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In this study we integrated digital terrain models, forest inventory maps, optical remote sensing and field data to analyze the spatial structure of a 4850 km2 boreal mixedwood forest landscape in northeastern British Columbia. We built independent maps of forest cover and landform using a Bayesian classification algorithm and quantitative surface analysis. These data were used to test the strength of the association between topographic position and forest cover using a modified electivity index. We then used logistic regression to test whether the probability of a site being occupied by either mixedwood or hardwood is correlated to its distance from white spruce (Picea glauca) seed sources. The relationship between forest cover and topography showed significant departures from randomness, with white spruce preferentially associated with channels and concave slopes, and hardwoods preferentially associated with ridges and convex slopes. The analysis of mixedwood and hardwood stand distribution showed a positive correlation between hardwood occurrence and distance from spruce stands, suggesting that the dispersal limitations of white spruce is a significant influence on landscape vegetation dynamics. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that mixedwood dynamics are the product of ecological processes at multiple scales. Furthermore, these dynamics are only revealed by taking a varied approach to both data gathering and analyses.  相似文献   

Concerns for maintaining biodiversity have led to the adoption of ecosystem management as the paradigm for federal land management. This approach will identify desired future conditions as the goal for management, based on ecological objectives for a given landscape. Some management efforts attempt to identify desired future conditions based on existing successional stages as defined by a classification of overstory vegetation types. Such an approach ignores most of the underlying ecological parameters of the landscape, and is inadequate for identifying past disturbance regimes and future successional pathways. An assessment of desired future conditions based on an ecological classification system is essential to overcome these inadequacies. The strategy proposed in this paper uses an appropriate ecological land classification, based on either ecological land types or habitat types, included in a broader hierarchical classification system. It also uses a vegetation map of existing overstory vegetation. These two maps are overlaid to generate polygons of ecological units that can then be used to create an ecosystem diversity matrix. Each polygon (stand) can be evaluated as to its composition and structure relative to its possible placement within the ecosystem diversity matrix through comparisons with historical ranges of variability. The overall ecosystem diversity matrix can then be examined in terms of the distribution of successional stages within each habitat type or ecological land type. The goal should be to maintain at least adequate ecological representation of all successional stages within each habitat type that occurred historically, based on past disturbance regimes. Adequate ecological representation is defined as sufficient size and distribution of inherent ecosystems to maintain viable populations of all endemic species dependent on these ecosystems. This approach can maintain and enhance regional biodiversity, but also maintain flexibility in land management options.  相似文献   

Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus; hereafter grouse) populations in the central and southern Appalachians (CSA) are declining due to widespread maturation of forest cover. Effective management of this species requires a sex- and age-specific understanding of habitat preferences at multiple temporal and spatial scales. We used multivariate logistic regression models to compare habitat within 1440 grouse home ranges and 1400 equally sized buffered random points across 7 CSA study areas. On most sites, grouse home ranges were positively associated with roads and young forest (<20 years old). Sex and age status affected habitat preference. In general, males used younger forest than females, likely because of differences in habitat use during reproductive periods. Juveniles had fewer vegetation types preferred by adult grouse and more of the avoided vegetation types within their home ranges, indicative of competitive exclusion. Adult females had the greatest specificity and selectivity of habitat conditions within their home ranges. Habitat selection varied among seasons and years on most sites. Winter habitat use reflected behavior that maximized energy conservation, with open vegetation types avoided in the winter on the northernmost study areas, and topography important on all areas. Summer habitat selection reflected vegetation types associated with reproductive activities. Scale influenced habitat preference as well. Although roads and forest age predominantly influenced grouse home range location within the landscape, mesic forest types were most important in determining core area use within the home range. This was likely a result of increased food availability and favorable microclimate. Habitat management efforts should attempt to maintain ∼3–4% of the landscape in young forest cover (<20 years old), evenly distributed across management areas. Roads into these areas should be seeded as appropriate to enhance brood habitat and provide travel corridors connecting suitable forest stands.  相似文献   

