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A series of in sacco and in vitro studies were carried out to evaluate bean husks for activation of fibrolytic rumen bacteria and rice straw digestion. First, lablab bean husk, chickpea husk and rice straw were suspended in the rumen of sheep to analyze the bacterial consortium developed on each fiber source. Known members of fiber‐associating bacteria were found on both lablab bean husk and rice straw, but some of these bacteria were lacking on chickpea husk. Second, a pure culture study was carried out using six strains of Fibrobacter succinogenes. Both husks stimulated the growth of all tested strains, including a strain that did not grow on rice straw. The strain OS128 that showed the highest growth on rice straw displayed even higher growth on lablab bean husk without a time lag. Finally, two‐step incubations were carried out to determine whether prior incubation of rumen fluid with husks stimulates subsequent rice straw digestion. Higher digestibility of rice straw was recorded in the second‐round incubation following the first incubation with bean husks. These results suggest that the tested bean husks improve the digestion of rice straw by activating fibrolytic F. succinogenes and other associated bacteria.  相似文献   

Two human variable-number tandem repeat probes, pYNH24 and pYNA23, were examined for their possible ability to detect polymorphisms in the porcine genome. Useful DNA polymorphisms were detected in the porcine species, using both probes. In addition, results of Southern blot analysis of these markers in family studies indicated that the genome fragments obey mendelian laws of inheritance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the influence of soybean meal supplementation, with or without additional ruminal escape protein or fat, on the nutritional status of pregnant winter-grazing beef cows. During two winters (Trials 1 and 2), approximately 60 prepartum beef cows grazed native foothills range each year. Cows were allotted randomly to five groups and supplemented (g/d) with either none (control); 570 soybean meal (SOY); 450 soybean meal plus 230 blood meal (SOY + BM); 140 soybean meal, 16 urea plus 450 corn gluten meal (SOY + CGM); or 570 soybean meal plus 210 animal fat (SOY + FAT). These supplements were designed to supply similar quantities of ruminal degraded protein while varying in escape protein quantity and source (SOY + BM and SOY + CGM). Condition scores and body weights were determined at trial initiation (mid-December) and conclusion (early March). Eight blood samples obtained over 4 d during three periods (9, 4 and 1 wk prior to parturition) were analyzed for concentrations of glucose, urea nitrogen (N), total bilirubin, creatinine, albumin, total protein and cholesterol. Cows in the control treatment experienced the greatest BW loss in both trials. In Trial 2, escape protein tended to decrease (P less than .06) BW loss compared to SOY, though loss tended to be greater (P less than .08) with SOY + CGM than with SOY + BM. Escape protein can enhance nutritional status when supplemented with .6 kg/d of soybean meal.  相似文献   

Liu  Ci  Zhang  Lin  Yang  Jiye  Zhang  Wenjia  Wang  Qianqian  Zhang  Jianxin  Xin  Jiaying  Chen  Shuming 《Tropical animal health and production》2019,51(6):1449-1454
Tropical Animal Health and Production - Chemical composition and rumen degradability of waste vinegar residue (WVR) as roughage feed used for mutton sheep were evaluated in this work. Compared with...  相似文献   

Batch and continuous culture techniques were used to evaluate the effect of the ionophore lysocellin on ruminal fermentation and microbial populations. In batch culture, .5 and 1 ppm (of the fluid) lysocellin markedly decreased (P less than .01) the acetate:propionate ratio without affecting fiber digestion, ammonia concentration, or culture pH. Greater concentrations of lysocellin had negative effects (P less than .05) on fiber digestion and increased (P less than .05) culture pH. In continuous culture, a low level of lysocellin (33 ppm of the diet DM or about .7 ppm of the fluid) decreased pH (P less than .05) and methane (P less than .05) production but had no effect on fiber digestion. Lysocellin tended to increase (P less than .05) OM digestion in corn-based diets but decreased OM digestion in barley-based diets (starch source x lysocellin interaction, P less than .05). In addition, the molar proportion of propionate was increased more in barley- than in corn-based diets. Total anaerobes and amylolytic and lactate-utilizing microorganisms were not affected by the ionophore. In continuous culture, cellulolytic and lactate-producing organisms were insensitive to lysocellin, but, in lysocellin-treated media, cellulolytic organisms were resistant, whereas lactic acid producers were sensitive to lysocellin at 4 ppm. In summary, the ionophore lysocellin alters ruminal fermentation by decreasing ruminal methane production and increasing the molar proportion of propionate; however, effects varied depending on whether corn or barley served as the primary starch source.  相似文献   

