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在对广东省主要珍贵树种上的线虫进行调查时从格木Erythrophleum fordii上分离到一种隐皮孢囊线虫,经形态特征观察和测量数据分析,将其鉴定为卡勒萨隐皮孢囊线虫Cryphodera kalesari。其诊断特征为:雌虫椭圆形至近球形,头部具有1个唇盘和2~3个唇环,口针长33.6~37.8μm,阴门唇突出,阴门与肛门之间区域凹陷,肛阴距为42~72μm;2龄幼虫头部具1个明显的唇盘和3个唇后环纹,口针长24.8~29.5μm,口针基部球前缘凹陷,侧区3条侧线,尾长圆锥形,长38~53.5μm,尾末端细圆,透明尾长17.1~25.1μm,侧尾腺孔位于肛门后2~5环;雄虫未发现。本研究首次获得了卡勒萨隐皮孢囊线虫的rDNA(LSU D2D3和ITS)序列,为此线虫的鉴定提供了可靠的分子数据。本研究还分析了卡勒萨隐皮孢囊线虫与本属其他种类的系统进化关系。卡勒萨隐皮孢囊线虫为中国的地理新记录种。格木为隐皮孢囊线虫的新寄主。 相似文献
Enzyme variants of Eimeria parasitizing the domestic fowl and possibilities of species diagnostics. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J Kucera 《Folia parasitologica》1991,38(3):193-199
Electrophoretic variation of the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) of Eimeria parasitizing the domestic fowl in Czechoslovakia is summarized and the differentiation of species of poultry coccidia is discussed. A new method for evaluation of zymograms of coccidial enzymes is presented. This method enables the results of different experiments to be compared by calculating standardized rates of mobility of each enzyme band relative to the positions of reference variants coded LDH-8 or GPI-9. 相似文献
J. A. Von Arx 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1970,76(3):147-151
Fungus spores can be borne endogenously in sporangia, gametangia or asci, or exogenously on basidia, conidiophores or sporogenic cells. Exogenous spores can be produced by sprouting (blastospores), by fission (arthrospores) or by an intermediate manner (sprouting followed by fission). This has to be considered especially in the classification of the imperfect fungi.Samenvatting Schimmelsporen kunnen zowel endogeen als exogeen ontstaan. Cellen met een endogene sporevorming heten sporangia. Wanneer aan de sporevorming een reductiedeling vooraf gaat, worden de sporogene cellen asci genoemd. Exogene sporevorming geschiedt door afgrenzing door middel van een celwand (arthrosporen en aleuriosporen) of door knopvorming of wel spruiting (blastosporen).Hiertussen komen overgangen voor: na een knopvorming kan het knopgedeelte zich van de moedercel afgrenzen door een dwarswand. Er wordt voorgesteld bij de indeling van de imperfecte fungi met dergelijke tussenvormen rekening te houden, zoals dit bij de indeling van de gisten geschiedt. Basidiosporen zijn blastosporen die na een reductiedeling op een gespecialiseerde moedercel ontstaan. 相似文献
本研究采用石蜡切片和显微观察分析分枝列当寄生甜瓜时的吸器形成过程, 利用液相色谱-质谱联用 (LC-MS) 检测吸器形成过程中24种植物内源激素变化。结果表明:分枝列当种子在接种甜瓜根部第3 天开始萌发, 接种第7 天分枝列当吸器顶端稳固地附着在寄主根部, 吸器侵入甜瓜根皮层, 并在甜瓜根皮层细胞内扩展, 扩展过程中形成大量的爪状结构, 接种第11 天时分枝列当吸器细胞与寄主根维管束连接。共有17种植物激素参与了吸器形成过程, 其中生长素类吲哚-3-甲醛含量在列当吸器形成过程中降低了83.36%,细胞分裂素类反式玉米素核苷的含量在增长了5.02倍;油菜素内酯含量增长了481.95倍, 推测这3类植物激素在分枝列当吸器形成过程中可能起到重要的调控作用。 相似文献
Cucumber mosaic virus (serologically closely related to strains CMV-C and CMV-D) is reported for the first time as a natural infection of Dianthus barbatus causing leaf crinkle and stunting of plants. It was mechanically transmitted to healthy D. barbatus and Vaccaria pyramidata (Caryophyllaceae) and to other herbaceous test plants, and was also aphid-transmissible from D. barbatus to D. barbatus. A convenient host for multiplication and purification of the virus was Nicotiana rustica. The presence of CMV was confirmed in D. barbatus and also in V. pyramidata by Western immunoblotting, but the concentration was too low in both the hosts to detect the virus by agar double diffusion tests. 相似文献
P. W. Th. Maas 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1965,71(4):113-121
From comparative morphological studies and inoculation tests it is concluded that the footrot fungus of flax (current nameAscochyta linicola Naoum. & Vass.) can be distinguished from a ubiquitous soil-borne fungus (current namePhoma solanicola Prill. & Del.) only by its pathogenicity on flax and its general appearancein vitro. The correct name of the latter fungus proved to bePhoma exigua Desm. For the footrot fungus the new combinationPhoma exigua Desm. var.linicola (Naoum. & Vass.) Maas is proposed. A documentation of the synonymy and literature are given for both organisms, and misapplications are discussed.Samenvatting Om na te gaan in hoeverre de dode harrel-schimmel