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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). A large number of AIDS patients show evidence of neurologic involvement, known as AIDS-related subacute encephalopathy, which has been correlated with the presence of HIV in the brain. In this study, two genetically distinct but related viruses were isolated from one patient from two different sources in the central nervous system: brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. Both viruses were found to replicate in peripheral blood lymphocytes, but only virus from brain tissue will efficiently infect macrophage/monocytes. The viruses also differ in their ability to infect a brain glioma explant culture. This infection of the brain-derived cells in vitro is generally nonproductive, and appears to be some form of persistent or latent infection. These results indicate that genetic variation of HIV in vivo may result in altered cell tropisms and possibly implicate strains of HIV with glial cell tropism in the pathogenesis of some neurologic disorders of AIDS.  相似文献   

Although there has been some success in treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients with triple drug therapy (highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART), the best hope for combating AIDS (the disease caused by HIV) could be a combination of drug therapy and vaccination, according to Shen and Siliciano in their Perspective. A new study in rhesus monkeys treated with a DNA vaccine (Barouch et al.) demonstrates that a powerful vaccine-induced CD8(+) cytolytic T cell response reduces the amount of virus in the blood to very low levels preventing the drastic decrease in CD4(+) T helper cells and subsequent immunodeficiency. As the Perspective authors explain, vaccinating HIV patients that are receiving HAART may enable HIV levels to be permanently brought under control such that the drug treatment can eventually be stopped.  相似文献   

Axons: isolation from mammalian central nervous system   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Centrifugation of a homogenate of white matter, in a solution of buffered sucrose containing salt, produces a floating layer of myelinated axons. When these are suspended in hypotonic buffer, the mnyelin swells and strips away from the axon. Axons are then separated from the myelin by centrifugation. The resulting preparation consists of a variable population of processes with lengths up to 200 micrometers and diameters between 0.3 and 5.0 micrometers. The axons contain neurofilaments and mitochondria, although no axolemma or neurotubules are evident. The preparation contains cerebroside and sulfatide, yet is essentially free of myelin.  相似文献   

Experience and plasticity in the central nervous system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Receptors that selectively bind micromolar concentrations of benzodiazepines are present in rat brain membrane. These micromolar receptors exhibit saturable, stereospecific binding, and the potency of benzodiazepine binding to these receptors is correlated with the ability of the benzodiazepines to inhibit maximum electric shock-induced convulsions. Benzodiazepine receptors with nanomolar affinity differ from the micromolar receptors in their binding, kinetic, and pharmacologic characteristics. The micromolar receptors also bind phenytoin, a non-benzodiazepine anticonvulsant. These results provide evidence for a distinct class of clinically relevant benzodiazepine receptors that may regulate neuronal excitability and anticonvulsant activity.  相似文献   

Retrograde axonal transport in the central nervous system   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
When horseradish peroxidase is injected into the optic tectum of a chick, axons of ganglion cells transport it centripetally to their cell bodies in the retina at a rate of about 72 millimeters per day. After intraocular injections in the young chick, the peroxidase is transported centripetally along efferent axons, and is concentrated in cell bodies within the isthmo-optic nucleus. This retrograde movement of protein from axon terminal to cell body suggests a possible mechanism by which neurons respond to their target areas.  相似文献   

This article reviews the electroresponsive properties of single neurons in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). In some of these cells the ionic conductances responsible for their excitability also endow them with autorhythmic electrical oscillatory properties. Chemical or electrical synaptic contacts between these neurons often result in network oscillations. In such networks, autorhythmic neurons may act as true oscillators (as pacemakers) or as resonators (responding preferentially to certain firing frequencies). Oscillations and resonance in the CNS are proposed to have diverse functional roles, such as (i) determining global functional states (for example, sleep-wakefulness or attention), (ii) timing in motor coordination, and (iii) specifying connectivity during development. Also, oscillation, especially in the thalamo-cortical circuits, may be related to certain neurological and psychiatric disorders. This review proposes that the autorhythmic electrical properties of central neurons and their connectivity form the basis for an intrinsic functional coordinate system that provides internal context to sensory input.  相似文献   

Transneuronal transfer of radioactivity in the central nervous system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
After injection of tritiated amino acid into the mouse eye, radioactivity appeared in the contralateral visual cortex, indicating that some material had been transferred from optic axons to lateral geniculate neurons. The radioactivity in the cortex was about 2 percent of that arriving in the geniculate, and most of it was contained in material that appeared to be protein.  相似文献   

Formation of a Schiff base between the ethylamine residue of serotonin and an appropriate carbonyl residue at the receptor site may be among the forces holding serotonin onto the receptor. Reduction of this imine may provide a means of permanently labeling receptors as a preliminary to their isolation.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of multiple peripheral nerves, elicited "H" reflexes in a patient, 61 years old, with botulism. These reflexes are extremely suggestive of some central release or failure of inhibitory control of a monosynaptic or polysynaptic spinal reflex arc. This "central" action of botulinus toxin is similar to that suggested for tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a potent mitogen with hormonal activity in the gastrointestinal tract. Material cross-reacting with EGF was detected in the central nervous system of the developing and adult albino rat by the indirect immunofluorescence technique. High concentrations of EGF-cross-reacting material were identified in forebrain and midbrain structures of pallidal areas of the brain. These include the globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, entopeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata, and the islands of Calleja . Thus, EGF may represent another gut-brain peptide with potential neurotransmitter-neuromodulator functions in pallidal structures of the extrapyramidal motor systems of the brain.  相似文献   

Habituation and dishabituation in the absence of a central nervous system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Habituation and dishabituation have been observed in a semi-intact Aplysia preparation in which the central nervous system is removed. The amplitude of withdrawal responses in the gill decreases in proportion to the rate of water drops applied (one drop per 0.5 minute to one drop per 2.5 minutes at 15 degrees C). The effects of habituation last for at least 2 hours. A dishabituated response is elicited by stopping the water drops or electrically stimulating the preparation. Furthermore, the gill contains nerve cell bodies, and habituation and dishabituation appear to be properties of these peripheral neurons.  相似文献   

The origin, termination, and length of axonal growth after focal central nervous system injury was examined in adult rats by means of a new experimental model. When peripheral nerve segments were used as "bridges" between the medulla and spinal cord, axons from neurons at both these levels grew approximately 30 millimeters. The regenerative potential of these central neurons seems to be expressed when the central nervous system glial environment is changed to that of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone was microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus of ground squirrels (Citellus lateralis) when they were at different levels of arousal, as assessed by electrophysiological and behavioral criteria. When administered to the awake animal, thyrotropin-releasing hormone produced dose-dependent decreases in body temperature accompanied by behavioral quieting and reductions in metabolic rate and electromyographic activity. The magnitude of these effects was greater when the peptide was microinjected during a period of behavioral activation. In contrast, administration of the peptide during slow wave sleep produced increased thermogenesis, an increase in electromyographic activity, and an increase in the amount of electroencephalographic desynchronization.  相似文献   

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