Different rations were used in successive experimental periods (Dried green feeds (I), fresh green feed from sugar beet tops (II), concentrates (III, IV), and maize silage (V), to test the effect they have on the structure and oxidative functions of the ruminal mucosa in cattle. Rations I, II, IV, and V were both energy and protein equivalent. Biopsy specimens from ruminal papillae were taken on the day when rations were suddenly changed and on the 21st and 22nd day of the feeding period; they were then investigated histologically and manometrically. It was found that some characteristics, (viz. the type and thickness of the stratum corneum, the thickness of epithelia, the size of cell nuclei in the stratum basale of the epitheliumas well as the state of the lamina propria and the oxygen uptake were subject to alterations depending on nutrition. Nutrition with energy-equivalent, but otherwise extremely different diets representing particular types of rations led to the development of different and quite specific functional states of the ruminal mucosa. All these functional states of the mucosa were found to be within the limits of normality but seemed to have a definitely more favourable functional effect in the case of rations I and IV than in the case of rations II and V. The feeding of concentrates (III, V) increased the energy intake to an amount of 6.6 kEFr, i.e. double that of the other rations, and brought about changes in quantitative parameters. These, in turn, indicated that proliferative and oxidative processes had been stimulated. Changes of this kind were accompanied by increases in the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the ruminal fluid which rose from a maximum of 9 mMol per 100 ml (ration IV) to 12.5 mMol per 100 ml (ration III). Immediately after any change in nutrition brought about by a change of rations, processes of adaptation occurred in the ruminal mucosa. A balanced state of the mucosa was again achieved after a period of not more than 3 weeks.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of hybridization and effect of different conditions, such as probe size, salt concentration, temperature, detergent concentration, time of washing, sample preparation and sample purity, on hybridization is discussed. Different formats of hybridization such as in solution hybridization, solid phase hybridization, and methods for probe preparation are presented. Polymerase chain reaction for the amplification of target and alternative methods for signal amplification are introduced in this review.  相似文献   

Bovine ruminal contents and blood were ensiled with wheat straw, either untreated or treated with 4% NaOH (DM basis), with and without addition of 5% dry molasses. Proportions of ruminal contents, blood, and straw were 45:15:40, wet basis, respectively. Wheat straw also was ensiled alone, and water was added to attain 43% DM. After 60 d, all silages had a desirable aroma. The pH of the ensiled mixtures of ruminal contents, blood, and untreated straw was 4.43 and 4.56, with and without molasses, respectively. Values for silages containing treated straw, with and without molasses, were 5.95 and 7.37, respectively. All silages had substantial levels of lactic acid (2.4 to 4.9%, DM basis). Addition of molasses increased (P less than .01) lactic acid concentrations. In a metabolism trial, 36 wethers were fed a 50% orchardgrass hay basal diet alone or supplemented with ensiled materials (1:1 ratio, DM basis) such that final diets had about 7 and 4% of their DM from ruminal contents and blood, respectively. Among the diets containing the ensiled mixtures, digestibilities of DM, OM, energy, NDF, ADF, cellulose, and hemicellulose were 6 to 20 percentage units higher (P less than .01) for silages containing treated vs untreated straw. Addition of molasses increased apparent digestibility only of CP and only in sheep fed ensiled mixtures with treated straw (interaction of straw treatment x molasses addition, P less than .05). Nitrogen balance was increased (P less than .05) from 1.6 g/d to 2.9 g/d by NaOH treatment of straw. Metabolizable energy was higher (P less than .05) for diets containing silages with NaOH-treated straw.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. A relatively new instrument known as a Sperm Quality Analyzer (SQA) offers a rapid assessment of sperm quality and quantity by providing a sperm quality index (SQI). The SQA measures the intensity of sperm activity and motile concentration by determining the number and amplitude of sperm movements per second in a capillary tube as detected through light beam interference. 2. The objectives of the current study were to determine if the SQA could accurately reflect changes in semen quality that occur with prolonged storage of semen and to determine the variation and change in SQI values among individual breeding male turkeys during their semen production cycle. 3. The effect of storage time on SQI values was evaluated by diluting semen with extender and placing the semen on an oscillating shaker at 4 degrees C for 8 h. The SQI values and sperm viability, expressed as % dead sperm, were recorded hourly. The SQI readings declined linearly with increased storage time while % dead sperm increased linearly with increased semen storage. 4. Semen from 220 individual males was analysed monthly for 9 months. Semen diluted 50-fold with saline had lower SQI values during pre- and post-peak phases of production (months 1, 7, 8, and 9 as compared with months 2 to 6 of semen production). The highest SQI values occurred during months 2 to 6. The largest variation in SQI values occurred during months 1 (CV = 26%) and 9 (CV = 31%) with a CV that averaged 16% for the remaining months. 5. Correlation analysis of SQI values for each bird averaged over 9 months with individual male SQIs for each month showed monthly correlation coefficients that ranged from 0.22 to 0.63. 6. These results indicate that the SQA accurately assessed the decline in sperm quality that occurs with prolonged storage of turkey semen and reflected age-related changes in semen quality and quantity that occurred during a semen production cycle of turkey breeders. In addition, the semen quality rank of some turkey breeders in a population changed with age.  相似文献   

