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Objective – To describe the use of oral mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an adjunctive therapy in 2 cats with primary immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia. Case Series Summary – Two cats suffering from presumptive primary immune mediated hemolytic were treated with MMF as part of their treatment regimens. Both cats had improved complete blood counts following therapy. New or Unique Information Provided – This is the first reported use of oral MMF as adjunctive treatment for cats with immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia. Outcome was favorable in both cats and no adverse effects were noted from the MMF.  相似文献   

Diuretics are a mainstay of therapy in dogs with heart failure. In dogs with advanced heart failure, moderate to high doses of loop diuretics such as furosemide are used with diminishing effects as profound activation of neuroendocrine systems promote signs of congestive heart failure. The loop diuretic torsemide has several characteristics that make it suitable for treatment of advanced heart failure including longer half-life, increased potency of diuretic action, and anti-aldosterone effects. This case report details the administration of torsemide in 3 dogs with advanced heart failure and apparent furosemide resistance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe use of the scrotum as a pedicle flap to cover defects created by tumor excision in the perineum or caudal and medial aspect of the thigh. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical study. ANIMALS: Three dogs. METHODS: After tumor excision and prescrotal castration, an incision was made around the base of the scrotum, leaving a pedicle on the side opposite the skin defect. After removal of the tunica dartos and abdominal fascia, the scrotal skin was stretched and shaped to the defect, then sutured in position with a simple interrupted pattern. Bandages that were changed every 48 hours compressed the flaps, and healing was observed until sutures were removed. RESULTS: Two dogs had first intention healing in 15 days, whereas 1 dog developed necrosis of 10% of the flap, and this area healed by second intention. CONCLUSION: In male dogs, the scrotal skin can be used as a pedicle flap for reconstructive surgery of wounds in the perineum and the proximomedial and caudal aspect of the thigh. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The perineal region remains a surgical challenge because of the lack of the available skin for reconstruction of surgical wounds. The scrotal skin should be considered for use as a transposition flap to cover skin defects in this region.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Maitake PETfraction is a standardized essence extracted from the mushroom Maitake (Grifola frondosa) that has antitumor activity in tumor-bearing mice. In addition, PETfraction induces apoptosis in human prostate and bladder cancer cells and suppresses the proliferation in vitro of several canine tumor cell lines, such as lymphoma (Cl-1), mammary gland (CF33), and connective tissue (CF21). HYPOTHESIS: Maitake PETfraction is effective as a single agent in dogs with lymphoma. ANIMALS: Fifteen dogs with confirmed intermediate or high-grade lymphoma were enrolled into this prospective, noncontrolled, clinical trial. Inclusion criteria were an expected survival time of at least 2 weeks and no major organ dysfunction. METHODS: Maitake PETfraction was administered at a dose of 3 drops/kg/day divided into 2 doses given 1 hour before feeding. Dogs were evaluated by physical examination with tumor measurement, body weight, CBC, and chemistry profile before treatment and after 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. At each visit, owners completed a questionnaire addressing overall quality of life, appetite, and any adverse effects noted. RESULTS: A decrease in lymph node size of greater than 50% (objective response) was not seen in any of the dogs. Thirteen dogs developed progressive disease before the 4th week. The median treatment duration was 27 days (range, 9-228). PETfraction was well accepted, and minimal adverse effects were observed. Two dogs developed hyphema. It was not known if this was related to progressive lymphoma or was an adverse effect of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: No objective responses were observed to administration of Maitake PETfraction, and the drug was well tolerated in these dogs.  相似文献   

