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关于荒溪分类   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阐明了荒溪、泥石流及泥石流荒溪的定义,归纳并分析了某些欧洲国家,苏联,日本及中国百余年来荒溪的分类方法及分类因子,提出了根据主导因子,采用定性与定量相结合的荒溪分类新方法,在分析现有的确定山洪及泥石流运动参数的方法的基础上,作者按照荒溪类型提出了有关参数的应用范围。  相似文献   

<正>一、国内外小流域治理的发展水平及趋势 小流域综合治理,是一门新兴的综合学 科,其理论基础是自然地理学和景观生态学。 与小流域综合治理的相关学科有自然地理学、 地貌学、水文地质学、土壤学、水土保持学、 造林学、森林生态学、植物群落学等。小流域 治理,世界各国都很重视,发展历史较久。大 约500多年以前,奥地利就开始对小流域(荒 溪)进行治理,研究工作已进行了200余年, 创立了荒溪治理的森林工程体系。瑞士、法 国、意大利、西德等国家也相继在十八至十九 世纪开始荒溪治理及其研究,取得了显著成  相似文献   

正6月17日,在世界防治荒漠化日全球纪念活动暨"一带一路"共同行动高级别对话举办期间,中国绿化基金会在北京举办了"防治荒漠化,民间组织在行动——防治荒漠化日全球纪念活动民间组织边会",通过民间组织的交流与了解,促进防治荒漠化多元化机制发展。联合国防治荒  相似文献   

林干琼 《中国林业》2008,(20):50-50
融水苗族自治县位于广西北部,是我国南方的重点林业县之一,盛产杉木、毛竹及各种阔叶树。由于造林灭荒时所选择的造林树种单一,近几年来林业有害生物发生较多,极大地影响了林木的生长和群众的收入。该县林业有害生物防治工作存在一系列亟待解决的问题,必须加大力度,采取切实有效的防治措施,才能确保森林资源安全。  相似文献   

国际公认奥地利林业治山防、抗灾害是成功的。其核心思想是,森林生物措施与措施相结合,进行综合治理。作者着重介绍了奥地利林业治山经费来源、组织实践及其科研系统。Aulitzky教授调查蒂罗尔州9个村庄,通过200多年的数据对比分析,证明森林消失与恢复对荒溪的扩大与缩小有着直接影响。  相似文献   

炎陵县灭荒后发展林业思路康华魁湖南省已获消灭宜林荒山铜奖,而作为全省八个重点林区县之一的炎陵县,灭荒之后面临着林分改造,林副产品和林产工业开发诸多问题。笔者就炎陵县灭荒之后如何发展林业作一初步探讨。灭荒以后发展优质高效林业是一项既复杂又宠大的系统工程...  相似文献   

我院金柏年院长、郑均宝教授在奥地利维也纳农业大学访问期间,与奥方议定,双方可就如下方面进行合作研究:1、森林生态研究:关于森林氮素循环问题;2、应用微生物研究:关于基因转移技术;3、森林保护研究:关于苹果腐烂病及其它;4、森林产量研究:关于数据处理技术;5、荒溪治理研究:(1)水土保持技术,(2)关于小流域综合治理研究;6、气象学研究:(1)林粮间作小气候问题,(2)瓢虫迁飞研究;  相似文献   

本文介绍了山东省齐河县荒闲薄地立地条件下速生品种杨栽培技术,包括品种与苗木选择、整地、栽植、土肥水管理、树干涂白、整形修剪、病虫害防治等。  相似文献   

对哈溪林区内主要森林病虫害发生的特点和原因进行了分析,针对林区森林病虫害发生实际,提出了森林病虫害可持续防治对策,以期为促进祁连山森林病虫害防治提供一定的参考思路。  相似文献   

