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The CPC modified method, the Holaday modified method, and the combination of the 2 procedures have been compared. The CPC modified method involves more cleanup steps but has a more sensitive column. The Holaday modified procedure has fewer cleanup steps, but the column is more difficult to interpret. The combination CPC-Holaday, which has proven to be the most satisfactory, combines the speed and simplicity of the Holaday extraction and the sensitivity of the Velasco minicolumn used in the CPC method. Levels of 10 ng/g were detected by 89% of the collaborating laboratories using the combination, Holaday-Velasco, method. The combination method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study has been completed on an improved method for the detection and confirmation of uric acid from bird and insect excreta. The proposed method involves the lithium carbonate solubilization of the suspect excreta material, followed by butanol-methanol-water-acetic acid thin layer chromatography, and trisodium phosphate-phosphotungstic acid color development. The collaborative tests resulted in 100% detection of uric acid standard at the 50 ng level and 75% detection at the 20-25 ng level. No false positives were reported during tests of compounds similar to uric acid. The proposed method has been adopted official first action; the present official final action method, 44.161, will be retained for screening purposes.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed to validate the performance of the 1-2 TEST for detection of motile salmonellae in foods. Detection is based on observation of an immobilized band of cells. Twenty-three laboratories participated in the study. The 1-2 TEST (immunodiffusion test) was compared with the standard culture procedure (BAM/AOAC; FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual) for detection of Salmonella in 6 food types: ground black pepper, soy flour, dried whole egg, milk chocolate, nonfat dry milk, and raw deboned turkey. Uninoculated and inoculated samples were included in each food group analyzed. After the tests on the 6 foods were completed, analysis of the data for turkey and soy flour showed that certain collaborators obtained data inconsistent with the data from the majority of collaborators. No specific method deviations to account for the inconsistencies were reported by those collaborators, so the collaborative testing of these 2 foods was repeated. Analysis of data for pepper, chocolate, nonfat dry milk, dried whole egg, and the second set of soy flour and turkey indicated 96.1% agreement between the BAM/AOAC and immunodiffusion test methods. The false negative rates for the immunodiffusion test and BAM/AOAC methods were 3.6 and 1.7%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the productivity of the immunodiffusion test and BAM/AOAC method at the 5% level for any of the 6 foods. The immunodiffusion screening method has been approved official first action for detection of motile Salmonella in foods.  相似文献   

A microbiological assay for determining lincomycin in swine feed, supplement, and a vitamin-mineral premix was studied collaboratively in 16 laboratories. The design of the study involved a complete feed, feed supplement, and a vitamin-mineral premix covering a range of fortification from 20 to 80 g/ton and 80 to 2600 g/ton. Two methods of sample preparation were used depending on the concentration of lincomycin in the sample. Statistical evaluation of the results from the 2 methods indicated that 10 and 11 collaborators, respectively, had mean recoveries which were not significantly different from one another. Ten laboratories obtained a mean recovery of 112.2% (range 102.3--123.5%) for the lower level, and 11 laboratories obtained a mean recovery of 104.4% (range 100.0--107.7%) for the higher level. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence has been published regarding the adverse effect of sodium chloride on physiologically impaired cells of Staphylococcus aureus, such as are to be expected in processed foods. A direct plating method for enumeration of S. aureus eliminating the use of sodium chloride was devised and subjected to collaborative study by 16 analysts. Results obtained by the direct plating method were compared to those obtained by the AOAC official first action method (46.036--46.040). Participating analysts examined duplicate samples at population levels of 91, 34, and 20 S. aureus/g. Coefficients of variation among analysts were considerably lower for the direct plating method (31, 81, and 48%, respectively) than for method 46.040 (59, 156, and 150%, respectively) at all 3 population levels. High coefficients of variation for the direct plating method at 2 of the 3 levels were due principally to low populations of S. aureus. The direct plating method has been adopted as official first action for general purpose use and use of method 46.036--46.040 has been restricted to raw food ingredients and nonprocessed foods.  相似文献   

