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农抗120对水稻纹枯病菌抗生活性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用平板培养法测定农抗120对水稻纹桔菌的抗生试验结果,表明农抗120对水稻纹枯病菌的抗生作用为抑制菌丝生长,使菌丝畸变。菌丝顶端产生不正常的分枝,分枝与主轴成直角,菌丝先端扭曲变形,不形成菌核。农抗120对纹枯菌的抑制生长最低浓度为12.5μg/ml,抑制纹枯菌核形成的最低浓度为100μg/ml,可推迟形成菌核,有效地控制水稻纹枯病流行和扩展。  相似文献   

由中国农科院生防室研究成功的农抗120,经过多年来在全国20多个省市示范推广应用,已取得了很大成绩。最近,全国植保总站和中国农科院生防室在西安市联合召开了全国农抗120示范推广应用交流会议。 会议总结出:农抗120是当前防治作物白粉病的最佳药剂之一,全国推广面积已达40万亩,防治效果均在90%以上。农抗120也是当前防治西瓜、蔬菜上炭疽病的良好生物农药。  相似文献   

多年来,农抗120以2%、4%水剂这2种剂型大规模推广应用,取得了良好的经济、生态和社会效益。但这2种剂型有效成分含量偏低,应用时稀释倍数偏小,不太适合我国农民的用药习惯,因此,陕西绿盾生物制品有限公司对农抗120高含量新剂型进行了研究和开发,成功地开发出了10%农抗120可湿性  相似文献   

1987年11月初,中国农科院生防室与湖北、江苏的生物农药厂在成都市联合召开了“1987年农抗120全国示范推广总结会议”。经过与会代表的充分交流和讨论,进一步确认:农抗120是目前防治瓜果、蔬菜炭疽病的最有效药剂之一(相当于或优于常用化学农药的水平)。1987年在陕西、浙江等地的瓜、菜田,有30%的面积应用农抗120防治病害,效果稳定在60~85%,增产20~25%;对西瓜枯萎病的防效达72~98%,经济效益显著。1987年陕西省应用农抗120防治西瓜病害9.6万亩,生产“无公害”西瓜8亿多斤,增产1.44亿斤,增值1296万元,比化学农药节省防治投资17.28万元(亩按1.8元计),合计净增经济效益  相似文献   

通过近5年的大量田间试验和20万公顷作物上的防治实践,作者认为农抗120对枯萎病的主要抑菌机理是通过植物体的吸收,在体内产生尚未知的生理生化过程,显著提高植物的抗病和免疫能力。因此,在农抗120应用中应贯彻防重于治的原则。作者对防治瓜、菜枯萎病提出了一套浸种,苗床处理,移栽浇穴,苗期灌根等技术措施,并对施药时机和用药量等因素与防治效果的关系做了详细讨论。文章对农抗120防治其它作物叶部病害及果树腐烂病试验、示范及技术要点也做了说明。还讨论了农抗120使用中应注意的事项。  相似文献   

1987~1989年进行了农抗120与常用化学杀菌剂防治西瓜枯萎病的药效对比,及不同使用期农抗120的防病效果试验,结果表明,全省多点用300倍农抗120,施药2次,防治西瓜枯萎病的效果平均为83.91±11.86%,比常用化学杀菌剂高23~43%,农抗120的防效与施药时期关系密切,两次灌根时间都应在发病之前,第一次施药时间:直播西瓜在4~5片真叶期,移栽西瓜在苗床期,右,据河南省120个县市,11万亩西瓜的防治示范结果,隔7~10天,进行第二次施药,病株率已控制在0~8%左平均防效为70~95%,每亩挽回西瓜损失200~400公斤。  相似文献   

1989—1990年在河南省8个县市对农抗120防治小麦白粉病进行了田间试验。结果表明:在4月上中旬,小麦白粉病发生的病株率达15~20%,病叶率10%左右时,应用100ppm农抗120喷雾防治2次,防效达70~85%。防病效果与防治时间、喷药次数和发病程度关系密切。施药越晚,效果越差。农抗120的防治效果优于多菌灵等常用化学药剂,在发病初期喷药2次,防治效果与施用粉锈宁相近,可作为粉锈宁紧缺情况下的首选替补药物。但在病害大流行时施用,作用缓慢,效果较差。  相似文献   

