, each at 220Kg·ha?1, released 20–30 parts/106 NH+4-N which persisted for 75 days; such fumigation also doubled the amount of bicarbonate-extractable phosphate 28 days after fumigation. Soil fumigation increased both the vegetative and grain yields as well as increasing the content of N in the grain and the content of K and Cl in the tops at ear emergence. Root growth and the phosphate uptake activity of the roots were increased by soil fumigation.  相似文献   


Yields were evaluated three years after applied treatments to determine if responses that were not evident during earlier years eventually occurred. Potassium sulfate was applied to established, non‐irrigated, K deficient trees on fine textured soil by banding, placing in augered holes, adding to the backfilled trenches, and by injecting into the soil. Trenches were dug in the fall beside trees to break roots and ammended during backfilling with K2SO4, dolomite lime or combinations of the two. Additional trees received a heavy compost mulch in the early fall. Trenching treatments were generally detrimental. Trenching alone reduced yield and leaf Ca but increased fruit soluble solids content. Trenching plus K2SO4, trenching and lime, all soil amendments, and mushroom compost elevated leaf K from deficient or below normal to the normal range, but decreased leaf Mg. Most K application techniques eventually increased yield, but simple surface applications of K2SO4 in a narrow band were as effective as other more costly procedures. Mulching treatments appear to be as effective as K additions and produce quicker yield responses. Mushroom composts and alfalfa increased leaf N and yield in two years. Mushroom compost doubled yield even three years after a single application.  相似文献   

The Old Rotation cotton experiment was designed to aid farm managers in implementing rotation schemes that not only increase yield, but also improve soil quality. Six different crop rotation treatments were imposed since 1896. Rotations were: IA, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown every year without a winter legume and without N fertilization; IB, cotton grown every year with a winter legume and without N fertilization; IC, cotton grown every year without a winter legume and with 134 kg N as NH4NO3 ha-1 year-1; IIA, 2-year cotton-corn (Zea mays L.) rotation with a winter legume and without N fertilization; IIB, 2-year cotton-corn rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 as NH4NO3; and III, 3-year cotton-corn- alternating soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] or rye (Secale cereale L.) rotation with a winter legume and with 134 g N as NH4NO3 ha-1 year-1. Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) was the winter legume cover crop. The 2-year cotton-corn rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 (IIB) and the 3-year cotton-corn soybean/rye rotation with a winter legume and with 134 kg N ha-1 year-1 (III) had higher amounts of soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass C and crop yield than the other four treatments. The cotton grown every year without a winter legume or N fertilizer (IA) had a lower amount of soil organic matter, soil microbial biomass C and N and cotton seed yield than all other rotations. In 1988 and 1992 cotton seed and legume yield were correlated in positive, curvilinear relationships with soil organic matter (r 2 ranged from 0.72 to 0.87). In most months, soil microbial biomass C and N was lower in the cotton grown every year without winter legumes or fertilizer (IA) than the other five rotations. In 1994, microbial biomass C and the Cmic:Corg ratio correlated in positive, curvilinear relationships with seed cotton yield (r 2=0.87 and 0.98, respectively). After 99 years of management the Old Rotation cotton experiment indicates that winter legumes increase amounts of both C and N in soil, which ultimately contribute to higher cotton yields. Microbial biomass C and the Cmic:Corg ratio are poor predictors of annual crop yield but may be an accurate indicator of soil health and a good predictor of long-term crop yield.  相似文献   

We have been making year-round measurements of mass and energy exchange in three cropping systems: (a) irrigated continuous maize, (b) irrigated maize–soybean rotation, and (c) rainfed maize–soybean rotation in eastern Nebraska since 2001. In this paper, we present results on evapotranspiration (ET) of these crops for the first 5 years of our study. Growing season ET in the irrigated and rainfed maize averaged 548 and 482 mm, respectively. In irrigated and rainfed soybean, the average growing season ET was 452 and 431 mm, respectively. On average, the maize ET was higher than the soybean ET by 18% for irrigated crops and by 11% for rainfed crops. The mid-season crop coefficient Kc (=ET/ET0 and ET0 is the reference ET) for irrigated maize was 1.03 ± 0.07. For rainfed maize, significant dry-down conditions prevailed and mid-season Kc was 0.84 ± 0.20. For irrigated soybean, the mid-season Kc was 0.98 ± 0.02. The mid-season dry down in rainfed soybean years was not severe and the Kc (0.90 ± 0.13) was only slightly lower than the values for the irrigated fields. Non-growing season evaporation ranged from 100 to 172 mm and contributed about 16–28% of the annual ET in irrigated/rainfed maize and 24–26% in irrigated/rainfed soybean. The amount of surface mulch biomass explained 71% of the variability in non-growing season evaporation totals. Water use efficiency (or biomass transpiration efficiency), defined as the ratio of total plant biomass (YDM) to growing season transpiration (T) was 5.20 ± 0.34 and 5.22 ± 0.36 g kg?1, respectively for irrigated and rainfed maize crops. Similarly, the biomass transpiration efficiency for irrigated and rainfed soybean crops was 3.21 ± 0.35 and 2.96 ± 0.30 g kg?1. Thus, the respective biomass transpiration efficiency of these crops was nearly constant regardless of rainfall and irrigation.  相似文献   