van vlas (in Nederland bekend alsAscochyta linicola Naoum. & Vass.) identiek is met een algemeen voorkomende zwak parasitaire grondschimmel (o.a. bekend alsPhoma solanicola Prill. & Del.) zijn een aantal stammen van deze twee schimmels aan een vergelijkend onderzoek onderworpen, waarbij behalve de morfologische kenmerken ook de totale habitus in vitro en de pathogeniteit ten opzichte van vlas zijn onderzocht. In verband met bepaalde literatuurgegevens is ook de koolparasietLeptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. & de N. (stat. con.Plenodomus lingam (Tode ex Fr.) Hoehn.) en de van vlaszaad beschreven maar algemeen voorkomende schimmelPeyronellaea nicotiae Leduc bij dit onderzoek betrokken.Het bleek, dat de dode harrel-schimmel alleen door zijn afwijkende uniforme groei in cultuur en door zijn veel grotere pathogeniteit ten opzichte van vlas is te onderscheiden van de algemeen voorkomende grondschimmel (fig. 1; tabel 1). Derhalve werd geconcludeerd, dat we hier het beste kunnen spreken van twee variëteiten van één schimmel, welke gezien de morfologische kenmerken thuishoort in het geslachtPhoma Sacc. De oudst bekende naam van de algemeen voorkomende grondschimmel bleekPhoma exigua Desm. te zijn. Voor de dode harrel-schimmel werd de nieuwe combinatiePhoma exigua var.linicola (Naoum. & Vass.) Maas geïntroduceerd. Van beide organismen is een documentatie gegeven van de synonymie, literatuurgegevens en onjuiste toepassingen.De twee andere onderzochte schimmels, welke morfologisch van een geheel ander type zijn danPhoma exigua, bleken niet pathogeen te zijn voor vlas (tabel 1). Voor de algemeen voorkomendePeyronellaea nicotiae bleek afgestorven vlas een bijzonder geschikt substraat te zijn. Het literatuurgegeven datPhoma lingam (=Plenodomus lingam) morfologisch veel overeenkomst vertoont met de dode harrel-schimmel bleek op een misidentificatie te berusten en heeft in feite betrekking op de algemeen voorkomende grondschimmel. 相似文献
P. H. J. F. van den Boogert 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1989,95(3):149-156
Verticillium biguttatum was able to grow axenically in a synthetic liquid medium with a compound containing ammonium or amino group as nitrogen source, glucose as carbon source and biotin as growth factor. Among various carbon and nitrogen compounds tested, highest mycelial production was achieved with mannitol and with two ammonium salts and glutamine; sporulation reached highest values with galactose and glutamine. Highest yields of mycelium and conidia were obtained at pH 4.3 and 5.1, respectively. Although neutral and alkaline conditions were growth-limiting in the synthetic medium some growth ofV.biguttatum occurred on solid media at pH 7.0 and on sclerotia ofRhizoctonia solani in natural soil at pH 7.2–7.3.Samenvatting Een synthetisch vloeibaar medium met glucose als koolstofbron, een ammonium- of aminogroep bevattende verbinding als stikstofbron en biotine als groeifactor voldeed aan de voedingseisen vanVerticillium biguttatum. Van de verschillende koolstof- en stikstofbronnen leverden mannitol en twee ammoniumzouten en glutamine de hoogste opbrengsten aan mycelium; de opbrengst aan conidiën was het hoogst met galactose en glutamine. De hoogste opbrengsten aan mycelium en conidiën werden bereikt bij respectievelijk pH 4,3 en 5.1. Ofschoon neutrale en alkalische omstandigheden de groei vanV. biguttatum in het synthetische medium beperkten, werd enige groei vanV. biguttatum waargenomen op vaste voedingsbodems bij pH 7,0 en op sclerotia vanR. solani in natuurlijke grond bij pH 7,2–7,3. 相似文献
肉苁蓉寄生对寄主梭梭体内主要矿质元素含量的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
对寄生有肉苁蓉的梭梭(HA)与未寄生肉苁蓉的梭梭(CK)不同生长发育时期体内氮、磷、钾、钠、钙、镁、锰、铁等8种矿质营养元素含量的动态变化进行研究。实验结果表明:HA与CK体内的氮、磷、钾、钙、钠以及微量元素铁、锰的含量变化均无显著差异性,只有镁元素二者间差异显著;对于寄生植物肉苁蓉,其体内大量元素氮显著高于HA和CK,磷显著高于HA,而与CK差异不显著,钾、钠、钙、镁、锰、铁6种元素含量均显著性低于HA和CK,同时研究了肉苁蓉寄生后对梭梭体内矿质营养元素的吸收系数的影响,按吸收系数大小排列为N>P>Na>Mg>Ca>K>Mn>Fe。造成以上结果的原因可能与肉苁蓉属于全寄生性植物有关。 相似文献
V Bukva 《Folia parasitologica》1990,37(1):81-91
