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饮食文化及其与我国食品工业的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对饮食文化内涵的梳理,探寻饮食文化的发展趋势和规律,提出饮食文化与食品工业的关系。随着人们生活水平的提高和精神文化消费的增长,饮食文化将进一步带动食品工业的新发展。  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP—MS)对辽宁省和陕西省富士苹果中Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn、Ni五种微量元素的含量进行了测定分析。结果显示.富士苹果中五种人体必需微量元素的平均含量由高到低依次为:Fe〉Zn〉Mn〉Ni〉Cu;辽宁样品的Fe、Mn和Ni含量高于陕西样品,而Cu和Zn含量低于后者。辽宁和陕西两省样品中的Fe、Mn、Zn三种元素含量差异显著(P〈0.05),Cu和Ni含量无显著差异:两省苹果样品中的Fe和Zn含量呈极显著正相关。本研究结果可为我国苹果的进一步开发和利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目前,国内不少高校都开设了“中国饮食文化”通识选修课,在增加大学生人文素养、促进学科交叉,以及培养专业人才等方面都起到了积极的推动作用,但在发展中也存在一些问题。结合教学实践,对近年来“中国饮食文化”教材、课程建设和教学方法等方面的现状,以及未来发展的一些问题进行了总结和思考。  相似文献   

陕西茶产业发展存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张颜青 《茶业通报》2011,(4):165-167
在陕西省茶产业全面调研的基础上,通过剖析茶产业发展中存在的问题与不足,探索改进途径,提出对策建议,促进陕西茶产业实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

陕西绿色农产品产业发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了发展绿色农产品产业重大意义。陕西发展绿色农产品的有利条件及不利因素。指出陕西三大农业类型区发展绿色农产品产业的前景方向,并提出了绿色农产品产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

在无菌条件下观察不同激素配比、接种时间、胚乳体积对陕西卫矛种子生长情况的影响,研究种子无菌萌发的诱导因素.结果表明:培养基为MS+KT 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L时,生长情况最好;接种时间为9月10日、9月30日时,发芽率达95%以上;胚乳远端切除1/4、1/3体积时,出苗顺利;转接到MS无激素培养基中,成活率最高,生长最快.  相似文献   

陕西旱作节水农业制约因素及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对陕西省旱作节水农业发展现状和存在问题的系统分析,指出水资源短缺、自然灾害频繁、水土流失严重、生产经营粗放是长期制约陕西农业经济发展的主要因素。提出发展陕西省旱作节水农业的核心和突破口、提高自然降水利用率、加速旱作农业科技成果推广、加快生态重建与植被恢复等对策。  相似文献   

陕西通过开展非主要农作物经营、科研及主要品种情况调查,并结合全省登记数据,对全省非主要农作物种业情况进行了统计分析。发现除油菜主要以科研单位育种为主外,其他非主要农作物整体以企业育种为主;油菜、番茄、西甜瓜为陕西省优势非主要农作物,主要销往省外;各优势非主要农作物市场品种繁多,但均未形成主导品种。建议加强良种繁育基地建设,开展骨干品种筛选,推进诚信体系建设以及进一步规范品种登记管理,促进非主要农作物品种选育和陕西特色农作物产业发展。  相似文献   

陕西农业产业化经营中龙头企业存在的问题与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业产业化经营是农村改革以来的一个带有全局性和战略意义的重大突破,是被实践证明能够与现阶段农业产业结构调整相适应的新的经营方式和运作机制,它有5个基本要素,其中龙头企业则是产业化经营的核心,它决定着产业化的层次、水平,因此应采取促进我省龙头企业发展壮大的措施:面向市场,大胆创新;提高产品质量和科技含量;建立稳定的利益连接机制;进行资源整合和扩大企业规模;提高企业经营管理水平。  相似文献   

3月14日,一套名为“香港花卉”的主题邮票在香港发行。香港特区政府邮政署长谭荣邦表示相关邮品也将同时发售。  相似文献   

Abstract: Transnationalism needs to be understood as a set of practices fashioned through the life course as well as in relation to contextual factors that include state policy and experiences of discrimination that affect entry to the labour force. The paradox of transnationalism is that families make strategic decisions to separate in order to maintain family unity and to advance the welfare of children. Emigrants from Hong Kong to Canada in the latter decades of the twentieth century were motivated by concern for family welfare and the quality of education in Canada. Yet economic livelihood prospects remained greater in Hong Kong than in Canada, prompting many families to become transnational ‘astronaut’ families with one or more members working in Hong Kong. Migration decisions tend to occur around key points of life‐course transition involving entry to and graduation from education, and entry to and exit from the labour force. Transnational practices are complex and multigenerational, involving different patterns for young adults, those in their middle years and the elderly.  相似文献   