A 12-month study was conducted to assess and monitor gastrointestinal tract nematodes and liver fluke in cohorts of cattle on a Scottish organic dairy farm. Various diagnostic markers for helminth parasites of cattle from different age groups were assessed monthly from April 2007 to March 2008. First season grazing stock were subjected to significant challenge from Ostertagia ostertagi nematodes as reflected in serum pepsinogen concentrations, which rose markedly in the second half of the grazing season. In addition, plasma albumin concentrations decreased and faecal egg counts (FEC) increased moderately, indicating exposure to both O ostertagi and probably Cooperia oncophora. Second season grazing animals had a peak FEC early in the grazing period, suggestive of a potential carry-over of Ostertagia species infection ('Type 2') during housing. All classes of cattle showed evidence of fluke (Fasciola hepatica) infection. Adult cow exposure to O ostertagi and fluke was estimated via the use of ELISA testing to detect antibodies to O ostertagi and F hepatica and the high levels detected suggested a significant exposure response. Despite low stocking densities and sympathetic grazing management, there was a significant challenge to all grazing stock from gastrointestinal nematodes and liver fluke.  相似文献   

Strained ruminal fluid from cattle fed hay or grain was lethal to mice when injected intraperitoneally, but the fluid from grain-fed cattle was approximately 3.7 times more toxic than that from hay-fed cattle. The lethal factor(s) was not resistant to heat, was nondialyzable, was retained on Seitz and membrane filters, and was associated with the bacterial fraction of ruminal fluid. We concluded that death of the mice resulted from infection produced by facultative bacteria normally in ruminal fluid. Ruminal fluid from grain-fed cattle contained a greater number of facultative bacteria than did that from hay-fed cattle.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of wheat-based thin stillage as a fluid source for ruminants. In vitro CP degradability of thin stillage was estimated relative to canola meal and heated canola meal in a completely randomized design. Four ruminally cannulated steers were used in a double cross-over design to determine the effects of consuming thin stillage or water as drinking sources on ruminal fermentation traits. The in vitro CP degradability of thin stillage (55.4%) was lower (P<.05) than that of canola meal (59.4%) and higher than that of heated canola meal (31.6%). Ruminal pH for steers consuming thin stillage was higher (P<.05) at 1000 and 1100 and lower (P<.05) at 1900 and 2000 than that for steers consuming water. Total VFA followed a pattern that was the reverse of that reported for pH. Ruminal NH3 N levels were higher (P<.05) for steers fed thin stillage than for water-fed steers through most of the collection period. Ruminal fluid and particulate matter passage rates were not affected by treatment and averaged .165 and .06 /h, respectively. The amount of thin stillage and water that did not equilibrate with the ruminal fluid and, thus, was considered to bypass the rumen was estimated to be 51.9 and 59.2% of total fluid consumed, respectively. Feeding wheat-based thin stillage had no adverse effects on ruminal metabolism.  相似文献   

