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Ecuador is rich in social and cultural history, natural resources and biological diversity. The Condor Bioreserve (CBR) project of The Nature Conservancy is an effort to bring local, regional, and national voices to the table to find common ground to protect the biological diversity and cultural history of the Andean region adjacent to Quito. This volume is an introduction to the CBR, its management challenges, and management policy options. The papers in this volume represent an overview of some of the issues involved, though it is by no means comprehensive.  相似文献   


Effective conservation rests on an educated population. This chapter describes the status of environmental education programs in the Condor Bioreserve (CBR), Ecuador and makes recommendations for expansion of educational efforts. The major programs that are currently in place include the community park guard system, the Andean Bear Project, and workshops and networks established by the US Department of Interior and The Nature Conservancy. Most environmental education in the CBR is focused on community participation in natural resource management, and there is a relatively small amount of attention devoted to programs for teachers and children. Major recommendations include defining common goals, increasing environmental education efforts in schools, offering teacher training, developing monitoring and assessment protocols, and expanding educational efforts outside of the CBR. The paper links recommendations for improvements in environmental education in the CBR to lessons learned through research and education programs elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   


The Condor Bioreserve Watershed Protection Area is a project of The Nature Conservancy of Ecuador that seeks sustainable management of the Area for both biodiversity conservation and watershed production. The management problem is how to ensure that both these objectives are met while simultaneously meeting the diverse needs of the large and growing populations within and adjacent to the Area. For example, metropolitan Quito, a city of three million, depends on the Area's water. Conflict exists over the use of the watershed and the biodiversity within it. The chief threat is overusing biodiversity-destroying it by turning the watershed into a water factory for urban and agricultural uses. Incompatible interests, present competition and conflict must be ameliorated and foreseeable problems avoided in order to conserve biodiversity while meeting the needs of the human population. In this chapter the (1) Area's biodiversity and watershed issues are introduced, (2) the human context (social and decision processes that make up its management) are described, and (3) three common management options are explored to address problems. The first option is agreement on explicit goals, the second is obtaining and utilizing better science, and the third is using a practice-based approach. These options are evaluated for their potential to reduce conflict and realize goals. A practice-based approach is recommended because it makes the most of the limited human capacity to understand and address very complex problems. This approach can simultaneously address the biodiversity and watershed management challenge, inform and improve decision-making, and help find principles of successful ecosystem management. Unlike the two other management strategies, a practice-based approach incorporates moral, scientific, and practical considerations in management and policy decisions. A practice-based approach facilitates achievement of the dual goals of protecting biodiversity and watershed function and production.  相似文献   


The Condor Bioreserve initiative has the potential to serve as a model of integrated watershed management for developing countries. Within the region, landowners and settlers, government agencies and multiple non-governmental organizations face the challenge to modify land uses to best serve the tripartite goals of managing water resources, preserving critical habitat for biological conservation, and maintaining livelihoods. Livestock, especially cattle, are a valued commodity for people in the region. At the same time, increased tree cover on private land can provide many benefits such as increased income diversity, soil retention, and improved conditions for biological conservation. Silvopastoral systems can accommodate the desires of local landowners for livestock while addressing conservation goals of increased tree cover. A review of such systems and related conditions in the Bioreserve region and Ecuador is followed by reviews of other examples from the Andes region and other mountainous parts of the world. Suggestions include promoting forestry systems with fuller canopies through a rating system in park connector areas and buffer zones, local value-added timber processing, consideration of timber certification, and continuing current successes, such as extensionists promoting tree-related projects, markets for forestry products derived from private lands, community tree nurseries, and improved pastures incorporating trees.  相似文献   


Conservation organizations in the Condor Bioreserve (CBR) in northern Ecuador use the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) as a surrogate species to focus conservation efforts. However, the utility of single-species management has been questioned in recent scientific literature, making it appropriate to review the spectacled bear's efficacy as a conservation tool. The spectacled bear does not enjoy unqualified public support in CBR and surroundings, suggesting that it may not be appropriate as a flagship species. It may be more effective as a keystone species; its diet and migratory habits suggest that it may have a significant impact on plant community structure through fruit dispersal. However, more research is needed in this arena before drawing any conclusions. The spectacled bear is perhaps most appropriate as an umbrella species because of its large home range, which encompasses at least two ecosystem types: páramo and montane forest. Traditionally, the concept of the umbrella species has stressed minimum area requirements, but the spectacled bear may be a more effective umbrella species if its dispersal requirements and seasonal migration patterns are also addressed. Eco-Ciencia, an Ecuadorian research organization, recently constructed a habitat model for spectacled bear. They are uniquely positioned to address issues of habitat connectivity both within and between the protected areas of CBR. In doing so, they could influence future zoning decisions in and around CBR, an area that is experiencing rapid population growth. This could improve conservation efforts for spectacled bear and other species.  相似文献   