Forest communities across the landscape of the Central Hardwood Forest Region are experiencing a transition from dominance by oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya) to maple (Acer) driven largely by a prolonged period of fire suppression. In many cases, this shift in community composition, structure, and function is considered undesirable as oak-hickory forests are valued for timber, wildlife habitat, and natural heritage. Considerable management and restoration efforts target the restoration of oak-hickory forest communities, yet treatments have yielded varying degrees of success. In some cases, difficulties in meeting targets may be due to ecological thresholds created by complex vegetation-environment interactions that maintain the maple-dominated community state. We examined direct and indirect interactions among vegetation layers and environmental gradients for the mature, second-growth forest communities of the Ironton Unit of the Wayne National Forest (WNF) in southeastern Ohio. Using a stratified random approach, we identified 72 study communities with trees at least 70 years old and without evidence of recent disturbance. Within these communities, we sampled all overstory vegetation on two-four 500 m2 plots and recorded saplings and ground-flora species in nested sub-plots. At each plot, we also collected soil samples for physical and chemical analyses and recorded physiographic variables. Our first objective was to describe the Ironton forest landscape, where communities were likely transitioning from oak to maple. To identify such patterns, we used ordination analyses that relate species occurrence to implied environmental gradients. Our second objective was to use the relationships to develop a structural equation model (SEM) to quantify the strength of pathways among the canopy, sapling, and ground-flora vegetation layers and environmental factors (e.g., soil chemistry and physiographic position). Our results indicate that the forest landscape of the Ironton Unit of the WNF is at a transition point with communities dominated by either oak or maple, and a sapling layer dominated by maple. Maple may be most likely to replace oak and hickory in the canopies of communities at mid- and lower-slope positions with intermediate soil moisture. This transition will likely have cascading effects throughout the sapling and ground-flora layers, which SEM demonstrates are directly influenced by the canopy. We believe the simultaneous consideration of direct and indirect interactions shaping vegetation structure and composition using techniques such as SEM will advance understanding of the current transition from an oak-hickory to a maple-dominated forest landscape. This information will contribute to the continued improvement of appropriate forest management and ecosystem restoration techniques for the Central Hardwood Forest Region, including those designed to shift the dominance of forest communities from maple to oak.  相似文献   

The shapes of landscapes are fundamental to ecosystem processes at various spatial scales. Topographic roughness index (TRI) is a measure of variability in the landscape surface and a proxy of the potential of disturbances to propagate across the earth's surface, such as a wildland fire burning across a landscape. We describe the significance of TRI, present methods for calculation, and demonstrate the utility of the index in a fire frequency prediction model. The model was used to show how the relationships between topography, fire, and humans changed during the period of AD 1620–1850 for a study area (5180 km2) in Missouri, USA. The model predicted historic mean fire return intervals from TRI and two human population variables. The model explained 46% of the variation in mean fire return intervals and demonstrated that topographic roughness was most important in controlling fire frequency during the period AD 1620–1780 when human population density was lowest (<0.35 humans/km2). Due to increases in human population, mean fire return intervals were shortened by up to one-fourth of their original length and the landscape became more homogeneous with respect to fire frequency despite topographic roughness. The use of TRIs in wildland fire research aid in quantifying and visualizing topographic variability and could be applicable to multiple scales and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   


Increasingly, urban and rural communities across the U.S. are looking at ecological systems as capital assets with values that are diminishing as they are degraded. Investments are needed so they can continue to provide ecological services critical to the environmental, social, and economic well-being of the communities.