Evidence of three distinct Demodex species parasitizing the sheep is given for the first time. A newly distinguished Demodex sp. is described, and diagnostic characters are compared for Demodex ovis Hirst, 1919, D. aries Desch, 1983, and Demodex sp. Information on prevalence, distribution in the tissues, and pathogenicity of these three Demodex species in 132 head of sheep in Czechoslovakia is presented, with a review of such data published to date. 相似文献
Heterodera elachista the Japanese cyst nematode parasitizing corn in Northern Italy: integrative diagnosis and bionomics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Francesca De Luca Nicola Vovlas Giuseppe Lucarelli Alberto Troccoli Vincenzo Radicci Elena Fanelli Carolina Cantalapiedra-Navarrete Juan E. Palomares-Rius Pablo Castillo 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2013,136(4):857-872
The Japanese cyst nematode Heterodera elachista was detected parasitizing corn cv Rixxer in Bosco Mesola (Ferrara Province) in Northern Italy. The only previous report of this nematode was in Asia (Japan, China and Iran) attacking upland rice; being this work the first report of this cyst nematode in Europe, and confirmed corn as a new host plant for this species. Integrative morphological and molecular data for this species were obtained using D2-D3 expansion regions of 28S rDNA, ITS1-rDNA, the partial 18S rDNA, the protein-coding mitochondrial gene, cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI), and the heat-shock protein 90 (hsp90). Heterodera elachista identified in Northern Italy was morphologically and molecularly clearly separated from other cyst nematodes attacking corn (viz. H. avenae, H. filipjevi, H. delvii, H. oryzae, H. sacchari, H. sorghi, H. zeae, Punctodera chalcoensis, and Vittadera zeaphila) and rice (H. oryzae, H. sacchari). The phylogenetic relationships of H. elachista from Northern Italy with other cyst-nematodes using rDNA and mtDNA showed a separation of the genus Heterodera in various morphospecies groups based on vulval cone structures. The development and parasitic habit of H. elachista on naturally infected corn cv Rixxer confirmed a typical susceptible reaction, including multinucleate syncytial cells in parenchymatic cells. Under greenhouse conditions, H. elachista successfully reproduced on two crops widely used in Northern Italy, such as corn (cv PR 33) and rice (cv Baldo). Considering the limited host-range of this nematode, that include two of the three world’s most important crops, special attention is needed for avoiding the dispersal of this nematode into new areas, by movement of soil on equipment, water, and contaminated containers infested soil, or agricultural practices. 相似文献
R. C. Staples 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1968,74(1):25-27
Samenvatting Een deel van doorPuccinia horiana aangetast weefsel van chrysant sterft geleidelijk af na een warmtebehandeling van de planten (Tabel 1). Chlorose en/of sporulatie van de roest verdwijnen geheel of bijna geheel bij een behandeling waarvan het verband tussen de duur der behandeling (e) en de temperatuur (t) wordt benaderd door de formulee=4t+188 (Tabel 2). Onder de door deze formule weergegeven omstandigheden worden de eindknoppen van de planten gedood, maar de zijknoppen vormen nieuwe scheuten (Fig. 1). Bij een doeltreffende bestrijding van de roest is de sterfte onder de planten zo groot, dat een warmtebehandeling van potplanten en stekken niet kan worden geadviseerd. Voor aangetaste moerplanten lijkt deze behandeling evenwel mogelijk. 相似文献
The pathogenicity and growth of six cultures of the bark-beetle-associated blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica were compared. Four were subcultures, established at different times, of the same isolate (80–53/7), and at least one of these was suspected to have lost its pathogenicity to Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) during subculturing. Two other cultures (93–208/115 and 94–169/13) were pathogenic. The pathogenicity of all cultures to Norway spruce was compared in three inoculation experiments, using (i) massive inoculation (≈144 inoculations per tree), (ii) low-density inoculation (14 inoculations per tree) of larger trees and (iii) single inoculation of 2-year-old seedlings. Fungal growth rates were tested in vitro on malt agar, and on malt agar under oxygen-deficient conditions. Isolates 