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试验设井间控、井间歇、渠间控、渠间歇四个不同灌溉方式,进行处理间不同时期灌水量、土壤温度的日变化、气温与土壤温度的关系、井水灌溉不同时间内水温的变化、产量性状的调查,研究不同灌溉方式对水稻生育及产量的影响、公顷效益的分析,结果表明:①从整个生育期用水量分析,井间控与渠间控比井间歇与渠间歇节水,分蘖期、长穗期节水量最大。井间控比渠间歇节水21.2%,比井间歇节水18.2%。②井间控利用了快、少灌水原则,利用大面积田面进行晒水,与井间歇相比,增温速度快,增温幅度大,增温效果好。③井间控有较明显的节水和增产效应,是较理想的节水灌溉方式。  相似文献   

针对寒地井灌稻区井水温度低影响水稻产量的实际问题,开展井灌水稻节水增温技术研究。结果表明,采用井水雾化增温、渠道上下铺盖塑料薄膜、本田地膜覆盖、插秧后浅灌与间歇灌溉等整合配套技术,可使寒地井灌水稻增产41.0%,节约灌水60.2%,667m2增收131.61元。  相似文献   

研究了不同灌溉方式对水稻分蘖能力及产量的影响。结果表明,灌溉条件越好,水稻分蘖能力越强,收获穗数越多,产量越高;全生育期间歇灌溉和胁迫灌溉对水稻分蘖能力以及产量均有较大影响。在宁夏水资源紧缺的条件下,应通过调整种植业结构、增加轮作面积、延长轮作周期等措施压减控制水稻种植面积,保证有限的水资源能够充分灌溉一定面积的水稻,并通过完善改进水利设施,达到减少渗漏浪费、提高水资源利用效率的目的。  相似文献   

井水种稻是一种被较为广泛采用的种稻模式,因该种模式打井较容易,投资相对较少,逐渐在更多的农户间推广开来。然而,井水水温较低,如不经处理直接灌溉稻田,很大程度上影响了水稻的正常生长和产量。在多方试验调查的基础上,提出了井水种稻应注意并采取的几项措施。  相似文献   

井灌水稻节水增温技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对寒地井灌稻区井水温度低影响水稻产量的实际问题,开展井灌水稻节水增温技术研究。结果表明,采用井水雾化增温、渠道上下铺盖塑料薄膜、本田地膜覆盖、插秧后浅灌与间歇灌溉等整合配套技术,可使寒地井灌水稻增产41.o%,节约灌水60.2%,667m^2增收131.61元。  相似文献   

水分管理是调控水稻生长发育的主要农艺措施之一,对水稻产量、品质和抗倒性等具有重要影响。水稻生产中常用的灌溉方式有淹水灌溉、“薄、浅、湿、晒”模式、控制灌溉、半深水灌溉和干湿交替灌溉等。本文阐述了不同灌溉方式对水稻产量、品质和抗倒性的影响研究进展,比较归纳了不同灌溉方式的优劣势,并对未来研究方向进行了展望,以期为水稻高产优质抗倒节水栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文通过对温度条件与水稻产量关系的研究,指出4~9月平均温度及各生育时期的温度对水稻产量的影响,特别提到阶段性低温和低温冷害是影响水稻产量的主要气象灾害。  相似文献   

针对通河县井水种稻水温低,影响水稻生产的实际问题,提出设置晒水池、延长水路、昼抽夜灌、清除灌渠杂草、浅水灌溉等几项增温措施。  相似文献   

红兴隆垦区温度条件与水稻产量的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对温度条件与水稻产量关系的研究,指出4~9月平均温度及各生育时期的温度对水稻产量的影响,特别提到阶段性低温和低温冷害是影响水稻产量的主要气象灾害。  相似文献   

针对通河县井水种稻水温低,影响水稻生产的实际问题,提出设置晒水池、延长水路、昼抽夜灌、清除灌渠杂草、浅水灌溉等几项增温措施  相似文献   

水稻分蘖期受淹(冠水)对水稻生长影响较大,不同品种耐涝性表现为常规粳稻耐涝性高于杂交中籼稻,直播稻耐涝性高于人工栽插高于机插秧,秧苗素质好的耐涝性高于秧苗素质差的。杂交籼稻在冠水8 d(粳稻10 d)内,只要管理措施运用得当,多数水稻田可以恢复生长。受涝水稻能否保苗保产,关键在于抢排积水和出水后加强管理,采用排水露田、追施氮磷钾肥和加强病虫害防治,能有效地促进涝后水稻的恢复生长。  相似文献   

