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金红苹果是东北地区北部的苹果主栽品种 ,在辽宁、吉林、黑龙江和内蒙古等地均有分布 ,近年来 ,成功引种到山海关以南地区。金红苹果平均单果重 60 g左右 ,果实卵圆形 ,底色鲜黄 ,上覆紫红色晕 ,以口感甜、脆 ,即食性佳 ,而深受广大消费者喜爱。但进入盛果期后果实逐渐变小 ,而且桃小、李小等蛀果害虫危害严重 ,经济效益受到了很大影响。为此 ,我们进行了疏果、套袋试验 ,旨在探讨提高金红苹果单果重 ,改善果实经济性状的途径。试验地点在北华大学农业技术学院实习园艺场。试树为 4年生金红苹果 ;试验用塑膜袋由四川省惠阳膜袋公司提供。试… 相似文献
于苹果幼芽萌动期、开花前1~2天、坐果期、幼果期、果实迅速膨大期和成熟前期喷施1000倍液苹果增产菌。经对幼果心室、萼筒分离培养表明:处理后果实心室和萼筒的有害微生物群落比对照少。成熟期和贮藏期调查表明:成熟期霉心病发病率可降低3.0%~10.0%,病情指数降低6.7%~33.2%;贮藏1个月后发病率降低10.0%~22.3%,病情指数降低15.6%~43.3%。 相似文献
果实套袋可提高梨果品质。目前纸袋种类较多 ,效果、价格不一。为选择生产上适宜的果袋 ,1 999年进行了梨套袋效果比较试验。1 材料与方法 试验在桐庐县桐庐镇大丰村进行 ,供试品种为生长健壮的六年生黄花梨 ,管理水平中上 ,长势强弱、树冠大小基本一致。供试纸袋有 :台湾产外黄内黑双层袋、外黄内白双层袋、黄色单层袋 ,规格为长 2 0cm、宽 1 5cm ;山东产外黄内黑双层袋、外黄内白双层袋、黄色单层袋 ,规格为长1 8.5cm、宽 1 5cm ;果农自制四层报纸袋、二层报纸袋 ,规格为长 1 9cm、宽 1 3cm ;不套袋为对照。 每株选 4… 相似文献
试验以湖景蜜露、锦绣黄桃、早露蟠桃果实为试材,探讨反光膜应用对3个品种桃可溶性固形物含量、单果重和中下部果实着色度的影响。结果表明:湖景蜜露、锦绣黄桃可溶性固形物含量处理比对照的平均值分别高出0.91%和1.38%,均达到了显著性差异水平;早露蟠桃处理达到了极显著差异水平,可见,设施大棚中早露蟠桃使用该技术效果更明显。早露蟠桃单果处理 相似文献
苹果增产菌对桃树营养器官—叶片的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在桃树幼芽萌动期、幼果期和果实迅速膨大期各喷1次1000倍苹果增产菌液,其效果明显好于只在萌芽期喷1次和幼芽萌动期、幼果期各喷1次(共两次)的效果,叶片鲜重提高12.26%~49.60%,单叶面积增加8.26%~45.50%,叶绿素含量提高4.53%~15.94%,从而增强桃树树势,对提高产量和果实品质起到良好的作用。 相似文献
砧木对苹果成熟期和品质的影响[美]W.R.Autio为了深入了解砧木对嫁接品种果实成熟期和品质的影响,于1986年开始,历经4年,对8种砧木上的超红苹果进行了研究,取得了一些比较系统的结果。试验砧木有Ott3、M7EMLA、M9EMLA、M26EML... 相似文献
用磁化水处理红星苹果,能明显地保持红星苹果果实在贮藏期的硬度和可溶性固形物的含量,对呼吸强度有明显的抑制作用,从而提高红星苹果贮藏品质,延长果实寿命。 相似文献
以6年生‘沙红’和‘燕红’桃树为试材,研究不同骨干枝角度对桃树生长和果实品质的影响。结果表明:‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的总枝量,中枝、短枝和花束状枝总和以及枝条生长量明显高于其他2个处理;同一部位,‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的总枝量处于较高的水平,高于其他2个处理;同一方向,‘沙红’和‘燕红’3个处理均是平侧枝总枝量最高。同一部位,‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的果实品质好于其他2个处理;同一方向,‘沙红’和‘燕红’3个处理的结果数均是平侧枝最多;‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的果实品质和产量显著高于其他2个处理。因此,‘沙红’骨干枝适宜的倾斜角度为0°,而‘燕红’骨干枝适宜的倾斜角度为30°。 相似文献
采后玉露桃果实冷害发生与ROP基因的表达调控 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以软溶质玉露桃果实为材料,于8℃、5℃、0℃和LTC(8℃锻炼3d再转到0℃贮藏)下贮藏30d后转至货架(20℃)2d,对各个处理果实的腐烂和冷害程度、果实品质变化规律以及ROP基因的表达模式进行了比较,以探讨ROP基因与低温胁迫的关系。结果表明,经5℃和0℃贮藏30d的玉露桃果实在货架期间褐变加重,经5℃处理的果实褐变最重,经0℃处理果实表现后熟障碍;经8℃贮藏30d以及后续2d货架期的果实不出现冷害症状,但果实腐烂严重;LTC处理果实经冷藏后在货架期后熟正常,且果实冷害和腐烂均被明显抑制。各处理桃果实在采后低温贮藏过程中总可溶性糖和总有机酸质量分数均趋下降,其中5℃处理果实总可溶性糖质量分数下降幅度最大。结合应用EST检索和RT-PCR克隆扩增,分离出桃ROP基因(PpROP)。实时定量PCR结果显示,PpROP在5℃下表达迅速增强,第5天达到高峰,其丰度明显高于其他处理,LTC处理使PpROP表达维持较低水平。 相似文献
