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Summary Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) have emerged as a complex set of issues reflecting changes in society and how natural resources are regarded. These issues range from the sustainability of forest management practices to the relationship of diverse cultures and communities to public lands and their resources. Research and its relationship to this set of issues is a relatively unknown aspect of NTFPs.

This paper reports on early NTFP research by scientists in the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station. It characterizes efforts over approximately five years and identifies their key elements. It also discusses the role research has and could play in addressing the problems and questions associated with NTFPs and sustainable forestry .  相似文献   

京山县经济林产业发展现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者分析了京山县经济林产业发展的现状,指出了目前经济林产业发展过程中存在产业政策与体制不健全;布局不合理、管理水平低;缺乏龙头企业、经济效益差等方面的问题,并探讨了问题产生的原因.并从转变思想观念、健全产业政策与体制;加大扶持力度、作好市场需求预测;加大科技支撑力度、科学规划产业合理布局;大力培育和扶持龙头企业、推进规...  相似文献   

非木质林产品认证发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比现有的非木质林产品认证标准,分析当前非木质林产品认证现状,提出对我国发展非木质林产品认证的几点建议,包括完善非木质林产品认证标准、推进非木质林产品认证标准的国际互认、优先发展有市场前景产品的认证和加强对非木质林产品认证的宣传等。  相似文献   


As people become more interested in personal health and family activities, demand for wild forest products has increased. This increased demand coupled with an increased concern for sustainable m anagement practices has focused attention on the variety of issues and products involved in the non-timber forest products industry. Forest management organizations have gradually increased funding for research and management of non-timber forest products over the past two decades. The broad categories of U.S. non-timber forest products include floral greens, Christmas greens, ornamentals and craft materials, wild edibles, medicinals, ceremonials/culturals, and native transplants. The increase in resource pressure has had many policy reactions, including restricted access, harvesting fees, and harvest limits. Opportunities for public input to policy decisions on federal, state and private land are often unclear or nonexistent. Researchers, managers, and policy makers are working to understand the multitude of issues surrounding non-timber forest products, including biology, management, public policy and equity issues.  相似文献   

阐述目前退耕还林工程退耕地还经济林发展现状,分析退耕地经济林发展中存在的主要问题与原因,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

掌握好经济林资源动态,对于指导区域林业生产、科学规划、合理经营具有重要的意义。利用遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统技术,结合实地调查,对精河县经济林资源树种、品种的面积进行了分析。结果表明:精河县经济林总面积7 210.71hm2,其中精河枸杞面积为7 043.08hm2,盛产期精河枸杞面积为3 140.96hm2。  相似文献   

The non-timber forest products (NTFPs) sector in Nepal is being promoted with the concept of sustainable development as articulated by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Traditionally, people have been dependent on NTFPs for subsistence; however, international trade is growing. To promote this sector, Nepal adopted the 2004 Herbs and NTFP Development Policy. Our goal is to assess the effectiveness of the policy along with the other forestry and natural resource policies in Nepal concerning the conservation and use of NTFPs. We conducted open-ended semi-structured interviews with 28 key informants in summer 2006 in Nepal and collected relevant documents and publications. Qualitative analyses of data yielded important issues that should be addressed to promote the sector as envisioned by the Government. The most important is the need for inventory and research on NTFP species in widespread use. There are some issues regarding species banned under various other National Acts; the lack of marketing information and capacity building; administrative barriers; royalty rates; and illegal harvesting. The most important immediate need is the development of an NTFP Strategy and Action Plan. Our findings should help further implement the policy and promote the sector along the stated mission of conservation and sustainable development.  相似文献   

林木种质资源的保存与利用对林业可持续发展有重要意义,文章阐述了我国华南地区林木种质资源保存和利用的意义、原则和途径,讨论与分析了其现存的主要问题,提出了华南地区林木种质资源保存和利用的具体策略和建议。  相似文献   

非木质森林资源抽样调查方法与监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非木质森林资源正受到越来越多的关注, 而摸清非木质森林资源的分布和数量是开发、利用和保护的基础。文中在界定非木质森林资源的定义和分类的基础上, 根据国内外有关研究成果和实践资料, 从抽样设计、样地数量和统计分析等方面对非木质森林资源的调查方法进行了综述, 并介绍了监测方法, 分析了这些方法中存在的问题, 展望了抽样调查和监测方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

根据南方经济林生产现状,分析了南方经济林生产与管理中存在的问题,结合国内外市场对经济林产品需求,提出了保障南方经济林健康,稳定,持续发展的经营管理策略。  相似文献   

森林转型理论提供了全球可能经历的森林恢复途径,但已有研究主要关注森林数量.文中从广义上提出森林多维转型并重点关注森林质量转型,从森林生长性、树种多样性、结构稳定性和森林健康性4个方面对森林质量进行衡量,通过构建森林转型影响因素分析框架对中国南方集体林区10个省(区)(浙江、安徽、福建、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、贵州...  相似文献   

