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Comment on Butterworth, Cubitt, and McKinley (2008)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Culture media formulation for Arthrospira maxima (formerly designated as Spirulina maxima) production is a constraining factor. Use of synthetic media could be expensive because most of the commercial strains require salinity conditions higher than 20 g/L. In this study, a traditional, pre‐Hispanic mineral resource, known as “tequesquite,” was used as the base for the formulation of an alternative and low‐cost culture medium. Tequesquite is available from outcrop areas located in the basin of the former Lake Texcoco, where A. maxima thrived in pre‐Hispanic times. The effect on the biomass production of different tequesquite‐based formulations, varying N, P, and , was tested and compared with results obtained with Zarrouk's medium (ZM). Growth of biomass in some alternative formulations showed no significant differences compared with ZM. Production in a bubble‐column photobioreactor of the alternative medium reached a maximum of X = 2570.4 mg/L dry weight, compared with X = 2931.4 mg/L dry weight obtained with ZM. The proposed tequesquite‐medium formulation has equivalent N and P concentrations as ZM, but only 50% of NaHCO3, thus reducing the medium's cost. In addition, it avoids the use of seawater or NaCl to provide the salinity condition required for the adequate growth of Arthrospira.  相似文献   

The efficacies of formalin, potassium permanganate, sodium chloride, and copper sulfate as prophylactic treatments for saprolegniosis (“winter kill”) in channel caffish Icralums puncratus were evaluated. Formalin and copper sulfate were also evaluated as postinfective treatments for the disease. Each of the five experiments was conducted with 5–to 7-g channel catfish placed in static water aquaria maintained in refrigerated tanks. Water temperature was reduced from 25 to 10 C within 36 h and maintained at 10 ± 0.5 C for 28 d. Fish were exposed to cultured Saprolegnia sp. at 20 C, and morbidity and mortality data were recorded for 28 d. Saprolegnia sp.-associated mortalities occurred 7–10 d after exposure. Formalin (25 mg/L) was effective as both a prophylactic and postinfective treatment for saprolegniosis. Copper sulfate was effective in preventing saprolegniosis at a concentration of 0.1 mg/L, but was ineffective as a postinfective treatment. Sodium chloride at 5,000 mg/L was effective in preventing saprolegniosis, but was not practical for use in the commercial catfish industry. Potassium permanganate (up to 0.5 mg/L) was not effective in preventing or treating saprolegniosis in channel caffish. Based on the results of this study, it may be possible to prevent saprolegniosis in channel catfish using formalin or copper sulfate during winter when fish are immunosuppressed by rapid decreases in water temperature or to treat infected fish with formalin. However, the routine use of chemicals to control this disease should not be recommended until studies on their efficacy under typical caffish culture conditions and the effect of long-term use of chemicals on fish and on the environment are completed.  相似文献   

In aquarium industry trade markets, Neocaridina davidi, the “red cherry” shrimp, is one of the most attractive ornamental shrimps due to the striking reddish coloration of females. Five commercial diets formulated for ornamental species were evaluated over a 90‐day period in N. davidi males and females, based on survival, biochemical composition, body weight, carotenoid content and body coloration. Furthermore, histological and histochemical analyses of the male reproductive system were performed to evaluate the spermatophore quality. In all treatments, survival was >80%, and protein content was similar in both female and male shrimps. Lipid content was higher in females and males fed on a diet having the highest lipid level. Carotenoid content was higher and body coloration was brighter in females and males fed on a diet containing the highest carotenoid level. Histological and histochemical analyses of the spermatophore structure and composition showed no differences among diets, suggesting that the five commercial diets are adequate for satisfactory growth and spermatophore quality of N. davidi. The diverse sources and quantities of carotenoids in the highest carotenoid level diet render it more suitable for colour enhancement of this species.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the importance of “discreet” vertebral abnormalities in normally-shaped rainbow trout in relation to vertebral bone condition in French fish farms. A total of 373 trout (262 ± 2 mm in total length) from 20 fish farms sampled were studied. The fish were radiographed and the axial skeleton examined for vertebral abnormalities. Vertebrae from the middle axial region (V32-38) were selected to evaluate vertebral bone condition. Bone mineralization (BM, %) was estimated by the ratio of ash and dry weight. Bone compactness (BC,%) was measured using Bone Profiler 3.23 images software on digitized radiographs of transverse sections (125 ± 10 μm). Statistical analyses were performed to test the relationships between the occurrence of vertebral abnormalities, and BM and BC. The occurrence of affected trout ranged from 0 to 55% depending on the farm. Trout displayed vertebrae with low BM (< 54.6%) and low BC (< 28.1%) in 40% and 55% of the farm, respectively. No relationships were observed between bone condition parameters (BM, BC) and the occurrence of vertebral abnormalities. These results could be explained by a wide and variable plastic response of bone characters (i.e., vertebral abnormalities, BM and BC) to the various rearing conditions in the fish farms sampled.  相似文献   

