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人表皮生长因子的基因克隆与原核表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用RT-PCR方法从人胎盘组织中扩增出hEGF基因,将其分别连入表达载体pGEX-4t-1(+)和pGEX-6p-1(+)质粒中,并转化入BL21-CodonplusTM中,解决了大肠杆菌密码子偏爱性问题,不需附加程序就可以编码稀有密码子的重组基因。SDS-PAGE结果证明,pGEX-4t-1(+)-hEGF和pGEX-6p-1(+)-hEGF分别在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)-CodonplusTM-RP和BL21(DE3)-CodonplusTM-RIL中获得高效表达,目的蛋白占总菌体蛋白的30%左右。  相似文献   

Characterization and molecular cloning of a human parvovirus genome   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The genome of the small human virus serologically associated with erythrocyte aplasia and erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) is shown to be a linear, nonpermuted, single-stranded DNA molecule with self-priming hairpin termini, properties which are characteristic of the genomes of the family Parvoviridae. This human parvovirus chromosome was molecularly cloned into bacterial plasmid vectors and the cloned DNA was used to explore its relatedness to other mammalian parvovirus serotypes by DNA:DNA hybridization. It is not related to the human adeno-associated viruses but does show a distant evolutionary relationship to genomes of the helper-independent parvoviruses of rodents. This strongly suggests that it is an autonomous parvovirus, and as such is the first example of a member of this group of common animal pathogens to cause disease in man.  相似文献   

Gene transfer and expression of human phenylalanine hydroxylase   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a genetic deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). A full-length complementary DNA clone of human PAH was inserted into a eukaryotic expression vector and transferred into mouse NIH3T3 cells which do not normally express PAH. The transformed mouse cells expressed PAH messenger RNA, immunoreactive protein, and enzymatic activity that are characteristic of the normal human liver products, demonstrating that a single gene contains all of the necessary genetic information to code for functional PAH. These results support the use of the human PAH probe in prenatal diagnosis and detection of carriers, to provide new opportunities for the biochemical characterization of normal and mutant enzymes, and in the investigation of alternative genetic therapies for PKU.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of the thyrotropin receptor   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  

Molecular cloning of the chicken progesterone receptor   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
To define the functional domains of the progesterone receptor required for gene regulation, complementary DNA (cDNA) clones encoding the chicken progesterone receptor have been isolated from a chicken oviduct lambda gt11 cDNA expression library. Positive clones expressed antigenic determinants that cross-reacted with six monospecific antibodies derived from two independent sources. A 36-amino acid peptide sequence obtained by microsequencing of purified progesterone receptor was encoded by nucleotide sequences in the longest cDNA clone. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of the progesterone receptor deduced from the cDNA clones revealed a cysteine-rich region that was homologous to a region found in the estrogen and glucocorticoid receptors and to the avian erythroblastosis virus gag-erb-A fusion protein. Northern blot analysis with chicken progesterone receptor cDNA's indicated the existence of at least three messenger RNA species. These messages were found only in oviduct and could be induced by estrogens.  相似文献   

A 4-kilobase complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding human macrophage-specific colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) was isolated. When introduced into mammalian cells, this cDNA directs the expression of CSF-1 that is structurally and functionally indistinguishable from the natural human urinary CSF-1. Direct structural analysis of both the recombinant CSF-1 and the purified human urinary protein revealed that these species contain a sequence of at least 40 amino acids at their carboxyl termini which are not found in the coding region of a 1.6-kilobase CSF-1 cDNA that was previously described. These results demonstrate that the human CSF-1 gene can be expressed to yield at least two different messenger RNA species that encode distinct but related forms of CSF-1.  相似文献   

金针菇启动子的基因克隆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用PCR扩增技术,以金针菇菌丝总DNA为模板,扩增出一条长约750 bp的特异性gpd启动子基因条带(命名为gpd-Fv2),并将其连接到载体上,然后转入大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞,筛选出阳性质粒。DNA序列与金针菇gpd启动子的同源性为98%。  相似文献   

Functional transfer of mitochondrial genes to the nucleus is very common in some taxa but entirely lacking in others. Current evolutionary theories to account for this variation predict that outcrossing, which allows escape from Muller's ratchet and faster spread of beneficial mutations, should favor gene transfer. We find that functional gene transfer is more common in selfing or clonal plants than in outcrossing plants, a pattern opposite to prediction. We suggest that reproductive modes, such as selfing and vegetative reproduction, conserve adaptive mitonuclear gene combinations, allowing functional transfer, whereas outcrossing prevents transfer by breaking up these combinations.  相似文献   

