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Metalaxyl resistance has been identified in the Phytophthora porri population in the UK. In field experiments the presence of such resistant strains reduced the level of control of leek white tip given by applications of phenylamide-containing fungicides. The level of control achieved by fungicides with alternative modes of action to the phenylamides was not affected. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Storage Rot of White Cabbage caused by Phytophthora porri.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

Isozyme analysis and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS-1 and ITS-2) and the 5.8S subunit of the ribosomal DNA gene repeat were used to examine whether isolates of Phytophthora porri from Allium and Brassica represent a single homogeneous species. Twenty-six strains of P. porri, 16 strains isolated from the genus Allium, and 10 strains isolated from the genus Brassica, were analyzed using malate dehydrogenase (MDH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), represented altogether by four putative loci (Mdh-2, Idh-1, Idh-2, and Ldh-2). Isozyme analysis revealed that strains isolated from Allium contained five private alleles at three isozyme loci (Ldh-2 83, Ldh-2 104, Idh-1 108, Idh-1 112, and Idh-2 98), whereas six different alleles were observed at four isozyme loci (Ldh-2 85, Ldh-2 100, Ldh-2 114, Idh-1 100, Idh-2 100, and Mdh-2 111) in strains obtained from Brassica. The heterozygosity at the Ldh-2 locus, differing in allele composition, however, between strains from Allium and Brassica, was present in all strains, indicating that it is probably fixed. Sequence analysis of the ITS regions and the 5.8S subunit showed consistent differences between isolates from Allium and isolates from Brassica. Based on isozyme data, ITS sequence analysis and formerly published differences in restriction enzyme patterns of mitochondrial DNA, morphology and pathogenicity, it was concluded that the isolates of P. porri Foister did not represent a homogeneous species. Isolates from Brassica constitute a distinct species which is described here as P. brassicae sp. nov. It was inferred from isozyme patterns, which were in no case intermediate between the two species, that P. porri and P. brassicae do not hybridize and are reproductively isolated by barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

White tip disease of leek (Allium porrum), caused byPhytophthora porri, was studied in field experiments. On fields infested by soil-borne inoculum (oospores), relatively short periods of explosive disease increase alternated with periods in which apparently no new infections occurred. The analysis of rain data and disease data, using a degree-day model for incubation periods at constant temperatures, confirmed the hypothesis that disease increase ofP. porri is significantly correlated with rain; R adj 2 was 0.91, 0.41 and 0.51 in 1992, 1993 and 1994, respectively. Correlations were highest early in the season. Lack of correlation later in the season may be ascribed to the effect of lesion death, which may be caused by total or partial leaf death, by desiccation or by other fungi overgrowingP. porri, and to the effect of secondary infection by zoosporangia, which appears to be not so strongly rain-driven as primary infection. Zoosporangia were observed in fields on water-logged light-green lesions. High lesion densities of leaf tips and leaf units at 10–20 cm above the leaf axils indicated that most infections depend on free water, either in puddles or in a water basin near the leaf axils. Although disease correlates well with rain data, disease forecasts will be unreliable as long as rain forecasts are unreliable.  相似文献   

Thirteen strains ofPhytophthora porri from five different hosts were compared with respect to their morphology, cardinal temperatures for growth, pathogenicity to leek and cabbage and restriction fragment patterns of mitochondrial DNA. Morphology of vegetative growth was rather similar in most isolates. Those characters which differed among isolates showed overlapping variability and could not be used to distinguish groups, with the exception of production of oogonia and sporangia and the antheridium type. Considerable differences were found in restriction patterns of mitochondrial DNA, isolates from the same host mostly showing identical patterns. Isolates from differentAllium species showed relatively similar restriction patterns if compared to the other isolates. Isolates fromBrassica oleracea proved to be a homogeneous group, quite different from the others with respect to restriction patterns, production of sporangia, production of oogonia, antheridium type and pathogenicity. One isolate, CBS 366.59, isolated from and pathogenic toA. porrum, deviated in many characters from the other isolates. It showed the restriction patterns ofPhytophthora nicotianae and also the high cardinal temperatures for growth typical for this species. The sporangia, however, were distinctly non-papillate and the majority of antheridia was of the paragynous type.  相似文献   


