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黄土性土壤K+吸附、解吸动力学研究   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
采用连续液流法研究了5种黄土性土壤吸附、解吸K^+的动力学性质。结果表明:(1)供试土壤K^+吸附、解吸反应分别在16-24及26-60min达到平衡。吸附平衡时间及平衡吸附量与CEC及粘粒含量有关。(2)平衡前不同时段的吸附解吸速度及吸附解吸率与反应时间lnt间存在极显著的线性关系。其中反应速度直线和解吸率直线的斜率、初始反应速度及初始解吸率均与CEC及粘粒含量密切相关。(3)一级反应方程和El  相似文献   

塿土固定态NH4+释放动力学的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
樊小林  张一平  李玲 《土壤学报》1996,33(3):287-292

紫色土K+吸附解吸动力学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
从国家紫色土肥力与肥料效益监测基地定位试验上 ,在第 10年水稻收获后从 0~ 30cm土层采取土壤样品 ,研究土壤K 吸附、解吸动力学过程。结果表明 ,不同施肥处理土壤K 吸附、解吸反应分别在2 4~ 32min和 4 6~ 6 4min达到平衡 ,吸附、解吸平衡量分别为 14 1~ 19 2cmolkg-1和 11 6~ 17 5cmolkg-1。相关分析说明 ,土壤阳离子交换量 (CEC)及粘粒含量是影响吸附平衡时间、吸附平衡量的重要因素 ;CEC、交换钾量是影响解吸平衡时间、解吸平衡量的重要因素。由此可见 ,长期不同施肥对土壤CEC、粘粒及交换钾量产生影响 ,从而影响了紫色土K 吸附、解吸平衡时间及吸附、解吸平衡量。平衡前钾离子的吸附、解吸速度及吸附、解吸率与反应时间lnt间存在良好的线性关系。其中反应速度直线和解吸率直线的斜率、初始反应速度及初始吸附率均与CEC、粘粒含量密切相关。Elovich方程和一级扩散方程分别为描述紫色土K 吸附、解吸反应的最优与最差模型 ,指数方程和抛物线扩散方程拟合性介于Elovich方程和一级扩散方程之间。由此可见 ,紫色土K 吸附、解吸过程不是一个单纯的过程 ,而是一个包括土体膨胀、吸附位活化、表面扩散等诸多因素的复杂过程。  相似文献   

有机质对棕壤表面电荷及NH4+吸附解吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
崔桂芳  关连珠  孙琳  颜丽 《土壤学报》2006,43(1):173-175
土壤胶体带有表面电荷,对阳离子和阴离子的吸附与解吸都受电荷性质的制约。土壤表面电荷中的可变电荷易受环境条件的影响,使人们有可能用某些措施调节环境条件,以改变可变电荷的数量,使之影响土壤的性质。由于电荷特性对土壤的分散、絮凝、膨胀和收缩,以及离子在土壤中的移动和有机无机复合体的形成等一系列性质有重要意义,从而使土壤电荷性质的研究倍受关注。  相似文献   

作物NH4+和K+营养关系的土壤及矿物因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱晓睛  封克  汤炎  程传敏  徐灏 《土壤》1996,28(1):24-29
通过水培、土培试验研究了不同阳离子的存在与土壤、矿物固定态铵释放及水稻苗期氮、钾吸收之间的关系,以及不同NH4^+、K^+浓度组合对水稻苗期氮、钾营养关系的影响。  相似文献   

红壤中SO42-解吸动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
章钢娅 《土壤学报》2001,38(2):235-240
研究了四种红壤用硫酸盐溶液处理后SO42-解吸动力学特点及pH和温度的影响。结果显示,其最大解吸量在70%~94%之间。解吸曲线的数据用Elovich方程和双常数方程可以很好的拟合。pH升高时解吸量增加,解吸速度变慢。温度升高时解吸量增加,反应速度加快。根据Arrhenius公式估算出的活化能为23.35 kJ mol-1。  相似文献   