浙南次生阔叶林群落结构特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙南次生阔叶树种资源丰富,常见的自然恢复乔木阔叶树种达60余个,频度大于10%的有青冈、木荷、苦槠、白栎、甜槠、枫香、红楠、野漆、栲树、樟、冬青、檫木、野柿和杨梅14个;但树种总量较为集中,其中青冈、木荷、苦槠和白栎4个树种的立木总量占全部阔叶树种的65.14%。天然恢复条件下林分一般由1~5个乔木树种组成,其中乔木树种4个以下的占48.3%,乔木阔叶树种4个以下的占乔木树种4个以下的57.4%,只有10%的样地乔木树种数量超过10个;单位面积的乔木树种在3000株/hm2以下的占89.9%,不足2000株的占78.7%,1000株以下的占32.6%。根据各样地乔木层主要树种的重要值,浙南次生常绿阔叶林中青冈、苦槠、木荷、甜槠、枫香、石栎、米槠等种群为群落的优势种群。  相似文献   

南方集体林区森林资源产权变动管理对策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从森林资源产权完整性的角度考察认为,南方集体林区森林资源产权经历了四次较大的变动,指出当前南方集体林森林资源产权变动管理中主要存在产权不清、主体虚置、评估体系不健全、公益林补偿不到位、产权主体利益受损、监督机制不健全等问题。提出通过构建森林资源产权监管制度、规范森林资源产权变动、建立生态公益林权益补偿管理制度、改革商品林管理制度、建立森林资源产权信息系统等5项对策,以促进森林资源产权变动管理,保护森林资源产权主体合法权益。  相似文献   


Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are important in rural southwest Virginia as a source of household income. Marketing system of crafts, medicinal and herbal, and specialty wood products are studied using exploratory and qualitative research methods. Fifty market players at various levels in marketing chains are interviewed to get the information on elements of marketing system -products, product differentiation, value addition, pricing, promotion, distribution, and marketing chains. NTFP trade is a common phenomenon in southwest Virginia. The greatest opportunity exists for local level marketing of crafts and specialty wood products. In the case of medicinal and herbal products, very little local value addition takes place within the region, and as a result local market players have little control. Policy interventions are required to enhance the returns to local collectors, which will also contribute to sustainable management of forest resources.  相似文献   

信息技术极大地促进了森林防火技术的发展。结合湖南省森林防火信息化建设现状,论述了森林防火信息化建设的重要性,提出湖南省森林防火信息化建设的指导思想、基本原则、依据和建设目标,初步探讨了湖南省森林防火信息化建设的业务系统与建设重点。  相似文献   

丘岗山地毛竹低效林改造技术及效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过劈山除杂、削山松土、开竹节沟、科学施肥、留笋养竹、科学采伐、病虫害防治、气候性灾害防治等统合措施,对湖南低山丘陵区(桃源)毛竹低效林进行改造,达到了竹材产量增长39.4%~77.4%,竹笋产量增长66.7%~114.3%,经济纯收入增长57.1%~78.7%,立竹结构更加合理的效果.  相似文献   

随着林业的发展,南方森林资源得到有效保护,其林下可燃物也不断增加,森林火灾增多;分析南方林区的特点,提出营建林火阻隔网络,将森林有效地进行分隔、保护,降低森林火灾发生的几率和受损率。  相似文献   

太行山片麻岩坡地生态经济林的配置技术及效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据林分的配置形式主义和防护、经济效益发挥的侧重点不同,将生态经济林划分为防护型经济林、经济型防护林和交互式防护经济林等3种模式;然后分别阐述了3种模式生态经济林的含义、适宜条件和配置技术;最后通过分析各种模式的经济产出调查数据,研究了生态经济林的经济效益。  相似文献   

中国森林认证体系与葡萄牙森林认证体系均为PEFC认可的森林认证体系,中葡2国是通过PEFC认证的非木质林产品经营单位数量最多的2个国家。文中对中葡2国的森林认证体系、非木质林产品认证相关标准及认证程序进行了比较,发现2国认证体系在标准结构、认证程序、认证不符合项的整改时间、证书的有效期方面存在差异,但认证标准在内容上均有相对应的条款;研究结果可为中国森林认证体系的改进以及非木质林产品经营单位选择认证体系及认证机构提供参考。  相似文献   

对高黎贡山自然保护区的非木材林产品的保护与利用进行了研究。经抽样调查,掌握了该保护区非木材林产品的采集状况。提出了影响本区非木材林产品可持续利用的3个因素,并对其进行了分析,进而阐述了对高黎贡山自然保护区非木材林产品施行合理保护与利用的9点建议。  相似文献   

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