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Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii, deforms by a combination of shallow dike intrusions in the rift zones and earthquakes along the base of the volcano, but it is not known how the spreading is accommodated in the lower part of the volcanic edifice. We present evidence from interferometric synthetic aperture radar data for secular inflation of a dike-like magma body at intermediate depth in the southwest rift zone during 2002 to 2005. Magma accumulation occurred in a section of the rift zone that was unclamped by previous dikes and earthquakes, suggesting that stress transfer plays an important role in controlling subsurface magma accumulation.  相似文献   

A complex pattern of mantle flow in the Lau backarc   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shear-wave splitting analysis of local events recorded on land and on the ocean floor in the Tonga arc and Lau backarc indicate a complex pattern of azimuthal anisotropy that cannot be explained by mantle flow coupled to the downgoing plate. These observations suggest that the direction of mantle flow rotates from convergence-parallel in the Fiji plateau to north-south beneath the Lau basin and arc-parallel beneath the Tonga arc. These results correlate with helium isotopes that map mantle flow of the Samoan plume into the Lau basin through an opening tear in the Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Water in the deep upper mantle can influence the properties of seismic discontinuities in the mantle transition zone. Observations of converted seismic waves provide evidence of a 20- to 35-kilometer-thick discontinuity near a depth of 410 kilometers, most likely explained by as much as 700 parts per million of water by weight.  相似文献   

Submarine thermal sprirngs on the galapagos rift   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The submarine hydrothermal activity on and near the Galápagos Rift has been explored with the aid of the deep submersible Alvin. Analyses of water samples from hydrothermal vents reveal that hydrothermal activity provides significant or dominant sources and sinks for several components of seawater; studies of conductive and convective heat transfer suggest that two-thirds of the heat lost from new oceanic lithosphere at the Galápagos Rift in the first million years may be vented from thermal springs, predominantly along the axial ridge within the rift valley. The vent areas are populated by animal communities. They appear to utilize chemosynthesis by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria to derive their entire energy supply from reactions between the seawater and the rocks at high temperatures, rather than photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide-rich fluid bubbles, containing approximately 86 percent CO(2), 3 percent H(2)S, and 11 percent residual gas (CH(4) + H(2)), were observed to emerge from the sea floor at 1335- to 1550-m depth in the JADE hydrothermal field, mid-Okinawa Trough. Upon contact with seawater at 3.8 degrees C, gas hydrate immediately formed on the surface of the bubbles and these hydrates coalesced to form pipes standing on the sediments. Chemical composition and carbon, sulfur, and helium isotopic ratios indicate that the CO(2)-rich fluid was derived from the same magmatic source as dissolved gases in 320 degrees C hydrothermal solution emitted from a nearby black smoker chimney. The CO(2)-rich fluid phase may be separated by subsurface boiling of hydrothermal solutions or by leaching of CO(2)-rich fluid inclusion during posteruption interaction between pore water and volcanogenic sediments.  相似文献   

Secular variation of iron isotopes in north atlantic deep water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A high-precision iron isotope time series for a ferromanganese crust demonstrates that the iron isotope composition in North Atlantic Deep Water has changed substantially over the past 6 million years and that iron isotope variations in the crust are closely correlated to those of lead isotopes. The close correlation between the two isotope series indicates that the observed iron isotope variations predominantly reflect those of iron input from terrigenous sources and provides no evidence for biologically induced mass fractionation within North Atlantic Deep Water.  相似文献   

Stable and radioactive isotope studies of ancient corals and mollusks from a fossil atoll in the Afar Rift indicate that final separation of the Afar Depression from the Red Sea occurred not earlier than 32,000 years ago. Desiccation followed within a few thousand years. The events recorded in the Afar Rift illustrate the processes occurring in the incipient stages leading to the formation of an oceanic body by rifting of a continental block.  相似文献   

A series of originally submarine volcanoes has been found in the Afar Depression. Some of the volcanic structures are morphologically similar to oceanic guyots. One of them consists of strata of finely fragmented and pulverized basaltic glass. The fragmentation of the lava is probably the result of stream explosions taking place during the submarine eruption. The flat top of this guyot is considered to be a constructional feature; by analogy, it is suggested that not all oceanic guyots are necessarily the result of wave truncation of former volcanic islands.  相似文献   

Many times more solar heat energy accumulates in the vast volume of warm tropic seas than that produced by all of our power plants. The looming energy crisis causes a renewal of interest in utilizing this stored solar heat to give, in addition to electric power, vast quantities of fresh water. Warm surface water, when evaporated, generates steam, to power a turbine, then fresh water when the steam is condensed by the cold water. A great increase in revenues over that from power and fresh water is shown by a substantial mariculture pilot plant. Deep sea water contains large quantities of nutrients. These feed algae which feed shellfish, ultimately shrimps and lobsters, in shallow ponds. Wastes grow seaweed of value; and combined revenues from desalination, power generation, and mariculture will give substantial profit.  相似文献   