采用连续液流法研究了黄土性土壤吸附,解吸磷酸根的动力学性质。结果表明:(1)供试土壤对磷酸根的吸附,解吸扫速率可分为快,中,慢三种反应类型;(2)描述吸附,解吸反应的最优模型均为Elovich方程,最差模型分别为一级反应方程及双常数方程,拟合差的模型对反应速率变化“敏感”,可用于反应类型划分和机理研究;(3)粘粒含量及代换量对吸附速率有著影响,游离铁对吸附速率,CaCO3对较低温度下的吸附及较高温  相似文献   

胡敏酸吸附解吸Fe3+反应特征研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王强  魏世强 《土壤学报》2006,43(3):414-421
采用C-25葡聚糖凝胶层析方法研究了在不同酸度、离子强度、温度条件下胡敏酸(HA)吸附解吸Fe3^+特征.结果表明,在相同离子强度、反应温度条件下,随着pH的升高,HA对Fe(Ⅲ)最大吸附量Smax和吸附平衡常数k增加,标准摩尔自由能变△Gom绝对值减小.相同pH和温度下,离子强度从0.00到0.10mol L^-1,HA对Fe(Ⅲ)最大吸附量Smax和吸附亲和力常数k增加,自由能变△G^o m绝对值减小,但离子强度从0.10 mol L^-1继续上升到0.15 mol L^-1,则上述特征常数变化刚好相反.温度升高,胡敏酸吸附Fe3^+的最大吸附量、吸附平衡常数k、自由能变△G^o m绝对值均较大幅度降低,表明升高温度对吸附反应不利.吸附反应的焓变△H^o m和熵变△S^o m均小于零,为放热反应,反应向更有序状态进行;在相同条件下,pH越大,焓变△H^o m和熵变△rS^θ m绝对值越大,表明pH越大,越有利于吸附反应的进行.随着pH的升高,Fe3^+被还原的百分率η减小,用幂函数方程拟合,相关系数达到显著水平.随着pH的降低,胡敏酸铁Fe3^+解吸率增大;对解吸率曲线进行拟合,线形方程具有显著的相关系数.胡敏酸吸附Fe3^+的反应为包括胡敏酸内部和外部结合的“两相”反应.  相似文献   

磺胺嘧啶在土壤及土壤组分中的吸附/解吸动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张步迪  林青  曹东平  徐绍辉 《土壤》2018,50(5):949-957
抗生素在土壤中的吸附/解吸及迁移过程受其理化性质的强烈影响,其中土壤中的矿物成分,如高岭石、蒙脱石及腐殖酸等是重要控制因素。本文主要研究了磺胺嘧啶在土壤、高岭石、蒙脱石和腐殖酸中的吸附/解吸动力学过程,并对反应前后的高岭石、蒙脱石和腐殖酸进行傅里叶红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared, FTIR)表征,探讨其可能的吸附机理。结果表明:磺胺嘧啶的吸附(解吸)动力学过程,可以分为快速吸附(解吸)、吸附解吸动态平衡和吸附(解吸)平衡3个阶段;磺胺嘧啶在土壤及其3种组分中的吸附(解吸)均可在24 h内达到平衡,其浓度高低会导致土壤及其组分的吸附差异,不同土壤组分中的官能团含量、带电性质及氢键是造成吸附差异的主要原因;分别用伪一级动力学模型、伪二级动力学模型和Elovich模型对其吸附过程进行拟合,其动力学吸附过程更符合伪二级动力学模型,R20.99,主要受控于物理化学吸附;FTIR图谱表明磺胺嘧啶与高岭石以物理吸附为主,并有少量氢键作用,与蒙脱石之间主要以氢键作用完成吸附,而在腐殖酸中存在表面络合和π–π共轭作用。  相似文献   

