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Cytology is an essential part of a diagnostic workup in cases of aquatic animal diseases. It is simple to perform, inexpensive, and can yield quick and valuable results. External parasites, bacterial and fungal diseases, and gastrointestinal infestations are easily determined with wet mount cytology. Because of the relatively small number of nonlethal diagnostic techniques available for aquatic species, cytologic testing should be considered in every case. Early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment plans, ensuring a better prognostic outcome in our patients.  相似文献   

The importance of employing laboratory diagnostics in the examination of avian patients cannot be overemphasized. The physical examination alone is grossly insufficient. Many avian illnesses do not display external signs, and laboratory work is imperative in detecting them. Only after the assessment of various laboratory parameters can an examination be considered complete.  相似文献   

Four case reports are presented. The first involves chronic lead toxicity in a Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot, which presented for a shoulder injury. The second discusses Aspergillosis in an African Grey Parrot following smoke inhalation and systemic antibiotic use. The third describes Chlamydiosis in a recently imported Amazon Parrot, and the final case concerns rhinitis/sinusitis in a cockatiel.  相似文献   

Cytology and hematology can provide valuable information during the evaluation of fish patients. Although more commonly practiced with larger species of fish, hematologic evaluation aids in the identification of diseases that have an effect on the cells in peripheral blood in the same manner as in mammalian and avian patients. Cytology provides clinical diagnostic support in the evaluation of the health status of even the smallest fish.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of peritoneal fluid (PF) cytology for clinical diagnosis of abdominal neoplasia in horses. Material and methods: Ten horses with histopathologically confirmed abdominal neoplasia, in which a PF analysis was performed, were included in this retrospective study. PF was analyzed for total protein concentration and a nucleated cell count was performed. Using cytological criteria of malignancy, the PF samples were evaluated regarding their probability of malignancy. Results: Cytologic classification of cells according to criteria of malignancy allowed a positive cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia in 5 out of 10 peritoneal fluid samples. Malignant lymphoma was the most commonly diagnosed neoplasia (3/10) and could be identified by cytology in 2/3 cases. In 1/2 horses with plasma cell myeloma neoplastic cells were similarly found. Malignant melanoma (2/10) was diagnosed using cytology in one case (presence of melanin-containing cells). Cytological diagnosis of malignant neoplasia was established in the only horse with gastric squamous cell carcinoma, but the morphology of the identified tumour cells did not allow a specific diagnosis. Thus, a definitive diagnosis was achieved in 4/5 horses with proven abdominal neoplasia. The horses with adenocarcinoma (1/10) and haemangiosarcoma (1/10) had no evidence of neoplasia based on cytological findings. No relationship between total protein concentration or the nucleated cell count with the histolopathological diagnosis of abdominal neoplasia was found. Abnormal mitotic figures were considered of greater diagnostic value than the overall mitotic rate. Conclusion: The implementation of nuclear criteria of malignancy in the cytologic evaluation of PF samples allows the identification of neoplastic cells to an acceptable degree. For this purpose, the knowledge of the highly variable morphological features of mesothelial cells is essential. The absence of malignant cells does not rule out abdominal neoplasia. Clinical relevance: PF cytology should be considered as a valuable, minimally invasive, simple, and rapid diagnostic technique in horses with suspected abdominal neoplasia.  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗鸡传染性鼻炎一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中西医结合的方法,对自然发生传染性鼻炎的鸡群进行对症治疗,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

中医大教授、中医界泰斗邓铁涛语:“中医与瘟疫作斗争有几千年历史,禽流感也属瘟疫。中医有理论,有经验,有有效的防治,所以不用怕禽流感!” 据《中国疫病史鉴》记载:从西汉以后的两千多年中,中国先后发生过321次流感流行。由于中医的有效预防和治疗,都在有限的地域和有限的时间内,控制了疫情的蔓延。中国历史上从来没有出现过西班牙大流感那样,一次大流感造成全球数千万人死亡,有时西方认为很难防治的疾病,中医运用自己的方法,却变的很简单。我们首先应当感谢中医,感谢我们充满智慧的祖宗。 因此,禽流感和人流感防治的思想和方法,必须从“中西合璧”着眼。人医明确了这一点,兽医同样需要明确这一点。  相似文献   

This article is intended to serve as a guide to sources of information on avians. College and university libraries, abstract and index services, bookstores, journals, and veterinary literature are listed. Avian conferences, computer search services, natural history libraries and museums, and places to obtain video and audio tapes and slides are included.  相似文献   

A method for collecting body fluids for cytological examination and their subsequent preparation and staining is described. The results of the cytological examination of 80 dogs and 26 cats over a period of three years are reported, indicating the number and types of condition which can be diagnosed, together with the clinicopathological correlations.  相似文献   

鸡传染性喉气管炎 (ILT)是养鸡生产中最常见的一种传染病。1995~ 1999年 ,笔者等采用中西药结合的办法对鸡传染性喉气管炎进行治疗 ,累计 70多群 2 5万只鸡 ,治愈率 85%~ 95%。1 临床症状病鸡精神沉郁 ,体温升到 4 3℃左右 ,呼吸困难 ,吸气时头颈向上方伸直 ,伴有咯咯声 ;眼全闭或半闭 ,流泪 ,结膜炎 ,眼、鼻孔流出分泌物 ,分泌物有时粘连鸡的眼睑 ,严重者失明 ;气喘、咳嗽 ,咳出物混有血液 ,有的因气管内渗出物不能咳出 ,阻塞气管 ,窒息而亡 ;排浅绿色或白色稀便。2 病理变化病鸡口角有血痰 ,喉头和气管充满混有血液的粘液 ,有些鸡喉…  相似文献   

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