The official first action method for carbadox in swine feed, 42.C01-42.C04, was modified in 2 respects. First, the samples were leached overnight at room temperature instead of boiled for 1 hr. This change avoided problems with overheating and excessive evaporation. Second, the dilution scheme for samples spiked with carbadox standard solution was changed to give absorbance values that were within the optimum working range of all types of spectrophotometers. The modified procedure was collaboratively studied by 21 laboratories. The repeatability standard deviation (sigma0) and reproducibility standard deviation (sigmax) were sigma0 = 0.00029% and sigmax = 0.00056% (8.9% of grand mean) for feeds containing 0.00617% carbadox; and sigma = 0.0012% and sigmax = 0.0019% (9.3% of grand mean) for feeds containing 0.0198% carbadox. The between-laboratory variance ratio was significant for feeds containing 0.0198% carbadox. The mean per cent of intent values for feeds containing 0.00617% carbadox and 0.0198% carbadox were 102% and 104%, respectively. In general, the statistical results were comparable to those previously obtained for the official first action method. Consequently, the modified procedure is not recommended as a replacement for the official first action method.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted comparing a semiautomated colorimetric niacin method with a manual colorimetric and a microbiological method for 10 food products. Seven laboratories used the microbiological method, 7 laboratories used the manual colorimetric method, and 6 laboratories used the semiautomated method. The semiautomated method was more repeatable within a laboratory and more reproducible between laboratories than was either of the other methods. The semiautomated method results compared favorably with both the microbiological and manual colorimetric method results.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed in 13 laboratories to validate a visual enzyme immunoassay (EIA) procedure, TECRA, for rapid detection of Salmonella in foods. The EIA method was compared with the standard culture procedure for detection of Salmonella in 6 food types: ground black pepper, soy flour, dried whole eggs, milk chocolate, nonfat dry milk, and raw deboned turkey. Uninoculated and inoculated samples were included in each food group analyzed. There was no significant difference in the productivity of the EIA and culture procedures at the 5% level for any of the 6 foods. The enzyme immunoassay screening method has been approved interim official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed in 25 laboratories to validate an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) procedure utilizing 2 specific monoclonal antibodies for rapid detection of Salmonella in foods. The EIA was compared with the standard culture procedure for detection of Salmonella in 6 food types: ground black pepper, soy isolate, dried whole eggs, milk chocolate, nonfat dry milk, and raw deboned turkey. Uninoculated and inoculated samples were included in each food group analyzed, with the exception of poultry which was naturally contaminated. There was no significant difference in the productivity of the EIA and culture procedures at the 5% level for any of the 6 foods. The enzyme immunoassay screening method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted comparing a semiautomated riboflavin method with a manual riboflavin method for 10 food products. Six laboratories provided results from the semiautomated method and 16 laboratories used the manual technique. The semiautomated method was more repeatable within a laboratory than was the manual method. The semiautomated method results compared favorably with the manual method for all 10 products.  相似文献   

A joint U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/AOAC interlaboratory method validation study was conducted on EPA Method 508, Determination of Chlorinated Pesticides in Water by Gas Chromatography with an Electron Capture Detector, to determine the mean recovery and precision for analyses of 29 pesticides in reagent water and finished drinking water. The study design was based on Youden's nonreplicate plan for collaborative tests of analytical methods. The waters were spiked with 29 pesticides at 6 concentration levels, as 3 Youden pairs. Eleven volunteer laboratories extracted the spiked test waters with methylene chloride, performed a solvent exchange with methyl tert-butyl ether, and analyzed an aliquot of each extract by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Results were analyzed using an EPA computer program, interlaboratory Method Validation Study (IMVS), which measured recovery and precision for each of the 29 pesticides and compared the performance of the method between water types. Method 508 was judged acceptable for all analytes tested. Only 3 analytes (alpha-chlordane, 4,4'-DDE, and methoxychlor) exhibited practical significant matrix effects. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Collaborators in 8 dairy and food industry laboratories performed one lactose determination on each of 8 unknown samples of milk, lowfat milk, or skim milk, as 3 pairs of blind duplicates. Two known samples were provided to gain experience prior to analysis of the unknown samples. All of the above samples were also analyzed for lactose content by the official AOAC gravimetric method (16.507) by a commercial laboratory. From the overall mean of results on all samples, determinations by the enzymatic method averaged 0.49% lower than by the AOAC method. This difference was significant by the t-test (P = 0.05), which indicated a lack of agreement between the compared methods in determining lactose content. Standard deviations were similar for the 3 sets of blind duplicates which ranged between 3.67 and 4.55% lactose content. F-values revealed that variations between means obtained by laboratories differed significantly as compared with variations within laboratory means. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

An international collaborative study of IUPAC methods II.D.19 and II.D.25 for preparation and GLC analysis of fatty acid methyl esters was begun in 1976. The IUPAC methodology, applicable to animal and vegetable oils and fats and fatty acids from all sources, contains special instructions for preparation and analysis of methyl esters of fatty acids containing 4 or more carbon atoms (analysis of milk fat). Twenty-three collaborators participated in the analysis of 5 known mixtures, 4 vegetable oils, 1 fish oil, and 2 butterfats. Several blind duplicate samples were included. The experimental data were subjected to statistical analysis to examine intra- and interlaboratory variation. Reproducibility and accuracy data for the higher fatty acid (14:0-22:1) mixtures and fish and vegetable oils were satisfactory and were in good agreement with results from an AOCS Smalley Committee check sample program involving analysis of the same samples. Typical coefficients of variation (%) at various concentrations were 15 (2% level), 8.5 (5% level), 7 (10% level), and 3 (50% level). Low recoveries and poor reproducibility were characteristics of results obtained for butyric acid in the butterfat and related known mixtures. A coefficient of variation of about 19% was found for analysis of butyric acid in butterfat, vs coefficients of variation in the range of 4-13% for similar levels of other components in butterfat and other samples. The IUPAC methodology for GLC analysis of fats and oils other than milk fats has been adopted by the AOAC as official first action to replace the current GLC method, 28.063-28.067.  相似文献   