农抗120是中国农科院生防室研制的一种新的农用抗生素。在全国植保总站制订的“北方片无公害蔬菜生产规范化措施”中,农抗120列为防治白粉病的首用药剂。 农抗120的产生菌系链霉菌属,刺孢吸水链霉菌的一个变种,定名为刺孢吸水链霉菌北京变种(ftreptomyces hygrospinosus var.beijingesis)。其作用机制是直接阻障病原菌蛋白质的合成,导致病原菌死亡。经多年室内及大面积防治试验表明:农抗12抗菌谱广,防治瓜、果、蔬菜、花卉、烟草、小麦等白粉病;瓜、果、菜发疽病;西瓜、蔬菜枯萎病;水  相似文献   

草甘膦水剂分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言关于草甘膦(glyphosate)的分析方法,国内外报道有高效液相色谱法、亚硝化紫外分光光度法、络合滴定法、亚硝化滴定法、柱层析比色法。目前我国生产草甘膦水剂的厂家,主要采用络合滴定法和亚硝化紫外分光光度法,个别采用亚硝化滴定法和柱层析分光光度法。这些方法受产品中的杂质、添加剂等干扰,使得测定结果偏高,不能反映草甘膦水剂的真实含量,难以科学地指导生产,也无法控制产品质量。  相似文献   

本文测定了农抗120中组份A’对水稻纹枯病菌、棉花立枯病菌、棉花枯萎病菌和苹果树腐烂病菌的抑菌活性。结果表明:农抗120A’对水稻纹枯病菌和棉花立枯病菌有强烈的抑制作用,其最低抑菌浓度均为0.25μg/mL,24/小时抑菌率达50%的抑菌浓度分别为1.0μg/mL和2.5μg/mL,且抑菌强度与120A’浓度成正比。120A’对水稻纹枯病菌和棉花立枯病菌的影响在形态上表现不同,受抑制的棉花立枯病菌可见明显的菌丝顶端消解,原生质体溢出现象,而受抑制的水稻纹枯病菌则表现为菌丝长度的明显变短。农抗120A’对棉花枯萎病菌和苹果树腐烂病菌的抑制较弱,但20μg/mL亦可使抑菌率达20%以上。  相似文献   

Small unmanned aerial systems (UAS) with cameras have not been adopted in weed research, but offer low‐cost sensing with high flexibility in terms of spatial resolution. A small rotary‐wing UAS was tested as part of a search for an inexpensive, user‐friendly and reliable aircraft for practical applications in UAS imagery weed research. In two experiments with post‐emergence weed harrowing in barley, the crop resistance parameter, which reflects the crop response to harrowing, was unaffected by image capture altitude in the range from 1 to 50 m. This corresponded to image spatial resolution in the range from 0.3 to 17.1 mm per pixel. This finding is important because spatial resolution is inversely related to sensing capacity. We captured 20 plots comprising a total of about 0.2 ha in one image at 50 m altitude without losing information about the cultivation impacts on vegetation compared with ground truth data. UAS imagery also gave excellent results in logarithmic sprayer experiments in oilseed rape, where we captured 37 m long plots in each image from an altitude of 35 m. Furthermore, perennial weeds could be mapped from UAS images. These first experiences with a small rotary‐wing UAS show that it is relatively easy to integrate as a tool in weed research and offers great potential for site‐specific weed management.  相似文献   

Mapping weed densities within crops has conventionally been achieved either by detailed ecological monitoring or by field walking, both of which are time‐consuming and expensive. Recent advances have resulted in increased interest in using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS ) to map fields, aiming to reduce labour costs and increase the spatial extent of coverage. However, adoption of this technology ideally requires that mapping can be undertaken automatically and without the need for extensive ground‐truthing. This approach has not been validated at large scale using UAS ‐derived imagery in combination with extensive ground‐truth data. We tested the capability of UAS for mapping a grass weed, Alopecurus myosuroides , in wheat crops. We addressed two questions: (i) can imagery accurately measure densities of weeds within fields and (ii) can aerial imagery of a field be used to estimate the densities of weeds based on statistical models developed in other locations? We recorded aerial imagery from 26 fields using a UAS . Images were generated using both RGB and Rmod (Rmod 670–750 nm) spectral bands. Ground‐truth data on weed densities were collected simultaneously with the aerial imagery. We combined these data to produce statistical models that (i) correlated ground‐truth weed densities with image intensity and (ii) forecast weed densities in other fields. We show that weed densities correlated with image intensity, particularly Rmod image data. However, results were mixed in terms of out of sample prediction from field‐to‐field. We highlight the difficulties with transferring models and we discuss the challenges for automated weed mapping using UAS technology.  相似文献   

