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鸡油菌研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章对外生菌根真菌鸡油菌的生物学、生态学特征以及系统分类研究现状进行综述,并介绍了其食用、药用价值及其在保护生态多样性中的作用,同时展望了鸡油菌在食用、药用以及生态多样性保护等方面的研究前景。  相似文献   

云南的鸡油菌资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发利用鸡油菌,本文报导了云南产鸡油菌属共13个种的形态、分布和分类。  相似文献   

将分子系统学与经典形态地理学相结合,在对昆明食用菌研究所丝膜菌属馆藏标本进行分类学研究过程中发现2个中国新记录种,锈斑丝膜菌和尖穗担子丝膜菌,详尽描述了其形态特征、显微结构及与相近种类的区别,并提供显微结构照片和分子信息。  相似文献   

王俊燕 《食用菌》2004,26(4):7-7
在阿尔泰山考察“蘑菇滩”时,首先映入眼帘的是:林地上那鲜杏黄色、金喇叭似的珍品——著名世界性食用菌鸡油菌。  相似文献   

通过实地调查和相关文献整理分析,初步确定广东车八岭国家级自然保护区鸡油菌科种类8种,占中国鸡油菌科种类的44.4%,研究还为该保护区鸡油菌资源的开发利用及生态平衡的维持等提供科学材料和数据。  相似文献   

简述了以往对伏牛山自然保护区野生大型真菌调查结果,以及本区优势野生食用菌鸡油菌的营养、药用价值;总结对野生鸡油菌初步组织分离培养结果,并提出进一步人工驯化建议。  相似文献   

鸡油菌类群研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贸易和生态系统中,鸡油菌是一个重要类群。为了更好地保护和利用这些珍稀野生食用菌资源,对鸡油菌类群研究做一个总结,为鸡油菌的保护和发展提出合理建议。  相似文献   

采用液氮速冻 ,探讨在不同冻结条件下鸡油菌的冻结温度曲线及冻结温度与解冻后鸡油菌的汁液流失率之间的关系。结果表明 :在 - 6 0℃对鸡油菌进行冻结时 ,出现了明显的冻结三阶段现象 ,而在其它温度下冻结时此三阶段不明显 ;建议采用 - 80℃以下温度进行冻结 ,冻品在 - 2 6℃冰箱中冻藏 6个月 ,解冻后的汁液流失率低于 2 7%。  相似文献   

中国的一个新记录属——冠生刺菌属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于采自滇中哀牢山区的标本 ,报道我国的一个新记录属———冠生刺菌属CreolophusP .Karst.,并根据其主要特征把齿耳属SteccherinumGray的肉齿耳S .cir rhatum (Pers.exFr .)Teng归并到Creolophus属中。同时对有争议的相似种C .cirrhatus (Pers .exFr .)Karst.和C .corrugatum (Fr.)P .Karst.(=HydnumcorrugatumFr.)进行了比较研究 ,根据盖缘是否具有生殖能力的菌刺 ,提出两者应作为不同的种来处理。  相似文献   

描述了芭蕉属(芭蕉科)一新变种——雷波野芭蕉(Musa luteola J.L.Liu var.leiboensis J.L.Liu et Q.Luo),并绘制了形态图。新变种以其叶基部渐狭至楔形,叶柄和叶鞘两侧具纸质或干膜质的翅,花序下垂,椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,先端圆,苞片外面淡黄色或绿黄色,先端圆或钝圆,每苞片内有花二列,果序球状、近球状或椭圆状球形,果实密集与黄色野芭蕉(Musa luteola J.L.Liu)相近似,但主要又以子房具5~9钝状棱角,浆果较大,长(6.7~)8.5~11.9 cm,宽5~7.2 cm,具5~9钝状棱角,果梗较长1~1.5 cm而有显著区别。  相似文献   

中国草莓属( Fragaria) 植物的分类研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 中国是世界上野生草莓种类最丰富的国家。近20年来, 从国内外收集保存了103份野生草莓资源, 鉴定出我国自然分布有11个种, 约占世界草莓属植物20个种的一半。这11个种包括8个二倍体种: 森林草莓(Fragaria vesca L. ) 、黄毛草莓( F. nilgrrensis Schlecht. ) 、五叶草莓( F. pentaphylla Lozinsk. ) 、纤细草莓( F. gracilis Lozinsk. ) 、西藏草莓( F. nubicola Lindl. ) 、绿色草莓( F. viridis Duch. ) 、裂萼草莓( F. daltoniana Gay) 、东北草莓( F. m andschurica Staudt) 和3个四倍体种: 东方草莓( F. orientalis Lozinsk. ) 、西南草莓〔F. m oupinensis ( Franch. ) Card. 〕、伞房草莓( F. corymbosa Lozinsk. ) 。对我国原产野生草莓种类进行了较系统的性状描述和分类研究, 并列出了我国野生草莓分种检索表。提出我国分布有11个种的结论比以前记载的8个种更全面和完整。  相似文献   

玫瑰、月季、蔷薇等蔷薇属植物RAPD分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
 对蔷薇属的玫瑰、月季、蔷薇3 个种的15 个品种进行RAPD 分析, 16 个引物对受试品种PCR扩增共获得202 条谱带, 其中123 条(60. 9 %) 表现多态性。利用UPGAMA 法构建分子系统进化树, 以相似性系数0. 5 为阈值, 玫瑰与月季为一个聚类组, 蔷薇为另一个聚类组; 以相似性系数0. 6 为阈值, 4个蔷薇品种分为4 个不同的聚类组, 5 个月季品种为一个聚类组, 5 个玫瑰品种为一个聚类组, 平阴紫枝玫瑰单独为一个聚类组, 表明玫瑰与月季的亲缘关系较近, 两者与蔷薇的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