Bipedality, the definitive characteristic of the earliest hominids, has been regarded as an adaptive response to a transition from forested to more-open habitats in East Africa sometime between 12 million and 5 million years ago. Analyses of the stable carbon isotopic composition (delta(13)C) of paleosol carbonate and organic matter from the Tugen Hills succession in Kenya indicate that a heterogeneous environment with a mix of C3 and C4 plants has persisted for the last 15.5 million years. Open grasslands at no time dominated this portion of the rift valley. The observed delta(13)C values offer no evidence for a shift from more-closed C3 environments to C4 grassland habitats. If hominids evolved in East Africa during the Late Miocene, they did so in an ecologically diverse setting.  相似文献   

Marked increases in interstitial salinity occur in two drill holes located in the Gulf of Mexico at a water depth of more than 3500 meters. The increases probably arose through diffusion of salt from buried evaporites. In one hole, however, brackish water was encountered on penetrating the oil-permeated cap rock of a salt dome. The phenomenon is attributed to production of fresh water during oxidation of petroleum hydrocarbons and decomposition of gypsum to form native sulfur.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic induction sensors, such as EM38, are used widely for monitoring and mapping soil attributes via the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of the soil. The sensor response is the depth-integrated combination of the depth-response function of the EM38 and ‘local’ electrical conductivity (ECaz) at depth. In deep, Vertosol soils, assuming the instrument depth-response function is not perturbed by the soil and where volumetric moisture content at depth (θv(z)) dominates ECaz, EM38 should be capable of predicting average moisture content without recourse to mathematically complicated, and unstable profile inversion processes. Firstly a multi-height EM38 experiment was conducted over deep Vertosol soils to confirm the veracity of the EM38 depth-response function and test the concomitant hypothesis of the EM38 response being an integrated (i.e. additive) combination of depth-response function and θv(z). Secondly, depth profiles of moisture content were used to calibrate the EM38 to infer average θv(z) within the ‘root-zone’ of crop plants—here taken to be surface—0.8 m and surface—1.2 m. EM38 calibration was performed using soil samples acquired from both extracted cores and excavated pits. Mathematical summation of measured θv(z) from sectioned cores and the known depth-response function of the EM38 was found to explain 99% and 97% of the variance in measured ECa for horizontal and vertical dipole configurations at multiple sensor heights above the ground. Average θv from surface to 0.8 m () and surface to 1.2 m () explained only 37% and 46% of the variance in on-ground ECa for vertical dipole configuration measurements compared to 55% and 56% of the variance for horizontal dipole configuration. In a separate validation experiment, the shape of the vertical moisture profile proved highly influential in determining the ability of the calibration equations to infer underlying average moisture content, especially where the depth profile shapes differed between sensor calibration and subsequent field validation (for example following rainfall or irrigation).  相似文献   

A new high-resolution radar image of Beta Regio, a Venus highland area, confirms the presence of a major tectonic rift system and associated volcanic activity. The lack of identifiable impact craters, together with the apparent superposition of the Theia Mons volcanic structure on the rift system, suggest that at least some of the volcanic activity occurred in relatively recent geologic time. The presence of topographically similar highland areas elsewhere on Venus (Aphrodite Terra, Dali Chasma, and Diana Chasma) suggests that rifting and volcanism are significant processes on Venus.  相似文献   

大棚反季蔬菜深沟养水栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1大棚反季蔬菜深沟养水技术原理和意义 1.1大棚反季蔬菜深沟养水技术原理 在温热地区大棚秋延后、冬早蔬菜生产的栽培管理中,有以下3组矛盾对蔬菜产量和品质的影响较大。  相似文献   

An outstanding climate anomaly 8200 years before the present (B.P.) in the North Atlantic is commonly postulated to be the result of weakened overturning circulation triggered by a freshwater outburst. New stable isotopic and sedimentological records from a northwest Atlantic sediment core reveal that the most prominent Holocene anomaly in bottom-water chemistry and flow speed in the deep limb of the Atlantic overturning circulation begins at approximately 8.38 thousand years B.P., coeval with the catastrophic drainage of Lake Agassiz. The influence of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water was strongly reduced at our site for approximately 100 years after the outburst, confirming the ocean's sensitivity to freshwater forcing. The similarities between the timing and duration of the pronounced deep circulation changes and regional climate anomalies support a causal link.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that hydrogen produced from basalt-ground-water interactions may serve as an energy source that supports the existence of microorganisms in the deep subsurface on Earth and possibly on other planets. However, experiments demonstrated that hydrogen is not produced from basalt at an environmentally relevant, alkaline pH. Small amounts of hydrogen were produced at a lower pH in laboratory incubations, but even this hydrogen production was transitory. Furthermore, geochemical considerations suggest that previously reported rates of hydrogen production cannot be sustained over geologically significant time frames. These findings indicate that hydrogen production from basalt-ground-water interactions may not support microbial metabolism in the subsurface.  相似文献   

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