To achieve higher yields and better soil quality under rice–legume–rice (RLR) rotation in a rainfed production system, we formulated integrated nutrient management (INM) comprised of Azospirillum (Azo), Rhizobium (Rh), and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) with phosphate rock (PR), compost, and muriate of potash (MOP). Performance of bacterial bioinoculants was evaluated by determining grain yield, nitrogenase activity, uptake and balance of N, P, and Zn, changes in water stability and distribution of soil aggregates, soil organic C and pH, fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio, casting activities of earthworms, and bacterial community composition using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting. The performance comparison was made against the prevailing farmers’ nutrient management practices [N/P2O5/K2O at 40:20:20 kg ha−1 for rice and 20:30:20 kg ha−1 for legume as urea/single super-phosphate/MOP (urea/SSP/MOP)]. Cumulative grain yields of crops increased by 7–16% per RLR rotation and removal of N and P by six crops of 2 years rotation increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots over that in compost alone or urea/SSP/MOP plots. Apparent loss of soil total N and P at 0–15 cm soil depth was minimum and apparent N gain at 15–30 cm depth was maximum in Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots. Zinc uptake by rice crop and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate-extractable Zn content in soil increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Total organic C content in soil declined at 0–15 cm depth and increased at 15–30 cm depth in all nutrient management plots after a 2-year crop cycle; however, bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots showed minimum loss and maximum gain of total organic C content in the corresponding soil depths. Water-stable aggregation and distribution of soil aggregates in 53–250- and 250–2,000 μm classes increased significantly (P < 0.05) in bacterial bioinoculants-based INM plots compared to other nutrient management plots. Fungal/bacterial biomass C ratio seems to be a more reliable indicator of C and N dynamics in acidic soils than total microbial biomass C. Compost alone or Azo/Rh plus PSB dual INM plots showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher numbers of earthworms’ casts compared to urea/SSP/MOP alone and bacterial bioinoculants with urea or SSP-applied plots. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on similarity matrix of DGGE profiles revealed changes in bacterial community composition in soils due to differences in nutrient management, and these changes were seen to occur according to the states of C and N dynamics in acidic soil under RLR rotation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) interact both in plants and soils and hence may affect the availability and utilization of each other. To investigate P and Zn nutritional status and P–Zn interactions, two genetically diverse Brassica cultivars classified as P tolerant (Brown Raya) and P sensitive (Sultan Raya) were grown in a sand-based pot culture. Jordan rock phosphate (RP) and monocalcium phosphate [Ca(H2PO4)2] were used as P sources, and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) or nitrate (NO3 --) only were used as nitrogen (N) sources. Two Zn levels [0.25 (low Zn) and 2.5 (high Zn) mg zinc sulfate (ZnSO4·5H2O) kg?1 sand, respectively] were applied along with recommended doses of other essential nutrients in the culture media. Cultivars differed significantly for their response to added P for biomass accumulation, but Zn supply had little effect. Cultivar Brown Raya had greater P uptake and P-utilization efficiency (PUE) than Sultan Raya under a P-stress environment, irrespective of Zn and N supply. Zinc supply had little effect on tissue P concentration and P uptake per unit of root dry matter (RDM) in either cultivar, irrespective of N supply. An increase in P supply caused a significant reduction in specific Zn uptake (Zn uptake per unit of RDM; SZnU) and tissue Zn concentration of both cultivars. The reduction in tissue Zn concentration cannot be ascribed entirely to a dilution effect. Zinc concentrations and uptake by P-efficient cultivar Brown Raya were significantly lower and more sensitive to P uptake than those of P-sensitive Sultan Raya cultivar. It is suggested that high PUE may depress plant Zn uptake and therefore cause a reduction in Zn concentration of Brassica grown in low-P and possibly low-Zn soils. In NH4NO3 nutrition, plants had significantly lower cation concentrations compared to NO3 -- nutrition only. Brown Raya consistently had lower cation concentrations than Sultan Raya under P stress. The differences in cation concentrations decreased with increased P availability, but Zn supply had no significant effect. In Brown Raya, the ratio of potassium in roots to shoots was always greater than in Sultan Raya. This suggested that lower cation concentrations in Brown Raya were due to root carboxylate exudations, which in turn were related to better P acquisition and PUE under insufficiently buffered P-stress environment.  相似文献   