湿地土壤NH4+吸附解吸对冻融循环的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrogen (N) cycling in boreal peatland ecosystems may be influenced in important ways by freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs).Adsorption and desorption of ammonium ions (NH + 4) were examined in a controlled laboratory experiment for soils sampled from palustrine wetland,riverine wetland,and farmland reclaimed from natural wetland in response to the number of FTCs.The results indicate that freeze-thaw significantly increased the adsorption capacity of NH + 4 and reduced the desorption potential of NH + 4 in the wetland soils.There were significant differences in the NH + 4 adsorption amount between the soils with and without freeze-thaw treatment.The adsorption amount of NH + 4 increased with increasing FTCs.The palustrine wetland soil had a greater adsorption capacity and a weaker desorption potential of NH + 4 than the riverine wetland soil because of the significantly higher clay content and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the riverine wetland soil.Because of the altered soil physical and chemical properties and hydroperiods,the adsorption capacity of NH + 4 was smaller in the farmland soil than in the wetland soils,while the desorption potential of the farmland soil was higher than that of the wetland soils.Thus,wetland reclamation would decrease adsorption capacity and increase desorption potential of NH + 4,which could result in N loss from the farmland soil.FTCs might mitigate N loss from soils and reduce the risk of water pollution in downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   

WANG Yu  ZHANG Yi-Ping 《土壤圈》2004,14(2):253-257
Effects of NH4+ concentration, solution/soil ratio and temperature on NH4+ adsorption were studied in a Eum-Orthic Anthrosol. The slopes of the soil NH4+ adsorption isotherms and the fitted n, the coefficient for the adsorption intensity, and k, the coefficient related to adsorption capacity, of the Freundlich equation increased with increasing solution/soil ratio (SSR) and with decreasing temperature (T). For the range of experimental conditions, the value of ∂q/∂c, the rate of change of the amount of NH4+ adsorbed in the soil solid phase (q) with respect to the equilibrium concentration of NH4+ in soil solution (c), was 0.840, indicating that q increased with increasing c. From 2 to 45 ℃, ∂q/∂SSR, the rate of change of q with respect to SSR, decreased from 2.598 to 1.996, showing that q increased with increasing SSR, while its increasing rate decreased with temperature. From SSR 1:1 to 20:1, ∂q/∂T, the rate of change of q with respect to T, decreased from -0.095 to -0.361, indicating that q decreased with increasing temperature, and at the same time the negative effect of temperature became larger as SSR increased. Thus under the experimental conditions the order of importance in determining the amount of NH4+ adsorbed in the soil solid phase was ∂q/∂SSR > ∂q/∂c > |∂q/∂T|, indicating that the greatest effect on the amount of NH4+ adsorbed was with the solution/soil ratio; the equilibrium concentration of NH4+ had a lesser effect; and temperature had the least effect.  相似文献   

中国陕西省施有机肥黄土NH4+固定的热力学性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some thermodynamic properties of NH4+ fixation by loess soil in plowing and clay layers are discussed. The results indicate that the four ion adsorption equations commonly used can describe the properties of NH4+ fixation in these soils under constant temperature. Among the four adsorption equations, the single-surface Langmuir equation is the best. When the concentration of NH4Cl solution is 10-1 mol below, the Freundlich equation can be used. The changes of apparent standard free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°) and entropy (ΔS°) illustrate that NH4+ fixation in soil is an endothermic adsorption and spontaneous reaction, and the process can be enhanced by a higher temperature and clay content in soil. The "proper value of NH4+ fixation by soil (K1 × qm) increased with increasing clay content and temperature. The heat of NH4+ fixation in soil (Qm) confirms the conclusions made in this paper.  相似文献   

