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By establishing a breeding programme for transmissible spongiform encephalopathie (TSE) resistance, there are plans to eradicate sheep TSEs from member states of the European Union (EU). In this paper, we used a simple age- and genotype-structured model to assess the impact of four breeding strategies on the prevalence and incidence of scrapie in the British sheep flock. The strategies ranged from the minimum EU requirements to compulsory implementation of the current National Scrapie Plan for Great Britain (NSP). All four strategies were predicted to reduce the prevalence and incidence of disease, though there was likely to be a delay of several years between the implementation of a breeding programme and the reduction in incidence. There were differences in the efficacy of the strategies, with the most stringent resulting in the greatest reduction in prevalence and incidence. However, the magnitude of the differences was not great, largely because all four strategies eliminated the VRQ allele, which is associated with a markedly higher risk of disease than any of the other alleles. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the model results were robust to selection bias when estimating the risk of infection; and that the efficacy of a breeding programme was unlikely to be compromised, unless the risk of infection is substantially underestimated by data on clinical disease.  相似文献   

Genetic susceptibility to scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in three different codons of the ovine prion protein (PrP) gene (136, 154, 171). Studies of PrP genotypes linked to scrapie have revealed the resistance of homozygous PrPARR/PrPARR animals and the high risk of PrPVRQ/PrPVRQ and PrPvRQ/PrPARQ animals in scrapie-affected flocks. The selection of PrPARR/PrPARR genotypes may therefore provide a strategy for controlling clinical scrapie. The genotypes of 1361 German breeding sheep from 15 different breeds in northern Germany were determined. Apart from the wildtype allele PrPARQ, at least four mutually exclusive allelic variants were found. The greatest variability within the PrP gene was encountered in texel sheep, in which 14 PrP genotypes were found. In the important meat breeds, Suffolk, German whiteheaded mutton and German blackheaded mutton, the PrPARR allele was predominant, and in these breeds the breeding of scrapie-resistant pedigree flocks within four generations seems to be a feasible option. In the texel sheep, the German merino, the German milk and the German land sheep breeds, the frequency of the PrPARR allele was much lower, and in several breeds no homozygous rams were available for breeding purposes. In these breeds the breeding strategy would depend on the number of heterozygous rams available, but resistant pedigree flocks could be achieved within nine generations.  相似文献   

The scrapie prion protein (PrP27-30) is a crucial component of the prion and is responsible for its transmissibility. Structural information on this protein is limited because it is insoluble and shows aggregated properties. In this study, PrP27-30 was effectively dispersed using sonication under the weak alkaline condition. Subsequently, the small PrP27-30 aggregates were subjected to different pH, heat, and denaturing conditions. The loss of proteinase K (PK) resistance of PrP27-30 and prion infectivity were monitored along with spectroscopic changes. Prion inactivation could not be achieved by the loss of PK resistance alone; a significant loss of the PrP27-30 amyloid structure, which was represented by a decrease in thioflavin T fluorescence, was required for the loss of transmissibility.  相似文献   

The association between scrapie and polymorphisms of the prion protein (PrP) gene was studied in 1108 German sheep of 33 different breeds. The aim of the investigation was the determination of the codons 136, 154 and 171 of the PrP gene, which are important for scrapie susceptibility. In addition to the published allelic variants ARR, ARQ, AHQ, ARH and VRQ, two novel, rare haplotypes (AHR and VRR) were found in the breeds of Texel, Nolana and Suffolk. A comparison of PrP genotype frequencies among the analysed different breeds revealed distinct variations. Breeds such as Texel showed a complex genotype distribution over 17 variants, while breeds such as Friesian Milk Sheep indicated only seven different genotypes.  相似文献   