史峰 《北方水稻》2010,40(3):31-32
根据新宾地区实际种植情况,对该地种植水稻的株高、分蘖、叶片、幼穗发育、各生育时期与积温的关系进行深入研究,得出新宾水稻栽培应选择中熟品种为主,并注意加强水稻生育前期的肥水管理,插秧返青后马上追施分蘖肥等相关栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

根据新宾县水稻生长规律和气候特点,论述了水稻生长与温度的关系,水稻生长过程中各生育时期对温度的不同要求。提出了应根据有效积温选择适合本地区栽培的水稻品种,加强水稻苗期温度管理,积极防御低温冷害等技术措施。  相似文献   

晚稻移栽期不同蓄水深度对水稻产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅志强  秦淑萍  郭良发  黄璜 《作物研究》2010,24(3):149-151,154
为湘南地区晚稻节水栽培提供实践依据,2009年在湖南永州设置了不同蓄水深度对水稻生长发育影响试验。结果表明,与常规灌溉方式相比,前期深蓄水、中后期湿润灌溉延迟水稻生育期4~5 d;光合速率降低,蒸腾速率增大,剑叶叶绿素含量降低;有效分蘖数减少,有效穗数、结实率以及千粒重下降,从而降低了水稻产量;节省了灌溉用水量,灌溉水利用效率提高。因此,在湘南地区采用这种方式有利于扩大晚稻种植面积,确保晚稻稳产。  相似文献   

海南水稻生育期的时空变化特征及对气候变暖的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于海南6个农业气象观测站点的水稻生育期资料和1961~2014年历史气象数据,分析了海南不同地区水稻生育期的时空分布特征,以及气候变暖对海南水稻生育期的影响。结果表明,近54 a海南水稻生长季内平均气温呈上升趋势,早稻气候倾向率为0.21~0.3℃/10 a,以苗期最为明显,晚稻为0.18~0.24℃/10 a,以成熟期最为明显。不同地区水稻生育期差异较大,东部地区早于西部地区,早稻播种时间最大相差55 d,早稻收获和晚稻播种最大间隔42 d,降水和高温可能是造成这一差异的主要原因。随着气候变暖,海南大部分地区早稻生育期提前,晚稻生育期延迟,苗期和成熟期持续时间缩短,与该阶段平均气温呈负相关,但全生育期持续时间变异较大,部分站点略有延长。在未来气候变暖背景下,海南早稻播期可适当提前,晚稻播期可适当延迟,并选用耐高温和抗干旱品种,以减轻高温的不利影响。  相似文献   

温度对不同水稻品种糙米镉(Cd)含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以不同早晚稻品种为试验材料,重点研究温度对不同耐镉型水稻品种糙米镉含量的影响,以期为不同耐镉型水稻品种糙米Cd积累的影响机理提供一定科学依据。结果表明,对于4种不同耐镉型品种,早晚稻稳定型品种在不同温度下糙米镉含量的变化幅度均明显低于变异型品种,早稻的变异型品种(S6)在不同温度与处理时期间差异达5.29倍,分别比稳定型品种S1、S5、S4增加67.4%、12.8%、181.4%,晚稻变异型品种(K11)的差异达4.04倍,分别比稳定型品种K2、K33、K7增加50.2%、78.8%、160.6%。综合多个试验品种糙米镉含量表现可见,分蘖期及灌浆期是温度影响水稻对镉吸收的敏感时期;生育前期低温处理及生育后期高温将促进水稻籽粒对镉的积累。  相似文献   

  研究了不同温度和湿度对水稻干尖线虫垂直迁移的影响以及线虫在水稻不同生育期生长繁殖和垂直分布状况。结果表明,线虫迁移的最适温度为25~30℃。在温度适宜的条件下,相对湿度越高,线虫迁移率越高。温室接种实验表明水稻拔节期线虫主要分布在接种点周围及水稻上部,且虫量递减明显,20 d后线虫虫量仅为接种5 d时的50%。孕穗期线虫主要分布在水稻的幼穗中,并且大量繁殖,20 d后线虫虫量为接种5 d时虫量的3倍。  相似文献   