Global audiences are increasingly being exposed to digital media with fictitious storylines that draw on animal characters involuntarily entering wildlife trades . An understudied problem in wildlife trade is the potential for motion pictures to influence their audience's desire to become more acquainted, often via acquisition, with animals portrayed in the films. The 2003 Disney motion picture Finding Nemo connected audiences with a wildlife trade already commonplace: the marine aquarium trade. In this trade, fisheries supply live coral reef organisms to millions of public and private aquaria worldwide. Here, we examine the perception and reality of Finding Nemo's impact (coined the “Nemo Effect”) on the fisheries of the species complex representing the film's primary protagonist “Nemo” (Amphiprion ocellaris/percula). Import and export figures show little evidence for fan‐based purchases of wild‐caught fish immediately (within 1.5 years of release) following the film. We argue that the perceived impact on these species, driven by popular media with an emotive but scientifically uninformed approach to conserving coral reef ecosystems, can be more damaging to the cause of conservation than helpful. This perspective is intended to encourage marine aquarium trade stakeholders to consider the ecological and social repercussions of both media driven consumption and opposition to the trade. Using lessons learned from Finding Nemo, we discuss the likely impacts the sequel, Finding Dory, will have on wild populations of its protagonist “Dory” (Paracanthurus hepatus).  相似文献   

This work describes the ontogeny of the digestive tract in thick lipped grey mullet (Chelon labrosus) larvae reared until day 36 post-hatching with the semi-extensive technology in mesocosms. Diet was constituted by live preys, rotifers, Artemia and wild zooplankton, then compound diet was added from day 20 (p. h.). Linear growth, weight growth and digestive enzymes specific activities were studied during larval ontogeny. Pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and amylase) and intestinal enzymes (leucine-alanine peptidase “Leu-ala”, aminopeptidase N “AN” and alkaline phosphatase “AP”) were assayed in larvae sampled throughout the rearing trial to evaluate gastrointestinal maturation along the development.The trypsin specific activities were very high during the first two weeks and then declined as observed in marine fish species. A following increase in trypsin specific activity from day 20 was attributed notably to ingestion of particle compound diet. In contrast to the pattern generally described in fish larvae, amylase specific activity showed a continuous increase. This could be attributed to the fact that C. labrosus is an omnivorous species and suggests that the fish might be able to use efficiently diets containing higher levels of starch or other carbohydrates since the end of larval development.Relative expression of intestinal brush border membrane enzymes (AP and AN) and cytosolic enzyme (Leu-ala), showed an abrupt increase of both AP/leu-ala and AN/leu-ala ratios at day 8 (p. h.), indicating that maturation of intestinal tract in C. labrosus larvae is particularly precocious. It is assumed that larvae of C. labrosus might support early co-feeding and weaning strategies, which could reasonably be initiated since mouth opening.  相似文献   