Nicarbazin is being investigated as an infertility agent for the control of non-migratory Canada geese (Branta canadensis L) populations. Nicarbazin is presently registered for use as a coccidiostat for poultry. Geese fed sufficient quantities of nicarbazin will lay non-viable eggs. We established nicarbazin consumption by measuring the concentration of a component of the formulation, 4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide (DNC) in the egg contents (yolk, albumin) in non-viable eggs. To estimate the nicarbazin consumption of birds that laid viable eggs (eggs that hatched or contained an embryo), a high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed to measure the concentration of DNC in egg shells. A statistically significant correlation was established using linear regression between the mean concentrations of DNC in the egg shell and in the egg contents in non-viable eggs. Viable eggs were estimated to contain lower levels of DNC than non-viable eggs. DNC concentrations in both the egg contents and the egg shell increased with increases in nicarbazin dose in feed. Our method allows for the estimation of nicarbazin consumption and DNC dose in eggs under field conditions, which is important in developing an effective infertility agent for over-abundant non-migratory goose populations.  相似文献   

植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾技术应用与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近十年来,我国植保无人飞机迅猛发展,应用的农作物范围越来越广,不仅在水稻、小麦、玉米等主要粮食作物得到了应用,在橡胶、槟榔等高大植株的病虫害防治中更有其独特优势,已经初步形成了我国植保无人飞机低空低容量喷雾的喷头配置、配套药剂、飞防助剂、作业参数等技术体系,对于重要农作物病虫害如稻纵卷叶螟、水稻纹枯病、小麦蚜虫、玉米黏虫等防治效果均在80%以上,在各地病虫害防控中发挥了重要作用。但是,植保无人飞机喷雾作业过程中,还存在炸机或失控、雾滴飘移药害、药液分层结块、防治效果不稳定等问题。通过汇总分析植保无人飞机在重要病虫草害防治工作的成功经验和安全事故,本文提出植保无人飞机低容量喷雾技术将会得到更广泛的应用,植保无人飞机专用药剂和配套助剂、变量施药、多传感器数据融合、多机协同、精准施药、施药标准和规范等都将得到长足的发展,为现代农业和智慧农业发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

天津郊区农田降雨径流重金属的污染特征及来源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
降雨条件下形成的农田径流是土壤与水体间物质交换的一种重要形式,是农业非点源污染的重要组成部分.2007-2008年,在强降雨条件下,定点采集了天津市郊农田降雨径流样品64个,并对其重金属含量进行了分析测定.结果显示:研究区农田降雨径流中Cr、Ni、Cd、Zn等4项重金属含量服从对数正态分布,Cu、As、Pb为偏态分布....  相似文献   

Grain samples of 15 naturally contaminated barley cultivars, collected after harvest in southeastern Poland, were analysed for occurrence of Fusarium trichothecenes and zearalenone (ZEA). Barley kernels were contaminated with the following toxic metabolites: deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-AcDON), nivalenol (NIV), HT-2 toxin (HT-2), T-2 toxin (T-2), diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), T-2 tetraol and ZEA. Significant correlations between concentrations of individual toxins and the dominant Fusarium species were found. Moreover, significant differences in toxin concentrations between cultivars were detected. Distribution of these mycotoxins was studied in two fractions of kernels (diameter > 2.5 mm and < 2.5 mm). A two-factor analysis of variance revealed significant differences between the two fractions, and between the analysed cultivars. Most of the interactions between fractions and cultivars were also significant. The highest concentration of the analysed toxins was in the fraction of small kernels. Kernel fraction <2.5 mm, although accounting for only 12.8% of sample weight, contained high proportions of the total toxin content: 80% of DON, 94% of NIV, 85% of ZEA, 83% of T-2 tetraol, 80% of DAS, 68% of HT-2 toxin and 81% of T-2 toxin. The results indicate that the level of contamination with Fusarium trichothecenes and ZEA, can be reduced by rejection of small kernels.  相似文献   

