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American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) in the understory of northern hardwood stands can interfere with the development of more desirable species such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Yet, managers have had only limited methods for identifying stands where beech might dominate a new cohort. We examined five uneven-aged stands in New York State to determine the degree of influence that understory beech has on species development after a cutting treatment. No significant differences between stands were found, allowing us to develop a single model for evaluation. Understory beech was assessed using a species index value (SIV), which measures the proportion of stems, weighted by height, for a species on a milacre plot. We used a 5×5 transition matrix to compare pre- and post-cut beech importance levels. Stand-level trends showed an overall increase in the proportion of sample plots with higher levels of understory beech after cutting, with the likelihood of change on individual plots dependent on their pre-cut status. Plots with either no beech or very high levels of beech changed little after cutting, while beech was more likely to reach critical levels of dominance when pre-cut SIV was medium or higher. The transition matrix gives forest managers a means to forecast the probable level of future beech importance following cutting, based upon precursor conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty-year-old overstocked naturally regenerated yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton) were thinned near Thessalon, Ontario. Treatments consisted of either a control, or the removal of all competing trees at 1, 2, 3, or 4 m around the boles of the crop trees. The size of the openings created around the crop tree crowns was found to be more strongly correlated to diameter, clear bole length, and crown increment than the removal of competing trees using fixed distance from the stem. Crop trees responded well to thinning. Five-year diameter increment and crown diameter growth were positively correlated to size of the opening created around the crop tree crown. However, the relationship between height growth and size of canopy opening was weak. Clear bole length was found to be negatively correlated to the size of canopy opening. Few epicormic sprouts developed on the stems when all competing trees were removed at 1, 2, or 3 m around the crop tree boles. However, release at 4 m greatly increased the number and size of epicormic sprouts. Providing about a 15-m2 opening around the crop tree crown, corresponding to approximately a 3-m removal of competing trees around the bole, provided a good balance between diameter increment and stem quality maintenance.  相似文献   

The limited success of methods to naturally regenerate northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) has increased the use of artificial techniques to improve overall oak composition. Enrichment plantings are often recommended as a means to supplement species composition within the existing natural reproduction. Previous enrichment efforts have often resulted in low survival and poor growth, generally due to poor planting stock quality and a lack of competition control. In this study, high quality northern red oak seedlings were established on four recently harvested sites in western North Carolina using one of four competition control treatments (untreated, year 1 control, year 2 control or a weed mat) in a 1.2 × 1.2 m area around each seedling with or without a soil fertility amendment. The 3 year results show that competition control and fertilization treatments had few positive impacts on survival and growth of the planted seedlings. These results suggest that either the treatment area was insufficient to adequately release the seedlings, or other factors like belowground competition from existing advance reproduction and/or stump sprouts may be important determinants of the overall success of northern red oak enrichment plantings on recently harvested sites.  相似文献   

Avian use of even-aged timber harvests is likely affected by stand attributes such as size, amount of edge, and retained basal area, all characteristics that can easily be manipulated in timber harvesting plans. However, few studies have examined their effects during the post-breeding period. We studied the impacts of clearcut, low-leave two-age, and high-leave two-age harvesting on post-breeding birds using transect sampling and mist-netting in north-central West Virginia. In our approach, we studied the effects of these harvest types as well as stand size and edge on species characteristic of both early-successional and mature forest habitats. In 2005-2006, 13 stands ranging from 4 to 10 years post-harvest and 4-21 ha in size were sampled from late June through mid-August. Capture rates and relative abundance were similar among treatments for generalist birds. Early-successional birds had the lowest capture rates and fewer species (∼30% lower), and late-successional birds reached their highest abundance and species totals (double the other treatments) in high-leave two-age stands. Area sensitivity was evident for all breeding habitat groups. Both generalist and late-successional bird captures were negatively related to stand size, but these groups showed no clear edge effects. Mean relative abundance decreased to nearly zero for the latter group in the largest stands. In contrast, early-successional species tended to use stand interiors more often and responded positively to stand size. Capture rates for this group tripled as stand size increased from 4 to 21 ha. Few birds in the forest periphery responded to harvest edge types despite within-stand edge effects evident for several species. To create suitable habitat for early-successional birds, large, non-linear openings with a low retained basal area are ideal, while smaller harvests and increased residual tree retention would provide habitat for more late-successional birds post-breeding. Although our study has identified habitat use patterns for different species in timber harvests, understanding habitat-specific bird survival is needed to help determine the quality of silvicultural harvests for post-breeding birds.  相似文献   

Stand composition and structure utilizing stem analysis was studied in two hardwood stands in Vermont. In a mixed hardwood stand with some white pine and hemlock, a major entry of new trees in the main canopy seems associated with harvesting coincident with land exchange. More recent partial cuttings have promoted establishment of new seedlings or development of suppressed advanced-growth shade-tolerant beech, (Fagus grandifolia, Ehrh.), hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana, (Mill) K. Koch), and striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum, L.). Very few sugar maple and red oak seedlings and saplings are present.