The effects of silicon (Si) (0, 1, and 2 mM) and sodium chloride (NaCl) salinity (0, 20, and 40 mM) on the yield, photosynthesis, and ion content in strawberry grown in hydroponics were investigated. Salinity caused a reduction in leaf area and plant biomass, regardless of Si supplement. Leaf area in Si1Na20 treatment was 37% higher than that of Si0Na20 treatment. Salinity at 20 mM concentration had a 25% yield reduction in absence of Si, corresponding to no reduction in the yield in the presence of Si compared with the Si treatment without salinity. The highest reduction of photosynthetic rate (Pn) was observed in Si1Na40 treatment; however, in the presence of Si, there was no reduction in the Pn rate at 20 mM NaCl concentration. An obvious positive relationship was found between potassium/sodium (K/Na) and Pn rate. Within each Si concentration, the increased salinity increased Na concentration in the leaf tissue. However, when Si was supplied to the salinity treatments Na concentration was significantly lower than that of the similar treatments without Si. Supplement of Si to the nutrient solution increased the Si concentration in the roots, and old and young leaves. A clear negative relationship (r= 0.71) was found between Si and Na concentration in the leaves. Salinity (NaCl40) increased the proline level 2.5-fold in the absence of Si, corresponding to no changes the proline level in the presence of 1 mM Si concentration compared with the Si treatment without salinity. The salinity (40 mM) increased the electroleakage by 50% compared with 0 mM NaCl treatment in the absence of Si supplement. Findings from this study lead to the conclusion that Si supplement to the nutrient solution ameliorated the deleterious effect of salinity on the strawberry growth; these effects were attributed to an enhanced K/Na ratio and the reduction in Na content and electroleakage ability in the leaf tissue.  相似文献   

To investigate the sensitivity of tomato yield and water use efficiency (WUE) to soil water content at different growth stages, the central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was employed in a five-factor-five-level pot experiment under regulated deficit irrigation. Two regression models concerning the effects of stage-specific soil water content on tomato yield and WUE were established. The results showed that the lowest available soil water (ASW) content (around 28%) during vegetative growth stage (here denoted θ1) resulted in high yield and WUE. Moderate (around 69% ASW) during blooming and fruit setting stage (θ2), and the highest ASW (around 92%) during early fruit growth stage (θ3), fruit development (θ4) and fruit maturity (θ5) contributed positively to tomato yield, whereas high WUE was achieved at lower θ2 and θ3 ( around 44% ASW) and higher θ4 and θ5 (around 76% ASW). The strongest coupling effects of ASW in two growth stages were between θ2 and θ5, θ3. In both cases a moderate θ2 was a precondition for maximum yield response to increasing θ5 and θ3. Sensitivity analysis revealed that yield was most sensitive to soil water content at fruit maturity (θ5). Numerical inspection of the regression model showed that the maximum yield, 1166 g per plant, was obtained by the combination of θ1 (c. 28% ASW), θ2 (c. 82% ASW), θ3 (c. 92% ASW), θ4 (c. 92% ASW), and θ5 (c. 92% ASW). This result may guide irrigation scheduling to achieve higher tomato yield and WUE based on specific soil water contents at different growth stages.  相似文献   

