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In a histological survey of 244 tumerous growths from 155 horses, the tumours commonly found were fibromas, squamous cell carcinomas, sarcoids and papillomas, most frequently affecting the skin, external genitalia, eye and orbit. The histological features that differentiate fibroblastic citaneous growths are detailed so that the clinical behaviour of these distinct neoplasms can be studied.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathological aspects of two cases of C-cell (parafollicular cell) tumours of the thyroid are described. Both the horse and the pony presented with a paralaryngeal mass and a history of constant gulping. Ultrastructural examination of the tumours demonstrated that they were composed of C-cells containing typical, membrane-bound secretory granules. The pony is alive and well three years after surgery and the horse has raced successfully following removal of the tumour.  相似文献   

A retrospective serological survey of African horse sickness (AHS) in Botswana covering a 10-year period (1995-2004) is reported. The survey involved horses showing clinical symptoms of the disease; the horses had not been vaccinated against AHS. Over the period surveyed, serological evidence suggestive of infection with AHS virus (AHSV) was found in 99 clinical cases out of which 41.4% (41/99) cases were found during the 1st half (1995-1999) and 58.6 % (58/99) cases were found in the 2nd half of the survey period (2000-2004). These serological findings are discussed in relation to AHSV serotypes isolated from diseased horses in Botswana before and during the period of this serological survey.  相似文献   

Periocular tumours are a relatively common problem in the horse, and present some unique challenges. Radiotherapy has long been considered the ‘gold standard’ for the treatment of periocular tumours in the horse, and there are various techniques of delivering this treatment. Although teletherapy and plesiotherapy are occasionally used, the most commonly used technique is interstitial brachytherapy. Low-dose rate interstitial brachytherapy has reported success rates of between 74 and 100% for the treatment of periocular sarcoids, and other tumours can also be successfully treated using this technique. There are significant disadvantages to the low-dose rate brachytherapy approach, and recently, a technique using high-dose rate brachytherapy has been described with a reported success rate of 100% for periocular sarcoid treatment. Electronic brachytherapy is a technique which may provide an alternative to high-dose rate brachytherapy, but its use for the treatment of periocular tumours has not been reported, and the requirement for general anaesthesia is a significant disadvantage.  相似文献   

The records of 200 colic episodes, collected prospectively, over a two year period, from first opinion cases, were analysed and compared with a control sample selected at random from the same population. Analysis by colic type revealed 72% spasmodic/undiagnosed; 7% surgical; 5.5% flatulent; 5% pelvic flexure impactions; 9.5% other implications and 1% colitis. A possible predisposing cause was identified in 43% of the spasmodic/undiagnosed cases. The total incidence of colic in each age group showed no statistically significant differences from the control population. Stallions were significantly under represented in the colic population. When compared with the control sample the number of spasmodic/undiagnosed colic cases in the 5-10-year-old group and the number of surgical colics in the over 15-year-old group were significantly greater than expected. No statistically significant correlation was found when the seasonal incidence of colic was compared with monthly temperature, change in monthly temperature, monthly rainfall, and rainfall weighted for temperature.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The present survey evaluated the use of prohibited substances cases in the first 2 years of medication regulation in horseracing in Iran so that the impact of these regulations on the level of positive cases over the period could be assessed. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of positive tests for prohibited substances in horse races during 2 years of a drugs testing programme in Iran. Methods: A total of 656 horses that were winners or second in races were tested during the 2 year study. In the first year 354 horses (209 males and 145 females) and in the second year 302 horses (155 males and 147 females) were tested. In the 2 years, 306 were found to be positive. Urine samples were taken from candidate horses and sent to the Central Doping Laboratory. Blood samples were taken from those horses where a urine sample could not be taken within one hour. Detection and measurement of prohibited substances were carried out by ELISA, GC and HPLC using standard methods. Results: Thirty‐two percent of males were positive for prohibited substances, which was not significantly different from the percentage of females (25.5%). In the second year, of the 302 horses tested for prohibited substances, 33.5% of males were positive, again similar to females (33.3%). Almost 83% of horses tested positive for prohibited substances once in the first year, 15% tested positive twice and 2% tested positive 3 times. In the second year 78% tested positive once, 15% tested positive twice and 7% tested positive 3 times. Morphine was the most used prohibited substance and was detected 42 times during the survey, followed by caffeine and phenylbutazone. Morphine was also the most used drug in combination with other drugs in both years. Conclusions: Morphine and caffeine were the most popular prohibited substances found in the measurements. As these substances were found in the environment and food stuffs, their presence in the samples may be due to unintentional feeding of contaminated materials (bread, hay and chocolate).  相似文献   

Schirmer I tear tests were conducted on 14 horses. The test was performed before and after IV administration of xylazine hydrochloride, during maintenance anesthesia with halothane in oxygen, and 3 hours after discontinuation of anesthesia. Xylazine hydrochloride did not decrease tear production from the mean base-line value of 23.94 +/- 5.23 mm/min after its IV administration. Tear production was decreased to mean values of 15.57 +/- 4.29 mm/min at 30 minutes and 13.84 +/- 4.25 mm/min at 60 minutes during the maintenance of halothane anesthesia. Three hours after anesthesia was discontinued, tear production returned to a mean value of 22.58 +/- 4.12 mm/min.  相似文献   

