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Bisby FA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5488):2309-2312
The massive development of biodiversity-related information systems on the Internet has created much that appears exciting but chaotic, a diversity to match biodiversity itself. This richness and the arrays of new sources are counterbalanced by the maddening difficulty in knowing what is where, or of comparing like with like. But quietly, behind the first waves of exuberance, biologists and computer scientists have started to pull together in a rising tide of coherence and organization. The fledgling field of biodiversity informatics looks set to deliver major advances that could turn the Internet into a giant global biodiversity information system.  相似文献   

目的研究集雨补灌条件下,春马铃薯—夏蚕豆复种(薯豆复种)+豆秆还田对土壤养分变化及细菌群落结构的影响。方法以薯豆复种+豆秆还田、马铃薯种后空闲以及马铃薯连作土壤为研究对象,测定土壤理化性质;采用Illumina NovaSeq PE250对土壤细菌16S V3~V4区域进行高通量测序。结果与常规栽培模式相比,集雨补灌条件下,春作马铃薯提前75~76 d出苗,提前43~74 d收获,避开了晚疫病危害,滇薯23、滇薯47和青薯9号的产量分别增加28 953.0、8 571.0和28 570.5 kg/hm2。与马铃薯连作相比,薯豆复种+豆秆还田的土壤pH值增加0.17,有机质含量增加0.35%,全氮含量增加0.02%,有效氮含量增加43.6 mg/kg,有效钾含量增加51.5 mg/kg。与马铃薯种后空闲相比,薯豆复种+豆秆还田的土壤pH值增加0.14,有机质含量增加0.33%,全氮含量增加0.02%,全磷含量增加0.02%,有效氮含量增加39.8 mg/kg。薯豆复种+豆秆还田模式下,土壤中放线菌门、芽单胞菌门和鞘氨醇单胞菌属相对丰度高于马铃薯种后空闲模式和连作模式,但连作模式下土壤酸杆菌门丰度更高。相关性分析表明:土壤pH以及全磷和全钾含量是驱动细菌门丰度变化的主要环境因子。结论薯豆复种+豆秆还田可提高土壤肥力、减缓土壤酸化、增加土壤有益细菌门和属的相对丰度,而马铃薯连作会降低土壤pH和减少有益细菌;集雨补灌春作马铃薯收后复种夏蚕豆可增加复种指数,提高土地利用效率,改善土壤营养状况和细菌群落结构,减轻马铃薯连作障碍。  相似文献   

Increasingly, it is accepted wisdom for agricultural scientists to get feedback from indigenous peoples—peasants—about new improved seeds and biotechnologies before their official release from the experiment station. What is not yet accepted wisdom is the importance of cognitive science to research on farmer decision making, especially of the type Why don't they adopt. In this paper, the impact of the cognitive revolution on models of farmer decision making is described, and decision making models before and after the cognitive revolution are contrasted. An example of a decision model after the cognitive revolution is given by the Malawi farmer's decision whether to use chemical fertilizers or organic fertilizers or both. Results of testing the model show that in Malawi, smallholders' lack of capital and credit are more important factors constraining use of chemical fertilizers than are indigenous beliefs in organic fertilizers or fears of a future dependency on chemicals.Christina H. Gladwin is Associate Professor in the Food and Resource Economics Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Her research interests include the cognitive relationship between norms, plans, and decision processes and large-scale shifts in norms and choice. The research for this paper was initiated while she was a Rockefeller post-doc assigned to the International Fertilizer Development Center.  相似文献   

根据野外调查和对相关文献及标本的研究,就江苏省野生种子植物现有的种类组成、特有属种及国家重点保护物种作简要介绍.江苏省共分布有野生种子植物150科、773属、1 970种,优势现象明显,共有20个特有属和88个特有种,分布有国家重点保护野生植物13种,其中种子植物11种.并就江苏省国家重点保护野生植物提出保护建议,为当地野生种子植物资源的保护和可持续利用提供参考.  相似文献   

Beyond predictions: biodiversity conservation in a changing climate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Climate change is predicted to become a major threat to biodiversity in the 21st century, but accurate predictions and effective solutions have proved difficult to formulate. Alarming predictions have come from a rather narrow methodological base, but a new, integrated science of climate-change biodiversity assessment is emerging, based on multiple sources and approaches. Drawing on evidence from paleoecological observations, recent phenological and microevolutionary responses, experiments, and computational models, we review the insights that different approaches bring to anticipating and managing the biodiversity consequences of climate change, including the extent of species' natural resilience. We introduce a framework that uses information from different sources to identify vulnerability and to support the design of conservation responses. Although much of the information reviewed is on species, our framework and conclusions are also applicable to ecosystems, habitats, ecological communities, and genetic diversity, whether terrestrial, marine, or fresh water.  相似文献   

以一台渔船用海水制冰装置的设计为依据,从冷负荷计算、蒸发器设计、脱冰方式及自控方案等方面分析和探讨了渔船用海水制冰装置的设计思路,为渔船用海水制冰装置的设计及改进提供参考。  相似文献   

Data about biodiversity are either scattered in many databases or reside on paper or other media not amenable to interactive searching. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is a framework for facilitating the digitization of biodiversity data and for making interoperable an as-yet-unknown number of biodiversity databases that are distributed around the globe. In concert with other existing efforts, GBIF will catalyze the completion of a Catalog of the Names of Known Organisms and will develop search engines to mine the vast quantities of biodiversity data. It will be an outstanding tool for scientists, natural resource managers, and policy-makers.  相似文献   

Due to a typographical error in the 15 June issue of Science (column 1, fourth line from the bottom, page 1152), the dates of the Mexican Revolution were incorrectly given as 1910-1970; the correct dates are 1910-1917. In the 21 June issue (column 1, paragraph 1, page 1263), the number of technicians and engineers Mexico intends to send abroad for training this year was given as 200; the correct number is 2000.  相似文献   

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