This paper explores “reinvestment” as term encouraging the development of mechanisms for sustained and long-term investment in “natural capital,” as well as the other forms of capital on which communities and society depend. It raises important questions on which there are information gaps, such as the value of ecological services, the level of investment needed to restore and maintain ecological systems, the activities to which investment dollars should be allocated, and where public and private investment dollars might come from. These questions are discussed at national, regional, and local scales, focusing on water-an ecological resource with immense value that connects ecosystems and communities at many scales. The paper presents lessons and reinvestment mechanisms from studies in California's Sierra Nevada ecosystem and community-based efforts in its northernmost drainage, the Feather River watershed.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation necessitates not only preservation of single or multiple species but also the habitat as a whole along with its environment. Biological richness (BR) is a cumulative property of an ecological habitat and its surrounding environment, which has emerging implications in terms of management and planning. Six biodiversity attributes (i.e., spatial, phytosociological, social, physical, economical and ecological) were linked together based on their relative importance to qualitatively stratify biological richness of forest vegetation in Subansiri district of Eastern Himalaya using customized software, Bio_CAP. Higher biological richness was assigned to the habitats with (i) high species diversity, (ii) high degree of ecosystem uniqueness (EU), (iii) high economical value, (iv) complex terrain and (v) low disturbance level. This simple idea of integrated ‘three-tier modeling approach’ of (i) utilization of geospatial tools, (ii) limited field survey and (iii) landscape analysis; formed the basis of rapid assessment of biological richness.Satellite image interpretation using hybrid classification approach provided spatial distribution of vegetation types (corresponding to ecological habitats), with 89% accuracy. Landscape analysis was done using various quantitative indices that measured the heterogeneity and evaluated the patch characteristics. A methodology was developed for deriving relative adjacency weights from field data for calculation of juxtaposition of vegetation types. Biotic disturbance buffers (i.e., proximity zones around roads and human settlements) along with landscape parameters were combined to calculate disturbance index (DI), which in turn became an intermediate surrogate for BR assessment. Species diversity patterns along fragmentation and biotic disturbance gradients were adjudged to derive relative weights for DI computation. Species diversity (Shannon's index), ecosystem uniqueness (endemism status) and biodiversity value (BV) (total importance value (TIV)) were enumerated quantitatively that provided relative weights for BR computation. Terrain complexity (TC) was generated by calculating variance of the elevation image. Fifty-nine of total 764 species were found endemic to Eastern Himalaya with over all species endemism of 13 per ha. Shannon's index increased with decrease in fragmentation levels and increase of distance from sources of disturbance. BR index of the district was presented in five qualitative levels. Subtropical forests claim highest degree of biological richness as well as high disturbance index. This methodology has implications for rapid biodiversity assessment. Forest managers can use the DI and BR maps for gap analysis and prioritization of conservation activities viz., introduction of locale-specific species, thus protecting the forest habitats in situ.  相似文献   

A protective forest,including shelterbelt,windbreak,and shelter forest as its synonyms,is characterized by the protective functions of various forest types distributed or planted on ecologically fragile areas or nearby the objects that need to be protected using the ecological effects of forests.Ecological mechanisms for management practices of protective forests is one of the disciplinary orientations in forest ecology and management.Most protective forest studies are dependent on forestry eco-engineering,such as the Great Plains Shelterbelt Project in the United States,the Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature in the Soviet Union,and the Three-North Afforestation Program in China.The development of sustainable management of protective forests has been given increasing attention by governments,scientists,and media due to their impacts on environment conservation and global change.We introduce forestry ecoengineering and provide a review of their main ecological mechanisms for management practices of protective forests.Ecological mechanisms for management systems currently applied are emphasized,i.e.,the theory of protection maturity and phase-directional management;the relationship between structure and protective functions and structural optimization measures;and,the decline mechanism and ecological restoration strategies.In addition,several unresolved problems in management practices of protective forests are discussed as well as the prospects for ecological mechanisms for management practices of protective forests in the future,which include:(1) theories and technologies for management practices of protective forests at the landscape or regional scale;(2) the decline mechanisms and corresponding ecological restoration approaches across multiple scales;and,(3) the comprehensive assessment of forestry eco-engineering at large-scales based on ecosystem principles.  相似文献   


On fragmented forest lands, ecosystem or landscape management approaches must cut across multiple ownerships. Therefore, communication and joint planning between neighboring landowners may be necessary for successful implementation of ecosystem management. This study examines landowners' interest in, and attitude toward, ecosystem management. Specifically, we use a survey and logistic regression model to explain landowner interest in joint planning as a proxy for their interest in ecosystem management. Survey results show that almost 70% of the landowners are interested in joint planning. However, most landowners require certain conditions be met before they would participate. Variables pertaining to attitudes and beliefs about ecosystem management or property rights, and receiving incentives for cooperation across the landscape are more important than demographic, land management, or spatial characteristics in explaining landowners' interest in joint planning. Landowners who believe in managing forests for environmental, wildlife and water quality as well as timber are more likely to be interested. The primary concern of those interested in joint planning is the impact it may have on their timber and/or land values. Planners who develop ecosystem management approaches that involve landowner cooperation should make the environmental impacts and benefits clear, and ensure that it will not reduce land and timber values.  相似文献   