Maternal colouration based on carotenoids has been proposed to negatively affect offspring quality in several taxa, since females might trade off their limited carotenoid resources between body colouration and eggs. This study investigated in the ornamental “red cherry” shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) the relationship between maternal colouration and female reproductive performance, as well as offspring quality. Females selected displayed a broad array of body colour, from less coloured to intensely red coloured and were paired with transparent males. The first two spawning events of each female were studied and compared. The number of newly hatched juveniles was associated to maternal weight, but not to maternal colouration. Offspring quality was measured in terms of survival at the end of the 90‐day growth period, weight and length increment for 0–30 days and 30–60 days periods, and protein, lipid and glycogen contents in 30‐day‐old offspring. Yet, neither of these variables was associated to maternal colouration. These results indicate that there is no trade‐off between maternal colouration and offspring quality in this species. Furthermore, no association was found between maternal and offspring colouration, evaluated at a similar age. However, body colouration in 180‐day old females was significantly higher than in 90‐day‐old females, indicating that female colouration is strongly influenced by age.  相似文献   

Analysis of 570 nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial r16S gene of four species of silversides “peces blancos” (Chirostoma sp.) and of two euryhaline related species Membras martinica and Menidia menidia indicated variation that aided in development of a DNA-based method for species identification. The nucleotide sequence data showed levels of inter-generic genetic variation that ranged from 3.3–7.9% and from 1.06 to 1.6% at the inter-specific level. The variation observed allowed the identification of 18 diagnostic restriction enzymes that in any combination of two or three could aid in the diagnosis of species of “peces blancos”; six of these enzymes could also discriminate between the genera Membras and Menidia; the enzymes AseI, CviAII and FatI discriminate the genus Membras from Chirostoma; and the combination of any of the enzymes BsaAI, CviAII, FatI or HpyCH4IV discriminate Menidia from the “peces blancos”. PCR-RFLP analysis of amplified mitochondrial r16S fragments of 90 un-identified “peces blancos” from Lake Patzcuaro utilizing the restriction enzymes HpyCH41V, TaqI, BsmF1 and BbvI allowed us to diagnose unambiguously cultivated Chirostoma estor and C. humboldtianum in juvenile and adult stages. The use of a non-invasive method to PCR-amplify specific DNA markers from live brood stocks suggests use of this tool for identification of endangered or threatened species.  相似文献   

Laboratory‐reared, specific pathogen‐free fingerling channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, were each separately exposed by immersion challenge to the etiological agent of “columnaris disease,”Flavobacterium columnare (Japanese Collection of Microorganisms 21327 strain). At 24‐h post‐immersion, fish exhibiting a “saddleback” lesion were fixed whole in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Skin samples approximately 5 mm2 were excised from both the margin and center of each saddleback lesion as well as from corresponding sites in control, non‐challenged, fish before being prepared routinely for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Skin samples from control channel catfish and zebrafish had uniform, contiguous epidermal cells with continuous or closely apposed cell margins and well‐defined microridges. Channel catfish skin lesion samples had margins typified by epidermal sloughing and lesion centers that exhibited a multitude of rod‐shaped bacterial cells, approximately 3–10 µm long × 0.3–0.5 µm wide, intermingled with cellular debris across a surface characterized by denuded, strongly ridged, or folded dermal connective tissue. Zebrafish skin lesion samples had a multitude of rod‐shaped bacterial cells and exhibited comparable ultrastructural changes but some lacked scales. These findings are the first published SEM observations of columnaris disease and saddleback lesions in channel catfish and zebrafish and thereby advance our understanding of the ultrastructural characteristics of acute‐stage saddleback lesions and columnaris disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

A comparative hatching study has been carried out with Reference Artemia Cysts as well as cysts from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, the People's Republic of China, the Philippines and the U.S.A. Hatching rate, percentage and efficiency vary considerably from one cyst source to another. These hatching criteria are, however, not strainspecific since significant variation is found among cyst batches from the same geographical origin.

The limitations of the “hatching efficiency” concept are discussed and a new criterion “hatching output”, i.e. the biomass of nauplii expressed in mg dry weight produced per gram cyst product, is proposed for evaluation of the hatching quality of Artemia cyst brands.

The hatching quality of Reference Cysts and cysts from Canada and Argentina can be significantly improved by incubation of the cysts at low salinity.

For almost all commercial sources the use of decapsulated cysts results in a significant increase of the hatching output.  相似文献   

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