In a northern hardwood stand some red spruce (Picea rubens, Sarg.), that were 240 to 306 years old, became established before any known harvest, and exhibited release following harvests of the mid-1800s. This major harvest, coupled with the differential growth between spruce and hardwoods, and seed/seedling availability, resulted in a major change in stand composition. Trees now in the main canopy of sampled stands appear to have either been released or newly established following various harvests. Harvests have been of such frequency that natural disturbances seem insignificant. Many of the competitive understory species have become abundant following harvests of the 1960s and 1980s and may have been present as advanced growth and responded to the release. Following the harvest of 1981–1982, abundant yellow birch became established on skid trails. Elsewhere in the stand, yellow birch seedlings and saplings are only in great abundance in areas that were possibly sizable gaps following earlier harvesting.

The dynamics of tree entry and growth in gaps of small or large size probably occur in a similar way in many other stands of the region. Though the sampling of this study is limited, there is no suggestion of continuous tree establishment at any particular location, the new age classes seem associated with either a gap or stand replacing disturbance attributed to harvesting.  相似文献   

An individual-tree diameter model was developed for sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in northern hardwood stands managed under selection system. We fitted long-term remeasurement data to a linear mixed model to account for the temporal autocorrelation of the remeasurements. The model was evaluated using independent data from two physiographic regions and representing a range of tree diameter classes, residual basal areas and years since cut. We compared our model to several individual-tree models based on data from stands with varied management histories. Several competition indices were also tested for an improvement in model fitting and prediction. Our model had lower bias and prediction error when compared to two previous models, as it better accounted for the increased diameter growth that occurred in trees from appropriately managed stands. The addition of a tree-specific competition index failed to improve model fit and predictive ability over stand-level basal area.  相似文献   

Replacement of native deciduous forests by coniferous stands was a common consequence of former European afforestation policies. However, these changes have proven to lead to serious ecological problems. Therefore, re-establishing mixed forests with native tree species became an increasingly popular management strategy to fulfil the demands of multi-functional forestry. We report about changes in collembolan assemblages and microbial performances during conversion of pure coniferous stands to mixed forests. The study was carried out in the Black forest area (SW of Germany), where a gradient of conversion from pure spruce stands (S1) to equally mixed stands (spruce, beech, and fir) at S4, through two intermediate stages (S2 and S3) was selected. Results clearly indicated strong modifications of the collembolan communities with an enrichment of the assemblages over the course of the conversion process. Mean species richness increased by 47% from S1 to S4 accompanied by diversity indices (Shannon and Simpson) higher at S4. Significantly different soil biota assemblages were found at each phase of the conversion process. Spatial turnover and nestedness contribute almost equally to the modification of assemblages from S1 to S2 while later on in the mixing process only spatial turnover was acting. Concomitantly, significant shifts in the functional structure of the collembolan assemblages were depicted, deep-dwelling collembolan (euedaphic) being, surprisingly, the most responsive group. In contrast, neither microbial nor coarse environmental parameters were influenced by the factor “conversion phase”. We suggest that stimulation of Collembolan communities after the mixing process was mainly due to the input of more suitable food sources and/or microhabitat increases. Our findings underline the crucial role of aboveground processes on the belowground system, with the intensity and scheme of the mixing-process as important factors to consider when aiming at soil biodiversity improvement in forest systems.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the success of regeneration in gaps of variable size in pine-dominated stands in terms of seedling density. It was based on an experiment in central Lapland containing circular clear-cut gaps of 20, 40 and 80 m in diameter on typical sub-xeric and xeric pine sites with site preparation (patch scarification). The observation period covered the first five years after cutting. The average number of seedlings that had emerged after gap cutting was about 22 000?ha?1 for pine and 7 000?ha?1 for birch. The proportion of regeneration sample plots without any pine seedlings was less than 10%. The seedling density diminished constantly with greater distance from the edge stand but indicating sufficient density up to the largest gap size in the study (diameter 80 m, area ca. 0.5?ha). Site preparation promoted regeneration remarkably, and we conclude that successful regeneration would be achieved in most cases with soil scarification exposing just 10–20% of the soil surface.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships among 5-year radial (diameter and basal area) growth of red oak (genus Quercus, subgenus Erythrobalanus) crop trees and predictor variables representing individual tree vigor, distance-dependant competition measures, and distance-independent competition measures. The red oaks we examined are representative of the commercially and ecologically important oak species of the bottomland hardwood forests of the southeastern US. The crown class score, a quantitative measure of crown class and tree vigor, performed best in accounting for the variability in tree diameter growth. Plot-level variables failed to account for a significant proportion of the variability in tree radial growth. The basal area of the first-order neighbors that were taller than the crop trees and located within 2.4 times the mean overstory crown radius had the highest negative correlation with crop tree 5-year radial growth. Red oaks were a major part of these competitors and likely exerted the greatest competitive pressure. However, crop tree radial growth was positively associated with the basal area of the red oaks which were indirect (second order) neighbors and which were taller than the crop trees. It is possible that indirect neighbors do not compete with the crop trees, but they likely compete with the direct competitors of the crop trees, thus having an indirect positive influence on crop tree growth. Such reasoning is consistent with previously observed spatial dependence up to four times the mean overstory crown radius. The findings may have implications for thinning hardwoods stands and crop tree management in that foresters need to take into account (1) oak intra-genus competition, (2) the negative competitive effect of direct neighbors, and (3) the potentially positive effect of the indirect neighbors, the competitors’ competitors.  相似文献   

