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土壤剖面的反射光谱研究   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
徐彬彬 《土壤》2000,32(6):281-287
研究表明,土壤反射光谱包含有丰富的土壤信息,可从中获取有机质含量、氧化铁含量、质地、主导粘土矿物类型等多种有用信息。本文以不同地区的土壤剖面为例,解读它们的反射光谱,以获得土壤形成特征的某些信息,为在土壤研究中进一步应用反射光谱提供有益的探索。  相似文献   


Gensburg Markham Prairie (GMP), a high-quality tallgrass prairie and wetland in the Chicago area, is surrounded by high-traffic highways and residential communities. Anthropogenic inputs are a concern given observed ecosystem degradation around the periphery of the prairie. To understand soil quality and the potential for habitat degradation in GMP, we evaluated concentrations of metals and phosphorus in soil profiles, identified possible sources of contamination, and assessed the likelihood that contamination would impact the prairie ecosystem.

Materials and methods

We collected 15 intact soil cores (to a depth of 120 cm) and 22 surface soil samples (0–10-cm depth), determined the soil type, and measured pH, organic matter, and concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe, K, Ca, and P using ICP-OES. To quantify soil pollution, we calculated the element enrichment factor (EF) and single element pollution index (SEPI) for each sample. We also used principal component analysis (PCA) to interpret relationships between site variables, elemental concentrations, and sources of metals.

Results and discussion

Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Zn) and P were found to accumulate in surface samples. The mean EF values for Pb, Cu, Zn, and P revealed significant enrichment of these elements in the soil profiles. However, SEPI analyses indicate that GMP soils have a low level of contamination. PCA revealed that concentrations are highest for samples with high organic matter content near the ground surface and that Pb, Cu, and Zn have common sources of pollution.


We observed enrichment of Pb, Cu, Zn, and P because of deposition from the urban built environment, but the enrichment levels are low enough that they are not expected to negatively impact the ecosystem of GMP. The detailed soil chemistry data constitute a spatial contamination map that can be used to assess potential long-term impacts on the ecosystem, such as reduction of plant growth and species diversity, and inform site management and biodiversity conservation efforts.


