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Studies on the biology, morphology and spread of Herpotrichia parasitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup (formerly Trichosphaeria parasitica Hartig). Part II: Method of infection, hosts and pure culture. H. parasitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup (conidial stage Pyrenocbacta parasitica Preyer et van der Aa) overwinters by means of both types of fruit bodies on the needles of hosts but also by means of mycelium which grows along the under sides of shoots during the growing season, reaches the buds and penetrates under the outer bud scales. Spread of the fungus is thus independent of spores. As well as Abies alba, other silver firs are attacked. Contact infection with mycelium on Picea sitchensis was also observed. Studies with pycnospores showed that germination on needles of host species varied with humidity. In culture the fungus grew best on 2 % malt agar, pH 6 at 21°C.  相似文献   

Studies on thc biology, morphology ancl clistribution of Herpotrichin parasitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup (Trichosphaeria parasitica Hartig) 1. Distribution and morphology. H. paratsitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup (Impcrfcct stage Pyrcnochaeta parasitica Freyer ct van der Aa) occurs in Southern Bavaria on European silver fur. Thc Fungus produces thick cushions of mycelium on the under sidcs of shoots and ovcr thc stomatal rows on needles, penctrates bark tissue as well as necdlcs and causes dcath of needles. Spores of both stagcs gcrminate vcry well in water under various conditions; pycnosρores germinated on silvcr fir needles undcr laboratory Conditions.  相似文献   

Pyrenochaeta parasitica spec. nov., the conidial stage of Herpotrichia parasitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup (= Trichosphaeria parasitica Hartig). This study contributes to the systematic position of the fungus Herpotrichia parasitica (Hartig) E. Rostrup, found on the needles of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and describes its Pyrenochaeta conidial stage.  相似文献   

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