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米氏凯伦藻对海洋生物致毒作用的研究进展 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
近年来,米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)已成为我国海域主要的有毒赤潮藻。仅2012年在我国浙江和福建海域就连续爆发了12起米氏凯伦藻赤潮,造成大量养殖鲍死亡,经济损失超过20亿元人民币。本研究通过收集国内、外最新报道,探讨了米氏凯伦藻赤潮对各类海洋生物,主要包括海洋浮游动物、贝类、鱼类以及哺乳类毒性作用的研究进展。研究发现,溶血毒素是米氏凯伦藻赤潮引发海洋生物大量死亡的主要原因;直接接触活的米氏凯伦藻细胞是导致浮游动物死亡的主要途径;米氏凯伦藻产生的溶血毒素和鱼毒素,可溶解鱼类的鳃组织,从而造成鱼类死亡。然而,关于米氏凯伦藻产生的溶血毒素是否会在贝类体内累积、在贝类体内的迁移和转化规律、米氏凯伦藻赤潮对鲍鱼死亡的致死途径与致死机制、溶血毒素在生物链传递过程中是否会发生改变、这些毒素对人类健康的影响机制与综合作用等问题还不了解,这些问题亟待深入的研究。米氏凯伦藻溶血毒素的研究报道还处于起步阶段,毒素以何种方式导致红细胞破裂、不同红细胞膜上组分的差异和毒素的溶血活性是否存在对应关系等问题也都需要开展进一步的研究。 相似文献
海洋生物资源的开发将为人类提供丰富的食物、营养保健品、及医药原料等;我国沿海城市经济的发展,必然会促进海洋开发事业,实施海洋农牧化计划。面对新世纪的来临,迎头赶上先进国家的海洋开发水准,应加快多方面研究。摸清经济品种的自然生态规律,有步骤地进行区域开发,重视工程技术的改进和提高,建立完善的渔业管理法规,制定有效的经济政策,并积极参与国际海洋资源的开发和相关学科的研究。 相似文献
海水中痕量金属元素对海洋生物作用研究的进展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文简述了欧美科学家关于全球气候变化对海洋生物多样性影响的最新研究成果。研究表明:地球极地海域的许多海洋生物将面临日益严重的生存危机而濒临灭绝,赤道地区的海洋生物则大规模迁移,外来物种入侵和传统渔场的偏移,将会对全球海洋渔业产生重大影响。 相似文献
主要从海洋生物资源开发利用过度,渔业资源衰退;水产养殖面临发展瓶颈;水产加工业基础薄弱、规模小、技术落后;沿海生态环境不断恶化,水质污染严重;海洋生物科技研发力量相对落后;海洋生物资源有关的管理体制有待完善等六个方面对广东海洋生物资源开发与保护存在的问题进行了全面的分析。 相似文献
海洋生物中抗氧化酶的研究进展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
自由基是带有不成对电子的原子、分子、离子或原子团,许多外源因素如紫外辐射、环境毒物、高温、低氧等胁迫均会刺激细胞产生大量自由基,从而引起细胞的过氧化损伤。为了避免自由基引起的细胞损伤,防止氧化压力造成机体的疾病及死亡,海洋动物自身形成了一个有效的抗氧化防御系统,包括由超氧化歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化酶(GPx)、硫氧还蛋白(TRx)与硫氧还蛋白过氧化酶(TPx)、过氧化物酶(POD)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GST)等组成的抗氧化酶系统以及非抗氧化酶系统。本文主要阐述抗氧化酶的来源、分布与分类,理化性质以及海洋生物中抗氧化酶的研究进展,为其应用前景提供理论依据。 相似文献
人类活动对海洋生物多样性的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
地球表面70%被水覆盖,其中绝大部分是海水。海洋是地球生物圈的一个重要组成部分,哺育着种类繁多的海洋生物。海洋生物作为可再生资源为人类提供大量的食品、药品和工业原料,并且对维护整个地球生物圈的生态平衡起着至关重要的作用。人类的生存和发展与海洋生态系统的平衡和稳定有着密切的联系,而海洋生态系统平衡稳定的基础是海洋生物的多样性。海洋为人类生存提供了丰富的资源,为人类社会经济可持续发展创造了优越的自然条件,然而,人们在向海洋索取的同时,又自觉不自觉地破坏了海洋环境。目前海洋作为一个巨大的生态系统,正承受着一场… 相似文献
Armando García-Ortega 《Fish physiology and biochemistry》2009,35(1):69-80
The spotted rose snapper (Lutjanus guttatus) and bullseye puffer (Sphoeroides annulatus) are fish species from the tropical Eastern Pacific for which controlled production of larvae and juveniles has been accomplished
in recent years. Diverse topics relating to their biology and aquaculture production are currently under study, in particular
the nutrition and feeding aspects required to formulate practical feeds and rearing protocols. Improvements in larval growth
and survival are possible by feeding live food organisms with natural or enhanced essential fatty acids content and highly
digestible artificial microdiets. The ontogeny of the digestive tract and the expression and activity of digestive enzymes
have been described for S. annulatus larvae. The effect of various protein and lipid levels on growth and feed utilization has been studied in juvenile and on-growing
fish. Both species have carnivorous feeding habits and require high levels of protein in their diets, from 40% to 45% (dry
weight) in spotted rose snapper and above 50% in bullseye puffer, with the younger stages requiring the highest protein levels.
