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Members of Eco Bolivia have watched the process of development and conservation unfold in northwestern Bolivia over the last 40 years or so. After a series of destructive development strategies, the indigenous people of northwestern Bolivia have shown great interest in moving towards sustainable development and conservation of the incredibly rich ecosystems of the area, especially in and around Madidi National Park. Madidi is the heart of a mosaic of protected areas and indigenous territories in Bolivia and Peru. The diversity of the region has attracted the attention of national and foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and international NGOs, all of whom claim a great interest in conservation, and usually emphasize the importance of working with local people toward the ultimate goal of self-management. However, over the years it has become clear that the government is much more interested in quick profits than in long-term sustainability, and powerful NGOs often pay only lip service to real community involvement. Largely due to the recognition the area has received, conservation efforts are now plagued by corruption, competition for funding, inefficiency, a lack of accountability, and a top-down management approach that severely disempowers local peoples. The ultimate solution may require a system by which NGOs and the government are held responsible for a commitment to local self-management and involvement in all stages of conservation and development projects.  相似文献   


For twenty years, Lesotho and South Africa have engaged in a co-operative program for the conservation and development of the shared Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains, also known as Ukhahlamba or “barrier of spears.” A history of conflict has left its mark on the landscape and the communities which live there. The area has been marginalized by inappropriate land settlement and agricultural practices and there has been ongoing illegal traffic in cattle and drugs. Impacts include the degradation of biodiversity, unsustainable land use practices and, most importantly, a lack of development and economic alternatives.

The area is internationally significant not only because of its unique biodiversity and cultural resources but also as the primary source of water for the southern African sub-region. A process of transboundary engagement between the two countries has intervened in the cycle of degradation, and seeks to build a vibrant transfrontier economy, which overcomes barriers and engenders cooperation and development. The future agenda encompasses key actions relating to biodiversity, community and economics, including institutional development, capacity-building processes and the legal means for creating and sustaining transboundary cooperation. This transboundary regional landscape strategy both informs and is informed by global best practice.  相似文献   

旅游活动对张家界国家森林公园植被的影响的评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
石强  李崇贵等 《林业研究》2002,13(2):137-140
在张家界国家森林公园的三个景区(金鞭溪、将军岩、天书宝匣),分别选择了四个区域作为样地,本文通过对树木的刻伤数量,植被的种类,数量等的调查,分析了旅游活动对林木及植被的影响。结果表明,公园游道两边的林木受到了游客的严重刻伤,尤以黄石寨景区及金鞭溪景区最为明显。林木受伤程度主要与树种、树皮光滑程度及林木和游道边缘之间的距离有关。本研究以植被影响指数(IVI)来衡量旅游活动对植被的影响。结果显示,在受影响最大的三个景区,IVI 值位于59.4%与87.5%之间,表明其游道两边的植被已受到了严重的影响。针对以上问题,本文提出了关于公园游客管理的一些建议。表5参10。  相似文献   

采用传统的土壤剖面调查结合典型线路调查方法,对青华海国家湿地公园进行土壤调查研 究。结果表明,区域内主要土壤类型为红壤、水稻土、冲积土和沼泽土。描述各土类的分布、剖面构 型及特征、基本理化性质等。分布面积最大的是处于汇水区的云南松或松栎混交林下的红壤以及 坝子区域的潴育性水稻土,大多土层深厚,剖面完整,诊断层较典型,具有较好的土壤生态系统,土 壤肥力状况良好。提出对现有低质低效林分进行适当改造,关注水稻土的保护与合理使用,进一步 开展沼泽土及底泥的区域调查研究。  相似文献   


The gorilla and elephant populations of Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have recently suffered from intensive commercial and subsistence poaching. In just four years, the highland sector of the park lost more than 95% of its elephant population and about 50% of its gorilla population. This tragedy was precipitated by the recent political and economic crises in the region. Many factors contributed to increased hunting of wildlife for food known as “bushmeat.” Among the principal factors were starvation and economic desperation in local communities, the spread of small arms, and the collapse of park protection during the civil wars. The incentive to hunt gorillas in the park may have developed gradually with the collapse of the Mobutu regime, the influx of refugees, and the two subsequent civil wars. Local re sentments felt toward the park and its authorities may have contributed to the willingness of local people to engage in illegal exploitation of wildlife resources. By promoting ecotourism and improving the infrastructure of the park and surrounding villages, the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and the German Technical Agency for Cooperation (GTZ) have made great efforts to improve local conditions. Local people, including park guards and guides, established a non-governmental organization that played an important role in the spread of conservation knowledge and the reduction of conflict among local people. Since the park began employing former poachers in 1999 and resumed conservation ac tivities, gorilla poaching has decreased significantly. The broader civil conflict continues and sporadic poaching is still common. This paper con siders and recommends optimal and urgent conservation measures to im prove the protection of the park and its gorillas.  相似文献   