营养师是社会紧缺人才,针对现状,从重视实验课程、狠抓理论基础、重视专业实践、鼓励参与科研活动等4个方面,探讨了针对食品科学与工程专业的公共营养师方向人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Hong Kong continues to struggle over which environmental governance approach is in its best interest while fulfilling its environmental obligations. With regard to climate change, Hong Kong's approach is characterised by a passive form of governance that is highly dependent on China's national policy directions. This is reflected, for example, in Hong Kong having not set its own mitigation targets. Market mechanisms have received little attention in developing a city‐wide climate change strategy. A transformative impulse, China's national emissions trading scheme, may provide momentum to a market‐based approach. However, the necessary conditions for such a market mechanism to be successfully implemented in China remain relatively undeveloped. This raises question about early participation by Hong Kong. Direct benefits are likely to be limited, due to Hong Kong's economic structure and weak demand for emissions reduction. Besides, there are regulatory barriers to enforcing emissions targets and/or recognising emissions allowances and credits from China. We therefore argue that nationwide emissions trading may, at this time, present more challenges than opportunities for Hong Kong to leverage its efforts on climate change mitigation. An alternative is to promote voluntary emissions trading that will require active involvement and leadership by businesses.  相似文献   

We know little about the location decisions of large Chinese conglomerates and how this relates to their restructuring in a dynamic Asia­Pacific environment. This case study of one of Hong Kong’s latest conglomerates, Hutchison Whampoa, begins with the company’s decision to remain in Hong Kong after 1997. Restructuring has been carried out primarily by acquiring new enterprises in its existing specialised areas of retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, media and services and reducing interests in property, energy, finance and investment. This has been accompanied by its expansion into southern China where it has focused on infrastructure development, steps which have built on its Chinese credentials — clan origins and personal connections.  相似文献   

邓梁虹  张方  王晗  潘明  刘君 《保鲜与加工》2017,17(6):112-121
本文归纳了即食食品的种类和特点,综述了罐头类、烘焙类、干果类等七大类即食食品的发展现状,对其市场未来发展趋势进行分析展望,以期为未来我国即食品产业的发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract: In recent years, dramatically increasing numbers of mainland Chinese women have entered Hong Kong to engage in sexual labour. Public discourses on the threat of HIV/AIDS increasingly locate these women's bodies as sites of danger, colluding with pre‐existing imaginations of mainland rural women as ignorant, desperate and deceptive in representing these women's penetration of Hong Kong's border as a primary means of infection of the Hong Kong body. Drawing on state, media and popular representations, and the narratives of female sex workers themselves, this paper examines the interwoven bio‐medical, gendered, sexual and cross‐border relationships that intersect in the experiences of mainland Chinese sex workers in Hong Kong. I argue that while images of disease and danger have been used to regulate these women's bodies, mainland female sex workers challenge these images by drawing on other popular stereotypes of mainland women as pure, feminine and traditional. Although images of the related but still ‘other’ figure of the mainland Chinese woman are powerful mechanisms for the regulation of these women's bodies, mainland female sex workers skilfully use inherent tensions in those images in resisting that control and in struggling to achieve their own personal and economic goals.  相似文献   

超高压技术在食品加工中的应用与研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用超高压技术加工食品可以致死微生物,影响酶的活性,改变物质间的相互作用。对超高压技术发展的历史与现状及其在食品加工中的应用与研究进展作一阐述,并对超高压技术的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

张倩 《中国农学通报》2019,35(23):135-141
食品标识作为记录食品综合信息的载体,是食品内在信息最直观的体现,也是食品安全管理的主要内容。各个国家/组织在食品标识管理中都制定了严格的法规标准,且存在异同点。本文通过收集、整理国内外现行食品标识法规标准,对比分析中国与CAC、欧盟、美国和澳新食品标识法规标准的差异,包括食品标识内容以及主要差异的比较,为完善我国食品标识法规标准提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

介绍了氧化淀粉在近年来的研究现状,分别阐述了以双氧水、次氯酸钠以及高锰酸钾作为氧化剂制备氧化淀粉的研究工艺,指出淀粉在选择不同氧化剂进行氧化反应所具备的优缺点,为今后试验中制备氧化淀粉过程中氧化剂的选择提供一定的理论依据;同时综述了氧化淀粉在食品包装、食品加工以及食品保藏中的诸多应用,最后对氧化淀粉在食品工业领域的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

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