Understanding the interrelationship that exists between landscape patterns and fire history requires a great range of case studies to reduce the effects of substrate and climate. The lack of such data has led to an increasing need for spatially explicit models dealing with vegetation dynamics. The challenge is to find a compromise between process complexity, realism and landscape applications. In this paper, we describe a simulation approach (SIERRA) focussed on the particular case of Mediterranean-type communities subjected to large recurrent fires. Firstly, disturbance response strategies used in “vital attributes models” are used to simulate the influence of fire on vegetation dynamics, focussing in particular on the integration of specific regeneration abilities of Mediterranean species. Next, the model takes a functional approach towards carbon and water budgets to drive competition and simulate the seasonal vegetation water status to estimate fire risk. Spatial processes of seed dispersal, surface water fluxes depending on topographic convergence, and fire spread are used to accurately simulate landscape heterogeneity. The model offers a spatial representation of the annual course of vertical structure of biomass and carbon fluxes coupled with the weekly soil water budget and evapotranspiration rates. Some simulation and validation exercises are presented to illustrate both the functional properties on a Quercus ilex stand, and the fire-prone community dynamics of a maquis shrubland. These initial results will form a strong basis for using the model to test hypotheses about fire-prone landscape patterns.  相似文献   


Disturbances, including natural phenomena and forest management activities such as thinning, reforestation, rehabilitation seeding, and livestock grazing, are often associated with changes that make systems more susceptible to invasion by nonindigenous species (NIS). However, the susceptibility of a landscape to any particular species is not uniform. To prevent and manage (NIS) effectively we need to understand the effect of different types of disturbance on such species and understand how these effects vary on the landscape. Such an understanding is required in a general way for different nonindigenous taxa, but also for specific species or species associations in order to be able to develop comprehensive management plans. We performed three reviews, one each for nonindigenous plants, pathogens, and insects concerning the effect of a range of different forest management activities on their occurrence, spread, and spatial distribution in the United States of America. Much remains to be understood about the processes and patterns of invasion at the finer spatial landscape scales (e.g., < 50 m) that are most relevant to management decisions for a specific area.  相似文献   


Changing forest policies in both riparian and upland areas to help protect threatened and endangered species have contributed to the reduction of timber harvests in western Washington. The economic, biodiversity, and environmental impacts of these policy actions have been substantial. Policy simulations across 9.4 million acres of timber-land show that relative to proactive management strategies, current habitat conservation and environmental programs (largely based on a reservation strategy) result in net present value reductions to forestland owners of $9.9 billion. Accompanying these asset value reductions are employment losses (sustained) of 30% and tax receipt losses of 26%. The policy simulations further demonstrate that proactive management will not decrease the long-term percentage of the upland landscape occupied by functionally old forests relative to the reservation strategy. In the riparian area, adoption of a reservation strategy actually decreases (by 29%) the percent of the landscape occupied by functionally old forests relative to a proactive management approach. These results illustrate the importance of proactively managing western Washington forests to provide maximum functionally old forest habitat for endangered upland animals (such as the northern spotted owl and the marbled murrelet) as well as riparian species.  相似文献   

生态景观林带建设的主要生态学理论与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章论述生态景观林带建设的主要生态学理论及其应用。在广东省生态景观林带建设中应该以群落生态演替的观点进行生态景观带(面)的建设,应用基于演替原理得出的生态恢复参照系来指导;按群落学的观点进行景观节点(点)建设,依据群落学和生物多样性原理,建立多乔木、灌木、草本、藤本等植物组成的景观节点群落,以作为景观线带物种的补偿地;以生态关学与生物多样性的观点进行绿化景观林带(线)的建设,利用群落的时间格局进行绿化景观林带生态关学的构建,利用群落的空间格局进行绿化景观林带的生物多样性构建;可应用边缘效应原理和种间相互作用原理来构建与管理生态景观林带。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial pattern of fire is essential for Mediterranean vegetation management. Fire-risk maps are typically constructed at coarse resolutions using vegetation maps with limited capacity for prescribing prevention activities. This paper describes and evaluates a novel approach for fire risk assessment that may produce a decision support system for actual fire management at fine scales. FARSITE, a two-dimensional fire growth and behavior model was activated, using ArcView VBA code, to generate Monte Carlo simulations of fire spread. The study area was 300 km2 of Mt. Carmel, Israel. FARSITE fuel models were adjusted for Mediterranean conditions. The simulation session consisted of 500 runs. For each simulation run, a calendar date, fire length, ignition location, climatic data and other parameters were selected randomly from known distributions of these parameters. Distance from road served as a proxy for the probability of ignition. The resulting 500 maps of fire distribution (the entire area burnt in a specific fire) were overlaid to produce a map of ‘hotspots’ and ‘cold spots’ of fire frequency. The results revealed a clear pattern of fires, with high frequency areas concentrated in the northwestern part. The spatial pattern of the fire frequency map bears partial resemblance to the fuel map, but seems to be affected by several other factors as well, including the location of urban areas, microclimate, topography and the distribution of ignition locations (which is affected by road pattern). These results demonstrate the complexities of fire behavior, showing a very clear pattern of risk level even at fine scales, where neighboring areas have different risk levels due to combinations of vegetation cover, topography, microclimate and other factors.  相似文献   


