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中国农业碳排放与经济发展的实证研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
农业生产所导致碳排放大幅增加以及引发的环境问题,越来越受到人们的关注。文中从化肥、农药生产和使用、农业机械使用、灌溉用能、秸秆焚烧等5个方面测算并分析我国碳排放结构特征及区域差异。结果表明:农业碳排放总量从1991-2008年均增长率为2.59%,约占碳排放总量10.43%;秸秆焚烧排放占比例最高为90.60%;农药碳...  相似文献   

榆阳区农户春玉米施肥现状调查评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解陕北地区施肥现状及农户养分资源投入中存在的问题,2011年通过问卷调查方式,对榆阳区24个乡镇进行了春玉米养分资源投入调查分析。结果表明:2010年春玉米产量以9 500~11 500 kg/hm2所占比例最大且适中,占到调查样本的52.78%。氮肥(N)用量变化为321.8~1 084.3 kg/hm2,平均为650.5 kg/hm2;磷肥(P2O5)用量变化为60.2~450.3 kg/hm2,平均为244.8 kg/hm2;钾肥(K2O)用量变化为47.3~222.8 kg/hm2,平均为134.5 kg/hm2,且钾肥均由有机肥提供。其中化肥氮施用量适中农户仅占5.56%;偏低农户占10.65%;很低农户占5.09%;偏高农户占33.80%;很高农户占44.91%。磷肥施用量适中农户仅占12.04%;偏低农户占21.30%;很低农户占25.46%;偏高农户占19.44%;很高农户占21.76%。春玉米产量与NPK养分总量、氮肥和磷肥用量之间关系极显著,氮肥和磷肥偏生产力分别为24.38 kg/kg和86.94 kg/kg。榆阳区农户春玉米施肥中存在问题主要包括:产量水平差别较大,变化为6 750~15 000 kg/hm2;养分投入差别也较大,肥料利用率很低;肥料品种单一。研究认为提高榆阳区春玉米生产与施肥技术途径有选择优良品种、实现养分资源综合管理,提高养分资源利用效率、加强科学技术的推广应用,提高农民的栽培水平和加大对肥料生产企业的监督检查。  相似文献   

采用政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)推荐的碳排放数学模型,根据2001-2010年中国电力能源实物消费量测算碳排放量和碳排放强度,研究电能消费碳排放强度的演变特征和产业间差异性。结果表明:电能消费碳排放总量从2001年0.3035Gt逐年上升至2010年0.7454Gt,平均增长9.99%。碳排放强度从276(kg/万元)波动下降至182kg/万元,平均下降4.42%。第二产业电能消费碳排放量和碳排放强度始终占据主导地位,碳排放量平均增长9.77%,碳排放强度平均下降4.95%;2010年工业部门的电能消费碳排放量为0.5488Gt、占总排放量的73.62%,碳排放强度为341kg/万元。第二产业及其工业部门电能消费碳排放强度明显超过第一、第三产业;但是第三产业碳排放的快速增长值得关注。期望为优化电力能源结构、发展生态产业经济以及制定行业间差异化的碳排放调控政策提供参考。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告强调,我们要积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和。民以食为天,粮食是维持人类生命的基本需求,粮食从生产、加工、运输、使用以及废弃处理等各阶段的能源消耗及其对环境的影响,近年来开始受到国内外的广泛关注。文中基于生命周期理论,利用实地调研数据结合相关文献,分析计算我国稻米生命周期各阶段的碳排放。结果显示:每千克普通稻米的碳排放为1.1492kg,农业生产阶段为稻米碳排放的主要阶段,占据碳排放总量的47.46%,其次为使用阶段占27.91%、加工阶段和运输阶段各占18.28%和6.10%,废弃处理阶段最少不足0.26%;每千克有机稻米的碳排放为1.4042kg,同样是农业生产阶段为碳排放消耗的主要阶段,占据碳排放总量的49.52%,其次为使用阶段占22.84%、加工阶段和运输阶段各占14.96%和12.11%,最后为废弃处理阶段仅占0.57%。研究认为,每千克有机米的碳排放量显著高于普通米的碳排放量,这与有机米的产量较低有关。文中建议通过对稻米原料阶段的生长技术进行改善、大力推行农产品地产地消等方式降低稻米的碳排放。  相似文献   