不同铵钾比对高铵下拟南芥地上部和根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋海燕  李光杰  施卫明 《土壤》2016,48(6):1077-1084
钾在缓解植物铵毒害的过程中起着重要的作用。本文研究了高铵(30 mmol/L)条件下,不同铵钾比(7.5︰1和150︰1)对拟南芥(Col-0)主根、侧根以及地上部生长的影响。结果表明:30 mmol/L NH4+条件下,高铵钾比(150)处理显著加重了拟南芥铵毒害现象,地上部和根系生长所受的抑制作用更为明显并导致更严重的氧化胁迫。相比低铵钾比水平,在高铵处理下,高铵钾比使得拟南芥主根伸长量降低57.4%,侧根数量减少33.3%,而地上部鲜重减轻69.9%。DAB(3,3¢-二氨基联苯胺,3,3¢-diaminobenzidine)叶片染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平(0.2和4.0 mmol/L)对拟南芥叶片的氧化胁迫作用没有显著差异;而高铵处理下,相比低铵钾比处理,高铵钾比显著增加了叶片中过氧化氢的含量,加重了其氧化胁迫。伊文思蓝(Evans blue,EB)染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平对拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性没有显著差异,而高铵处理下,高铵钾比显著增强了拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性,表明其对细胞的伤害程度加重。可见,高铵抑制拟南芥根系和地上部生长,高铵钾比则会加重这种抑制,其原因除了高浓度钾能减少植物对铵的吸收外,可能与高铵钾比条件加剧了植物的氧化胁迫有关。因此,适宜的铵钾比在植物应对铵毒害的过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

固定态铵的含量及中国某些耕地土壤NH4+的固定能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fixed ammonium contents and NH4^ fixation capacities of some representative cultivated solis collected from 16 provinces of China were studied.Results showed that the contents of fixed ammonium in soils ranged from 35 to 573 mg N kg^-1,with an average of 198mg Nkg^-1.The content of fixed ammonium correlated very significantly with mica content for tropical and subtropical soils,whereas this was not the case for soils in the temperate zone.At the end of K-exhausting experiment the fixed ammonium content increased in most soils studied.However,it decreased in smom temperate soils.Generally,fixation of added NH4^ could not be found either before or after K-exhausting experiment for highly weathered soils,including tropical soils and soils derived from granite-gneiss or Quaternary red clays in the subtropic zone,while for most soils in the Yangtze River dalta the NH4^ fixation capacity was rather high and increased significantly in the K-exhausted soils.  相似文献   

Ammonium fixation and the effects of soil moisture and application methods on fertilizer N recovery were investigatedin two soils of Shaanxi Province, China, a Luvisol and an Entisol, through two experiments performed in the laboratoryand in a glass shelter, respectively, by using ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3). The laboratory closed incubationbox experiment was conducted using the Luvisol to study NH fixation rate at soil moisture levels of 10.1%, 22.7% and 35.3% water filled pore space (WFPS). The fixed NH -N increased dramatically to 51% and 66%, 67% and 74%,and 82% and 85% 1, 2 and 36 h after fertilizer incorporation at moisture levels of 10.1% and 22.7% WFPS and 35.3% WFPS, respectively. The rapid NH fixation rates at all moisture levels could help prevent NH losses from ammonia volatilization. In the glass shelter pot experiment, N fertilizer was applied by either banding (in a concentrated strip)or incorporating (thoroughly mixing) with the Entisol and the Luvisol. An average of 74.2% of the added N fertilizerwas recovered 26 days after application to the Luvisol, while only 61.4% could be recovered from the Entisol, due tohigher NH fixation capacity of the Luvisol. The amount of fixed NH decreased with increasing WFPS. The amountof fixed NH in the incorporated fertilizer treatment was, oll average, 10% higher than that in the banded treatment.Higher NH fixation rates could prevent N loss and thus increase N recovery. The results from the Luvisol showed lowernitrogen recovery as soil moisture level increased, which could be explained by the fact that most of the fixed NH wasstill not released when the soil moisture level was low. When the fertilizer was incorporated into the soil, the recovery ofN increased, compared with the banded treatment, by an average of 26.2% in the Luvisol and 11.2% in the Entisol, whichimplied that when farmers applied fertilizer, it would be best to mix it well with the soil.  相似文献   

