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Araucaria angustifolia(Bertol.) O. Kuntze exhibits dimorphism in its stem structure, where the trunk is orthotropic and branches and branchlets(primary and secondary branches) are plagiotropic. These stems exhibit different behavior when used for vegetative propagation,and only segments of trunk can form a complete plant. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms that characterize these stems are still little known. The aim of this study was to describe the free amino acid profiles in trunks,branches, and branchlets of A. angustifolia. Segments of 5 cm in length were excised from young individuals below the stem apex. The needles were removed and samples were frozen and lyophilized. The determinations were made by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the results were expressed as lg/g fresh weight(FW). The trunks and branches had the highest content of total amino acids, which were 112.23 ± 20.57 lg/g FW and 111.97 ± 27.78 lg/g FW, respectively. The amino acids—glutamine, aspartate and c-aminobutyric acid and tyrosine—were noticeably higher in the three types of stems.In the trunk, a higher amount of asparagine and tryptophan,was also detected. Glutamic acid and glutamine were found in higher quantities in the branches. The branchlets had very low total amino acid content (30.79 ± 4.19 lg/g FW), wherein asparagine is the only amino acid not detected. Thus, it was observed that the profile of the free amino acid differs among trunks, branches, and branchlets in A. angustifolia, indicating that they perform different functions.  相似文献   

This study assessed the use of agroforestry to improve soil nutrient properties in plantations containing Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire (yerba mate). Intercropping within tree plantation systems is widely practiced by farmers around the World, but the influence of different species combinations on system performance still requires further investigation. I. paraguariensis is a major South American crop commonly cultivated in intensive monocultures on low activity clay soils, which are highly prone to nutrient deficiencies. Study plots were established in 20 plantations in Misiones, Argentina. These involved two species combinations (I. paraguariensis monoculture and I. paraguariensis intercropped with the native tree species Araucaria angustifolia) and two age classes (30 and 50 years old). Chemical soil samples were analysed to determine Ca, Mg, K, P, N, C and Al concentrations, effective CEC (eCEC) and pH at two soil depths (0–5 cm and 5–10 cm). In the younger plantations, the agroforestry sites had lower nutrient levels than I. paraguariensis monoculture sites. However, the monoculture plantations were more susceptible than agroforestry sites to a decline in soil nutrient status over time, particularly with respect to Ca, eCEC, N and C for both soil depths. P concentrations were below detection limits for all sites, potentially reflecting the high P-fixing capacity of the kaolinic soils of this region. While agroforestry systems may be better at maintaining soil quality over time, significant growth increase of I. paraguariensis was apparent only for the monoculture sites.  相似文献   

We examined the saccharification and fermentation of meals from Acacia mangium wood, Paraserianthes falcataria wood, and Elaeis guineensis trunk. The levels of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and ethanol production were highest for P. falcataria wood and lowest for A. mangium wood. Ultrasonication pretreatment of meal further increased the rates of hydrolysis and ethanol production in meal from P. falcataria wood. Through this pretreatment, hemicelluloses (xylan and xyloglucan) and cellulose were released in the meal from P. falcataria wood. Loosening of hemicellulose associations can be expected to make P. falcataria wood more useful for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda has been recovered for the first time from adults of the cerambycid beetle, Monochamus urussovi (Fischer), in Hokkaido, Japan. The nematode was also recovered from the inner bark of Picea jezoensis (Siebold et Zuccarini) Carrière and Abies sachalinensis (Fr Schmidt) Masters infested with M. urussovi larvae. PCR–RFLP analysis indicated that B. mucronatus in Hokkaido is the European type.  相似文献   