土壤垂向分层和均匀处理下水分差异的数值探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现有众多的陆面过程模型中,对土壤水分的定量描述一般是假设垂向分布均匀,取表层土壤质地来表示整个垂向土壤质地。垂向分层和均匀处理下的土壤水分是存在差异的,这种差异有多大目前少有研究。设置3组不同饱和导水率组合的层状土壤代表不同区域的非均匀土壤,取3组层状土壤的上层土壤代表整个均匀土壤,通过建立一维土壤水分运动模型分析这种差异,同时分析饱和导水率、饱和含水量、残余含水率、孔隙大小分布参数和形状参数对层状土壤和均匀土壤的渗透量和储水量差异的敏感性,探讨垂向层状和均匀处理下土壤水分运动的差异。研究结果表明:1)建立的一维土壤水分运动模型模拟的土壤水分剖面与Yeh解析解和室内五水转化试验的土壤水分剖面一致,表明模型无论是考虑还是不考虑根系吸水都具有可靠性。2)采用垂向均匀方式处理,上下层饱和导水率相差越大的层状土壤,各水文变量的差异越大。当层状土壤上下层饱和导水率相差1.5倍时,层状土壤和均匀土壤的水分分布差别小于0.05 cm~3×cm~(-3);而当层状土壤上下层饱和导水率相差达3.3倍时,层状土壤和均匀土壤的水分分布差别达0.15 cm~3×cm~(-3),渗漏量相差20 cm以上,储水量相差5 cm左右。3)相对于层状土壤下层,均匀土壤下层的持水能力更差,水流速度更快,导致下层水分分布减小,渗漏量增加,储水量减小。4)形状参数n对渗透量的敏感性最强,土壤孔隙大小分布参数对储水量的敏感性最强,形状参数n其次。在实际应用中,如果一个区域的土壤上下层饱和导水率相差较大,那么垂向均匀处理可能会导致很大的误差,和实际土壤的水分分布相差很大,这会严重影响土壤水分的准确估计,在实际处理中需要认真考虑。  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) in arctic and boreal soils is the largest terrestrial reservoir of carbon. Increased SOM mineralisation under increased temperature has the potential to induce a massive release of CO2. Precise parameterisation of the response of arctic soils to increased temperatures is therefore crucial for correctly simulating our future climate. Here, we investigated the temperature response of SOM mineralisation in eight arctic soil profiles of Norway, Svalbard and Russia. Samples were collected at two depths from both mineral and organic soils, which were affected or not by permafrost and were incubated for 91 days at 4, 8, 12, and 16 °C. Temperature response was investigated through two parameters derived from a simple exponential model: the intensity of mineralisation, α, and the temperature sensitivity, Q10. For each sample, SOM quality was investigated by 13C-NMR, whereas bacterial and fungal community structure was characterised by T-RFLP and ARISA fingerprints, respectively. When estimated from the whole incubation period, α proved to be higher in deep permafrost samples than in shallow active layer ones due to the presence transient flushes of mineralisation in deep permafrost affected soils. At the end of the incubation period, after mineralization flushes had passed, neither α nor Q10 (averaging 1.28 ± 0.07) seemed to be affected by soil type (organic vs mineral soil), site, depth or permafrost. SOM composition and microbial community structure on the contrary where affected by site and soil type. Our results suggest that deep samples of permafrost affected soil contain a small pool of fast cycling carbon, which is quickly depleted after thawing. Once the mineralization flush had passed, the temperature response of permafrost affected soil proved to be relatively homogenous among sample types, suggesting that the use of a single temperature sensitivity parameter in land surface models for SOM decomposition in permafrost-affected soils is justified.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2011,47(3):390-397
Aggregation is important for soil functioning, providing physical protection of organic matter and microbial inhabitants. Tillage disrupts aggregates, increases wind and water erosion of soils and exposes formerly protected organic matter to decomposition and losses. Microbial biomass and community dynamics in dry-sieved aggregate-size classes from long-term no-till (NT) and conventionally tilled (CT) soils were examined using phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA). Bacterial, fungal, and total biomass were up to 32% greater in NT compared to CT aggregates. Aggregate size also affected microbial biomass, which was highest in the 1–2 mm size class. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were particularly affected by tillage disturbance with increases of 40–60% among aggregate-size classes in NT vs. CT, but glomalin related soil protein concentration was not different between tillage treatments or among aggregate-size classes. Bacterial stress biomarkers were higher in CT than NT aggregates but were not significantly correlated with total C, total N or C:N ratio, indicating that the physiological status of bacteria within aggregates was not simply governed by the quantity of available resources. Ordination analysis of PLFA profiles demonstrated a shift in microbial community structure between NT and CT aggregates, correlated with AMF abundance in NT aggregates and increased bacterial stress biomarkers in CT aggregates. Our results demonstrated greater microbial biomass and altered microbial community structure in NT vs. CT aggregates. This work demonstrates that tillage management influences microbial community structure within aggregates and may provide a potential explanation for differences in process rates observed in NT vs. CT soils. Further research into the processes that govern community structure in aggregates from NT and tilled soils is needed to better understand how the interaction of microorganisms with their physical environment affects nutrient turnover and availability.  相似文献   

The analysis of spatial sequences of genetic horizons as elementary constituents of soil profiles in relation to the factors of soil formation makes it possible to draw several new conclusions about the geneses and geography of soils in the north of the Russian and West Siberian plains. An important role in the spatial diversity of automorphic soils of these territories belongs to the texture of the parent materials and to the stratification of the latter within the soil profiles. The study of spatial soil sequences with due respect for the character of the parent materials suggests that the popular notion about the ideal bioclimatic zonality of the soils within these vast plains should be refined. It is shown that this notion is grounded in the phenomenon of good agreement between the bioclimatic zonality and the sedimentation zonality (or, according to I.A. Sokolov, the striated pattern of different types of sediments) in the studied territory. In turn, the sedimentation zonality was shaped by the directed movements of Quaternary glaciers over the plains from the north, northwest, or northeast.  相似文献   