Swidden cultivation is the traditional agricultural system in most parts of the Amazonian rain forest. In a remote area in the Manu National Park, Peru, this system was analysed in two indigenous Matsiguenka communities. Diversity of cultivated plants on fields and in homegardens are presented in the current study. Cultivated plants were noted on two to four plots per field on 46 fields, making a total of 126 survey plots. Nineteen homegardens were studied as well. Dominating species cultivated on fields is cassava (Manihot esculenta). Fruit trees such as the peach palm (Bactris gasipaes), guava (Psidium guajava) or Inga edulis, but also cotton (Gossypium barbadense) and a medicinal plant (Cyperus sp.) predominate in more than 75 % of the homegardens analysed. Species diversity increases steadily from 18 and 24 species on 1- and 2-year-old fields to 26, 29 and 66 species in young, medium old and old homegardens, respectively. Seventy-one different species in total were found in all homegardens analysed and 25 in swidden fields. Diversity of species cultivated in homegardens is low compared to other studies in the rain forest of the Amazon. This seems to be due to their remoteness from the next urban centre and to the fact that they are native communities with still low external exchange of information. These findings are in contrast to the hypothesis that remoteness from urban centres increases species richness because subsistence production is based on a broad variety of species. In contrast to species richness in homegardens, differences in species richness in swidden fields between the present and other studies could not be found.  相似文献   

湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园的湿地类型为库塘湿地和永久性河流湿地,具有多种重要的湿地生态系统功能。以湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园为研究对象,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,从水质净化、保持生物多样性、旅游休闲、涵养水源、保持土壤、气候调节、科研教育等9项生态系统服务价值进行研究;采用市场价值方法法、影子工程方法和成本参照方法等,对各项生态系统服务价值进行估算。结果表明,湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园生态系统服务功能总价值为15.4×108元,单位面积价值约为275万元/hm2,其中水源供给、水质净化、调蓄水源、气候调节、旅游休闲、科研教育是湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园湿地生态系统的主导服务。研究结果有助于人们更加直观地认识湿地生态系统服务的重要性,同时也为湿地生态系统的保护和管理以及合理的开发利用提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

Uncertainty in recovery times of tropical forests can lead to mismanagement, such as in setting inappropriate harvesting rates or failing to achieving conservation targets. We use long-term plot data (17 y) to estimate recovery times of separate forest compartments, which experienced different levels of timber extraction within Kibale National Park, Uganda. We estimate that structural recovery (basal area) of heavily logged and moderately logged compartments will take respectively 112 and 95 y, when compared to adjacent mature forest. Our data suggests that recovery in terms of species composition will take significantly longer. Our estimates of structural recovery are derived from rates of change of diameter at breast height and basal area measurements which have been used traditionally as indicators of forest growth and productivity. Our results suggest that the severity of the logging has an impact on the rate of recovery, with current recovery rates estimated at 0.32 m2 ha−1 y−1 in a moderately logged compartment and 0.25 m2 ha−1 y−1 in heavily logged areas, highlighting the possible benefits of reduced impact harvesting in increasing long-term yields. We investigate how some representatives of the wildlife community were affected by differential recovery times and find that recovery times of frugivorous primate's forest habitats were 2.5 times slower when compared with folivorous primates.  相似文献   