Three 21-year-old Appalachian hardwood stands were strip cut using three cutting widths (2.4-m, 3.7-m, and 4.9-m) and allowed to resprout. One year after strip cutting, we examined the vegetation response within the harvested strips relative to non-treated control areas, focusing on the sprouting ability of young hardwood stems and the herbaceous component for wildlife habitat. Results indicate the width of the strip cutting significantly affected the amount of biomass produced from stump sprouts (p = 0.042) and influenced species composition. Shade-intolerant species accounted for more of the biomass production within the wider cut strip widths, while shade-tolerant and shade-intermediate species were more prominent within the narrower cut strips. Cut strip width did not have a significant effect on the biomass of new seedlings germinating after the cuttings. Herbaceous vegetation was greater within the 4.9-m cut strips than in the control plots (p = 0.046); however, the amount of herbaceous biomass produced did not vary among months during the first growing season. Overall, our initial results suggest that strip cutting can provide benefits to wildlife and can possibly provide for additional biomass as the regrowth is harvested in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct models for predicting the structure of young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. The two-parameter Weibull function characterized the height distribution of the stands. In young stands height was preferred to dbh as a random variable because of its continuous feature. Tree diameters were predicted using a multiplicative model, fitted as a linearized mixed-effect model. The modelling data consisted of repeatedly measured Scots pine dominated juvenile stands, carried out on a sub-sample of the 7th National Forest Inventory. The data covered a dominant height range from 0.2 up to 17 m. Two independent data sets were used to validate the models. The Weibull function was fitted using the maximum likelihood method. Four methods for predicting the distributions were compared: (1) parameter prediction models (PPM) consisting of seemingly unrelated regression equations, (2) a generalized linear model (GLM) which was a one-stage distribution and model fitting procedure, (3) a hybrid method including PPM for the shape parameter together with moment-based parameter recovery for the scale parameter, and (4) inclusion of moment-based parameter recovery for the scale parameter in the estimated GLM. Goodness-of-fit were tested in terms of Kolmogorov–Smirnov and error index statistics. Parameter recovery showed no improvement when used with PPM, but it improved GLM and gave the overall best performance for this new method. The constructed diameter–height model showed quite flexible and unbiased behaviour. Models are recommended as practical tools for Finnish forest management planning purposes.  相似文献   

To restore non-wooded stands dominated by dwarf bamboo species (Sasa kurilensis or S. senanensis) into forests, mechanical soil scarification has been applied in northern Japan since the 1960s. The treatment is followed both by natural regeneration and artificial planting. In this study, we quantified the total carbon stock (plants plus 0.3 m depth of soil) of these stands over 35-year age-sequences. The natural regeneration stands were gradually dominated by Betula ermanii. The carbon stock increased linearly to 215.1 ± 35.2 Mg C ha−1 for a 37-year-old stand formerly dominated by S. kurilensis, and 181.1 ± 29.8 Mg C ha−1 for a 34-year-old stand formerly dominated by S. senanensis. The latter was similar to that of a Picea glehnii plantation, formerly dominated by S. senanensis, with comparable stand age (160.3 ± 6.7 Mg C ha−1 for 35-year-old stands). Although the carbon stock in plants quickly offset the untreated level, that in the soil remained depressed even in the older stands. This resulted in small differences in carbon stock of these stands with untreated dwarf bamboo stands. We conclude that natural regeneration following scarification could be a prime option for carbon sink management in the region. However, we should take a long rotation period (i.e., >50 years) to ensure a carbon sink state. A potential of further improvements of the practice, including that reduce intensity of soil disturbance, was presented.  相似文献   