以新疆奇台县绿洲不同耕种时间土壤含盐量为研究对象,运用聚类分析与相关分析法对其含盐量变化规律、盐分剖面类型及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:在荒地转化成人类熟作的农田(5 a以上)过程中,土壤剖面盐分特征变化依次为表聚型、均匀型、震荡型和底聚型。未耕地土壤含盐量高,是典型的盐渍土,且表层聚集现象明显,含盐量在表层(0~20 cm)占整个剖面的34.31%。耕种5 a、10 a的土壤,多为底聚型盐分剖面。随耕种时间加长,土壤各层含盐量的活跃程度变化依次为活跃层、次活跃层和较稳定层;土壤含盐量与有机质含量的关系由极显著正相关转变为极显著负相关,而与土壤pH的关系变化则相反。有耕作活动的土壤盐渍化发生了逆向演替,耕种10 a土壤平均含盐量仅为未耕地的20.90%,脱盐速度随着时间的增加而减小,由早期(0~3 a)的1.56 g kg-1a-1,下降为后期(5~10 a)的0.04 g kg-1a-1。  相似文献   

Two theories about the nature of phosphate in soil are current. One holds that soil phosphate is mostly present as particles of iron, aluminium and calcium phosphates: the precipitate-particulate theory. The other holds that phosphate is mostly adsorbed and penetrates heterogeneous, variable-charge particles: the adsorption-penetration theory. This is the only theory that is consistent with and can be deduced from observations. It is my contention that the persistence of the precipitate-particulate theory leads to: wasted research effort in trying to identify the supposed phosphate fractions; failure to recognize the long-term changes in soil phosphate due to repeated applications, and thus to over-fertilisation; and misapprehension about the effects of pH on phosphate availability.  相似文献   

“The union of mineral and organic matter to form the organo-mineral complex is a synthesis as vital to the continuance of life as, and less understood than, photosynthesis.”(JACKS) (1).  相似文献   

不同利用方式的苏打盐渍土剖面盐分组成及分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过野外调查、采样和室内分析,研究了松嫩平原不同利用方式的苏打盐渍土剖面形态特征及可溶盐含量与组成在土壤剖面中的变化。结果表明,土壤的利用方式不同,土壤剖面腐殖质层厚度、耕层和腐殖质层的有机质含量等有明显差异。在围栏草原、旱田、新水田及老水田4个剖面中,土壤可溶盐总量、pH与ESP均是在剖面中部最高,上部和下部较低;可溶盐组成均以K++Na+和HCO 3-、CO23-为主。表明草原围栏、旱田及水田利用均有抑制苏打盐分表聚的作用。放牧草原剖面的可溶盐含量自下向上逐渐增多,盐分表聚非常显著。开垦20余年的水田剖面中,表层土壤的可溶盐总量、pH和ESP值分别降至0.21%、7.56和9.1%,表明苏打盐碱地种稻较草原和旱田利用更有利于土壤脱盐脱碱。  相似文献   

Time domain reflectometry (TDR) trace analysis aims at extracting the water content profile along TDR probes. This can be done by applying a TDR forward solver inversely. Thus, TDR‐trace inversion is basically an optimization problem. As in any optimization procedure, it is worthwhile to include as much a priori information as possible about the problem to be solved. In this study, we discuss the feasibility to use the apparent electrical conductivity as constraint for the TDR inversion. The resistors‐in‐parallel circuit can be used to integrate a multislice soil model to obtain the apparent electrical conductivity. We apply additionally Archie's law to link the water content of a particular slice with its electrical conductivity. We compare the results from this approach with measured TDR traces and show that the problem is solved exactly. Finally, we address the thin‐layer issue because thin layers with a high permittivity contrast result in a delay of the run time of an electromagnetic pulse. We test numerically whether a similar behavior can be observed for a thin layered electrical conductivity profile. Our results show that the thickness of the soil layer with respect to electrical conductivity has no effect on the apparent electrical conductivity. We conclude that the apparent electrical conductivity is appropriate as boundary condition in TDR inversion as long as a procedure is known to convert the water content of a slice to its electrical conductivity  相似文献   

Results of calculations of steady state capillary rise are presented for one-layered and multi-layered soil profiles ranging from coarse sand to heavy clay. The effect of the considered hydraulic conductivity function on the calculated height of capillary rise is shown by using four different methods of describing the relation for the same uniform sand profile. The methods include: power and exponential functions; a table of data derived from only the saturated conductivity and the soil moisture retention curve; a modified Brooks and Corey method calculating the coefficients from soil texture and organic matter content, including hysteresis; approximation of the data in the table by three power functions. A practical application of the steady state calculations is computing the groundwater table depth that yields the optimum production for a soil profile covered by grass.  相似文献   