硝化反应是土壤、特别是干旱半干旱地区农业土壤N2O产生的重要途径之一。但是,目前环境条件对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响研究较少,而在国内外通用的几个模型中均用固定比例估算硝化反应过程中N2O的排放。本文通过砂壤土培养试验,研究了土壤温度、水分和NH4+-N浓度对硝化反应速度及硝化反应中N2O排放的影响,并用数学模型定量表示了各因素对硝化反应的作用,用最小二乘法最优拟合求得该土壤的最大硝化反应速度及N2O最大排放比例。结果表明,随着温度升高,硝化反应速度呈指数增长;水分含量由20%充水孔隙度(WFPS)增加到40%WFPS时,反应速度增加,水分含量增加到60%WFPS时反应速度略有降低;NH4+-N浓度增加对硝化反应速度起抑制作用。用米氏方程描述该土壤的硝化反应过程,其最大硝化反应速度为6.67mg·kg?1·d?1。硝化反应中N2O排放比例随温度升高而降低;随NH4+-N浓度增加而略有增加;20%和40%WFPS水分含量时,硝化反应中N2O排放比例为0.43%~1.50%,最小二乘法求得的最大比例为3.03%,60%WFPS时可能由于反硝化作用,N2O排放比例急剧增加,还需进一步研究水分对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响。  相似文献   

陈因  方大惟 《土壤学报》1994,31(4):422-429
在不同气体环境中培养的蓝藻Anabaena7120固氮活性各异,Ar+CO2中最大,空气中次之,Ar中最小。固氮活性高者去铵阻抑速率大,反之则小。它们对各种生理条件的反应不一样,固氮活性高者,其去铵阻抑速率受氧和氮的抑制小。在氢和氧加合条件下,三种活性的蓝藻去铵阻抑均加快,但活性低者慢而小些。光强减弱或加光合抑制剂时,固氮活性低者去铵阻抑速率显著小于活性高者,而添加外源的蔗糖或丙酮酸时,也是固氮活  相似文献   

聚天门冬氨酸钙盐对水稻田面水中三氮动态变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用桶栽试验探究不同浓度水平的聚天门冬氨酸钙盐(PASP-Ca)对水稻田面水中铵态氮(NH_4~+)、硝态氮(NO_3~-)和总氮(TN)浓度动态变化的影响。结果表明,施氮后,田面水中TN、NH_4~+和NO_3~-分别于第1,3,9天达到最大值,随后逐渐降低。NO_3~-/TN多在0.1以下,(NH_4~++NO_3~-)/TN多在0.5以上。因此,可以将NH_4~+和TN作为农田水污染防治的主要监测指标,NO_3~-作为辅助指标。添加一定浓度的PASP—Ca能对田面水中氮素浓度的变化起到缓释作用,其中0.3%浓度水平的PASP—Ca效果相对较好,田面水中NH_4~+和TN的下降速率分别为3.452,4.806mg/(L·d),与单施氮肥(CK)相比,分别降低了11.68%和16.25%;同时,NH_4~+的平均浓度为6.999mg/L,较CK低了3.88%;NO_3~-的平均浓度为0.396mg/L,较CK低了24.83%;TN的平均浓度为20.077mg/L,较CK提升了3.10%。施氮后田面水中TN浓度随时间呈对数递减,而NH_4~+浓度在施氮后3天内随时间呈对数增加,之后随时间呈对数递减趋势。施氮后的9天内是防止稻田田面水中氮素流失的关键时期。  相似文献   

NH4+对K+在土壤肥际微域中迁移和转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NH4^+和K^+共施在农田施肥中是很普遍的现象,研究它们共施后二者在土壤中的交互作用对指导施肥具有重要意义。采用室内土柱实验研究了共施条件下NH4^+对K^+在红壤和潮土肥际微域中的迁移和形态转化的影响,供试肥料为NH4Cl和KCl。试验结果表明,与单施K^+相比,共施NH4^+没有改变肥料钾在红壤和潮土中的迁移距离,但提高了肥际微域中的水溶性钾含量;在靠近施肥点附近,NH4^+的施用减少了土壤交换性钾含量,这种作用在潮土中的表现不如在红壤中明显;与单施KCl相比,共施NH4Cl明显降低了施肥点附近土壤微域内的非交换性钾含量。研究结果表明,共施NH4Cl减少了土壤晶格对钾离子的固定,增加了钾的淋溶风险。  相似文献   

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