A Dutch Warmblood, with no other underlying clinical disease, presented for surgical excision of a sarcoid tumour on the distal right pinna under general anaesthesia. At the end of the procedure, immediately before being moved to recovery, the horse became light and made repeated attempts to move whilst attached to the hoist. Anaesthesia was deepened with intravenous thiopental sodium (Thiopentone)1 and the horse was moved into the recovery room. The trachea was extubated with the cuff of the endotracheal tube inadvertently left partially inflated. Recovery was smooth and the horse stood uneventfully. The following day subcutaneous emphysema was noted along the neck and tracheoscopy revealed an abnormal dorsoventrally flattened trachea and a 5 cm tear in the dorsal aspect of the trachea. Symptomatic treatment resulted in progressive healing of the lesion and the horse recovered fully with no evidence of respiratory complications.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Of 200 canine haemangiopericytomas examined, most were slow-growing, lobulated tumours which occurred principally in dogs between 6 and 14 years of age. Haemangiopericytomas were found more often in females (69 per cent) and in two sites, the forelegs (26 per cent) and thighs (26 per cent). The next most common locations were the chest (11 per cent) and shoulders (8 per cent). Compared to the normal canine population, the haemangiopericytoma is more prevalent in Boxer dogs, German Shepherd dogs, Cocker and Springer Spaniels. Résumé— —Parmi 200 hemangiopéricytomes examinés chez le chien, la plupart sont des tumeurs lobuées à croissance lente, qui apparaissent chez des animaux âgés de 6 à 14 ans. Les hémangio-péricytomes sont rencontrés plussouvent chez les femelles (69 p. 100) et selondeux localisations: sur les pattes postérieures (26 p. 100) et sur les cuisses (26 p. 100). Ensuite, les leiux d'élection les plus communs sont la poitrine (11 p. 100) et les épaules (8 p. 100). Compte-tenu de la répartition des races dans la population canine, l'hémangiopericytome est plus fréquent chez les boxers, les bergers allemands. les cockers et les épagneuls. Zusammenfassung— —200 Hämangioperizytome von Hunden wurden untersucht. Die mcisten erwiesen sich als lobuläre Tumoren von langsamer Wachtumsgeschwindigkeit, die hauptäschlich bei Hunden im Alter zwischen 6 und 14 Jahren gefunden wurden. Hämangioperizytome wurden mit größerer Häufigkeit bei Hündinncn (69 Prozent) und in 2 Körperteilen, dem Vorderbein (26 Prozent) und dem Oberschenkel (26 Prozent), gesehen. Die beiden nächsthäufigen Vorkommensorte waren die Brust (11 Prozent) und die Schultern (8 Prozent). Im Verhältnis zur normalen Hundebe-völkerung erscheint sin Hämangioperizytom mit größerer Frequenz bei Boxern, Deutschen Schäfer-hunden, Cocker- und Springerspanieln.  相似文献   

Six canine, one feline and one equine granular cell tumours (GCTs) were investigated electron microscopically and immunohistochemically. The tumours were tested for reactivity with monoclonal antibodies against vimentin and desmin and with polyclonal antibodies against cytokeratin, S-100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neuron specific enolase (NSE). All GCTs were characterized by their PAS positive cytoplasmic granules in light microscopy, which in electron microscopy appeared as lysosome-like granules. In each case two canine GCTs were stained by the antibody against cytokeratin, vimentin and S-100 protein. Cells of the equine GCT showed reactivity with the antiserum against S-100 protein. In the feline GCT no reactivity with any of the antibodies tested was observed. These differences of the immunohistochemical reactions of GCTs suggest a nonuniform histogenesis of GCTs in domestic animals. The reactivity of the tumour cells with the antiserum against NSE is discussed.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium equi was cultured from manure or soil on five horse-breeding farms in Ontario at monthly intervals on three occasions during the summer of 1982. The organism was widespread. Contamination by C. equi of the loafing paddock and pasture areas was significantly greater in a farm established 30 years than in two established for four and six years and there was a significant correlation between the C. equi burden in stables, paddocks and pastures and the length of use of the five farms for horses. In all farms, numbers of C. equi in pasture soil exceeded numbers in fresh manure, suggesting that environmental multiplication of the organism might occur. A farm with an endemic C. equi pneumonia problem differed significantly from the other four farms, where disease was not endemic, in the larger number of C. equi isolated in the stable area. By contrast the farm with a C. equi pasture soil burden significantly heavier than on all other farms had no deaths due to C. equi pneumonia. There was a correlation (r = 0.78, p = 0.061) between the number of cases of C. equi pneumonia on the farms and numbers of C. equi in the area of the stables, but not on the paddocks or pastures. About two-thirds of randomly chosen isolates from the farms belonged to the three capsular serotypes most commonly found in pneumonic foals.  相似文献   

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