Porcine parvovirus (PPV) and porcine rotavirus (PRV) infections can be diagnosed, and the diagnosis greatly contributes to their control. For the diagnosis of PPV and PRV of pigs recombinant DNA were obtained which could be used as hybridization probes. Homology between PPV-RNA and cloned cDNA was confirmed, and the ability of plasmid probes to detect PRV was demonstrated. Hybridization with preparations of both PPV-infected cells and purified PPV gave positive reproducible results. The results are useful as an experience for the development of a sandwich hybridization system for PPV detection.  相似文献   

DNA from the Washington, South-Idaho, Virginia and Florida isolates of Anaplasma marginale was hybridized to probes specific for Anaplasma centrale and A. marginale. The A. centrale probes AC-2 and AC-4 hybridized to identical bands on all of these isolates. The hybridization patterns suggests that the Virginia, Florida and the South African isolates are similar. A number of bands were obtained with the Washington isolate which differed from those obtained with the other isolates. Probe AC-2 could be developed to identify relatedness among Anaplasma isolates. Probe AC-2 detected A. marginale DNA in midgut material from infected Dermacentor andersoni ticks. No hybridization was obtained with DNA from salivary gland tissues from these infected ticks.  相似文献   

Objective-To determine the minimal electric threshold of neurostimulation dorsally and ventrally to the interarcuate ligament in the lumbosacral area necessary to cause muscle contraction of the hind limb or tail and determine whether a continuous electrical stimulation applied to an insulated needle during lumbosacral epidural needle placement could be used to distinguish the epidural from the intrathecal space in rabbits. Animals-24 New Zealand white rabbits. Procedures-Rabbits received iohexol (0.2 mL/kg) either dorsally (group 1) or ventrally to the interarcuate ligament in the lumbosacral area (groups 2 and 3). Correct placement of the needle was determined by use of the loss of resistance to injection technique (group 2) or a continuous electrical stimulation (group 3) and confirmed by examination of the iohexol distribution pattern on radiographs. Results-In all rabbits of group 1, iohexol was injected in the lumbosacral area, outside the epidural space. In groups 2 and 3, iohexol was injected intrathecally. No pure iohexol epidural migration of iohexol was observed. Mean ± SD minimal electric threshold to elicit a motor response was 1.2 ± 0.3 mA, 0.3 ± 0.1 mA, and 0.3 ± 0.1 mA in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Neurostimulation was a useful technique to determine correct intrathecal needle placement in rabbits but failed to detect the lumbosacral epidural space when the common technique, used in dogs and cats for the lumbosacral epidural approach, was used.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma is the common name for the smallest free-living microorganisms, the Mollicutes. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is of great importance in veterinary medicine, causing enzootic pneumonia in pigs. M hyorhinis can cause polyserositis and may cause pneumonia in piglets. Oligonucleotides complementary to variable regions of 16S rRNA from these mycoplasmas were designed and used as probes for detection and identification of these mycoplasmas. The probe complementary to 16S rRNA of M hyorhinis gave a very weak cross-hybridisation with M hyosynoviae in filter hybridisation experiments, but not with any of the other porcine mycoplasmas tested. Three oligonucleotide probes complementary to M hyopneumoniae 16S rRNA were tested. One of the probes (Mhp6/30) was found to be specific to M hyopneumoniae, but the other two gave cross-hybridisation with M flocculare. Using the Mhp6/30 probe in direct filter hybridisation experiments, it proved possible to detect M hyopneumoniae in lung biopsies from experimentally infected pigs.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The increase in haylage production leads to the search for additives that improve its fermentation and nutritional value. This study aimed to assess the...  相似文献   

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