Effect of pruning intensity on peach yield and fruit quality 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Light, medium and heavy pruning treatments were used with one unpruned as check (control) in Flordasun, Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches. Fruit yield decreased with the increase in severity of pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, whereas, medium pruning treatment gave highest yield in Flordasun peach. Pulp weight, stone weight, pulp-stone ratio, ascorbic acid, sugar acid ratio and moisture content were not affected by pruning levels. However, fruit weight, size, TSS, sugar and acid content were significantly increased by pruning in Flordasun peach. Almost all the physico-chemical characters were significantly affected by pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, in which medium and heavy pruning treatments performed better, respectively. 相似文献
Watersprout occurrence and growth were investigated over a two-year period in an early maturing peach cultivar (Alexandra) under different intensities of dormant pruning for fruited and defruited trees. A preliminary study focused on identifying the laws that determine the probability of presence and occurrence of watersprouts in relation to watersprout-bearing shoot (WBS) length. The increase in watersprout probability of presence and occurrence resulting from greater WBS length illustrated the high capacity of peach for sprouting. Watersprout lengths were measured, as well as the lengths of young shoots, one-year-old fruit-bearing shoots (FBSs) and older branches considered as WBS in order to evaluate total shoot growth within the tree. Watersprout number and total length tended to be higher under severe dormant pruning and in fruited trees than under light dormant pruning and in defruited trees. This stimulation of watersprout length appeared to compensate for the concomitant lower total length of young shoots, resulting in a constant overall vegetative growth rate for the whole tree. In the second year of the experiment, watersprouts were either removed by summer pruning or not in order to evaluate watersprout incidence on the rest of the tree. After light and severe watersprout removal (WSR), the annual diametrical growth of FBS tended to be higher and lower, respectively, compared to trees not submitted to summer pruning. Light WSR might favour light interception in the centre of the canopy, thus improving assimilate production and allocation to FBS, whereas severe WSR could prevent carbohydrate export from watersprouts to FBS. Under our conditions, the limit at which WSR intensity became detrimental for FBS diametrical growth appeared to be after approximately 75% of the watersprouts were removed. Severe WSR appeared likely to improve fruit diameter, whereas it had no significant impact on the percentage of soluble solids. 相似文献