The currently recommended treatment for metronidazole toxicosis is drug discontinuation and supportive therapy. Reported recovery times are 1-2 weeks. The records of 21 dogs with metronidazole toxicosis were retrospectively analyzed to determine whether diazepam improved recovery. The dosage and duration of metronidazole therapy and the response and recovery times of 13 dogs treated with diazepam were compared to those of 8 dogs receiving only supportive care. Response time was defined as the time to resolution of the debilitating clinical signs. Recovery time was the time to resolution of all residual clinical signs. The average dosage and duration of metronidazole administration for the diazepam-treated and untreated groups were 60.3 mg/kg/d for 44.9 days and 65.1 mg/kg/d for 37.25 days. The protocol for diazepam administration consisted of an initial i.v. bolus and then diazepam PO q8h for 3 days. The average dosage of both the i.v. and PO diazepam was 0.43 mg/kg. The average response time for the diazepam-treated dogs was 13.4 hours compared to 4.25 days for the untreated group. Recovery time also was markedly shorter for the diazepam-treated dogs (38.8 hours) compared to the untreated group (11 days). Results of this study showed that dogs with metronidazole toxicosis recover faster when treated with diazepam. Although the mechanism of metronidazole toxicosis or how diazepam exerts its favorable effect is not known, it is likely related to modulation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor within the cerebellar and vestibular systems.  相似文献   

Background: Electrochemotherapy (ECT) couples the administration of anticancer drugs with the delivery of electric pulses that increase the drug uptake through the cell membranes, resulting in an improved efficacy. Hypothesis: To evaluate the tolerability and efficacy of cisplatin (CDDP) as an ECT agent to prevent recurrence of incompletely resected mast cell tumors (MCTs). Animals: Thirty‐seven dogs. Methods: Prospective study recruiting dogs with incompletely excised MCTs as confirmed by surgeon and pathology reports. After debulking, the tumor bed and margins were infiltrated with CDDP, and then exposed to trains of biphasic electrical pulses under sedation. Five minutes after the injection of the chemotherapy agent, sequences of 8 biphasic pulses lasting 50 + 50 μs each, were delivered in bursts of 1,300 V/cm for sclerosed and of 800 V/cm for exposed lesions, with caliper or needle array electrodes, respectively. A second session was performed 1 or 2 weeks later based on clinical considerations. Results: The treatment was well tolerated with minimal adverse effects. Twenty‐nine dogs had no evidence of recurrence over the 6‐year study period, 6 had tumor recurrence, 1 died of multiple cutaneous MCTs, and 1 died of unrelated causes. The estimated median time to recurrence was 1,200 days. Recurrence was not observed among the long‐term (>1 year) treated dogs. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: ECT with CDDP appears effective in the treatment of incompletely resected MCT in dogs and could be a useful addition to the current options based on its low cost, limited toxicity, and ease of administration.  相似文献   

Soft palate resection is performed to resect a redundant or diseased soft palate, often associated with brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome (BAOS). Resection has been associated with numerous complications, including coughing, bleeding, pharyngeal oedema, respiratory obstruction and death. Traditionally, the surgery is performed by sharp dissection and suturing, but other reported techniques include the use of an electrothermal sealing device or a laser. Operative time for sharp dissection is approximately 12 min, but is shortened to around 5 min when using a laser, as the haemostatic properties of the instrument negates the need for post-resection oversewing. The successful use of a harmonic scalpel to resect redundant soft palates in three dogs is described. The resected soft palates were not oversewn and the surgical time was comparable with that for laser surgery. The first dog had a minor bleed 6 h postoperatively, possibly associated with suboptimal placement of the harmonic scalpel cutting jaws. The following two patients had no postoperative complications. The harmonic scalpel laparoscopic handpiece allowed excellent visualisation of the surgical field and rapid performance of the procedure. All three patients had markedly improved postoperative respiratory function. Cleaning and resterilisation permitted multiple reuse of the handpiece, making it cost-competitive with other surgical techniques.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine dogs diagnosed with generalized demodicosis were treated with milbemycin oxime. Cases diagnosed before two years of age were classified as juvenile-onset (53%) and those diagnosed after two years of age as adult-onset (47%). Dogs were considered cleared of mites when none could be demonstrated in scrapings and cured if no relapse was seen for 12 months. Eighty-five per cent (84/99) were cured with milbemycin oxime used for 1-6 months (mean 2.3 months) at a dosage of 0.5-1.6 mg kg-1 body weight (mean 0.75 mg kg-1). No significant difference in dosage or treatment time was seen between juvenile and adult cases. Chance of cure was significantly better in young animals (cured cases mean age 2.97 years) than in older animals (not cured cases mean age 8.02 years). Start of treatment early in the course of disease gave a significantly better chance of cure. Cases with severe pododemodicosis had less chance of a cure (9/11 not cured).  相似文献   