A dramatic decline in forest cover in eastern Africa along with a growing population means that timber and poles for building and fuelwood are in short supply. To overcome this shortage, the region is increasingly turning to eucalyptus. But eucalyptus raises environmental concerns of its own. Fears that it will deplete water supply, affect wildlife and reduce associated crop yields have caused many countries in the region to discourage farmers from planting this exotic. This paper is part of a series of investigations on the growth and water use efficiency of faster growing eucalyptus hybrids, which was introduced from South Africa to Kenya. The hypothesis is that the new hybrids are more efficient in using water and more suitable for the semi-arid tropics than existing eucalyptus and two popular agroforestry species. Gas exchange characteristics of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis (W. Hill ex Maiden), two eucalyptus hybrids (E. grandis × Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), Grevillea robusta (A. Cunn) and Cordia africana (Lam) was studied under field and pot conditions using an infrared gas analyzer was used to measure photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (g s) and transpiration rate (E) at CO2 concentrations of 360 μmol mol−1 and ambient humidity and temperature. A, E and g s varied between species, being highest in eucalyptus hybrid GC 15 (24.6 μmol m−2 s−1) compared to eucalyptus hybrid GC 584 (21.0 μmol m−2 s−1), E. grandis (19.2 μmol m−2 s−1), C. africana (17.7 μmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (11.1 μmol m−2 s−1). C. africana exhibited high E values (7.0 mmol m−2 s−1) at optimal soil moisture contents than G. robusta (3.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (5.3 mmol m−2 s−1) in field experiment and G. robusta (3.2 mmol m−2 s−1) and eucalyptus (4.2 mmol m−2 s−1) in pot-grown trees. At very low soil moisture content, extremely small g s values were recorded in GC 15 and E. grandis (8 mmol m−2 s−1) and G. robusta (14 mmol m−2 s−1) compared to GC 584 (46.9 mmol m−2 s−1) and C. africana (90.0 mmol m−2 s−1) indicating strong stomatal control by the species. Instantaneous water use efficiency ranged between 3 and 5 μmol mmol−1 and generally decreased with decline in soil moisture in pot-grown trees but increased with declining soil moisture in field-grown trees.  相似文献   

The problem of salinized soils has become one of the most serious constraints to agricultural and forest productivity. With the purpose of enhancing salt stress tolerance of Populus tomentosa, we transformed this tree species with spermidine synthase (SPDS) genes derived from an apple by an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Four transgenic clones were confu'med by PCR and Southern blot analysis. As well, the expression of introduced SPDS genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the botanical insecticide (BI) NeemAzal T/S (containing 1% Azadirachtin A), on the basis of azadirachtin applied in a dose of 20 g a.i. ha−1 against Brassica pod midge (Dasineura brassicae), has been monitored for 4 years. The biological efficiency of BI was compared with the efficiency of some synthetic insecticides. It was ascertained that BI was very efficient in decreasing the number of damaged oilseed rape pods (ranging from 56.5 to 85.9% compared to untreated plants) and its efficiency was comparable with synthetic insecticides based on Chloronicotinyl (Thiacloprid) and Neonicotinoid (Acetamiprid). BI’s efficiency was, in some years, even significantly higher compared to pyrethroid (λ-cyhalothrin). The high biological efficiency of azadirachtin that we ascertained was significantly reflected in increasing potential crop yields. The yield increase of azadirachtin ranged between 9.3 and 19.4% compared to the control sample. Azadirachtin showed the highest yield for the whole time of experimentation, and in some years the yield increase was significantly higher compared to some synthetic agents.  相似文献   

The relationship between Xenorhabdus nematophilus and Photorhabdus luminescens, the bacterial symbionts of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, against the diamondback moth, P. xylostella (L.), pupae showed the pathogenic capability of P. luminescens to be over that of X. nematophilus. They gave 60 and 40?% mortality with LC50 values of 5?×?104 and 5.5?×?105 cells/ml, respectively.The number of bacterial cells influences the rate of killing the pupae of P. xylostella and a direct correlation between mortality of the pupae, percentage of deformed adults and the spraying dose with significant differences were observed. An inverse correlation found between the no. of eggs laid/female, percentage of hatching, adult survival and the spraying dose. These bacterial effects have been attributed to different toxic bacterial enzymes which damage the haemocytes and inhibit activation of the humoral immune system of the insect.  相似文献   

Since the structure of oil palm wood varies dramatically, the property gradients of oil palm wood within a trunk are of great interest. In this study, the physical (density, water uptake and swelling in the radial direction) and mechanical properties (bending modulus of elasticity and strength, compressive modulus of elasticity and strength in the direction parallel to the fiber, compressive strength in the direction perpendicular to the fiber and shear strength in the direction parallel to the fiber) of oil palm wood for a whole trunk were examined. The water uptake, compressive strength in the direction perpendicular to the fiber, shear strength in the direction parallel to the fiber, bending modulus of elasticity and strength and compressive modulus of elasticity and strength in the direction parallel to the fiber appeared to be independent of trunk height but tended to be related to the relative distance from surface or density by a single master curve. However, the swelling in the radial direction of the oil palm wood was not correlated with the relative distance from the surface, trunk height or density. Finally, property map of oil palm wood for a cross section at any height was prepared for practical use.  相似文献   