Soil surface CO2 flux (Sflux) is the second largest terrestrial ecosystem carbon flux, and may be affected by forest harvest. The effects of clearcutting on Sflux have been studied, but little is known about the effect of alternative harvesting methods such as selective tree harvest on Sflux. We measured Sflux before and after (i) the creation of forest canopy gaps (simulating group tree selection harvests) and (ii) mechanized winter harvest but no tree removal (simulating ground disturbance associated with logging). The experiment was carried out in a sugar maple dominated forest in the Flambeau River State Forest, Wisconsin. Pre-treatment measurements of soil moisture, temperature and Sflux were measured throughout the growing season of 2006. In January–February 2007, a harvester created the canopy gaps (200–380 m2). The mechanization treatment consisted of the harvester traveling through the plots for a similar amount of time as the gap plots, but no trees were cut. Soil moisture and temperature and Sflux were measured throughout the growing season for 1 year prior to harvest and for 2 years after harvest. Soil moisture and temperature were significantly greater in the gap than mechanized and control treatments. Instantaneous Sflux was positively correlated to soil moisture and soil temperature at 2 and 10 cm, but temperature at 10 cm was the single best predictor. Annual Sflux was not significantly different among treatments prior to winter 2007 harvest, and was not significantly different among treatments after harvest. Annual (+1 std. err.) Sflux averaged 967 + 72, 1011 + 72, and 1012 + 72 g C m−2 year−1 in the control, mechanized and gap treatments, respectively, for the 2-year post-treatment period. The results from this study suggest selective group tree harvest significantly increases soil moisture and temperature but does not significantly influence Sflux.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that simple indices of competition that incorporate competitor size and inter-tree distances generally perform as well in predicting individual tree growth as more complex approaches of assessing spatial pattern. A major limitation of diameter-distance indices, however, is that their numerical values decrease in a given stand over time even when the stocking level remains constant. In this paper two modifications are proposed which make the index essentially independent of age, thus necessitating only one competition-growth regression for each species on a given site and allowing comparisons between different stands. Tests of several index designs in three evenaged temperate hardwood stands indicated that the correlation between competition and growth is optimal over a wide range of competition radii and that the inclusion of inter-tree distances is of little value despite considerable small-scale variability in the stocking level around individual trees. Highest correlations were obtained when competitors were defined to be only those trees of equal or higher crown class than the subject tree. In these hardwood stands a comparison of the size of a subject tree to that of the competitors was necessary for reasonable correlations with growth. These correlations varied greatly among species even within a single stand and appear to be related to the shade tolerance of the species. For general use the index (ΣDj)/Di is recommended, where Dj is the diameter of competitor j and Di is the diameter of subject tree i. This index can be computed rapidly in the field and does not require mapping of stem positions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of skidder traffic intensity, soil disturbance intensity, and canopy removal intensity on the richness, diversity, composition, and cover of the entire ground flora (woody and herbaceous vegetation ≤2 m tall), various individual life forms, invasive/noxious species, and species with different requirements with respect to moisture, nutrients, heat, and light (synecological coordinates) in a mesic northern hardwood stand 6 years after a clearcut-with-reserves regeneration harvest removed 50–100% of the canopy. Skidder traffic was restricted to a network of trails and a global positioning system (GPS) tracked skidder movement to quantify the number of passes at pre-established sampling points along the anticipated soil disturbance gradient on and off skid trails. Soil disturbance intensity within the top 15 cm of soil was quantified by relativized resistance to penetration (RRP) compared to untrafficked plots; post-harvest increases in RRP ranged from 81 to 272%. Regression analysis and ordination revealed a pattern of increasing difference from pre-disturbance composition with increasing skidder traffic (i.e., forest floor disturbance), with increased RRP (i.e., soil compaction) and (less so) canopy removal intensity. The ground flora shifted from interior forest species such as Anemone quiquefolia, Aralia nudicaulis, Clintonia borealis, Maianthemum canadense, and Oryzopsis asperifolia to more ruderal, invasive/noxious, and disturbed-forest species such as Aster lateriflorus, Cirsium spp., Phleum pretense, Rubus idaeus, and Trifolium spp. The relative resistance of the initial ground flora to change (inverse of the distances between pre- and post-harvest samples in ordination space) was nonlinearly related to skidder traffic intensity and linearly related to RRP, indicating that the largest