This paper describes and evaluates the current role that non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and their users play on the conservation of the four protected areas-Reserva Ecológica Cayambe-Coca, Reserva Ecológica Antisana, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, and Parque Nacional Sumaco-Napo Galeras-that comprise the Condor Bioreserve. The category non-timber forest product (also referred to as non-wood forest product) encompasses a myriad of resources that reside in forests and can be useful to people. Plants from which NTFPs are derived play essential roles in tropical forest ecosystem processes such as regeneration and nutrient cycling. In the Condor Bioreserve, certain species of such plants are commercially valuable while others are endangered. People are extracting these NTFPs from the Bioreserve, yet the magnitude and frequency of such extraction is unknown. This paper examines how the three groups of land users that have been identified by The Nature Conservancy-colonists, indigenous peoples, and hacienda owners-may utilize NTFPs. Understanding the role that these plants play in the lives of its collectors is imperative for designing effective strategies to alleviate pressure that extraction may place on the Condor Bioreserve ecosystems. Data on who harvests NTFPs, which plant parts they use, what quantities they harvest, and harvest frequency must be complemented by insight into how each group benefits from these activities. Moreover, an unbiased approach must examine how NTFP extraction may enhance certain ecosystems in addition to ways in which it may hurt Bioreserve resource ecosystems.  相似文献   


In many parts of the world, community-based approaches to forest management have been evolving after recognizing that the top-down approach impedes conserving forests effectively. In Ethiopia also, local communities have been involved in participatory forest management (PFM) arrangements for better conservation of forest resources. However, the achievements in improving forest conservation outcomes have been mixed, while some PFMs are successful, others are not. Using data collected from 42 PFM cooperatives from Metema and Quara districts in Amhara dry forest region of Ethiopia, this study seeks to examine the variables that explain the variations in the performances of PFM cooperatives in forest conservation. The study has found that the performance of the PFM cooperatives depends on the key attributes of users, physical resources, and institutions and these attributes explain best for the success of PFMs. Therefore, the study suggests that these attributes along with the external factors like government policy must be given due importance while designing PFM arrangement. Moreover, just to highlight the impact of the external factors, the government policy like the resettlement program must be reconsidered; while the expansion of trade and infrastructure must be encouraged in order to strengthen the performance of PFMs and achieve forest conservation.  相似文献   

我国沿海地区湿地资源十分丰富,总面积为622.76万hm2,具有抵御海啸和风暴潮、护卫滨海国土、防止海水入侵、美化人居环境的功能。但我国沿海湿地正面临着来自人类的巨大威胁,主要威胁因子有对湿地的盲目围垦和改造、湿地环境污染、生物资源的过度利用等,导致沿海地区自然湿地数量持续减少、湿地生态功能退化乃至丧失,已难以保障沿海地区的生态安全。根据我国沿海湿地面临的威胁和问题,应尽快实施沿海地区湿地保护与恢复工程,加强湿地保护立法和管理机构建设。  相似文献   

介绍了我国高原湿地资源及其保护管理的现状,指出了高原湿地所具有的重大生态功能和面临的主要威胁及其变化,提出了加强高原湿地保护管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Natural forest in Sri Lanka has been decreased significantly in the last few decades. The remaining natural forests especially in floristic region seven have undergone less conservation efforts in the past. Considering the capacity of the government and dependence on forest resources by local villagers, the only way for conservation of these forests in the Southwest lowland is forest management through local participation. Management plans for community-based resource management have been completed. However promotion of such management requires integrated measures, which are beyond jurisdiction of Forest Department. A holistic approach with political commitment concerning buffer zone villages and economic incentives with income generation opportunities supported by external inputs are expected to be implemented as a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

概述了天然林资源在可持续发展战略中的地位和作用、资源过度消耗引发的生态环境问题、实施天然林保护工程的重大意义和云南省重点地区天然林资源保护工程实施方案的主要内容, 以及实施这一跨世纪工程给云南林业带来的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

