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沙漠化地区生态环境十分脆弱,理解农户对生态变化的感知与适应策略选择倾向对于制定科学的生态环境治理政策至关重要。采用参与式的农村评估法(PRA)对地处库布其沙漠腹地的杭锦旗不同区域农户的生态环境变化感知与适应进行了调查与对比分析。结果发现:与2000年相比,大部分农户认为当地的生态环境好转了。其中,牧区受访户对生态好转的认知度低于农区;为改善生态环境,农户在生态保护政策的引导下,采取了向二三产业转移劳动力、改变养殖模式、减少牲畜数量、抽取地下水、精耕细作等措施应对生态环境变化。除精耕细作外,牧区农户采用其他适应策略的比例均远高于农区;农户对生态环境变化的感知与适应具有区域差异性和空间层次性,农户对经济机会的响应影响着其对生态环境变化的感知与适应策略选择,并在此基础上提出了改善当地生态环境的政策建议。  相似文献   

运用地学信息图谱理论与方法,基于GIS软件平台Arcinfo9.0,从1987和2002年2个时期的TM和ETM遥感数据中提取了甘州区土地利用变化数据,建立了甘州区土地利用变化图谱和涨落势图谱,分析了该区15年间的土地利用时空变化。结果表明:1987~2002年该区土地利用发生了很大变化,荒漠地、耕地、城镇及交通用地增加,其中增长最多的图谱单元是荒漠地,增加了6.18×104hm2,占总新增图谱单元的60.2%,主要来源于牧草地、耕地、其它未利用地及林地的土质退化;其次是耕地,其图谱单元增加了1.8×104hm2,主要来源于对荒漠地的治理开发和对其它未利用地的开垦。牧草地、林地、水域及其它未利用地面积有所减少,减少最多的图谱单元是牧草地,减少了3.74×104hm2,占总减少土地图谱单元的50.92%,主要转移为其它未利用地和荒漠地;其次是9 933.32 hm2的其它未利用地图谱单元的减少,主要转移为荒漠地和耕地。  相似文献   

目前国际土地利用/覆被变化的研究趋势是强调土地利用变化的综合性研究和土地利用变化与人类活动的协同演进研究。文章统地分析了土地利用变化与产业经济发展之间关系的研究现状、土地利用变化与产业经济发展之间相互作用的理论机制,并以陕北黄土高原为例做了实证分析。可以看出随着社会经济的发展,土地利用目标、利用方式和开发水平的变化以及各产业部门间对土地利用的特殊要求和比较经济效益的差异,导致土地资源在不同产业部门间流转和重分配,从而引起土地利用变化,反之,土地利用变化又会影响区域经济发展水平、经济产业结构、产业布局的演进和变化,二者是一种协同、互动的演进关系。在陕北产业经济类型的转变过程中,土地利用变化的主导机制也由国家计划调配主导型转变为土地利用的经济效益竞争机制主导型、经济效益最优机制及各种政策主导型、经济效益和生态效益最优机制主导型,土地利用变化表现出显著的阶段性特征。  相似文献   

采用定性与定量、空间分析、实证分析结合的方法,以陕西为西部先发地区的代表对步入城市型社会所面临的形势进行了深入分析和探讨。研究表明:1)"三大差距"不断拉大使得社会矛盾不断聚集;2)村庄人口持续减少提出了重构农村居民点体系的要求;3)大规模农村劳动力向城镇转移给城镇承载能力提出了更多诉求;4)生态环境恶化、灾害威胁严重为安全生态城镇建设提出了更高要求。在结果分析的基础上,提出积极培育增长极和城镇发展轴、制定差异化的城镇化发展重点、注重城镇化承载能力的提升、优化城镇生态环境并强化城镇安全建设等对策建议。  相似文献   

本文研究和探讨了乌鲁木齐地区积雪的变化特征,利用1990年—2004年遥感气象卫星积雪监测资料和地面观测点信息,一方面对积雪的时间变化进行回归分析,提出了雪盖和雪深的增长和衰减模型;另一方面与气候因子(气温与降水)进行复合分析,提出雪盖和雪深的气温降水复合模型。从而加深对乌鲁木齐积雪的认识,其定性和定量分析可为农牧业、水利部门提供有益参考。  相似文献   