[目的]对陆川猪肌肉生长抑制素(MSTN)基因进行克隆及序列分析,为后期开展MSTN因表达与陆川猪肌肉生长发育及脂肪沉积的相关性研究奠定基础.[方法]根据GenBank中已发表的猪MSTN因序列(NM 214435)设计引物,以陆川猪背最长肌组织总RNA为模板,RT-PCR扩增MSTN因cDNA序列,扩增片段经纯化、克隆、鉴定和测序分析,并应用生物软件进行蛋白质二级结构预测.[结果]克隆得到陆川猪MSTN因编码区1128 bp,与GenBank已公布的约克夏、汉普夏、杜洛克、梅山猪、藏猪、广西巴马小型猪的基因同源性均在99.8%以上.陆川猪MSTN因第294位点存在特有的碱基G,但未引起氨基酸改变.蛋白质二级结构预测结果表明,陆川猪的MSTN成熟肽包含有α螺旋、β转角、延长线和无规卷曲4种二级结构元件.[结论]猪MSTN因高度保守,可作为研究陆川猪肌肉生长发育和脂肪沉积的候选基因之一.  相似文献   

杜志强  王建英 《广东农业科学》2012,39(8):152-153,158
以凡纳对虾的penaeidin 3抗菌肽基因作为研究对象,对其进行基因克隆、氨基酸序列比对、系统进化树分析以及分子结构的初步预测等。研究结果表明:凡纳对虾penaeidin 3分子具有典型的对虾素分子结构特征,与其他已知的对虾素分子相似性较高。  相似文献   

从小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞中抽提总RNA,应用RT-PCR技术扩增出mIL-2基因,按常规方法构建T载体,然后克隆、酶切鉴定、测序分析;通过双酶切将该基因片段接入逆转录病毒载体pGEZ-Term中,脂质体法共转染包装细胞293T;用含病毒颗粒的293T细胞上清液感染L929细胞,加入Zeocin进行筛选,挑选出能稳定表达抗性的L929细胞株,并通过RT-PCR技术检测到转基因L929细胞株中mIL-2基因的转录,表明成功构建了含mIL-2基因的重组逆转录病毒载体并筛选出整合有mIL-2基因的细胞株。  相似文献   

试验采用Spindle-view法对卵母细胞进行去核以构建重构胚,并利用这些重构胚先后对12头上海白猪进行了胚胎移植。结果有1头猪顺利怀孕到终期,经剖腹产产下1头健康的克隆巴马小型猪,另外,有3头母猪移植后51 d、76 d和77 d返情,怀孕率33.3%。  相似文献   

White-brown complex (WBC) transporters, also called half-size ATP binding cassette G (ABCG) transporters, are involved in many biological processes, including seed development; however, the WBC transporters in grapevines received less attention to date. To reveal the molecular characteristics of WBCs and the connection between WBCs and agronomic traits of stenospermocarpic (seedless) grapevine, we carried out a genomic census and analysis of ovule-associated expression for VvWBC genes in grapevine. We identified 30 VvWBC genes and cloned full-length complementary DNAs (cDNAs) for 20 of these. The tissue or organ-specific expression analysis showed that several VvWBCs exhibited distinct expression patterns with some showing tissue specificity. Twelve VvWBC genes were found to be expressed in the developing ovules. Moreover, the results of quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) suggested that four of twelve ovule-expressed VvWBCs have distinct expression profiles during the development of ovules between seeded and stenospermocarpic grapevines. These four genes might be involved in ovule abortion. Meanwhile, chromosome mapping, multiple sequence alignments, exon/intron structure analyses and synteny analyses were preformed on VvWBC genes. Our experiments provide a new perspective on the mechanism of stenospermocarpic seedlessness and put forward a framework for further study of WBC transporters.  相似文献   

[目的]获得低温菌LA77的低温淀粉酶基因及其生物学信息.[方法]用16S rDNA序列分析对其进行了分子鉴定,并根据分类地位进行了特异引物设计和PCR扩增,通过生物学网站和软件对获得的基因及编码蛋白进行分析.[结果]低温菌LA77归属于气单胞菌属,PCR扩增获得一条编码703个氨基酸的完整开放阅读框的基因.通过生物信息学分析显示该蛋白质理论分子量约为77.9 kD,等电点为6.16,为亲水、且具有信号肽的跨膜蛋白.可能存在10个磷酸化位点,1个糖基化位点,二级结构主要由α螺旋和随机卷曲构成.基于氨基酸序列的结构域和系统进化树分析表明,该蛋白属于α-淀粉酶家族,极可能为低温淀粉酶.[结论]LA77低温淀粉酶基因的获得,将为低温淀粉酶基因的进一步改造、表达以及其酶低温催化机理的阐释奠定重要的基础.  相似文献   

革胡子鲶生长激素基因克隆与序列同源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用RT—PCR技术从革胡子鲶(Clarias lazera)脑垂体RNA中扩增出生长激素(growthhormone,GH)基因cDNA片段,并克隆到质粒载体pMD18-T,鉴定测序。克隆的革胡子鲶GHcDNA开放阅读框全长603bp,编码由200个氨基酸残基组成的生长激素前体。5个科7种鲶形目鱼类GH基因序列同源比较结果表明,7种鲶形目鱼类间GH基因序列的同源性很高,平均为92.4%,大口鲶和鲶之间的同源性最高,为98.5%,革胡子鲶和鲶之间的同源性最低,为89.4%。并据此构建了鲶形目鱼类间的系统进化树,聚类分析结果与鲶形目鱼类传统的分类进化地位基本一致。  相似文献   