苹果树体磷素动态规律与施肥管理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以"富士"苹果树为试材,对果树体生物量和各器官及其皮层、木质部的磷含量和累积动态进行了研究,以期探讨果树磷素吸收、转运和分配规律.结果表明,3月26日至9月21日,树体生物量呈直线增加,果实采收后,生长缓慢,7月30日后,根系快速生长,植株、地上部及根系中磷累积迅速增加;枝、干和根系皮层内磷含量与累积7月30日最低,休眠期最高,皮层磷含量枝>干>根系;而木质部磷含量与累积4月30日达最低,木质部磷含量根系>枝>干;一年内,果树吸磷总量为28.72 kg/hm2,果实和叶片共带走磷素7.94 kg/hm2,7月30日至9月21日,吸收磷素18.32 kg/hm2,占吸收总量的63.8%,9月21日至1月15日,吸收磷素10.40 kg/hm2,占36.2%;苹果树(苹果产量48 t/hm2)年推荐施纯磷47.86 kg/hm2,果实收获后秋季基施磷17.33 kg/hm2,果实膨大期前追施磷30.53 kg/hm2.  相似文献   

陕西省森林植被碳储量、碳密度及其空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用森林植被生物量换算因子连续法,估算了2009年陕西省森林植被碳贮量和碳密度及其地理分布特征。结果表明:陕西省森林植被碳储量为19942.20万t,以栎类最大,占全省碳储量的58.13%。天然林是森林植被碳储量的主体,占全省碳储量的95.30%。陕西省森林植被碳密度为31.20t/hm2,以桦木最高,为45.92t/hm2。天然林的碳密度为36.23t/hm2,是人工林的4.57倍。陕西省森林植被碳储量主要分布在管辖区内涉及黄龙山、桥山、关山、秦岭和巴山林区的行政区,其中以汉中最大,占全省碳储量的26.16%。森林植被碳密度以西安最高,为45.58t/hm2,而处于陕西省最北部榆林的碳储量和碳密度最低。根据碳储量与碳密度的空间差异,陕西省应采取分区森林经营与管理措施,一方面通过科学抚育和管理提高现有自然林的碳汇能力,另一方面加强重点造林工程,扩大人工林覆盖面积,增加森林碳汇潜力,使陕西省森林在全球碳汇中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

天山云杉林碳储量研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以南山林场为例,对天山云杉林碳储量进行研究。结果表明:南山林场的总碳储量为332664.4305t,碳密度为59.5492 tC/hm2,高于全国的平均水平;针叶林碳储量占全林场碳储量的96.16%,而天山云杉的碳储量就占全林场的95.67%;成龄林的碳储量占全林场的95.09%;由此说明天山云杉是该林区碳储量的主要来源,但该林区正处于碳积累速率下降的成熟阶段,要加大对成熟林中幼树更新以及幼龄林的人工抚育的力度。以确保在森林碳储量急剧下降时,幼龄林已成长起来,使该林区的碳储量处于较稳定的状态。  相似文献   

近20年新疆农田生态系统碳足迹时空变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1994—2013年新疆农田生产投入和农作物产量等数据,采用碳排放系数法估算了新疆农田生态系统的碳排放量、碳吸收量及碳足迹的变化动态以及在各县市的空间分布特征。结果表明:新疆农田生态系统的碳排量从1994年的179.46万t增长到2013年的474.15万t;不同年份农业碳排放均主要源于化肥使用量的增加和不科学的灌溉方式,其最大贡献率分别为40.02%和41.56%;农田生态系统的碳吸收量20年间增加了2185.04万t,棉花对新疆农田生态系统的碳吸收量贡献最大,多年平均贡献率达47%;新疆农田生态系统的碳排放量、碳吸收量区域主要集中在南疆的县市并呈现出沿天山对称的趋势;1994—2013年,农田生态系统碳足迹呈现快速增长态势,从1994年的2 732.63×104C·hm-2·a-1增加至2013年的4 474.89×104C·hm-2·a-1,碳足迹增加了283.59×104C·hm-2·a-1,表明新疆农田生态系统存在碳生态盈余的现象,种植结构生态效益指数大于1的年份为11个,种植结构的调整迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

