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Interactions with other responsive agents lie at the core of all social exchange. During a social exchange with a partner, one fundamental variable that must be computed correctly is who gets credit for a shared outcome; this assignment is crucial for deciding on an optimal level of cooperation that avoids simple exploitation. We carried out an iterated, two-person economic exchange and made simultaneous hemodynamic measurements from each player's brain. These joint measurements revealed agent-specific responses in the social domain ("me" and "not me") arranged in a systematic spatial pattern along the cingulate cortex. This systematic response pattern did not depend on metrical aspects of the exchange, and it disappeared completely in the absence of a responding partner.  相似文献   

"Warmth" is the most powerful personality trait in social judgment, and attachment theorists have stressed the importance of warm physical contact with caregivers during infancy for healthy relationships in adulthood. Intriguingly, recent research in humans points to the involvement of the insula in the processing of both physical temperature and interpersonal warmth (trust) information. Accordingly, we hypothesized that experiences of physical warmth (or coldness) would increase feelings of interpersonal warmth (or coldness), without the person's awareness of this influence. In study 1, participants who briefly held a cup of hot (versus iced) coffee judged a target person as having a "warmer" personality (generous, caring); in study 2, participants holding a hot (versus cold) therapeutic pad were more likely to choose a gift for a friend instead of for themselves.  相似文献   

财政投入是湖南林业投资中的重要构成,充分有效的财政投入能够保证林业的长期健康发展。根据湖南省2000~2014年林业财政投入和林业总产值的统计数据,利用格兰杰因果关系检验分析了林业的财政投入与林业总产值之间的相关关系。随后采用滞后变量模型发现了林业财政投入对林业总产值的增长具有正效应,短期内财政投入资金对林业总产值增长的影响不显著,但从长期来看,财政投入与林业总产值的增加之间的相关性比较明显。因此,为了促进林业经济的发展,必须完善林业财政投入的长效机制、加大林业财政投入、拓宽资金使用渠道、提高资金使用率以及引入社会资本。  相似文献   

Getting to know you: reputation and trust in a two-person economic exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a multiround version of an economic exchange (trust game), we report that reciprocity expressed by one player strongly predicts future trust expressed by their partner-a behavioral finding mirrored by neural responses in the dorsal striatum. Here, analyses within and between brains revealed two signals-one encoded by response magnitude, and the other by response timing. Response magnitude correlated with the "intention to trust" on the next play of the game, and the peak of these "intention to trust" responses shifted its time of occurrence by 14 seconds as player reputations developed. This temporal transfer resembles a similar shift of reward prediction errors common to reinforcement learning models, but in the context of a social exchange. These data extend previous model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging studies into the social domain and broaden our view of the spectrum of functions implemented by the dorsal striatum.  相似文献   

当前在厦门经济、科技和社会发展的进程中 ,现代农业具有重要的地位和作用。厦门具有明显的对台区位优势 ,对台农业交流潜力很大。探讨厦台农业交流的可行性和合作领域 ,对加快厦门农业现代化的实现有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

福建农村技术水平长期以来发展缓慢,主要就是因为农业科技有效供给低效和有效需求疲软。推进福建农村科技进步,首先必须扩展投资渠道,加大农业科技投入;其次是深化农业科技体制改革,提高科技成果产出的有效率和转化率;三是培养人才,增强农业科技发展的人力资本动力;四是激励农民对农业技术需求,变被动接受为自觉行动;五是加强科技交流与合作。  相似文献   

Our ability to have an experience of another's pain is characteristic of empathy. Using functional imaging, we assessed brain activity while volunteers experienced a painful stimulus and compared it to that elicited when they observed a signal indicating that their loved one--present in the same room--was receiving a similar pain stimulus. Bilateral anterior insula (AI), rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), brainstem, and cerebellum were activated when subjects received pain and also by a signal that a loved one experienced pain. AI and ACC activation correlated with individual empathy scores. Activity in the posterior insula/secondary somatosensory cortex, the sensorimotor cortex (SI/MI), and the caudal ACC was specific to receiving pain. Thus, a neural response in AI and rostral ACC, activated in common for "self" and "other" conditions, suggests that the neural substrate for empathic experience does not involve the entire "pain matrix." We conclude that only that part of the pain network associated with its affective qualities, but not its sensory qualities, mediates empathy.  相似文献   