The non-timber forest products (NTFPs) sector in Nepal is being promoted with the concept of sustainable development as articulated by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Traditionally, people have been dependent on NTFPs for subsistence; however, international trade is growing. To promote this sector, Nepal adopted the 2004 Herbs and NTFP Development Policy. Our goal is to assess the effectiveness of the policy along with the other forestry and natural resource policies in Nepal concerning the conservation and use of NTFPs. We conducted open-ended semi-structured interviews with 28 key informants in summer 2006 in Nepal and collected relevant documents and publications. Qualitative analyses of data yielded important issues that should be addressed to promote the sector as envisioned by the Government. The most important is the need for inventory and research on NTFP species in widespread use. There are some issues regarding species banned under various other National Acts; the lack of marketing information and capacity building; administrative barriers; royalty rates; and illegal harvesting. The most important immediate need is the development of an NTFP Strategy and Action Plan. Our findings should help further implement the policy and promote the sector along the stated mission of conservation and sustainable development.  相似文献   

广西湿地资源十分丰富,总面积为70.6万hm^2,包括自然湿地569万hm^2,人工湿地13.7万hm^2。分析广西湿地面临的主要威胁,如人类对湿地的盲目围垦和改造、湿地污染、生物资源的过度利用等,导致湿地资源持续减少、湿地生态功能退化乃至丧失,难以保证地域生态平衡的需求;提出湿地保护对策。  相似文献   


Conservation of species, protected areas, and natural resources requires appropriate problem-solving strategies. An interdisciplinary problem-solving strategy is introduced requiring users to ask and answer three basic questions about any management or policy process. Is it reasonable? Is it politically practical? And is it morally justified? Concepts needed to ask and answer these questions in an interdisciplinary way are given, explained, and illustrated using Baird's tapir in Costa Rica as an example. As well, problem solvers must understand and account for their own standpoint or role in conservation. Finally, users of this approach must integrate all their knowledge about these three questions and their standpoint into an overall judgment that they are willing to take conservation action on and responsibility for. Use of this interdisciplinary approach is expected to improve conservation process and outcomes.  相似文献   

文章对广东省天然林资源现状及特点进行了概述,分析其在保护过程中亟待解决的主要问题,并有针对性地提出解决问题的相关建议。  相似文献   

森林可持续经营是突破传统经营理论的束缚,吸取“永续利用”理论中适合于实现经济、环境、社会可持续发展的观点而产生的现代森林经营理念。阐明了白龙江林区的基本概况和重要生态区位,提出了白龙江森林可持续经营的途径与对策,为水源涵养林的有效管理和持续发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

参与式资源评估在中欧天然林管理项目社区发展中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南省是我国实施中欧天然林管理项目三个项目省之一。文章介绍了参与式资源评估方法在中欧天然林管理项目社区发展方面的具体应用、操作过程,并提出在规划规程中需要注意(讨论)的问题。  相似文献   


Members of Eco Bolivia have watched the process of development and conservation unfold in northwestern Bolivia over the last 40 years or so. After a series of destructive development strategies, the indigenous people of northwestern Bolivia have shown great interest in moving towards sustainable development and conservation of the incredibly rich ecosystems of the area, especially in and around Madidi National Park. Madidi is the heart of a mosaic of protected areas and indigenous territories in Bolivia and Peru. The diversity of the region has attracted the attention of national and foreign governments, multilateral agencies, and international NGOs, all of whom claim a great interest in conservation, and usually emphasize the importance of working with local people toward the ultimate goal of self-management. However, over the years it has become clear that the government is much more interested in quick profits than in long-term sustainability, and powerful NGOs often pay only lip service to real community involvement. Largely due to the recognition the area has received, conservation efforts are now plagued by corruption, competition for funding, inefficiency, a lack of accountability, and a top-down management approach that severely disempowers local peoples. The ultimate solution may require a system by which NGOs and the government are held responsible for a commitment to local self-management and involvement in all stages of conservation and development projects.  相似文献   

本文介绍了社区自然资源管理的5个基本要素:①当地人是自然资源管理的主体,充分赋权于当地人,包括项目决策权、实施参与权、知情监督权、管理维护权、监测评估权;②尊重乡土知识、乡土人才,重视能力建设;③关注农村妇女和弱势群体的参与和能力建设,倡导性别平等及公平的发展观;④在当地村规民约基础上建立社区管理制度和管理组织,促进当地村民的自我管理、自我发展;⑤有偿使用、有偿管理、有偿服务,增强当地村民对项目的拥有感,实现项目的可持续性.  相似文献   

在简要回顾我国林业植物遗传资源保护成就和存在问题的基础上,提出了林业植物遗传资源保护的原则、目标和措施。  相似文献   

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