Prion protein (PrP) genotype data from statutory confirmed cases and from three non-case datasets have been used to calculate the odds ratio (or) for the development of clinical scrapie for an individual sheep of a given PrP genotype, compared with one possessing the "wild-type" ARQ/ARQ genotype. Logistic regression has been used to estimate the ors, and a multiple-test procedure has been used to evaluate the statistical significance of each comparison. The results are similar to those observed in other studies: the VRQ/VRQ genotype has or point estimates greater than 20; the ARQ/VRQ and ARH/VRQ genotypes have or point estimates between 5 and 20; AHQ/VRQ between 0.03 and 0.1; ARR/VRQ 0.4 and 0.5; all the other PrP genotypes, excluding ARR/ARR, ARR/ARH and AHQ/ARH for which no clinical cases have been recorded have or point estimates of less than 0.3. The estimates derived from each dataset are comparable, but not identical. This can be explained by plausible biases inherent in the sampling of the non-case populations.  相似文献   

The gene Sip with two alleles, sA and pA, is the major gene determining the incubation period of scrapie in its natural host, sheep. Two lines of Cheviot sheep have been bred which differ in their response to experimental infection with SSBP/1 scrapie. The negative line have a decreased incidence of disease caused by SSBP/1 and are SippApA. The positive line have an increased incidence of disease and the majority are either SipsAsA or SipsApA; it is not possible to distinguish between the two genotypes on the basis of scrapie incubation time because the sA allele is fully dominant with SSBP/1 scrapie. There are also rare SippApA segregants in the positive line. The major protein (PrP) of scrapie-associated fibrils is encoded by a cellular gene and a cDNA copy of the hamster PrP mRNA has been used to analyse the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the two lines of Cheviot sheep. Two polymorphisms of the sheep PrP gene were found, by using HindIII and EcoRI, which appear to act as markers for the alleles of Sip. Using these polymorphisms it is now possible to assign a Sip genotype to the sheep in the Cheviot flock. Preliminary results from Anglo-Nubian goats and a cow are also reported.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in the PRNP gene have both an influence on the progress of scrapie and also of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in sheep. In the light that sheep are potentially susceptible to BSE the goal of this project was to characterize 50 animals of each of the four major Swiss sheep breeds, namely Swiss Oxford Down, Swiss Black‐Brown Mountain, Valais Blacknose and Swiss White Alpine with respect to polymorphisms in the PRNP region. A 628‐bp fragment of exon 3 of PRNP comprising codons 112–211 was amplified by PCR and analysed by direct sequencing. Heterozygous genotypes were further verified by restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Polymorphisms could be observed at codons 112, 136, 137, 141, 143, 154 and 171 but not at codons 138, 151 and 211. One of the scrapie cases in Switzerland, a sheep of Swiss White Alpine, was also genotyped. Based on the polymorphisms observed at codons 136, 154 and 171 all four sheep breeds should be considered potentially susceptible to scrapie and BSE.  相似文献   

The first results of the Hungarian sheep prion protein (PrP) genotyping programme are discussed in this paper. To obtain initial genotype frequency data 10 commercial (Hungarian Merino, German Mutton Merino, Merino Landschaf, German Blackheaded, Suffolk, Texel, Ile de France, Charollais, Lacaune, British Milksheep) and 4 indigenous (Gyimes Racka, Hortobágy Racka, Tsigaja, Cikta) breeds were sampled in 2003 and 2004, and the PrP genotypes were determined by microsequencing analysis with capillary electrophoresis. In all commercial breeds, a higher number of sheep were genotyped in 2005 (3648) and in 2006 (3834) within the breeding programme to increase scrapie resistance, and the estimated frequency data were compared to the initial figures to evaluate the efficiency of selection. The new developments arising from the identification of the so-called 'atypical' scrapie cases are also discussed.  相似文献   

The frequencies of prion protein (PrP) genotypes were investigated in 15 scrapie-affected flocks in Great Britain. The flocks were heterogeneous in the frequencies of different genotypes and alleles, and in their age distributions. The median flock frequency of animals with VRQ-containing genotypes was 21 per cent (range 2 to 82 per cent, mean 25 per cent). The VRQ-containing and other non-ARR genotypes made up 11 to 82 per cent of a flock (median 46 per cent, mean 48 per cent). In comparison with data from the general population the scrapie-affected population had a lower frequency of the ARR/ARR genotype, and so of the ARR allele, and had a higher frequency of VRQ/non-ARR heterozygote genotypes, and thus of the VRQ allele.  相似文献   