通过对两岸非营利组织交流现状的分析,归纳出目前这类组织深度交流所面临的阻力和问题,并就此提出在未来的两岸交流合作中,非营利组织必将扮演更加重要的角色,应该重点从政府投入、法律完善、民间交流、制度建设等方面着手,建立有利于深化两岸交流的非营利组织发展机制。  相似文献   

Plants and their arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbionts interact in complex underground networks involving multiple partners. This increases the potential for exploitation and defection by individuals, raising the question of how partners maintain a fair, two-way transfer of resources. We manipulated cooperation in plants and fungal partners to show that plants can detect, discriminate, and reward the best fungal partners with more carbohydrates. In turn, their fungal partners enforce cooperation by increasing nutrient transfer only to those roots providing more carbohydrates. On the basis of these observations we conclude that, unlike many other mutualisms, the symbiont cannot be "enslaved." Rather, the mutualism is evolutionarily stable because control is bidirectional, and partners offering the best rate of exchange are rewarded.  相似文献   

The nascent field of neuroeconomics seeks to ground economic decision making in the biological substrate of the brain. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging of Ultimatum Game players to investigate neural substrates of cognitive and emotional processes involved in economic decision-making. In this game, two players split a sum of money;one player proposes a division and the other can accept or reject this. We scanned players as they responded to fair and unfair proposals. Unfair offers elicited activity in brain areas related to both emotion (anterior insula) and cognition (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). Further, significantly heightened activity in anterior insula for rejected unfair offers suggests an important role for emotions in decision-making.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】社会主要矛盾的转化让实现农业强大、农村美丽、农民富裕的愿望更加迫切,但农业发展往往面临着资源、劳动力等约束。合理测度农业生产效率是了解农业发展现状、挖掘和弥补发展轨迹中存在问题的前提。【方法/过程】以闽台为例,利用超效率DEA测度农业生产效率并进行比较,通过投影分析寻求生产投入与产出的改进方向。【结果/结论】整体上看,台湾在纯技术效率上具有比较优势,而福建省农业生产较为粗放,闽台农业合作存在优势互补的现实基础;目前闽台农业生产存在投入冗余,过度施肥现象尤为严重。未来,应努力强化质量兴农和技术创新、提高人力资源利用率,以及有意识地积极深化闽台农业合作。  相似文献   

The eflect of uncinectomny on the social behavior of free-ranging rhesus monkeys was observed on Cayo Santiago Island. Operated subjects showed social indifjerence, failed to display appropriate aggressive and submissive gestures. were expelled from their social group, and evenitlually died. Two juvenile subjects with the lesion restricted to amygdala survived and have rejoinied their social group. Size of lesion and age at operation were major factors in determniting the degree of behavioral change.  相似文献   

Humans collaborate with non-kin in special ways, but the evolutionary foundations of these collaborative skills remain unclear. We presented chimpanzees with collaboration problems in which they had to decide when to recruit a partner and which potential partner to recruit. In an initial study, individuals recruited a collaborator only when solving the problem required collaboration. In a second study, individuals recruited the more effective of two partners on the basis of their experience with each of them on a previous day. Therefore, recognizing when collaboration is necessary and determining who is the best collaborative partner are skills shared by both chimpanzees and humans, so such skills may have been present in their common ancestor before humans evolved their own complex forms of collaboration.  相似文献   