由省政府提出的三年(2018~2020)实施精准灭荒工程战略,是对习总书记"建设美丽中国"号召的最积极响应和最忠实的践行,必将加快生态立省建设,推进长江经济带生态保护和绿色发展,进一步提升湖北省生态系统质量和稳定性。湖北省精准灭荒工程实用技术是在"鄂西北困难立地造林技术"成果基础上,经吸收整合当前常用的石漠化综合治理技术而成。本文详细地介绍了湖北省精准灭荒工程实用技术所包含的困难立地造林树种选择及苗木处理技术、困难立地林地清理及整地技术,以及多季节造林、覆膜造林、保水剂造林等困难立地主要造林技术等,旨在充分发挥科学技术的先导和支撑作用,以期为湖北省精准灭荒工程提供技术服务。该技术适宜在鄂西北地区及全省生态脆弱地区精准灭荒工程中推广和应用。  相似文献   

The protection of people, buildings and infrastructure against natural hazards is one of the key functions of mountain forests. Since the protective function strongly depends on small-scale local conditions such as terrain and stand characteristics, spatially explicit evaluation methods are necessary to provide information required for an effective and cost-efficient forest management. Risk analyses are recognized as the best method for estimating the danger from various natural hazards. Currently, however, risk-based strategies are rarely addressed in the management of protection forest. We present and discuss a risk-based approach to evaluate the protective effect of mountain forests in a spatially explicit manner to demonstrate the advantages of future risk-based protection forest management. We illustrate the approach by performing a GIS-based risk analysis in the case study area ‘Bannwald of Andermatt’ (Switzerland) for a 300-year snow avalanche event. Classifying forest structures based on aerial photographs allowed developing different forest cover scenarios and modeling potential avalanche release areas within the forest. Potential avalanche release areas above the forest and the avalanche run-out distances under five different scenarios of forest cover were calculated by using a two-dimensional avalanche simulation model. We calculated the annual collective risk for each scenario and compared the change in risk to reveal the spatial distribution of the protective effect of the forest. Resulting risks differed strongly between forest cover change scenarios. An enlargement of an existing wind-disturbed area within lower parts of the slope resulted only in a slight increase of risk. In contrast, the effect of an unforested area in the upper parts of the observed forest more than doubled the risk. These results show how a risk-based approach can help to quantify and illustrate the impact of differences in forest cover on the protective effect of mountain forests. It is a promising approach to determine the economic value of protection forests and thus provide quantitative and qualitative information for cost-efficient forest maintenance planning. With regard to the achievements of research to date, the presented approach may serve as a valuable method to support decision-making in a future protection forest management.  相似文献   

以重庆市巴南区接龙镇为研究对象,在山洪灾害孕灾环境研究基础上,选取孕灾环境、汇流累积量、暴雨强度和河网密度4个指标,构建了山洪灾害危险评价指标体系,通过层次分析法确定指标权重,采用加权综合评价法构建山洪灾害危险评价模型,基于山洪灾害风险度评价技术与G IS技术,计算得到接龙镇山洪灾害危险综合指数,并对接龙镇山洪灾害危险进行综合等级划分绘制出了山洪灾害危险分区图。结果表明:接龙镇山洪灾害危险综合指数值位于8~69之间,全镇主要处于中等危险区,占总面积的80.53%;高危险区和低危险区分别占1.43%和18.04%,未出现极高危险区。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the studies conducted in Japan on the erosion caused by snow cover movement and presents erosion control measures and future visions about forest management in heavy snow regions. Japan is one of the heaviest snowfall countries in the world, more than half of whose land is situated in heavy snow regions. In addition, a large part of this country has steep mountain sites. Because of these geographical features, erosion is frequently caused by snow cover movement on mountain slopes and a lot of research on this phenomenon has been conducted. Snow-induced erosion is generated at forest fire sites, deforestation sites, and plantations by stumps uprooting, pulled-out bushes, and topsoil movement induced by snow cover movement. Due to its occurrence mechanism, the depth of the erosion is very shallow, 60 cm or less. The erosion area ranges from less than 10 m2 to several hectares. In general, the number of small erosions, less than 100 m2, is very large. The geomorphic features that generate snow-induced erosion almost always correspond to those of avalanche slopes. As for geological characteristics, snow-induced erosion is found in the Neogene area or older. The environment surrounding the snow-induced erosion sites is very harsh, so development of reforestation technology is still in the trial-and-error stage. In order to prevent additional devastation in heavy snow regions, clarification of slope erosive phenomenon from the aspect of slope stability under the snow cover, and progress in the research for establishment of diverse management of forest are required. Recipient of the Japanese Forestry Society Award 1998.  相似文献   