All sheep older than 1 year of age from a flock of the Rygja breed in which clinical scrapie was detected for the first time in two animals (4%) were examined for accumulation of pathogenic prion protein (PrPSc) by immunohistochemistry in the obex, the cerebellum, and the medial retrophayngeal lymph node. In addition, six lambs, 2-3 months old, all offspring of PrPSc-positive dams, were examined for PrPSc in the ileal Peyers' patch (IPP), the distal jejunal lymph node, the spleen, and the medial retropharyngeal lymph node (RPLN). In this flock, 35% (17/48) of the adult sheep showed accumulation of PrPSc, an eightfold increase compared with clinical disease. All positives carried susceptible PrP genotypes. Three sheep had deposits of PrPSc in the RPLN and not in the brain, suggesting that this organ, easily accessible at slaughter, is suitable for screening purposes. Two 7-year-old clinically healthy homozygous V136Q171 ewes showed sparse immunostaining in the central nervous system and may have been infected as adults. Further, two littermates, 86-days-old, showed PrPSc in the IPP. Interestingly, one of these lambs had the intermediate susceptible PrP genotype, VA136QR171. In addition to early immunolabeling in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagal nerve, a few of the sheep had early involvement of the cerebellum. In fact, a 2-year-old sheep had sparse deposits of PrPSc in the cerebellum only. Because experimental bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in sheep seems to behave in a similar manner as natural scrapie, these results, particularly regarding spread of infectivity, may have implications for the handling of BSE should it be diagnosed in sheep.  相似文献   

Genetic susceptibility to scrapie is closely linked to variations at codons 136, 154, and 171 of the prion protein (PRNP) gene. This association between the PRNP genotype and susceptibility to scrapie is the basis of breeding programs for scrapie resistance in different countries. In this paper, we describe the method used with 2 Spanish dairy sheep breeds (Churra and Castellana) to ascertain the initial status of protection against scrapie as a first step toward adapting their breeding schemes to include resistance as a complementary selection criterion. The procedure for genotype identification is based on multiplex minisequencing methodology and has been shown to be accurate, easy to interpret, and to have a medium throughput. The frequency of the ARQ allele was similar in the 2 populations at nearly 70%. The ARR allele, associated with resistance in the homozygous state, reaches around 23% in Churras and nearly 20% in Castellanas. The high-risk VRQ allele appeared at a relatively low frequency in both breeds. No other haplotypes were found in these 2 breeds. Furthermore, in this screening we found a new allele carrying leucine at codon 154. This new genetic variant might play a role in susceptibility to scrapie because codon 154 belongs to a region considered to have an important role in conformational conversion of the cellular to the pathogenic protein.  相似文献   

This study presents preliminary data on the polymorphism in the prion protein gene of Swiniarka sheep using temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). Available data indicate that sensitivity to scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in three codons of prion protein gene: 136,154, and 171. The TGGE method was used to detect point mutations in these codons responsible for sensitivity or resistance to scrapie. This study revealed presence of an allele encoding valine (V) in codon 136, which is associated with high sensitivity to scrapie and occurred in the form of heterozygous allele together with alanine (AV). The highest variability was observed in codon 171, with presence of arginine (R) and glutamine (Q) in the homozygous (RR or QQ) as well as the heterozygous form (RQ). The results of examination of fifty sheep DNA samples with mutations in codons 136, 154, and 171 demonstrated that TGGE can be used as a simple and rapid method to detect mutations in the PrP gene of sheep. Several samples can be run at the same time, making TGGE ideal for the screening of large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