In this study,effects of temperature,light and their interactions on allelopathic effects and the functional traits specific leaf area(SLA)and stem mass fraction(SMF)of different allelopathic potential rice accessions at different growth stages were analyzed.The main results were as follows:Allelopathic responses to temperature and light varied with different allelopathic potential rice accessions at different growth stages.With the rise of temperature and the extension of photoperiod,allelopathic effect increased firstly and then decreased at 2–3 leaf stage,but increased constantly at the 4–5 and 7–8 leaf stages in strong allelopathic rice accessions[O.longistaminata,F1(O.longistaminata×RD23),F2(RL159 and RL169)].Temperature had significant impact on allelopathic effect without considering light factors,but light showed little effect on rice allelopathy at the same temperature conditions.The greatest allelopathic effect was attained with moderate temperature and long photoperiod at 2–3 leaf stage in strong allelopathic rice accessions,but all the rice accessions showed weak allelopathic effects at the low temperature condition(15oC/10oC),and the influence of different factors on allelopathy followed a general trend as temperatureleaf stagelight,indicating that among the multiple factors impacting rice allelopathy,temperature was the main factor.Allelopathic characteristics of F1 and F2 to various temperature and light were similar to O.longistaminata,showing that allelopathic genes from wild rice can be expressed in its descendants.Temperature and light also had significant effects on SLA and SMF,and rice allelopathy was closely correlative to SLA in strong allelopathic rice accessions at the 4–5 and 7–8 leaf stages,but there was no correlation between rice allelopathy and SMF at different growth stages.These results suggested that rice adjust the relationship between allelopathy and SLA and adapt to the varied environments,and that high temperature and long photoperiod can enhance rice allelopathic activity.  相似文献   

【Objective】Under machine-transplanting conditions, four different types of late rice cultivars with high quality were used to investigate the differences of yield, growth characteristics, utilization of temperature and illumination. The results will lay a theoretical basis for the selection of double-cropping late rice varieties suitable for different ecological regions in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.【Method】The yield, growth duration, dry matter accumulation, and utilization of temperature and illumination of double-cropping late rice were comparatively studied using four kinds of rice varieties as test materials namely indica conventional rice, indica hybrid rice, japonica conventional rice and Changyou japonica hybrid rice (20 varieties in total, selected between 2016 and 2017, all of which were high-quality rice in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River as double-cropping late rice). The experiment was carried out in two cities, Fuyang, Zhejiang Province (30.05º N, 119.95º E, 17.93 m above sea level) and Lujiang, Anhui Province (31.15º N, 117.16º E, 14 m above sea level).【Result】The yield of the four-types of late rice at high latitude was higher than that at low latitude. The yield of indica conventional rice, indica hybrid rice, japonica conventional rice, and Changyou japonica hybrid rice grown in Lujiang, Anhui Province was 11.1%, 12.9%, 6.6% and 12.4% higher than that in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province. When planted in the same places, Changyou japonica hybrid rice had the highest yield, and conventional indica rice had the lowest. The growth period was longer and dry matter accumulation was higher at high latitudes. When planted at high altitudes, the indica hybrid rice growth duration was the longest (10.4 d), and the increase in dry matter accumulation was the largest in conventional japonica rice (11.93% in full heading stage and 9.44% in mature stage). When planted in the same place, the dry matter accumulation was higher in hybrid rice than conventional rice. There was no significant difference in effective accumulated temperature between the filling stage and the whole growth duration of indica rice, but the sunshine hours, solar radiation, and its utilization rate were significantly higher at high latitudes. The effective accumulated temperature decreased significantly in the filling stage and the whole growth stage of japonica rice, but the change of accumulated sunshine hours was not obvious, while the accumulated solar radiation increased significantly at high latitudes. These were consistent with the changing trend of the utilization rate of the temperature and light resources. When planted at the same latitude, the growth period, dry matter accumulation, temperature and light resource utilization rate of japonica rice were higher than those of indica rice.【Conclusion】Late indica rice could make full use of temperature and light resources in order to improve its yield when planted in Lujiang, Anhui Province, but the difference of the utilization efficiency in the temperature and light resources of late japonica rice was not obvious. The yield of late japonica rice in Lujiang, Anhui Province increased because of the extension of the growth duration and the increase of dry matter accumulation.  相似文献   

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