陈建斌  陈开伟 《四川林业科技》2011,32(4):126-128,112
本文系统调查了安宁河流域西昌段主要支流的现状,分析了主要支流的分布特征和自然灾害形成的原因,提出了在流域源头地区重点提高森林覆被率、中游地段提高森林水源涵养功能、下游地段工程治理与生物治理结合的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

森林水文研究综述   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文介绍了国内外森林水文研究简史。通过对森林调节降水、森林涵养水源作用、森林调控洪枯流量、森林防止土壤侵蚀以及森林净化水质等多方面功能的现有研究资料的归纳分析 ,概述了国内外森林水文研究的现状、水平及部分成果。指出了我国森林水文研究的不足、差距以及解决对策  相似文献   

Avalanche disturbances are important processes in many subalpine forest ecosystems but have received relatively little research attention in comparison to other major types of disturbances. This paper presents a review of interactions between forests and snow avalanches in mountain ecosystems and discusses how avalanche disturbance regimes and associated management may change in the future. Avalanche disturbance regimes are two-way interactions in which forest structure and composition affect avalanches and avalanches, in turn, affect structure and composition.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a research project studying policy instruments for natural hazards protection in Austria. It discusses two theoretical approaches concerning instruments for political control: policy analysis and systems theory. Because of the stronger empirical basis, policy analysis was applied as the theoretical framework of the study. The findings are discussed for explaining the three essential instruments which are presented in this paper: the regulation of protective forests (ban forests) as a regulatory instrument, a subsidy programme for the restoration of mountain forests as an economic instrument, and the restoration plan for mountain forests as an informational instrument. According to liberal principles, the regulations allocate the costs for mountain forest management to the forest owners and to the beneficiaries of the protective effects of the forest. To avoid conflicts, however, these regulations are not implemented. The forest authority chooses subsidies for the restoration of mountain forests instead. Planning instruments are rather used for legitimizing the subsidies than for rational planning. The evaluation shows that policies can be explained in a better way by the institutional setting and the interests and values of political actors than by the formal characteristics of policy instruments. Three major conclusions are drawn for the analyses of policy instruments: (a) in practical application, the informal functions of policy instruments are more important than their formal characteristics; (b) policy instruments must not be analysed separately as they are not applied independently from each other; (c) in policy research a typology of policy instruments is useful as a model of reference but must not be mistaken for either an explanatory or a normative concept.  相似文献   

山区综合治理开发与持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要论述了国外山区流域治理的概况。发达国家山区流域治理的目标是以防治泥石流、山洪等山地灾害为主。发展中国家山区流域治理的目标是在有限的土地上解决山区居民的温饱问题。作者根据我国的实情,提出了我国山区综合治理开发应以县为操作单元及实现社会、经济和环境可持续发展的基本思路。  相似文献   

奥地利危险区区划的方法和原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危险区区划是自然灾害管理及其防治的一种有效工具和途径.奥地利是世界上最早以法津形式确定实施危险区区划的国家,迄今已有20多年的历史.通过介绍奥地利危险区区划的意义、内容和方法,以期为我国开展山地灾害防治提供借鉴资料.  相似文献   

Mountain forest management is, and has always been, multipurpose-oriented. It should provide for private goods, such as timber, as well as public goods, such as protection against natural forces. This paper investigates private, state and common property regimes in terms of theoretical managerial performance, since empirical studies are scarcely available. Private property rights are sufficient for the production of private goods, whereas public goods have to be safeguarded by state intervention. The performance of state property regimes depends on objectives set by society and their implementation by public officials. Whereas state intervention in private and public property regimes in mountain forests is a necessary condition for multipurpose forest management, common property regimes would be less dependent on it. Usually, the rights holders of common property regimes use mountain forests for the production of both private and public goods. One can conclude that common property regimes are promising for the multipurpose management of mountain forests. In practice, however, common forest property regimes in Switzerland and Austria have become very dependent on public support. Research is recommended in order to investigate into the underlying reasons.  相似文献   

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