Plain-tailed wrens (Pheugopedius euophrys) cooperate to produce a duet song in which males and females rapidly alternate singing syllables. We examined how sensory information from each wren is used to coordinate singing between individuals for the production of this cooperative behavior. Previous findings in nonduetting songbird species suggest that premotor circuits should encode each bird's own contribution to the duet. In contrast, we find that both male and female wrens encode the combined cooperative output of the pair of birds. Further, behavior and neurophysiology show that both sexes coordinate the timing of their singing based on feedback from the partner and suggest that females may lead the duet.  相似文献   

体态语是非语言交际的一种表现形式,非语言交际包括类语言、体语(头部动作、面部表情、眼部动作、手势语)。人们在交际过程中,除了有声语言的交流外,还常常伴随着手势、面部表情、身体动作这些非语言来传递信息、交流思想、表达感情。在语言交际和非语言交际同时发生的外语课堂教学活动中,体态语交际有时更为重要。  相似文献   

<正>In 2009,Agriculturtal Science&Technology's full-texts have been included by international authority of the search tools AGRIS.AGRIS is the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology.It was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)in 1974,to facilitate information exchange and to bring together world literature dealing with all aspects of agriculture.AGRIS is a cooperative system in which participating countries input references to the literature produced within their boundaries and,in return,draw on the information provided by the other participants.To  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding vertebrates, nonbreeding helpers raise young produced by dominant breeders. Although the evolution of cooperative breeding has often been attributed primarily to kin selection (whereby individuals gain "indirect" benefits to their fitness by assisting collateral relatives), there is increasing evidence that helpers can be unrelated to the young they are raising. Recent studies also suggest that the indirect benefits of cooperative behavior may often have been overestimated while the direct benefits of helping to the helper's own fitness have probably been underestimated. It now seems likely that the evolutionary mechanisms maintaining cooperative breeding are diverse and that, in some species, the direct benefits of helping may be sufficient to maintain cooperative societies. The benefits of cooperation in vertebrate societies may consequently show parallels with those in human societies, where cooperation between unrelated individuals is frequent and social institutions are often maintained by generalized reciprocity.  相似文献   

Contemporary humans exhibit spectacular biological success derived from cumulative culture and cooperation. The origins of these traits may be related to our ancestral group structure. Because humans lived as foragers for 95% of our species' history, we analyzed co-residence patterns among 32 present-day foraging societies (total n = 5067 individuals, mean experienced band size = 28.2 adults). We found that hunter-gatherers display a unique social structure where (i) either sex may disperse or remain in their natal group, (ii) adult brothers and sisters often co-reside, and (iii) most individuals in residential groups are genetically unrelated. These patterns produce large interaction networks of unrelated adults and suggest that inclusive fitness cannot explain extensive cooperation in hunter-gatherer bands. However, large social networks may help to explain why humans evolved capacities for social learning that resulted in cumulative culture.  相似文献   

开展图书馆与出版社互动合作关系的研究有利于馆社双方的互利共赢。馆社新型的合作形式包括书目数据的传递、合作举办图书展销、共同组织召开学术研讨会和讲座等。馆社之间的多元化合作,不仅促进了双方信息的互通,使图书馆能及时获得全面、有效的出版信息,也极大地提升了出版社的品牌影响力,有力地促进了馆配图书销售额的增长;馆社互动合作也有利于共同加强对馆配商服务的动态监管。  相似文献   

农林院校与基层农技推广机构是新型农技推广服务体系的重要主体,两者之间的有效合作可以有效整合农技推广力量和显著改善农技推广服务能力.从合作动力视角切入,分析现阶段我国农林院校与基层农技推广机构在农技推广服务体系中的合作动向,指出“行政驱动”是其典型特征.在“行政驱动”作用下,农林院校与基层农技推广机构之间的合作存在合作形成的初始条件不充分、合作发展受限、合作关系质量不能有效评价等问题,需要强化主体利益激励,助力双方合作创新,重视对合作过程和结果控制,以实现农林院校与基层农技推广机构合作的优化.  相似文献   

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