This study quantified, across a landscape in Eastern Finland, the influence of administrative land-use and technical land-form constraints on timber production. Spatially explicit data about the nature conservation areas, land use plans and steep slopes were integrated with Multi-source National Forest Inventory (MS-NFI) data. The Finnish forestry model MELA was used in the calculations related to updating forest data and estimating different scenarios of timber production with and without constraints. In the study area, the annual volume of maximum sustainable cutting removal defined for the next 30 years was decreased by one-third due to restrictions. The presented approach could be used, for example, to assess timber availability at the landscape level. Future challenges include ensuring the compatibility of spatially explicit data obtained from different sources, identifying the feasibility of forest management operations in the restricted area, and incorporating near-nature forest management operations in the forest planning system in order to estimate the timber production.  相似文献   

Excessive browsing by herbivorous mammals can adversely effect both forestry operations and ecosystem structure and function, and effective management of the problem across large forest estates requires the spatial extent of browsing impact to be determined. We conducted a browsing impact survey within 1.3 million ha of commercially managed Eucalyptus forest, and hypothesised that browsing impact would be related to variables reflecting habitat suitability for a major browsing species, the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor Desmarest), at both large and small spatial scales. A simple spatial analysis showed that browsing severity varied across the landscape, but was high in a number of districts (30,000–100,000 ha land management units) grouped in a similar part of the surveyed area, identifying this region as a focus for management and research. Ordinal logistic regression showed that browsing impact was related to (a) the location of districts and (b) the number of times post-harvest regeneration had been attempted, with browsing impact generally worse in areas where regeneration had occurred twice. The latter result was consistent with our original hypothesis, as multiple regeneration attempts promote high quality habitat patches for wallabies. In most heavily browsed districts browsing severity varied substantially between harvested sites, suggesting that processes operating at the site scale were important. Our results describe the spatial extent of browsing within the surveyed area, and identify high risk localities and states, but additional data are required to understand the processes regulating browsing impact.  相似文献   

Modeling fire susceptibility in west central Alberta, Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strategic modification of forest vegetation has become increasingly popular as one of the few preemptive activities that land managers can undertake to reduce the likelihood that an area will be burned by a wildfire. Directed use of prescribed fire or harvest planning can lead to changes in the type and arrangement of forest vegetation across the landscape that, in turn, may reduce fire susceptibility across large areas. While among the few variables that fire managers can influence, fuel conditions are only one of many factors that determine fire susceptibility. Variations in weather and topography, in combination with fuels, determine which areas are more likely to burn under a given fire regime. An understanding of these combined factors is necessary to identify high fire susceptibility areas for prioritizing and evaluating strategic fuel management activities, as well as informing other fire management activities, such as community protection planning and strategic level allocation of fire suppression resources across a management area. We used repeated fire growth simulations, automated in the Burn-P3 landscape-fire simulation model, to assess spatial variations in fire susceptibility across a 2.4 million ha study area in the province of Alberta, Canada. The results were used to develop a Fire Susceptibility Index (FSI). Multivariate statistical analyses were used to identify the key factors that determine variation in FSI across the study area and to describe the spatial scale at which these variables influence fire susceptibility at a given location. A fuel management scenario was used to assess the impact of prescribed fire treatments on FSI. Results indicated that modeled fire susceptibility was strongly influenced by fuel composition, fuel arrangement, and topography. The likelihood of high or extreme FSI values at a given location was strongly associated with the percent of conifer forest within a 2-km radius, and with elevation and ignition patterns within a 5-km radius. Results indicated that prescribed fire treatments can be effective at reducing forest fire susceptibility in community protection zones and that simulation modeling is an effective means of evaluating spatial variation in landscape fire susceptibility.  相似文献   

水系周边植物的组成和结构对城市森林的生态功能和景观效果的发挥产生重要的影响。本文通过对沈阳市城市环城水系风景区植物配置现状的调查,提出了以生态建设为核心,兼顾景观效果的植物配置方案。    相似文献   

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