The duration of the incubation period for scrapie, a fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorder of sheep and goats, is mainly determined by the Sip gene, which has 2 alleles (sA--susceptible and pA--resistant). A diagnostic test is not available to detect scrapie in live animals. We analyzed genomic DNA extracted from frozen sheep brains collected from Cheviot sheep of the United States that had been inoculated with the SSBP/1 scrapie inoculum. Digestion of the DNA with EcoRI or HindIII followed by the addition of a scrapie-associated fibril protein (PrP)-specific marker probe, yielded fragments of 6.8 (e1) and 4.0 (e3) kb, or 5.0 (h1) and 3.4 (h2) kb, respectively. Fragments e1 and h2 were associated with the histopathologic diagnosis of scrapie, and fragments e3 and h1 were associated with survival. A valine/alanine polymorphism within the PrP coding region that resulted in a BspHI site was further used to determine the genotype of these Cheviot sheep. Digestion of polymerase chain reaction fragments with BspHI resulted in an undigested fragment b- (0.840 kb), digested fragments b+ (0.460 and 0.380 kb), or both types of fragments. Survival time of b+/b+ homozygous sheep was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter (218 +/- 26.0 days) than survival time for b-/b- sheep (> 700 days after inoculation). Results indicated that b+ and b- are markers for the Sip sA and pA alleles, respectively. The intermediate duration of the incubation period for heterozygous sheep (b+/b-; 342.9 +/- 25.3 days) indicated that the Sip sA allele is expressed codominantly to the Sip pA allele.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study was conducted to determine the impact of maedi-visna (MV) seropositivity on productivity in commercial sheep flocks of the province of Quebec, Canada. A total of 1734 ewes and 220 rams were selected randomly from 29 flocks distributed in the Bas-St-Laurent and Estrie regions. Serostatus was determined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using recombinant proteins.Flock-specific, animal-level seroprevalence varied from 3 to 70% (median=29%). Seroprevalence increased with age and size of the flock, and was higher in ewes relative to rams (but was not associated with body score). A decrease of 0.94 kg per lamb in weaning weight was seen only for lambs raised by seropositive ewes >/=4 years old, and seropositivity in ewes of any age was associated with an increase in 0-30 days lamb-mortality (OR: 1.65). The impact of MV infection on weaning weight and lamb mortality did not vary between flocks, and seropositivity in ewes was not associated with litter size or lamb's birth weight.  相似文献   

A simple conventional method of immunohistochemistry (i.e. fixing the frozen sections in cold methanol) was used to determine the immunolocalization of cellular prion protein (PrPc), with good results. In the rat cerebrum, the cytoplasm of neural cells in the cortex and corpus stratum, pia mater, membrane limitans gliae superficialis, choroid plexus and blood vessel wall were immunostained. The formation of network structures of immunostained neural and/or glial fibers in the cerebral cortex was also observed. These immunostained network structures of neural and/or glial fibers were also observed in cultured neural cells. The results suggest that fixation of frozen sections and cultured cells with cold methanol is a useful method for detecting the immunolocalization of PrPc and that PrPc exists in the various components of the central nervous system of the rat.  相似文献   

Levot G 《Veterinary parasitology》2012,185(2-4):274-278
A retrospective study in which the 18 years treatment history of a mob of sheep hosting a pyrethroid resistant strain of sheep body lice was compared with the coincidental changes in that strain's response to cypermethrin, provided a unique opportunity to investigate the stability of pyrethroid resistance in this species. Resistance levels remained very high (resistance factors (RF)=75-145) for at least five years following the cessation of pyrethroid treatments but within ten years had dropped to only 5, a level similar to many normal field strains and certainly not indicative of high-level resistance. Resumption of pyrethroid treatment of sheep infested with these lice caused a coincidental increase in resistance to an extreme level (RF=321) within two years. Wool producers considering a return to pyrethroid use to control louse infestations should be aware that such a strategy may not be sustainable in the long term and that in Australia effective registered alternative treatments are available.  相似文献   

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