Encouraging results have been obtained in feeding experiments with different sources of dietary protein from animal and plant
origin to evaluate their suitability as feed ingredients in practical diets. Optimization of fish culture practices through
feeding management has also been investigated. Trials with various fish densities and feeding frequencies in intensive culture
systems are providing information to improve feed utilization and growth in on-growing fish. Further research is underway
to evaluate factors in broodstock nutrition which have an impact on egg and larval quality, and into the use of various commercially
available oil sources in on-growing diets. In this paper, the results on nutrition and feeding research with both species
are reviewed and research needs to support their commercial production in the region are discussed. 相似文献
为探究溶壁酶对水产动物水霉病的预防和治疗效果,以同丝水霉(Saprolegnia monoica)为研究对象,溶壁酶设0、5、10、20、40、80 mg/m L共计6个浓度处理组,取浓度为103个/m L的水霉孢子菌悬液0.1 m L,涂布于不同溶壁酶浓度的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(PDA)上,25℃培养5 d,以最低抑菌浓度为判定指标,研究溶壁酶溶解同丝水霉孢子的抑菌活性;在此基础上,以溶壁酶最低抑菌浓度30℃分别水浴2 h和4 h处理同丝水霉菌丝块,PDA培养基上25℃培养5 d,通过用体外抑菌试验、菌丝显微结构观察等方法,研究溶壁酶最低抑菌浓度对同丝水霉菌丝的抑菌活性,为进一步开发水产动物抗真菌(替代孔雀石绿)药物提供科学依据。结果显示,溶壁酶对同丝水霉孢子的最低抑菌浓度为20 mg/m L,通过间隔添加溶壁酶该浓度,72 h能够有效抑制同丝水霉菌丝的生长;溶壁酶30℃水浴处理同丝水霉菌丝块的时间(2 h和4 h)与溶壁酶溶解菌丝效果呈正相关。 相似文献
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a pathogenic and threatening virus in shrimp culture for which there is no effective control strategy. Finding antiviral lead compounds for the development of anti-WSSV drugs is urgent and necessary; in this study, esculin from 12 monomeric compounds exhibited an excellent anti-WSSV activity. The results showed that esculin increased the survival rate of WSSV-infected shrimps by 59% and reduced the virus copy number in vivo over 90% at 100 μM. In the pre-treatment and post-treatment experiments, esculin could prevent and treat WSSV infection. Compared with the control group, the virus copy number decreased by 30% after 6 h of esculin pre-incubation with WSSV particles and inhibited horizontal transmission of WSSV to a certain extent. Considering that the antiviral activity of esculin was stable in the aquacultural water for 2 days, we evaluated the dosing pattern of continuous medication changes. Obviously, the survival rate of WSSV-infected shrimps was 0% at 108 h when no esculin exchange was made, while at 120 h the survival rate was over 40% at continuous medicine changes. In addition, esculin significantly increased the expression of antimicrobial peptides and thus improved the ability of shrimp to resist WSSV. Overall, our findings suggest that esculin has the potential to be developed into an anti-WSSV medicine. 相似文献