Opisthopappus taihangensis is an endangered species endemic to China and represents an important genetic resource for chrysanthemum improvement. We describe here its basic reproductive characteristics. The anthers are tetrasporangiate and the anther wall is composed of an epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The middle layer is lost by the microspore tetrad stage, and the tapetum disintegrates at the trinucleate pollen stage. Meiosis in the microspore mother cells is of the simultaneous type, and the tetrad is tetrahedral in shape. Mature pollen grains have three germinal apertures, two sperm nuclei and one vegetative nucleus. The in vitro pollen germination rate is only ∼10%. The ovule is anatropous, dual-integument, tenuinucellatae and the development of the embryo sac follows the Oenothera pattern. The archesporial cell below the nucellus epidermis functions as the megaspore mother cell and forms a linear tetrad. The embryo passes through a globular, heart and torpedo stage before maturing into a cotyledon embryo. The endangerment of O. taihangensis may be associated with low reproductive capacity, as a consequence of poor pollen viability.  相似文献   

通过测定长春市6种常见绿化植物净光合速率及绿量,计算出其固碳释氧能力,并运用碳税法及工业制氧成本法计算此6种树木日固碳释氧价值。结果表明:所选6种植物中,京桃(Prunuspersicafrubro-plena)、银中杨(Poplusalba’Berolinensis’L.)固碳释氧能力最强,其日固碳释氧价值最高,火炬树(RhustyphinaNutt)、(Prunusarmeniaca)、樟子松(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolicaLitv.)、旱柳(salixma㈨dana)固碳释氧能力较弱,目固碳释氧价值最低。  相似文献   

2011年,从中国引入自育为主的10个杂交玉米品种,在援建坦桑尼亚农业技术示范中心与3个当地常规玉米品种进行小规模品比与栽培技术试验。初步结果:旱季试验实测平均667m2产量,杂交食用糯玉米(鲜粒)为568~847kg,杂交饲料玉米(干粒)为381~517kg,而当地常规食用白玉米(干粒)仅296~357kg,说明中国杂交玉米品种在坦桑尼亚有显著的增产潜力。  相似文献   

Invasive alien species can pose a severe threat to biodiversity and stability of the ecosystems they invade. Predicting distribution patterns of invasive species in regions outside their native range is a fundamental component of early warning systems. Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.) was first discovered in the Yunnan Province of China around the 1940s. The well-documented invasion history of this plant species provided the opportunity for us to examine the spatiotemporal patterns of biological invasion by crofton weed. Using the datasets documenting 441 known localities invaded by crofton weed in China over the past 50 years and 23 environmental variables generated by the genetic algorithm for rule-set production (GARP) model, we tested the predictability of crofton weed distribution with a high degree of accuracy. Both the Kappa statistics and the receiver–operator characteristic (ROC) analysis indicated that it is possible to predict the geographical spread of crofton weed in China. Precipitation in the coldest quarter of the year, extremely low air temperature, and maximum annual air temperature strongly influenced the predictions. Our results indicate that crofton weed may break out in Yungui Plateau, Sichuan Basin, southeastern Coastlands, Hainan Island, and Taiwan although currently it is either absent or has only recently been recorded in these regions. Redundancy analysis (RDA) ordination results demonstrated that temperature and precipitation play an important role in confining the spread of crofton weed. Over the past 20 years, crofton weed has spread from subtropical areas with higher annual mean temperature and lower climatic fluctuations to much cooler and dryer areas at higher altitudes. The distribution of crofton weed was restricted mainly to regions with mean annual air temperature ranging from 10 to 22°C and annual precipitation from 800 to 2000 mm. Our results could help in developing and implementing early detection measures to minimize the ecological impacts of crofton weed invasion in China.  相似文献   

灌溉量对藏匙叶翼首草生长、产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单因素随机区组设计法和大型非称重式蒸渗仪法,在甘南高原地区研究了灌溉量对匙叶翼首草生长、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:随着灌溉量由0 mm增至300 mm,匙叶翼首草根长、根径、干物质的积累呈现增大的趋势,鲜根的产量由7 087.50 kg/hm2逐渐提高至12 429.17 kg/hm2,且灌溉量为300mm的产量最高,品质也最优.  相似文献   

运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,对我国葡萄属(VitisL.)植物10个种进行了研究,结果表明:1.不同种间过氧化物酶同工酶谱有很大的差异;2.过氧化物酶同工酶有阶段性和相对稳定性,可作为分类的重要指标;3.对酶谱的表型进行的聚类分析表明,毛葡萄、复叶葡萄和刺葡萄是我国葡萄属植物中较为原始的种类;4.菱状叶葡萄的分类地位有待进一步确定。  相似文献   

Seedlings of a Chinese wild grape (Vitis piasezkii Maxim var. pagnucii) native to loess plateau of Eastern Gansu province, China, were evaluated to screen cold-resistant rootstocks in Lanzhou area. After 14-year investigation two selections of LDP-191and LDP-294 were screened as rootstocks for two table grape cultivars, ‘Fujiminori’ and ‘Red Globe’, respectively. The two graft unions demonstrated very high cold-resistance as well as good graft compatibility. Furthermore, they could survive through low temperatures in winter without soil coverage together with good fruit quality of the cultivars grafted.  相似文献   

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