Buffer zones serve as zones outside a protected area from which people can derive material or economic benefit, but which also provide wildlife habitat and ecosystem services. “Integrated conservation and development programs” (ICDPs) established in buffer zone communities promote sustainable patterns of economic development. However, they have been widely criticized for poor implementation. In this paper, I examine Conservation International's AMISCONDE program in Costa Rica as a case study of the role of ICDPs in buffer zones. The study suggests that varying and poorly defined conceptions of buffer zones among ICDP workers and participants can contribute to the failure of ICDPs to implement effective buffer zone-based conservation strategies. Alternative approaches to buffer zone delineation are examined. Recommendations include the clarification of competing buffer zone definitions; construction of a buffer zone definition that can be shared by all conservation participants in the region; and systematic assessment of the conceptual linkages between ICDP activities and conservation goals.  相似文献   

The Daxing’an Mountains and Hulunber Grassland are located in the northeastern border area of China. This region covers a large area of rich biodiversity. The natural environment here is well protected because of low pressure of human activity. There are 5 species of cranes here. They are Red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis), White-napped crane (Grus vipio), Siberian White crane (Grus leucogeranus), Grey crane (Grus lifordi) and Demoiselle crane (Anthropoides virgo). Red-crowned crane is a breeding species that is widely distributed in this area. The main breeding population of this species is in Heilongjiang Province. They migrate to the south of China in winter. White-napped crane, Grey crane, Demoiselle crane are also summer birds. It remains unknown if Siberian White crane breeds here. Since the population of Red-crowned crane, White-napped crane, Siberian White crane in China are at the edge of endangering, so they are listed in the namelist of national protected species. But Grey crane, Demoiselle crane have a larger population, and are widely distributed. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   


In northern Europe, the biologically rich European aspen (Populus tremula) tends to disappear both from intensively managed and strictly protected forests, thus representing a biodiversity conservation challenge. This study describes the distribution of Aphyllophoroid fungi inhabiting aspen in a hemiboreal mixed-forest landscape where clear-cutting was usually followed by natural regeneration. In a 4-km2 area in Estonia, 181 individual forest stands and cut areas were surveyed. Sixty-one percent of the 2831 live aspen trees found were concentrated in 11% of the area. Thirty-six polypore species were recorded on aspen, with old stands and naturally created deadwood hosting most species. Among the records of 14 pre-defined aspen-specific basidiomycetes, Phellinus tremulae comprised about 95%. Six species (Ceriporiopsis aneirina, Clavicorona pyxidata, Funalia trogii, Phellinus populicola, Rigidoporus corticola, Steccherinum pseudozilingianum) were infrequent to rare, but widely distributed, inhabiting various stand-age classes, and mostly occurring outside “key habitats”. All the seven species absent are of conservation concern and frequent in Estonian old-growth forests. Thus, rotational management with natural aspen regeneration only provided habitat for some aspen-specific species. For sustaining all species, such landscapes should probably be complemented with stands managed using modified thinning and partial harvesting techniques in aspen-containing mixed stands.  相似文献   

Naturalness assessments are required for the evaluation of conservation schemes and programmes such as large-scale IUCN protected areas (National Parks) where nature restoration is a main management objective. More than 99% of the landscapes of Central Europe lost their reference sites for naturalness assessments with cutting of the last virgin forests. We present the Relative Quantitative Reference Approach for Naturalness Assessments (RANA), a method for overcoming the lack of virgin forests using a surrogate reference for forested landscapes. RANA combines heterogeneously scaled bio-important variables. We tested the RANA in the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany, with an assumed naturalness gradient in different park zones. The results demonstrate that the RANA is a highly sensitive method for evaluating ecosystem responses to forest restoration and conservation.  相似文献   


We examined the association between habitat variables and the relative impacts of topographic microclimates as a valuable tool for restoration and conservation of Abies pinsapo in southern Spain. We used presence–absence data from A. pinsapo and 79 environmental variables and biomod species distribution models to describe the current and future species habitat across the Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park (southern Spain). A. pinsapo habitat was most strongly associated with microtopographic (solar incidence) and temperature variables, indicating climate-driven changes in microhabitat use. Most of the temperature variation among the study site was attributable to topographic microclimates rather than regional temperature differences, such that differences in microhabitat associations occurred principally between north- and south-facing slopes within the same region. The current potential distribution suggests that around 8.7% (56.44 km2) of the study area is highly suitable for A. pinsapo, with 9.7% (62.84 km2) being moderately suitable. Under different global circulation models and climate change scenarios, the net decrease in suitable habitat is predicted to be 93% of the current distribution by 2040, disappearing altogether by 2099. Our findings also show a sharp reduction of potential restoration areas (1.8% of the current areas). Microclimatic variation generated by the topography offers the microclimate-driven locations of habitat suitability which could shape species’ distribution restoration actions and their responses to environmental change. The approach presented here can provide a rapid assessment of the future conservation status of other important forest tree species in Spain, improving our understanding of the vulnerability of endangered species under climate change, and can be an effective tool for biodiversity conservation, restoration, and management.



The Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), a degraded protected area in southeastern Bangladesh, had been under comanagement since 2004. This study examined phytosociological characteristics and diversity of trees in CWS and discussed villagers’ opinions on the impact of comanagement on forest conservation. Following a stratified and systematic sampling 140 circular plots, 17.84-m radius each, were laid out in seven forest beats for the assessment of phytosociological characteristics and tree diversity. Several key-informant interviews and 15 focus group discussions were held to explore the impact of comanagement on forest conservation and on villagers’ livelihood. A total of 93 tree species were identified having a diameter at breast height (dbh) of ≥ 5 cm in 36 plant families. The dominant species were Acacia auriculiformis, Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Ficus hispida, and Tectona grandis. The average density of trees was 239 trees/ha of which 60% was composed of planted exotic species. Nearly 90% trees were belonging to 5- to 15-cm dbh class and the Shannon-Wiener index was 3.15. The comanagement governance had brought positive changes in forest conservation. However, to sustain the engagement of poor villagers in the comanagement and conservation of degraded CWS, more collective efforts are needed to support their living.  相似文献   


Conservation organizations in the Condor Bioreserve (CBR) in northern Ecuador use the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) as a surrogate species to focus conservation efforts. However, the utility of single-species management has been questioned in recent scientific literature, making it appropriate to review the spectacled bear's efficacy as a conservation tool. The spectacled bear does not enjoy unqualified public support in CBR and surroundings, suggesting that it may not be appropriate as a flagship species. It may be more effective as a keystone species; its diet and migratory habits suggest that it may have a significant impact on plant community structure through fruit dispersal. However, more research is needed in this arena before drawing any conclusions. The spectacled bear is perhaps most appropriate as an umbrella species because of its large home range, which encompasses at least two ecosystem types: páramo and montane forest. Traditionally, the concept of the umbrella species has stressed minimum area requirements, but the spectacled bear may be a more effective umbrella species if its dispersal requirements and seasonal migration patterns are also addressed. Eco-Ciencia, an Ecuadorian research organization, recently constructed a habitat model for spectacled bear. They are uniquely positioned to address issues of habitat connectivity both within and between the protected areas of CBR. In doing so, they could influence future zoning decisions in and around CBR, an area that is experiencing rapid population growth. This could improve conservation efforts for spectacled bear and other species.  相似文献   


Two phenological forms of the pedunculate oak co-occur in the same habitats throughout the species range: the early trees (Quercus robur var. praecox) develop leaves up to 5 weeks before the late ones (Quercus robur var. tardiflora). This study tests the idea that late leaf flushing serves as an antiherbivore defence, i.e. late trees, which develop leaves asynchronously with eclosion of folivorous caterpillars, avoid the costs of defoliation, which could offset the costs of a later onset of the growing season. Effects of folivorous caterpillars foraging on oaks were observed in 1998–2006 in remnants of primeval temperate lowland forest preserved in the Bia?owie?a National Park (eastern Poland). Observations covered trough and outbreak years of the major defoliator, the winter moth [Operophtera brumata L. (Geometridae)]. In seven out of nine seasons, including all peak caterpillar years, the amount of frass produced by folivorous caterpillars on late trees (n=8–18) was significantly (up to 7.1 times) lower than on the early ones (n=12–32). Assessment of the degree of defoliation in 2002–2006 showed that the late oaks were visibly defoliated only during a caterpillar peak (2003), while the early trees were affected in all years and in 2003 almost completely lost their leaves. The results confirm the effect of late budburst on lowering herbivore damage, and give support to the idea that late leaf flushing acts as an antiherbivore defence.  相似文献   