Pedotransfer functions are classes of models used to estimate soil water holding characteristics based on commonly measured soil composition data as well as other soil characteristics. These models are important on their own but are particularly useful in modeling agricultural crop yields where only soil composition is known. In this article, an additive, multivariate spatial process model is introduced that offers the flexibility to capture the complex structure typical of the relationship between soil composition and water holding characteristics, thus defining a new form of pedotransfer function. Further, the uncertainty in the soil water characteristics is quantified in a manner to simulate ensembles of soil water profiles. Using this capability, a small study is conducted with the CERES maize crop model to examine the sources of variation in the yields of maize. Here it is shown that the interannual variability of weather is a more significant source of variation in crop yield than the uncertainty in the pedotransfer function for two specific soil textures.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken from the profiles of a gray forest soil (under a forest) and southern chernozems of different textures under meadow vegetation. The microbial biomass (MB) was determined by the method of substrate-induced respiration; the basal respiration (BR) and the population density of microorganisms on nutrient media of different composition were also determined in the samples. The microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2 = BR/MB) and the portion of microbial carbon (C mic) in C org were calculated. The MB and BR values were shown to decrease down the soil profiles. About 57% of the total MB in the entire soil profile was concentrated in the layer of 0–24 cm of the gray forest soil. The MB in the C horizon of chernozems was approximately two times lower than the MB in the A horizon of these soils. The correlation was found between the MB and the C org (r = 0.99) and between the MB and the clay content (r = 0.89) in the profile of the gray forest soil. The C mic/C org ratio in the gray forest soil and in the chernozems comprised 2.3–6.6 and 1.2–9.6%, respectively. The qCO2 value increased with the depth. The microbial community in the lower layers of the gray forest soil was dominated (88–96%) by oligotrophic microorganisms (grown on soil agar); in the upper 5 cm, these microorganisms comprised only 50% of the total amount of microorganisms grown on three media.  相似文献   

General ideas concerning the formation of light-colored acid eluvial horizons in soil profiles are considered. In Russia, the current concept is related to the polygenetic origin of these horizons due to processes of acid hydrolysis, lessivage, and gley. Based on the original and literature data summarized by the author, the conclusion was drawn that the acid hydrolysis cannot provide the reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) under aerobic conditions or its further transfer to the soil solution. Lessivage, which governs the formation of light-colored acid eluvial horizons, is not an obligatory factor, as its features are often absent in the profile of these soils. Under conditions of a stagnant-percolative water regime, gley may be considered to be the only process responsible for the eluviation of Fe, Mn, and Al and removal of iron hydroxide and iron oxide coatings from mineral grains, resulting in an increase in the relative Si content and the appearance of a whitish color. This factor is the only cause for the formation of light-colored eluvial (podzolic) horizons. Therefore, they are monogenetic in origin.  相似文献   

In cultivated soils, total soil N, organic C and C-to-N ratios were in the range of 0.24–0.49%, 3.1–5.8% and 10.7–15.0, respectively in the surface horizons and decreased with depth. Native fixed NH+4-N accounted for 2.3–3.0% of total soil N in surface horizons but while the quantities of fixed NH+4-N decreased with depth, the proportion to total soil N increased. Exchangeable NH+4-N ranged from 15 to 32 and NO?3-N from 26 to 73 μg g?1 soil in surface horizons, and both decreased with depth. Exchangeable-N accounted for 1.1–2.4% of total soil N. Over 97% of total soil N was organically bound.Of the total soil N in the surface horizons, 29.0–79.0% was acid hydrolysable and 21.0–71.0% was nonhydrolysable. The range of proportions of each of hydrolysable NH+4-N, hexosamine-N, serine plus threonine α-amino acid-N, identified-N, and unidentified-N to total soil N in the surface horizons were 14.5–22.4, 4.8–9.2, 0.2–5.8, 4.0–16.7, 23.3–48.8, and 0.3–41.5%, respectively. Hydrolysable NH+4-N constituted the largest proportion of the identified-N fraction. Distribution patterns of the organic-N fractions in the profiles varied from soil to soil. Sixteen amino acids were identified which accounted for 82–100% of the α-amino acid-N fraction in the soils; glycine and alanine alone accounted for 35–40%. All the organic-N fractions were transformed to varying degree during aerobic incubation.  相似文献   

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