宁夏不同类型盐渍化土壤水溶盐含量与其电导率的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
根据宁夏盐渍化土壤的分布区域,采集了不同类型盐渍化土壤样品(0~20 cm)141个,测定了土壤浸提液电导率与水溶性盐含量及其盐分组成,系统研究了残渣烘干法土壤水溶盐含量与电导率之间的关系。结果如下:(1)土壤水溶性盐分离子阳离子以钠离子含量最高,镁、钙离子含量次之,阴离子以氯离子含量最高,硫酸根离子含量次之;(2)从阴离子组成来看,供试土壤以硫酸盐-氯化物型、氯化物-硫酸盐型和硫酸盐型为主,从阳离子组成来看,以镁钙盐型、钙镁盐型和钠盐型为主;(3)从5种函数模式中筛选出土壤浸提液电导率与其残渣烘干法水溶盐含量之间的最优回归关系,当不区分土壤盐分类型时,可采用二次式(通式)y=0.1609x2+2.9176x-0.0141求解土壤含盐量;当已知土壤盐分类型时,有针对性地选用不同盐分类型最优回归式计算;(4)提出了电导率法测定土壤水溶盐含量校正为残渣烘干法水溶盐含量的关系式。  相似文献   

部分中国栽培稻资源对稻瘟病的抗性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以苗期16个稻瘟病生理小种的抗谱测定以及成株期叶瘟、穗颈瘟鉴定结果为依据,分析了75份中国栽培稻稻瘟病抗性资源的抗瘟性。结果显示,不同抗性品种的抗谱以及对成株期叶瘟和穗颈瘟的抗性反应差异较大。相关分析表明,苗期抗谱测定结果与成株期叶瘟抗性显著相关,而与穗颈瘟,以及叶瘟与穗颈瘟间相关不显著。根据聚类分析结果,抗性资源可分成9个类群,其中以第6类群包含品种最多,抗谱最广(81.3%~100%),并高抗A、B、E、G群生理小种和抗穗颈瘟,可作为水稻稻瘟病抗性育种优先利用的种质资源。  相似文献   

为优化生防菌非致病性尖孢镰刀菌菌株FJAT-9290的固体发酵培养基配方,以农业副产物——微生物发酵床养猪垫料和麸皮作为基础培养基,采用单因素试验考察麦粒、蔗糖和硝酸钠对菌株产孢量的影响,通过Box-Benhnken试验设计和响应面分析法,建立以产孢量为响应值的多元二次回归模型,确定菌株固体发酵的最优培养基配方。结果表明,建立的模型差异极显著(P0.0001),可以用该模型来拟合试验。菌株FJAT-9290在垫料和麸皮质量比17:3的基础培养基上,其他成分的最佳添加量分别为麦粒39.14%、蔗糖2.97%和硝酸钠0.30%,采用该优化组合的菌株平均产孢量可达2.48×10~8孢子/g。响应面结果也表明,各因素对产孢量的影响结果排序为麦粒蔗糖硝酸钠,其中蔗糖和硝酸钠两因素的交互作用最显著。  相似文献   

Penetration of bean (Vicia faba var. Maris Bead) foliage by asulam was found to be affected differently by different surfactants. Some anionic and non-ionic surfactants brought about a significant increase compared with the aqueous control, others were similar to the aqueous control and one caused a significant reduction. High humidity increased asulam uptake and the effect was still further enhanced in the presence of Tween 20. High humidity was also found to influence asulam penetration in the presence of glycerol. With urea, uptake was greater under high humidity conditions and in the presence of Tween 20. A similar enhancement of penetration was found with potassium ethyl xanthate at lower concentrations (0–0.20%) in the presence of Tween 20. On the other hand, reduced uptake resulted at higher concentrations (0.40–1.00%). Tributyl phosphate brought about an increase in penetration at concentrations greater than 0.75%. However, both potassium ethyl xanthate and tributyl phosphate were shown to damage the leaf surface.  相似文献   

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