This report describes the history, clinical signs and treatment of three horses suffering from deviation and immobility of the mandible resulting from fracture of a coronoid process of the mandible. Deviation and immobility resulted from impingement of a callus between the temporal bone and zygomatic arch. Fracture of the coronoid process was identified by using radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography or a combination of two or more of these imaging modalities. Osteoarthritis of the ipsilateral temporomandibular joint of two horses was identified. All horses were treated by excising the fractured coronoid process, and two were also treated by excising the diseased ipsilateral mandibular condyle. All horses were able to open their mouth more widely immediately after surgery. One horse experienced moderate post-operative haemorrhage, and all had severe shear mouth. Shear mouth was ameliorated gradually over many months by rasping dental overgrowths. Mandibular movement of all horses improved, allowing efficient mastication of feed. One horse was able to be used as a showjumper, one horse was sold at Thoroughbred yearling sales and was lost to follow-up, and one horse died from an unrelated gastrointestinal disease 10 months after mandibular coronoidectomy and condylectomy.  相似文献   

ObjectiveBedinvetmab, a fully canine anti-nerve growth factor monoclonal antibody, was evaluated in dogs for control of osteoarthritis-related pain in a study conducted to support registration in the USA.Study designRandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel-group study.AnimalsGeneral practice client-owned dogs with osteoarthritis (n = 272).MethodsDogs were block randomized 1:1 to placebo (saline, n = 137) or bedinvetmab (n = 135; 0.5–1.0 mg kg–1) administered subcutaneously, once monthly. The primary end point, day 28 Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) treatment success (TS), required pain severity score (PSS; 0–10) decrease ≥1 and pain interference score (PIS; 0–10) decrease ≥ 2. CBPI TS rates [and number needed to treat (NNT)], change in scores [and standardized effect size (ES)], change in quality of life (QoL) and bedinvetmab half-life were calculated.ResultsSignificant (p < 0.05) improvement with bedinvetmab over placebo occurred (days 28, 42, 56, 84) for CBPI TS. Of cases evaluable for day 28 CBPI TS (placebo, n = 131; bedinvetmab, n = 128), success rates were 36.6% and 47.4%, respectively (p = 0.0410) (NNT, 9.3; PSS and PIS ES, 0.3). CBPI TS increased after the second dose in both groups, plateaued for bedinvetmab at day 42 and decreased for placebo beginning day 84. Day 84 NNT (4.3), PSS (0.4) and PIS (0.5) showed continued improvement with monthly dosing. After the first dose, mean (± standard deviation) bedinvetmab half-life was 19.1 (8.3) days. Adverse events were similar between groups and not considered treatment-related. There was a significant effect of bedinvetmab versus placebo on all CBPI components (PIS, PSS, QoL).Conclusions and clinical relevanceThese results corroborated those previously reported and provide further support of safety and effectiveness of bedinvetmab (0.5–1.0 mg kg–1) administered subcutaneously at monthly intervals to dogs for control of osteoarthritis-related pain.  相似文献   

An effective long‐term treatment is necessary for mares with pyometra, because the condition tends to recur. In many affected animals, several conformational or anatomical anomalies contribute to impaired uterine clearance. Ovariohysterectomy is the surgical procedure of choice. Conservative therapy consists of draining and flushing the uterus, and systemic anti‐inflammatory and antimicrobial treatment. Uterine secretions tend to accumulate again after local treatment, especially in mares with poor vaginal conformation or cervical adhesions. Herein, we describe three cases in which a cervical stent was used in mares after mechanical or manual dilation of the cervix to achieve permanent draining of the uterus. The mares remained symptom‐free for up to 6 years and exhibited good clinical progress and good performance in competitions. Potential complications of the procedure include loss of the stent and obstruction caused by viscous secretion. A cervical stent is a relatively easy and low‐cost option for the long‐term treatment of pyometra in mares, particularly in cases where excessive costs of surgery and risks of a general anaesthesia are to be avoided.  相似文献   

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