compositional changes occurred with the first few passes of the skidder. Mean plot scores for the synecological coordinates revealed that the post-harvest species were on average less demanding of water and nutrients; the opposite was true for light. Plots exposed to less skidder traffic and RRP had higher herb cover and higher nutrient scores; those with more skidder traffic and higher RRP levels had higher shrub cover and higher light scores. We conclude that protection of the ground flora from forest floor and soil disturbance requires careful planning of skid trail networks. Concentrating skidder traffic to a designated skid trail system can result in less area disturbed and spatially connected networks of larger, untrafficked remnant forest patches that may maintain species that are sensitive to forest floor and soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in governing soil properties and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Clear-cutting alters the SOM cycle by changing decomposition rates and organic matter (OM) inputs to the forest ecosystem. We studied the 15-year clear-cutting response on the properties and composition of SOM at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in New Hampshire. Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the structural chemistry of SOM in whole soils and extracted humic substances. Overall, alkyl C and O-alkyl C were the dominant C fractions in soils and humic substances. Alkyl C accounted for 38–49% of the total NMR signal intensity in soils and 33–56% in humic substances. O-alkyl C accounted for 32–45% of the signal intensity in soils and 20–31% in humic substances. Following clear-cutting, the contribution of O-alkyl C increased in whole soils and humic acids of the Oa horizon, while alkyl C decreased in whole soils and humic acids of Oa and Bh horizons. Thus, the ratio of alkyl C to O-alkyl C, an index of the degree of decomposition of SOM, decreased in whole soils and humic acids after clear-cutting, indicating that the SOM in post-harvest soils is less decomposed relative to pre-harvest soils. On average, humic substances accounted for 47% of SOM. The concentration of humic acid decreased by up to 25% in Oa, E and Bh horizons after clear-cutting, while the concentration of fulvic acid decreased by more than 40% in the Oa and E horizons. Together, these results indicate that clear-cutting resulted in the loss of humic substances from the forest floor and upper mineral horizons, which was replaced by less decomposed OM in the post-clear-cut soils under the regrowing forest.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, public opposition to clearcut harvesting in hardwood forests of the eastern United States led forest managers and scientists to consider alternative practices that retain a low-density overstory forest cover. From 1979 to 1984, a form of clearcut-with-reserves harvesting was applied in 80-year-old Appalachian mixed-hardwoods to create four experimental stands with two-aged structures. The residual stand basal area averaged 5.3 m2/ha, comprising an average of 36 reserve trees/ha. The reserve trees were evenly distributed throughout the stand, initially with considerable space between their crowns, thus providing the sunlight and seedbed conditions needed to recruit desirable shade-intolerant reproduction after harvest. This study examined the response of the 100-year-old reserve trees and the development of the 20-year-old natural reproduction located in their immediate vicinity.Diameter at breast height (Dbh), height, and relative position were recorded for all reproduction ≥2.5 cm within transects adjacent to northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) reserve trees. Each transect was divided into five zones, which represented positions relative to the reserve tree crown edge, and basal area was computed for each of three shade tolerance classes within each zone. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare basal area of reproduction by tolerance classes and zone. In general, basal area of reproduction, particularly that of shade-intolerant species, increased with distance from the reserve tree. Regression analyses also indicated that dbh and height of reproduction was positively related to distance from the reserve trees. Although height growth of reserve trees was similar for both species, northern red oak exhibited significantly greater dbh and crown radial growth than yellow-poplar.The results indicated that reserve trees influence the growth rate and species composition of reproduction in their immediate vicinity. Basal area of reproduction increased from 10.1 to 17.7 m2/ha with increasing distance from the reserve trees. Basal area of intolerant species more than doubled along the same gradient. Basal area of reproduction in the two-age stands was 30–40% less than that observed in even-aged stands on similar growing sites, but the reduction was offset by growth of the reserve trees. The surface area covered by the reserve tree crowns increased approximately 88% for northern red oak and 44% for yellow-poplar. Since the sphere of influence of reserve trees increases over time, forest managers must consider their long-term impact on reproduction when prescribing clearcut-with-reserves harvests and other practices that involve retaining trees for many years.  相似文献   

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