以2005-2010年、2010-2015年和2015-2020年三个时期为时间尺度,以内蒙古9个地级市和3个盟为空间尺度,采用Tapio脱钩弹性模型与耦合协调度模型,对研究区自然资源开发与经济发展的脱钩状态和耦合协调性时空变化特征进行实证分析。结果表明:1)研究期内全区自然资源利用与经济发展脱钩状态具有明显差异性,三个时期依次经历了弱脱钩—扩张负脱钩—强脱钩阶段。2)耦合协调性呈现濒临失调—勉强协调—低级协调的趋势。3)耦合度与协调度发展趋势基本一致,经济发展与自然资源开发利用呈现良性互动,但二者若要实现绝对脱钩,还需围绕转变经济发展模式、加强自然资源保护等因时因地施策,以全面实现研究区经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

选取43项指标来研究新疆15个地州居民国内出游潜力,并对其进行因子、聚类及Pearson相关性分析,最后得出出游潜力的线性回归模型.结果表明:1)出游潜力的大小取决于经济基础、居民生活水平、交通状况、产业支撑等显性因子以及社会人口、产业环境等隐性因子;2)出游潜力大的地区主要集中在经济、交通、产业、人口、环境等社会综合效应高的地区,并随着社会经济中心的极化和扩散作用,向周边地区递减,在空间表现为“两极”、“一带”、“三片”的分布格局.3)虽然经济、交通因素等传统因子在出游力中仍扮演着重要角色,但其影响力有所下降,影响方式有所改变.智能化、移动化、家庭化等因素已逐渐成为居民出游力的重要驱动力.  相似文献   

基于甘肃省1997-2006年耕地十年变化的数据,研究了甘肃省经济发展过程中耕地面积变化的过程,并运用统计分析方法,对近十年来耕地变化与人口以及固定资产投资、人均GDP等经济指标进行相关分析.结果表明:耕地面积与人口呈相反趋势,与固定资产投资、人均GDP、城市化水平呈正" U"型三次曲线相关,即固定资产投资总额、人均G...  相似文献   

随着休闲旅游业快速发展,游憩涉入、地方依恋与旅游者保护行为之间的关系已成为国内外学界关注的重点。基于地方依恋理论,文中以国家文化公园-大运河(北京段)中的什刹海和森林公园两个景区为例,运用结构方程模型探析游憩涉入、地方依恋与旅游者保护行为三者的关系,并对比分析两个景区的地方依恋水平。研究结果表明:1)游憩涉入对地方依恋具有显著的正向影响,而地方依赖作为中介变量正向影响游憩涉入与地方认同的关系。2)游憩涉入对旅游者保护行为中的环境责任行为和遗产保护行为均具有显著的正向影响,且地方认同作为中介变量正向影响游憩涉入对旅游者保护行为关系。3)地方依恋中地方认同对旅游者保护行为具有显著的正向作用,而地方依赖对旅游者保护行为的影响不显著。4)大运河森林公园旅游者的功能性地方依恋水平、情感性地方依恋水平均高于什刹海景区。  相似文献   

The status of regional biodiversity is determined by habitat quality.The effective assessment of habitat quality can help balance the relationship between economic development and biodiversity conservation.Therefore,this study used the InVEST model to conduct a dynamic evaluation of the spatial and temporal changes in habitat quality of the Tarim River Basin in southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China by calc ulating the degradation degree levels for habitat types that were caused by threat factors from 1990 to 2018(represented by four periods of 1990,2000,2010 and 2018).Specifically,we used spatial autocorrelation analysis and Getis-Ord Gi*analysis to divide the study area into three heterogeneous units in terms of habitat quality:cold spot areas,hot spot areas and random areas.Hemeroby index,population density,gross domestic product(GDP),altitude and distance from water source(DWS)were then chosen as the main disturbance factors.Linear correlation and spatial regression models were subsequently used to analyze the influences of disturbance factors on habitat quality.The results demonstrated that the overall level of habitat quality in the TRB was poor,showing a continuous degradation state.The intensity of the negative correlation between habitat quality and Hemeroby index was proven to be strongest in cold spot areas,hot spot areas and random areas.The spatial lag model(SLM)was better suited to spatial regression analysis due to the spatial dependence of habitat quality and disturbance factors in heterogeneous units.By analyzing the model,Hemeroby index was found to have the greatest impact on habitat quality in the studied four periods(1990,2000,2010 and2018).The research results have potential guiding significance for the formulation of reasonable management policies in the TRB as well as other river basins in arid areas.  相似文献   

西安市土地覆被时空变化及驱动因子研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用遥感以及地理信息技术,获取并分析西安市主城区1988年、1995年及2006年三期土地覆被数据。结果表明:近20年来,西安市建设用地持续增加,2006年建设用地的面积是1988年的3.1倍,增加的用地主要来自城市周围耕地,其以每年13.68 km2的速度在减少。1988年到1995年,建设用地增加了68.65%,耕地减少了15.23%,城市为填缝式发展;1995年到2006年,建设用地增加了80.77%,耕地减少了25.6%,交通用地大面积增加,城市为向外扩张式发展。根据土地利用/覆被变化转移矩阵分析,1988年到1995年以及1995年到2006年农用地转化为建设用地的面积分别为107.99 km2以及173.23 km2。城市化驱动因子主要是政策导向以及经济发展,另外,家庭结构的变化也是主要驱动因子之一。  相似文献   