塔里木河-孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌施肥量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木河—孔雀河中下游是我国最干旱缺水的地区之一,该区水资源95%以上为农业灌溉用水,主要灌溉方式为大水漫灌,水分损失量严重。为合理利用和节约有限的水资源,我们在2002~2003年进行棉花膜下滴灌用水量和氮、磷施肥量耦合试验。通过两年试验得出:在该区棉花膜下滴灌条件下,适宜的灌溉量为393mm(3931.5m3/hm2),施肥总量为301.6kghm2/标肥,最佳产量为3353.53kg/hm2/皮棉。比当地农民大水漫灌(生育期)节水8068-50683/hm2,节肥281.3kghm2/标肥,节肥率达48%。增产皮棉1103.53kg/hm2,证明膜下滴灌是一个节水、节肥、高产的灌溉方式,应该在塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区推广。  相似文献   

CO2地质封存为实现碳达峰、碳中和目标提供了重要手段,同时也为生态产品价值实现提供了新路径。构建STIRPAT模型,对内蒙古2019-2030年碳排放量进行预测,并利用CCUS技术对内蒙古CO2地质封存潜力进行评估,进而提出利用CO2地质封存实现生态产品价值的路径。结果显示:2030年内蒙古能源消费碳排放量在12.99-16.83亿t之间,与碳达峰排放强度约束下的排放量存在10.03-13.87亿t的剪刀差;利用CO2深部咸水层封存技术潜力最大,达到59.38亿t,利用CO2-ECBM、CO2-EOR和CO2-EGR分别可实现34.45亿t、18.58亿t和15.02亿t CO2地质封存;利用CO2地质封存技术,可助力内蒙古实现碳达峰、碳中和目标;将封存的CO2在碳市场上进行交易,从而获得生态补偿,利用CO2地质封存得到的内蒙古生态产品价值总量约为...  相似文献   

Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.), using a C18 analytical column, has been applied to the determination of partition coefficients for a range of agrochemicals and industrial chemicals. Using a correlation plot of the logarithm of the capacity factor (k) with the logarithm of the n-octanol/water partition coefficient (Pow), partition coefficients were predicted with a 95% tolerance interval of ± log 0.80 of the literature ‘shake flask’ value for compounds of random structure over the log Pow range 0–6. Individual regression lines were fitted for compounds of comparable size and functional grouping, which reduced any bias and thereby enabled more accurate predictions to be made. The reverse-phase h.p.l.c. method has a number of advantages over the traditional ‘shake-flask’ method. Quantitative methods are not required or do not have to be developed and only the determination of the retention time is necessary. Quick and precise determinations of retention times are facilitated by h.p.l.c. and further improvement can be obtained by automation of solvent mixing, solute injection and data processing. H.p.l.c. was used to generate partition coefficient data for highly hydrophobic materials and, because of its resolving power, data for mixtures and solvent fractions. Dual detection, using u.v. and r.i. in series, was necessary for some compounds, particularly unknown mixtures and impure compounds. Calculations of log Pow based on the fragment-addition method using the structural data file, MACCS, was of considerable value in confirming experimentally derived values. In certain cases, calculated log Pow values were considered more trustworthy than experimental values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A natural epidemic of Fusarium wilt on coca (Erythroxylum coca) in Peru prompted the suggestion of possibly using the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli as a mycoherbicide against this narcotic plant. During field trials conducted in Kauai, HI, to test the pathogenicity of the coca wilt pathogen, ants were observed removing formulations from test plots. While removal of formulations by ants was considered detrimental with respect to conducting field tests, ant removal was considered potentially beneficial in disseminating the mycoherbicide. Thus, research was initiated to assess the ability of formulation additives to alter the preference of ants for the formulated mycoherbicide. In Hawaii, preference of indigenous ants for removing formulations was tested using three different food bases (rice, rice plus canola oil, and wheat flour [gluten]). Similar tests were conducted at Beltsville, MD, using F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis, in which the formulation based on wheat flour was replaced by a formulation based on canola meal. Formulations based on wheat were preferred by ants in both locations; up to 90% of the wheat plus rice flour granules (C-6) and the wheat gluten plus kaolin granules (pesta) were removed within 24 h, while only 20% of those containing rice without oils were taken. However, when either canola, sunflower (Maryland only), or olive oil was added to the rice formulation, up to 90% of the granules were taken. The formulation based on canola meal was less attractive to ants, as only 65% of the granules were removed within a period of 24 h. Ants showed no preference with respect to presence or absence of fungal biomass. To alter the attractiveness of the C-6 formulation to ants, C-6 was amended with three natural products. Canna and tansy leaves were added to C-6 at a ratio of 1:5 (wt/wt), while chili powder was added at 1:25 or 1:2.5 (wt/wt). Canna, tansy, and the higher rate of chili powder significantly reduced the number of C-6 granules removed by ants. Canna and tansy leaves affected neither germination nor sporulation of the mycoherbicide, while the high concentration of chili powder reduced viability of propagules in the formulation. More F. oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli-type colonies were recovered from inside ant nests (9 cm depth) than from nest surfaces, indicating that ants may distribute the mycoherbicide in the soil profile. Ants passively carried propagules of F. oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli outside their bodies, as well as either very closely adhering to the outside or within their bodies.  相似文献   

The pathogenic type (form and race) of Fusarium oxysporum, which generates wilt symptoms on tomato, was rapidly identified with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technique. We compared the partial nucleotide sequences of endo polygalacturonase (pg1) and exo polygalacturonase (pgx4) genes from isolates of F. oxysporum ff. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and radicis-lycopersici (FORL) from Japan and designed specific primer sets (uni, sp13, sp23, and sprl) based on the nucleotide differences that appeared among the pathogenic types. PCR with the uni primer set amplified a 670∼672-bp fragment from all isolates of FOL and FORL. With the sp13 primer set, an amplicon of 445 bp was obtained only from isolates of FOL race 1 and 3. With the sp23 primer set, a 518-bp fragment was obtained from isolates of FOL race 2 and 3. The sprl primer set yielded a 947-bp fragment from isolates of FORL, but not from FOL. A combination of amplifications with these primer sets effectively differentiated the pathogenic types of F. oxysporum in tomato.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to produce somatic hybrids between isolates of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and f. sp. hordei. A mixed infection was produced on a common susceptible barley host, Fong Tien, using white-spored isolates of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici and yellow-spored isolates off. sp. hordei. Selection was made for non-parental spore colour on selective wheat and barley hosts, and variants thus isolated were analysed for virulence markers, and for isozyme and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) markers, all of which clearly differentiated the parental isolates. Two white-spored (non-parental) isolates were found on the selective barley host which otherwise resembled the parental f. sp. hordei isolate in virulence, isozyme and dsRNA markers. The most likely explanation of the origin of these isolates is mutation to white spore colour in the f. sp. hordei isolate.  相似文献   

醉蝶白粉病的发生规律与防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雷玉明 《植物保护》2001,27(5):32-34
研究明确醉蝶白粉病菌以闭囊壳、分生孢子和菌丝在病残体上或土壤中越冬。醉蝶开花至盛花期为发生高峰期 ,高温干燥的气候条件发病严重。发生程度与土壤肥力、田间种植密度等关系密切。加强管理 ,清洁田园和30%特富灵、6%乐必耕、75%百菌清、25%粉锈宁可湿性粉剂等在定植后、开花前后喷药 ,每隔10d1次 ,连续5~6次 ,可基本控制该病发生。  相似文献   

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