93–208/115 and 94–169/13 and one of the subcultures of isolate 80–53/7 were pathogenic in all three inoculation experiments. Two other subcultures were nonpathogenic, while the last subculture was intermediate. The pathogenic cultures had higher growth rates on malt agar than the nonpathogenic and intermediate cultures, and they also grew better under oxygen-deficient conditions. These results demonstrate that blue-stain fungi may lose their pathogenicity after serial vegetative transfers on artificial substrates. The results are also consistent with the hypothesis that rapid growth and the ability to grow in oxygen-poor environments are important pathogenicity factors in blue-stain fungi. 相似文献
荔枝炭疽病菌生物学特性的研究 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
本文主要研究了温度、湿度、pH值、光照、营养对荔枝炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.)生长、产孢和孢子萌发的影响。该菌菌丝生长的温度范围为8~38℃,最适28℃;产生分生孢子的温度范围为12~36℃,最适28~32℃;分生孢子萌发的温度范围为8~38℃,最适28~32℃。在pH 3~10的范围内该菌均能生长和产孢,菌丝生长最适pH 5~6;产生分生孢子最适pH3~4,分生孢子萌发最适pH 6~7。分生孢子在饱和湿度或水滴中萌发快,相对湿度低于85%时不能萌发。光照处理对该菌生长发育无显著性影响。葡萄糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、果糖对分生孢子萌发有促进作用。分生孢子的致死温度为50℃ 10 min,菌丝体的致死温度为60℃ 30 min。 相似文献
稻曲病菌cDNA文库的构建 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以稻曲病菌菌丝和薄壁分生孢子提取的总RNA为起始模板,利用SMART cDNA library construction kit构建稻曲病菌cDNA文库,并分析文库质量。结果显示,未扩增文库滴度9.03×106pfu/mL,重组率为99.5%,扩增后文库滴度达5.52×109pfu/mL。随机挑取10个噬菌斑转化成质粒,SfiⅠ酶切显示插入片段长度在400-2000bp之间;经测序得到10条表达序列标签(EST),GenBank数据库相似性联配结果显示6条EST具有同源序列。其中,克隆R2为乙酰胺酶同源物编码蛋白。 相似文献
ABSTRACT Dogwood anthracnose, caused by Discula destructiva, affects several native dogwood species in North America, especially flowering dogwood in the east and Pacific dogwood in the west. The fungus behaves as a recently introduced plant pathogen under episodic selection. Two distinct disjunct groups of fungal isolates corresponding to eastern and western groups were detected by amplified fragment length polymorphisms and sequences of the intergenic spacer (IGS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, translation elongation factor-1alpha, and beta-tubulin genes. Of 20 genotypes identified among 72 isolates, 17 genotypes were from the eastern United States (n = 50), but only three were present among the western isolates (n = 22), indicating that the eastern population may be more diverse. Most eastern and western isolates belonged to a few widespread clones, and the genetic variability of this apparently asexual fungus was remarkably low compared with that of many other asexual fungi. We conclude that D. destructiva is still under intense selection pressure and that episodic selection may still be in effect. The New York City area, a possible epidemic center in the east, had relatively higher genetic variability than samples from other areas. 相似文献
Propamocarb (Previcur-N; propyl-[3-dimethylamino-propyl] carbamate-monohydrochloride) was testedin vivo against 32 field isolates ofPhytophthora infestans from six countries. Fungicide dosages required to achieve 90% control of the blight ranged between 676 and 1530 ppm a.i.
in potted potato (cv. ‘Alpha’) plants and between 1135 and 2648 ppm in potato tuber slices. Isolates from Israel were less
sensitive to the fungicide than isolates from Europe or North America. Toxicity of propamocarb was not related to resistance
or sensitivity to phenylamide fungicides (e.g. metalaxyl). Nevertheless, most metalaxyl-resistant isolates from Israel were less sensitive to propamocarb than most metalaxyl-sensitive
isolates from this country. Monocyclic epidemics conducted with the 20 Israeli isolates in the field showed that 1081–2012
ppm of the fungicide was required to achieve 90% control of the disease. Laboratory experiments revealed that the fungicide
was poorly active against sporangial germination and had a limited curative efficacy. It exhibited a translaminar translocation
in leaves but a poor acropetal or basipetal systemicity from foliage. Propamocarb + mancozeb mixtures (1:1, v/w) were synergistically
effective in controlling the blight. Growers in Israel use tank mixtures of propamocarb (Dynone) and mancozeb to combat late
blight in potato fields where phenylamide-resistant isolates ofP. infestans are prevalent. 相似文献