We studied morphological, biochemical and physiological leaf acclimation to incident Photon-Photosynthetic-Flux-Density (PPFD) in Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Quercus suber (cork oak) at Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands of southern Portugal. Specific leaf area (SLA) decreased exponentially with increasing PPFD in both species. Q. ilex had lower SLA values than Q. suber. Leaf nitrogen, cellulose and lignin concentration (leaf area-based) scaled positively with PPFD. Maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), capacity for maximum photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax), rate of triose-P utilization (VTPU) and the rate of nonphotorespiratory light respiration (Rd) were also positively correlated with PPFD in both Quercus species, when expressed in leaf area but not on leaf mass basis. Q suber showed to have higher photosynthetic potential (Vcmax, Jmaxm and VTPUm) and a higher nitrogen efficient nitrogen use than Q.ilex. Leaf chlorophyll concentration increased with decreasing PPFD, improving apparent quantum use efficiency (Φ) in both Quercus species. We concluded that, in Q.ilex and Q.suber, leaf structural plasticity is a stronger determinant for leaf acclimation to PPFD than biochemical and physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) are considered to be the major insect pests in storage. Essential oils from aromatic plants are recognized as proper alternatives to fumigants. Thymus persicus (Ronniger ex Rech. f.) is one of these plants that have medicinal properties and is indigenous to Iran. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Carvacrol (44.69%) and thymol (11.05%) were the major constituents of the oil extracted. In this experiment, fumigant toxicity of the essential oil was studied against T. castaneum, S. oryzae at 27 ± 1°C and 60 ± 5% RH in dark condition. The adult insects were exposed to the concentrations of 51.9, 111.1, 207.4 and 370.4 μl/l air to estimate median lethal time (LT50) values. The fumigant toxicity was increased in response to increased essential oil concentrations. The LT50 values at the lowest and the highest concentrations tested were ranged from 28.09 to 13.47 h for T. castaneum, and 3.86 to 2.30 h for S. oryzae. It was found that S. oryzae adults were much more susceptible to the oil than T. castaneum. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 values (95% fiducial limit) for T. castaneum and S. oryzae were estimated to be 236.9 (186.27–292.81) and 3.34 (2.62–4.28) μl/l air, respectively. These results suggest that T. persicus essential oil merits further study as potential fumigant for the management of these stored-product insects.  相似文献   


• Introduction   

Laricio pine (Pinus nigra J.F. Arn. ssp. laricio (Poiret) Maire var Corsicana Hyl.) is a form of black pine endemic to Corsica, that may now be under threat due to current fire regimes and competition with maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton).  相似文献   

Mycelial growth and mushroom yields of three strains of Pleurotus eryngii produced on wheat bran-supplemented umbrella plant (Cyperus alternifolius) substrate were assessed using surface brightness, bromophenol blue color reactions, ergosterol and glucosamine contents, and water potential as indicators of strain performance. Mycelial growth was 31%–46% greater, depending on strain, on the umbrella plant substrate compared with the mushroom industry standard sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) substrate. Mushroom yields on the first flush were 20%–23% higher, depending on strain, on the plastic bottle-contained umbrella plant substrate. However, yields on the second break were lower from the umbrella plant substrate. Because many growers in Japan only harvest one flush, production of P. eryngii on umbrella plant substrate may offer commercial producers an alternative basal ingredient to diminishing supplies of sugi sawdust.Part of this report was presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Gifu, April 2002.  相似文献   

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Fertility variation and effective number of parents were estimated in the 100 individuals from each of three plantation populations (P1, P2 and P3) of the endangered Pinus nigra. subsp. pallasiana var. pyramidata established in the Isparta–Golcuk district in southern Turkey in 1990. Potential relations between cone yield and growth characters (height, diameter at breast height, diameter at base and crown diameter) were also investigated. Large differences were found among populations and within populations for cone production and growth characters. Mean cone production was eight (ranging from 6.5 in P2 to 9.1 in P1) for the three populations. The 10 most productive individuals for cones produced 32% of the total cones in P1, 39% in P2 and 34% in P3; 21, 16 and 6 individuals, respectively did not produce any cones in the populations. According to the correlation analyses, the relation between cone yield and growth characters changed for the populations, while height, diameter at breast height and crown diameter were positively significantly correlated (r = 0.182, 0.135 and 0.209; p ≤ 0.05) with cone production for the three populations. Fertility variation was 1.81 in total of three populations, ranging from 1.72 in P3 to 3.45 in P1). Effective number of parents was 142 (55.2 of number of parents censused; 29%, P1; 49.8%, P2; 58.3%, P3).  相似文献   