城郊森林公园是提升大众福祉、发挥生态功能的载体。以广东西樵山国家森林公园为研究对象,运用 ArcGIS 软件和Fragstats软件对其景观格局进行分析。结果表明,风景林是公园景观的基质(PLAND =67.84%),道路廊道将其与用材林、建筑和水体3种主要景观类型进行串联;公园各景观类型的破碎化程度不同,斑块形状均较为规则(MSI值为1.41~2.12;MPFD值为1.10~1.24);公园的景观多样性较低(SHDI=1.31),斑块空间分布不均(SHEI=0.53),斑块形状较为复杂(LSI=22.83),各功能分区的格局特征差异明显。城郊森林公园的经营应严格控制人为干扰影响,提高公园景观多样性,注重斑块类型、功能分区和整体景观格局的优化。  相似文献   


Typically, in forest inventory the volume of tally trees is predicted with a volume model estimated at national level. Such a global model is not unbiased regionally if there is spatial variation in the tree form due to one or more unknown predictors. This regional bias could be reduced or removed if the models were localized to each region or subarea. The localization is easiest if the area can be divided into homogeneous areas with respect to stem form. This study tested whether the localization results depend on the way the division is made and on the size of the subareas. The study area was divided spatially into homogeneous subareas with residuals of the global model or with the local spatial index, G i *, or both with classification and regression trees, the leaves of which formed the subareas. In addition, two other spatial divisions were created: an administrative forest centre and spatially equal-sized subarea divisions. The localized models were compared with the global model. The root mean squared errors (RMSEs) of localized models were smaller in median and in mean, but maximum values exceeded the overall global model RMSE. The localization reduced local RMSEs on average by 1–6%. The differences between the spatial divisions were small, although the aggregate standard errors and RMSEs were slightly smaller in regression trees. Only 50 ± 8% of the subareas were spatially homogeneous in regression tree divisions, which suggests that either the division criteria or the division method were inadequate.  相似文献   

Tamarix plant is widely distributed in the arid areas of China for its great tolerance of draught, salt and alkali and attracts more attention by its strong capacity in windbreak and sand-fixations. “Tamarix dunes” constitute special desert bio-landscape in arid area. During last several decades,Tamarix shrubs declined and “Tamarix dunes” were also severely destroyed due to the land exploitation and serious deforestation, etc. From the 1980s until now, the extending phenomenon ofTamarix shrubs caused by developmental projects such as building highway, railway was studied in the western dry area of China, including western section of Hexi Corridor of Gansu, railroads and highways around the two greatest basin in Xinjiang and interior regions in Gurbantonggut desert, through on-the-spot survey along the transportation lines and setting up sampling plots along the roads. It was found that large quantities ofTamarix plants grow in the catchment area of low-lying lands that were formed by bulldozer operation during road building period. The extension ofTamarix shrubs caused by engineering was similar to that of the other section of the area to some extent, but went beyond the original distribution. This extension is beneficial to the ecological restoration and re-vegetation of western region of China and plays an important role in control of the sandstorms and improvement of ecological environments. As a result, it is necessary to make a further study on the extending phenomenon ofTamarix shrubs and to seek approach to promote wider extension ofTamarix shrubs in suitable habitats. Foundation Item: This study is supported by key projects of National Natural Science Foundation (39730100), National Foundation (30070640) and part of Project 973(G19990435). Biography: Huang Pei-You (1936-), Male, Professor in College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, 830046 Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

拟建广东南岭国家公园位于广东省北部,南岭山脉中段南麓,属亚热带季风气候区。在汇集文献、历史资料和野外调查的基础上,形成的植物名录显示南岭国家公园有高等植物324科1 522属5 105种,其科、属、种数分别占全国的67.6%、39.4%和14.3%,在全国占有相当重要的地位。南岭国家公园有38种国家保护植物,其中I级保护5种(包括中华水韭Isoetes sinensis、台东苏铁Cycas taitungensis、南方红豆杉Taxus wallichiana var. mairei、伯乐树Bretschneidera sinensis和莼菜Brasenia schreberi),Ⅱ级保护33种。有12种广东省级重点保护植物,占全省全部20种的60.0%。特有植物种类繁多,近年来发表的20多个新种多为该公园特有。因气候和地理因素,南岭国家公园具有丰富且独特的植物多样性,体现出重要的生态价值,保护好这个自然生态系统,对于继承和保存大量基因资源,维护粤北乃至岭南地区的生态安全至关重要。  相似文献   

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