Chenopodiaceae is one of the most important families in arid and saline environments. Several studies have observed the mycorrhizal structure in Chenopodiaceae plants(i.e., chenopods), but the mycorrhizal colonization status of chenopods in saline habitats and the influencing factors are still not well understood. The mycorrhizal colonization of twenty chenopod species in three different saline habitats(a saline alkaline meadow in the Songnen Plain of northeastern China, a saline desert in the Junggar Basin of northwestern China, and a saline alpine meadow in the Tibetan Plateau of western China) and the chenopod-associated environmental factors(including soil moisture, soil available phosphorous(P) concentration, pH, and salt content) were analyzed. Our results showed that approximately 60% of the studied chenopods were colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi with a colonization percentage ranging from 5% to 33%. Structural analysis of mycorrhizal association indicated that vesicles were quite common, while arbuscules and hyphal coils were relatively rare. In addition, a positive correlation between mycorrhizal colonization rate and soil electrical conductivity(r=0.920, P0.01) and two negative correlations of mycorrhizal colonization rates with soil moisture(r= –0.818, P0.01) and the soil available P concentration(r= –0.876, P0.01) confirmed that mycorrhizal colonization rate in the roots of chenopods was environment-dependent.  相似文献   

城市化进程导致的城市热岛问题成为21世纪人类需要面对的重要问题之一。文中以长春市为例,使用2014年Landsat8 OLI和TIR数据分析了城市热岛效应与地表因子之间的关系。基于Landat8 TIR数据特点,选用分裂窗算法反演地表温度用于表征城市热环境并分析其空间格局特征。基于"植被-不透水面-土壤"模型,探讨了线性光谱混合模型得到的城市不透水面和植被盖度作为表征城市人为建筑和绿地信息的能力。结果表明:长春市大部分区域有明显的城市热岛效应,占比约45%,其中最显著的区域位于缺少植被覆盖的大片连续分布的不透水面区域;不同城市土地覆被类型的地表温度差异明显,平均地表温度从高到低的土地覆被类型依次为不透水面、裸土、耕地、绿地和水体,各类型平均温度和最高温度的最大温差分别达到8.2和16.1℃;与归一化建筑指数和植被指数相比,光谱解混得到的不透水面比例和植被盖度与地表温度之间的关系更为显著,是表征城市建筑和绿地信息更优的指示因子,其相关关系表明城市建筑能够增加城市热岛效应而城市绿地具有降温效应。  相似文献   

选取黄土高原5个地区杜松(Juniperus rigida)种子,采用种子萌发实验及相关分析的方法,研究其大小特征、萌发特性及其与生态因子的相关性,以了解不同地区杜松的种子萌发特性。结果表明,不同地区杜松的种子大小差异显著,府谷地区的种子最大、最重,平均长6.83 mm,宽3.56 mm,千粒重为25.89 g;种子长及种子长宽比随纬度的升高、土壤全磷含量的增加而变小;种子千粒重随1月和7月均温的增加而增加,随土壤有机质、速效磷、全氮含量的增加而减少。种子大小对萌发特征影响显著,种子萌发率、萌发势及发芽指数均随种子长、种子长宽比的增加呈减小的趋势。不同地区杜松的萌发差异显著,武川的种子萌发最快最高,府谷与贺兰山最慢、最低;萌发率、萌发势及发芽指数均随纬度的升高而增加,萌发势和发芽指数随土壤全磷含量的增加而增加。研究认为武川及浑源地区是杜松优良的选种地。  相似文献   

Globally climates are warming.How do desert plants of different ecotypes respond to the climate change?This paper studied the differing responses to climate warming shown by desert plants of different ecotypes through analyzing the phenology and meteorological data of 22 desert plant species growing in Minqin Desert Botanical Garden in Northwest China during the period 1974–2009.The results indicate:(1)The temperature in the study area has risen quickly since 1974,and plants’growing periods became longer.The spring phenology of mesophytes advanced,and the autumn phenology of xerophytes was delayed;(2)The starting dates of spring phenophase of mesophytes and xerophytes differed significantly and both showed an advancing trend;(3)The spring phenology of mesophytes advanced by more days than that of xerophytes,whereas the autumn phenology of mesophytes was delayed by less days than that of the xerophytes;and(4)Mesophytes are more sensitive than xerophytes to rising temperature in spring and falling temperature in autumn.These findings are of value in plant management and regional introduction of different species.  相似文献   