In a laboratory screening of 12 isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against nymphs of the mulberry whitefly (Pealius mori Takahashi), Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin CKB-048 was the most virulent, causing 87 ± 3% mortality at 1 × 106 conidia/ml. Infection was confirmed by growth of the fungus from cadavers and by scanning electron microscopy of treated nymphs. Beauveria bassiana CKB-048 was formulated as a wettable powder (1 × 109 conidia/g) and tested in two mulberry (Morus alba Linn) plantations in central and northeastern Thailand. In both locations, two spray applications of B. bassiana CKB-048 at 3.75 × 1012 to 6.25 × 1012 conidia/ha and at 14 day intervals provided good control of whitefly nymphs; control with B. bassiana CKB-048 was comparable to that with the pesticide buprofezin at 250 g of active ingredient/ha. In addition, no mortality of silkworm larvae occurred when the larvae were fed with mulberry leaves sprayed with B. bassiana CKB-048 7, 14, or 21 days earlier.  相似文献   

Generic equations are proposed for stem, branch and foliage biomass of individual trees in even-aged pure stands of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Larix kaempferi. Biomass data was collected from a total of 1,016 individual trees from 247 stands throughout Japan, and five regression models were assessed by root mean square error, mean bias, fit index (FI), and AIC. The results show that a power equation using diameter at breast height (dbh) and height is the most suitable for all species and components. This equation is more accurate than the familiar power equation that uses ‘dbh2 height’, and it expresses the greater volume of branch and foliage mass of trees with a lower height/diameter ratio. A power equation using dbh is more reasonable for models with dbh as the only independent variable and more accurate than a power equation using ‘dbh2 height’ for estimating branch and foliage mass. Estimating error for branch and foliage mass is larger than that for stem mass, but the entire aboveground biomass can be estimated with an error of less than 19%, except in the case of small trees with dbh less than 10 cm.  相似文献   

Toxicity by contact and by ingestion of lufenuron, flufenoxuron, lambda (λ)-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, thiamethoxam and five entomopathogenic insecticides (three formulations of Beauveria bassiana, a compound containing spores of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum, and a mixture of Brevibacillus laterosporus, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus chitinosporus) were evaluated on adults of the Eucalyptus snout-beetle Gonipterus scutellatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under laboratory conditions. By contact, entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana EC and the pyrethroid λ-cyhalothrin exhibited the highest efficiency, achieving 100 and 97.5% mortality, respectively. By ingestion, the highest mortality was obtained by B. bassiana EC (100%) and thiamethoxam (95%). Flufenoxuron and lufenuron, bacteria mixture and M. anisopliae showed a weak toxicity. Furthermore, we found a sex-biased mortality, being males more affected. Due to the good performance and low risk to humans and environment, B. bassiana EC (strain PPRI 5339) appears to be the most promising product to promote an IPM programme in South Africa.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta is a pest native to South America that produces significant damage to tomato crops and was first detected in Europe in late 2006. Data obtained during 2008 from commercial tomato crops in which IPM was applied suggested that good pest control was possible through the combined action of the predatory mirid bugs Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis and the use of selective insecticides. The aim of our study was to evaluate the lethal and sublethal side effects of three of the insecticides most widely used to control T. absoluta on these predators: azadirachtin, spinosad and indoxacarb. Seven days after applying the treatment at the maximum recommended field rates, the mortality produced by indoxacarb ranged from 28% for nymphs of M. pygmaeus to 77% for females of N. tenuis and were significantly higher than those produced by azadirachtin, spinosad and the control (<13%). However, indoxacarb did not affect the number of descendants of females exposed to residues during the last days of their preimaginal development. In contrast, spinosad significantly reduced the offspring of M. pygmaeus and azadirachtin significantly reduced the offspring of N. tenuis females. The sublethal effects of azadirachtin and spinosad on predator reproduction should therefore not be ignored. This information could be useful when selecting the most appropriate insecticide to control T. absoluta in greenhouses and field crops in which M. pygmaeus and N. tenuis are used as biological control agents.  相似文献   

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