[目的]对陆川猪脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)基因进行克隆与序列分析,为后期开展LPL基因表达与陆川猪肌内脂肪沉积的相关性研究奠定基础.[方法]根据GenBank中已公布的猪LPL基因序列设计引物,以陆川猪背最长肌组织总RNA为模板,利用RT-PCR扩增其LPL基因,测序结果用Lasergene 7.0软件进行序列分析,用MEGA 6.0软件进行同源性比较及构建系统进化树,同时利用在线蛋白质结构分析软件(PMP)预测陆川猪LPL蛋白二级结构.[结果]成功克隆获得陆川猪LPL基因编码区长1437 bp,与GenBank中已公布普通猪、大白猪、杜洛克猪、通城猪、贵州白香猪的基因同源性分别为99.6%、99.7%、99.7%、99.7%和99.4%.陆川猪LPL基因第760位点存在特有的碱基A,该突变导致缬氨酸突变为蛋氨酸.由基于LPL基因碱基同源性构建的物种系统进化树可知,广西陆川猪与大白猪的遗传距离最近,其次是山羊,最远的是小鼠.蛋白二级结构预测结果表明,陆川猪的LPL蛋白二级结构包含有N-端结构域和C-端结构域两个区域,且存在PLAT/LH2.[结论]LPL基因可作为研究陆川猪脂肪沉积的主要候选基因之一.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of the zeta chain of the T cell antigen receptor   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
The T cell antigen receptor is a multi-subunit receptor complex present on the surface of all mature and many developing T cells. It consists of clonotypic heterodimers noncovalently linked to five invariant chains that are encoded by four genes and referred to as the CD3 complex. The CD3 gamma, delta, and epsilon chains have been molecularly characterized. In this report the molecular cloning of a complementary DNA encoding the zeta chain of the murine T cell antigen receptor is described. The predicted protein sequence of the zeta chain suggests a structure distinct from those of any of the previously described receptor subunits.  相似文献   

【目的】Pbs2是MAPK信号途径HOG-MAPK通路的重要成员之一,在植物病原菌渗透压调节方面发挥着重要作用。橡胶树白粉病菌(Oidium heveae)是专性寄生菌,论文借助橡胶树炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides),研究橡胶树白粉病菌OhPbs2的功能。【方法】采用同源克隆方法,分别以橡胶树白粉病菌基因组DNA和c DNA为模板,PCR扩增OhPbs2;利用生物信息学分析该基因的结构域,对该基因和其他真菌的7个同源蛋白序列进行系统进化分析,并利用MEGA6中最大简约法构建系统进化树来进一步分析鉴定该基因;利用同源重组和原生质体转化技术,将OhPbs2转化到缺失Pbs2的橡胶树炭疽菌突变体ΔCgPbs2中;在PDA+1.5 mol·L-1山梨醇的平板上筛选转化子,同时提取转化子的基因组作为模板,用橡胶树白粉病菌OhPbs2的引物对进行PCR鉴定,选择正确的转化子ΔCgPbs2+OhPbs2进行后续表型测定;在不同培养条件下,比较ΔCgPbs2、ΔCgPbs2+OhPbs2和野生型菌株生长状态,并在橡胶树叶片接菌检测3个菌株致病力。【结果】OhPbs2基因序列全长1 927 bp,c DNA序列全长1 860 bp,含有一个内含子,编码一个619个氨基酸的蛋白;生物信息学分析表明该蛋白具有与Cg Pbs2相同的S_TKc功能域,构建系统进化树发现橡胶树白粉病菌Pbs2蛋白与烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)Pbs2蛋白亲缘关系最近,相似度为55%,与橡胶树炭疽病菌的相似度为49%,与粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)、稻瘟菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)、禾谷镰孢(Fusarium graminearum)的Pbs2蛋白具有较近的亲缘关系,相似度分别为54%、53%、53%、50%;ΔCgPbs2+OhPbs2菌株能在PDA+1.5 mol·L-1山梨醇培养基上长出白色菌落,ΔCgPbs2菌株不能生长,并且测序结果显示OhPbs2已成功转入ΔCgPbs2;ΔCgPbs2+OhPbs2在MM培养基上菌落呈白色,气生菌丝较短,不同于wild type菌株。在含有不同浓度Na Cl、山梨醇、SDS、H2O2及咯菌腈的MM培养基上,ΔCgPbs2、ΔCgPbs2+OhPbs2和wild type菌株随着浓度增加,菌落生长速度逐渐降低,OhPbs2不仅能恢复橡胶树炭疽菌菌株耐渗透压尤其耐受山梨醇的能力以及对咯菌腈的敏感性,甚至具有增强的能力,OhPbs2互补改变了橡胶树炭疽病菌颜色,抑制了气生菌丝生长;Cg Pbs2可能参与了橡胶树炭疽病菌致病性,但OhPbs2互补没有恢复其致病性。【结论】OhPbs2可能参与调控病菌的营养生长、氧化应激反应、渗透压响应及细胞壁形成等,并能增强橡胶树炭疽病菌相应功能,但与Cg Pbs2调控病菌致病力的机制可能存在不同。  相似文献   

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