An initial collaborative study of the AOAC use-dilution method (UDM), used for bactericidal disinfectant efficacy testing, demonstrated extreme variability of test results among the 18 laboratories testing identical hospital disinfectants. In an effort to improve the method, 32 changes were made by the UDM Task Force. These changes represented improvements in quality assurance practices and elimination of method variability; however, the basic framework of the method was retained. A second collaborative trial was conducted to determine if the interlaboratory variability of test results could be reduced to an acceptable level using the modified UDM. Twelve of the original 18 laboratories participated in the second study. Each laboratory processed 60 penicylinders (P) for each of the 6 randomly selected, federally registered disinfectants and 3 test organisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The number of positive penicylinders (greater than 1 positive P/60 replicates = failure) for the 6 products when P. aeruginosa was used as the challenge organism ranged 1-30, 0-36, 0-15, 0-5, 0-3, and 0-60 for the 3 quaternaries and 3 phenolics, respectively. The results of the variance components analysis for P. aeruginosa and the other 2 organisms showed that the variance components for laboratories were not significantly reduced for any organism in this study. Such interlaboratory variability of results questions the use of the original or the modified UDM for registration purposes.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed in 15 laboratories to evaluate a modification of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method for detection of Salmonella in foods (46.B21-46.B29). The modified EIA requires 18-24 h pre-enrichment, 6-8 h selective enrichment, and 14-18 h M-broth post-enrichment prior to performing the assay, which requires 1-2 h. Total assay time is 40-52 h. The modified method was compared with the standard culture method for detection of Salmonella in 5 low-moisture foods: nonfat dry milk, milk chocolate, meat and bone meal, dry whole egg, and ground pepper. The modified method has been adopted official first action for use with low-moisture foods.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed in 11 laboratories to validate a DNA hybridization (DNAH) procedure for detection of Salmonella in foods. The DNAH procedure was compared to the standard culture method for detection of Salmonella in 6 foods: ground pepper, soy flour, dry whole egg, milk chocolate, nonfat dry milk, and raw deboned turkey. With the exception of turkey which was naturally contaminated, uninoculated and inoculated samples of each food group were analyzed. Results for the DNAH method were significantly better than for the standard culture method at the 5% probability level for the detection of Salmonella in turkey. There was no significant difference between the methods for the other 5 foods. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A semiautomated colorimetric method is described for determining ferrous sulfate in tablets, capsules, and elixirs. The method involves the formation of an orange-red complex between 1,10-phenanthroline and ferrous ion. Collaborators were supplied with 3 solid composites and one liquid sample. Two of the solid composites were prepared from commerical tablets of different dosage and one from commercial timed-release capsules; the fourth sample was an elixir. The results of the automated analyses for ferrous sulfate agreed well with those of the applicable USP method. No interference was found from ferric iron or from the red and green coloring used on coated tablets. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

The genes that encode several of the enterotoxins produced by Escherichia coli have been cloned by recombinant DNA techniques. When the nucleotide sequence of these genes is determined, defined sequence oligonucleotides that include a part of these genes may be synthesized. A 22-base DNA hybridization probe was produced for each of 2 heat-stable E. coli enterotoxin (ST) genes: STH, from strains originally isolated from humans; and STP, from strains first found in pigs. For this study, 32P end-labeled DNA probes, sonicated calf thymus DNA, and 3 known and 20 unknown (10 ST-positive and 10 ST-negative) strains were sent to each of 23 collaborators. Cultures were spotted onto an agar-based medium and grown into colonies, which were transferred by blotting to cellulose filters, lysed by alkali and steam, and used for DNA colony hybridization with the ST DNA probes. Strains containing an ST gene were recognized as dark spots on an autoradiogram. Of the 460 samples analyzed, 440 (95.7%) were correctly classified by the collaborators. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Phytate, a naturally occurring organic compound found in plant seeds, roots, and tubers, was determined in a collaborative study using a modified anion-exchange method. Seven samples (peanut flour, oats, rice, isolated soybean protein, a vegetarian diet composite, wheat bran, and whole wheat bread), supplied as blind duplicate samples, were analyzed in triplicate by 7 collaborators. Phytate concentrations in the samples ranged from 2.38 to 46.70 mg/g. Relative standard deviations (RSD = CV) for repeatability ranged from 2.5 to 10.1%, and for reproducibility, from 4.5 to 11.0%. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

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