In a series of laboratory experiments, we presented carnivorous Macrobiotus richtersi (Tardigrada, Macrobiotidae) with nematode prey to assess their importance as predator. We investigated consumption rate for (a) different prey densities (10–400 prey individuals), (b) different prey biomasses (22–80 ng), (c) different prey species (Pelodera teres, Rhabditidae, versus Acrobeloides nanus, Cephalobidae) and (d) different environments (2-D agar surface versus 3-D sand fractions of three different textures). M. richtersi consumed up to 4.6 g nematode prey in 4 h, that is, 43% of the tardigrades body mass. Predation rate was positively correlated with prey density. The optimal prey in the present investigation was the biggest prey because it yielded the highest biomass uptake per time. In addition, the size of M. richtersi played an important role in consumption rate. Bacterivorous nematodes reacted differently to attack. Even in a water film on stiff agar where nematode agility was limited, a vigorous undulation reaction of P. teres led to a measurable reduction in consumption rate. A. nanus, in contrast, showed little response to attack. Microcosm experiments with sands of different particle size demonstrated that M. richtersi is able to chase and consume small bacterivorous nematodes in a 3-D soil matrix. However, consumption rate in sand microcosms was significantly reduced compared with pure agar. The sand matrix improved nematode agility and possibly provided small pores as refuge for the nematodes. The lowest consumption rate was observed in fine sand. Effects of predatory tardigrades on nematode numbers in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to determine crop yield and N use efficiency (NUE) from a saline–sodic soil (clay loam) with and without application of gypsum. Treatments included two N application rates (15% and 30%) higher than the recommended one to the normal soil, and gypsum added at 50% and 100% of soil gypsum requirement (SGR) to the saline–sodic soil, both cultivated with rice and wheat during 2011–2013. Results revealed a decrease in pH of saturated soil paste (pHs), electrical conductivity of saturation extract (ECe), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage with N fertilizer along with gypsum application in saline–sodic soil. However, the effect was most prominent when gypsum was added at 50% of SGR. Crop yield and NUE remained significantly lower (p < 0.05) in saline–sodic-soils as compared to normal soil. However, gypsum application reduced this difference from 47% to 17% since both yield and NUE increased considerably. Crop yield and NUE remained higher for wheat than for rice. During first year, higher doses of N with gypsum application at 50% SGR proved most effective, whereas, in subsequent year, recommended N along with gypsum at 50% SGR became more profitable. All these results lead us to conclude that gypsum application can ameliorate saline–sodic soil thereby increasing crop yield and NUE.  相似文献   

Growth and N‐P‐K uptake in pumpkin (Curcubita moschata Poir.) cv ‘Libby‐Select’ were studied in dryland and irrigated culture. In both moisture regimes, maximum rates of dry matter accumulation occurred between the early and mid‐fruiting developmental stages. Higher total dry matter production with irrigated than dryland culture was primarily associated with increased shoot growth. Concentrations of N, P, and K in foliage generally decreased as pumpkin age increased. Irrigated pumpkins in conjunction with higher total vegetative dry matter accumulated more N, P, and K than dryland pumpkins. Up through early fruit development, N, P, and K accumulation was primarily in leaves and vines and by the late growth stages was almost entirely in the fruit. Total N, P, and K uptake at late fruiting was estimated at 219, 32, and 228 kg/ha in irrigated pumpkins and 180, 21, and 177 kg/ha in dryland pumpkins. Approximately 58% of the N, 52% of the K, and 68% of the P accumulated by late‐fruiting was absorbed by the plant after the early‐fruiting stage in both moisture regimes. Potassium redistribution from vegetative tissues during late fruit development decreased foliar K contents 32% in dryland pumpkins and 21% in irrigated pumpkins.  相似文献   


A cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)–peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) rotation is widely practiced in the southern coastal plain following the reemergence of cotton as a major crop in the 1990s. Very few plant nutrition studies have been conducted in the coastal plain (CP) with modern cotton varieties and none with the cotton–peanut rotation. Experiments with varying rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were conducted to determine if the recommendations from soil tests provide adequate nutrition for maximizing profit when yield goals are Georgia state averages, due to other conditions. From 1996 through 1998, N, P, and K experiments were conducted in cotton crops, and P and K experiments were conducted in peanut crops on Tifton loamy sand. Initial Mehlich‐1 P was 2 to 3 mg/kg (“low”) and Mehlich‐1 K was 50 to 64 mg/kg (“medium” for cotton and “high” for peanut). Each crop was grown each year. State average yields of cotton and peanuts were produced. There was no response in cotton yield to N rates from 34 to 136 kg N/ha. Lack of response may have been due to the fact that the field had not been in production for several years prior to 1996 and there was ample soil mineral N. In 1997 and 1998, residual N provided by N fixation by the previous peanut crop appeared to be sufficient. Maximum profit from P fertilization in cotton was attained at 50 kg P/ha, the recommendation from the soil test. However, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service recommendation to double the P rate for new land with a “low” Mehlich‐1 P soil test was not validated. Cotton yield did not respond to K fertilization even though an application of 55 kg K/ha/year was recommended from the soil test. Peanut yield and grade did not respond to either P or K fertilization. The recommendation from the soil test was 40 kg P/ha/year and no K. Estimates of P removal were 11 kg/ha for cotton and 8 mg/ha for peanut crops. Estimates of K removal were 25 kg/ha for cotton and 22 kg/ha for peanut crops. Over 3 years, soil P was not depleted, but soil K was depleted. Approximately 12 kg P/ha were required to raise soil test P 1 mg/kg and 18 kg K/ha were required to raise soil test K 1 mg/kg (49 lb. P2O5 to increase the P test 1 lb./acre, 38 lb. K2O to raise the K test 1 lb./acre). Additional studies are needed, but the current studies suggest that revisions in recommendations are needed for both cotton and peanut crops.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, various strengths of Hoagland’s nutrient solutions were sprayed to mitigate the deleterious effects of nutrient stresses at different growth stages on mash bean cultivars. Hoagland’s nutrient solution strengths of 0, 25, 50, and 75% were applied at 7, 14, and 21?days after emergence on mash bean cultivars namely Mash-2 and Mash-88. Hoagland’s nutrient solution of 75% strength markedly increased the growth and yield of mash bean cultivars if applied at 21?days after crop emergence. The Mash-88 showed superiority in terms of growth and yield traits as compared to Mash-2. The results suggested that growth and yield was not enhanced effectively by a low strength of Hoagland’s nutrient solution applied at initial growth stages. It is concluded that foliar-applied Hoagland’s nutrient solution of 75% strength can be used as an efficient tool when applied at appropriate growth stage (21?days after emergence) to get optimal yield.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of conjoint use of bio-organics (biofertilizers + crop residues + FYM) and chemical fertilizers on yield, physical–chemical and microbial properties of soil in a ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system of mid hills of the north-western Himalayan Region (NWHR) of India. Conjoint bio-organics at varied levels of NPK chemical fertilizers increased yield of ‘cauliflower’ over corresponding single application. Incorporation of crop residues with 75% of the recommended NPK application resulted in the highest yield (19 t ha?1). Conjoint use of bio-organics produced a yield (15.65 t ha?1), which was statistically on a par with 75% of the recommended NPK application alone. This indicated a saving of 75% NPK chemical fertilizers. In the case of ‘French bean’, the effect was non-significant. The results also showed significant higher soil available N (351.3 kg ha?1) under 75% NPK + biofertilizers, whereas the highest soil available K (268.3 kg ha?1) was recorded under 75% NPK + crop residues. Lowest bulk density (1.03 Mg m?3), highest water holding capacity (36.5%), soil organic matter (10.6 g kg?1), bacterial (4.13 × 107 cfu g?1) and fungal (6.3 × 107 cfu g?1) counts were recorded under sole application of bio-organics. According to our study, we concluded that the combination of NPK fertilizers and bio-organics increased yield except French bean, soil available N, K and saved chemical fertilizers under ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants grown under low pressure sodium lamps (LPS) developed chlorosis which was similar in appearance to iron‐stress induced chlorosis, while plants under cool white fluorescent lamps (CWF) at the same level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) developed normally. These illumination sources differ in spectral irradiance; CWF lamps emit ultra violet (UV), whereas LPS lamps do not. Ultraviolet radiation is capable of reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+ through a chlorotic leaf which may be important in establishing an active iron fraction in the leaf. Root reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ was lacking in Fe‐stressed cotton under LPS light, but was present under CWF light. Net photosynthesis, photosynthetic electron transport, and leaf chlorophyll content were lower under LPS than CWF light in most of the growing media studies (soil or solutions with nitrate‐ or ammonium‐nitrogen supplied). Chloroplast ultrastructure and leaf thickness were also altered by LPS irradiance. Electron microscopic studies with plants grown in nutrient solutions for 4 weeks suggested that chioroplastic granal disorganization was more directly associated with diminished iron supplies than with light source. However, plants grown in soil for 6 weeks under LPS light had granal disorganization similar to that found in iron‐stressed plants. These studies suggest an important role for UV radiation in influencing the activity of iron in plants.  相似文献   

As year-to-year weather fluctuation increases, the need for better understanding of their effects on crops becomes ever more pressing. Genotype × environment (G × E) interactions for pod yield and pod number were assessed in a set of 25 West African okra genotypes that were cultivated in four successive years (otherwise called environments) through field trials, arranged in a randomized complete block design, with three replicates. Significant G × E interactions in measured traits were detected, suggesting that selection for stable genotypes, with respect to these traits must be environmental specific. Consequently, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model was applied to dissect G × E interactions. For pod yield, the highest percentage (38.4%) of the treatment sum of square was attributable to genotypes followed by G × E interactions (36.0%) and environment (25.6%), indicating predominance of genotypic variation for this trait. Conversely, prevalence of G × E interactions was observed for pod number. The biplots of the grand mean and IPCA 1 score revealed that the environments tended to discriminate genotypes in dissimilar fashion. Rainfall, relative humidity, wind speed and soil temperature were identified as strong driving forces for development and growth, affecting pod yield. The identified genotypes could be suitable candidates for further study.  相似文献   

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