Analysis of spatial-temporal variations of desert vegetation under the background of climate changes can provide references for ecological restoration in arid and semi-arid areas.In this study,we used the Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies(GIMMS)NDVI data from 1982 to 2006 and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)NDVI data from 2000 to 2013 to reveal the dynamics of desert vegetation in Hexi region of Northwest China over the past three decades.We also used the annual temperature and precipitation data acquired from the Chinese meteorological stations to analyze the response of desert vegetation to climatic variations.The average value of NDVImax(the maximum NDVI during the growing season)for desert vegetation in Hexi region increased at the rate of 0.65×10–3/a(P0.05)from 1982 to 2013,and the significant increases of NDVImax mainly appeared in the typical desert vegetation areas.Vegetation was significantly improved in the lower reaches of Shule and Shiyang river basins,and the weighted mean center of desert vegetation mainly shifted toward the lower reaches of the two basins.Almost 95.32% of the total desert vegetation area showed positive correlation between NDVImax and annual precipitation,indicating that precipitation is the key factor for desert vegetation growth in the entire study area.Moreover,the areas with non-significant positive correlation between NDVImax and annual precipitation mainly located in the lower reaches of Shiyang and Shule river basins,this may be due to human activities.Only 7.64% of the desert vegetation showed significant positive correlation between NDVImax and annual precipitation in the Shule River Basin(an extremely arid area),indicating that precipitation is not the most important factor for vegetation growth in this basin,and further studies are needed to investigate the mechanism for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Land use and cover change(LUCC) is important for the provision of ecosystem services. An increasing number of recent studies link LUCC processes to ecosystem services and human well-being at different scales recently. However, the dynamic of land use and its drivers receive insufficient attention within ecological function areas, particularly in quantifying the dynamic roles of climate change and human activities on land use based on a long time series. This study utilizes geospatial analysis an...  相似文献   

Oasis effect can improve the regional climate and habitability of an arid region. In this study, we explored the cold island effects of oases distributed along the edge of Tarim Basin by analyzing the oasis cold island effect(OCIE) intensity, spatial-temporal variation of OCIE, factors influencing the OCIE and impacts of OCIE on air temperature using geographical statistics and GIS methods based on the MODIS land surface temperature, land use/cover change(LUCC) and observed air temperature data. Results showed that all the oases in the Tarim Basin exhibited cold island effects, with the OCIE intensity highest in summer(-9.08°C), followed by autumn(-4.24°C) and spring(-3.85°C). The total area of oasis cold island(OCI) and the comprehensive OCIE index showed the same seasonal change trend as the OCIE intensity. However, the changing trends in areas of OCI with strong, medium and weak OCIEs were inconsistent across different seasons. Farmland and water areas were found to be the key contributors that affected the OCIE, and the area and aggregation metrics of these two land use/cover types directly contributed to the OCIE. By contrast, natural vegetation, such as forest and grassland, almost had no contribution to the OCIE. Simulation of observed air temperature data showed that if farmland is replaced by forest or grassland in the oasis, the mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures will increase significantly. This heating effect will be higher in summer(reaching 1.14°C to 2.08°C) and lower in spring and autumn. Moreover, the heating effect of farmland being replaced by forest will be higher than that of farmland being replaced by grassland. These results can provide a basis for understanding the cold island effect of oases in arid regions.  相似文献   

Based on the statistical data, we analyzed and evaluated the degree of coupling and coordination of the eco-economic system in Yanchi County for the period spanning from 1983 to 2014. The eco-economic system can be divided into socioeconomic and ecological sub-systems and their relationship can reveal the interaction state between the two sub-systems and help the local government to establish a coordinated development mode. An index system was constructed to assess the development of the two sub-systems before the evaluation of the degree of coupling and coordination. The principal component regression analysis was adopted to quantitatively assess the influences of natural, economic and social factors on the degree of coupling and coordination of the eco-economic system. Results showed that, from 1983 to 2014, the development trends of both sub-systems were increasing with the ecological sub-system having more fluctuations. The degree of coupling and coordination of the eco-economic system in the study area increased gradually from 1983 to 2014, but experienced five different development stages from the verge of disorder to favorable coordination. The development of the local social and economic conditions was the most important factor influencing the degree of coupling and coordination. The second most important factor was the financial support from the local government. In addition, the environment protection policies also played undeniable roles. Due to the diversity of the influence factors, the government should take comprehensive measures to promote the sustainable development of the eco-economic system.  相似文献   

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