Severe stunting and root rot were observed on alpine delphinium plants (Delphinium elatum) from Aomori Prefecture, Japan, in 2010 and 2011. A Phytophthora isolate from the diseased crown was identified as Phytophthora sp. kelmania based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. Inoculation of alpine delphinium plants with the isolate produced a similar root rot. Pathogenicity of the isolate on four species of plants that are known hosts for P. sp. kelmania was confirmed. We propose the name “Phytophthora rot” (eki-byo in Japanese) for the present new disease on alpine delphinium.


The highest spore production ofStemphylium botryosum f. sp.lycopersici on tomato leaves during a 24-h wetting period occurred in continuous darkness, and ofAlternaria porri f. sp.solani on potato leaves in a 12-h dark period which had been preceded by a 12-h light period. Sporulation of both pathogens was inhibited by illumination during the entire wetting period or during the last 12 h of it. In inhibitory conditions spore yield increased with a decrease in the incubation temperature and as tested withA. porri f. sp. solani, also with lowered light intensity.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae are recently discovered invasive Phytophthoras causing leaf necrosis and shoot tip dieback mostly on ornamental and forest understorey species, but also cause bleeding cankers on stems of a wide range of tree species. Sporulation occurs only on infected shoots or fruits and foliage so foliar hosts are central to the disease epidemiology. In field trials to assess infection in trap plants exposed to natural inoculum of P. ramorum and P. kernoviae on rhododendron in south west England, it was discovered that leaves of the trap plants ( Rhododendron 'Cunninghams White') and holm oak ( Quercus ilex ) were asymptomatically infected and supported sporulation of both pathogens. More than half the rhododendron trap plants exposed to inoculum of P. kernoviae became infected compared with approximately a third of those exposed to P. ramorum in a natural situation. Approximately one third of the infections were detected from asymptomatic foliage for both pathogens. The significance of these findings for plant health regulation based on visual inspection as a measure to prevent introduction and dissemination of both these pathogens is explored and research gaps identified.  相似文献   

Factors known to inhibit sporulation of bio trophic fungal pathogens were found to enhance sporulation of two necrotrophic fungi. The sporulating potential ofStemphyliurn botryosum f. sp.lycopersici on tomatoes and ofAlternaria porri f. sp.solani on potatoes increased with necrotization, reaching a maximum on dead leaves. Wetting the dead leaves for the whole period of incubation with increasing concentrations of glucose resulted in progressively decreasing sporulation of both pathogens. However, application of glucose during the first half of the incubation period inhibited sporulation ofS. botryosum f. sp.lycopersici on tomatoes only a little, and increased that ofA. porri f. sp.solani on potatoes. The capacity ofS. botryosum f. sp.lycopersici to sporulate on leaves lasted for 12 weeks at 29°C, and ofA. porri f. sp.solani for 12 weeks at 29°C and for over 21 weeks at 20°C. The results emphasized basic differences in sporulation between biotrophic and necrotrophic parasites. Specific techniques useful for studying sporulationin vivo are discussed.  相似文献   


Seven different herbicides were tested in 1967, and two of these chemicals were further evaluated in 1969 for their efficacy in onions grown in Lebanon. Chloroxuron at 6 kg a.i./ha and Sindone at 1.5 kg/ha gave a significant increase in the bulb weight and yield of onions over unweeded plots. Significant reductions in yield were observed from pre-em. applications of chlorbromuron at 3 kg/ha, propachlor at 6 kg/ha, Sindone at 0.5 kg/ha, and prometryne at 1 and 1.5 kg/ha. Good weed control was obtained as a result of pre-em. application of all herbicides tested.

With post-em. application, weed control was not effective. With the exception of prometryne at 1.5 kg/ha which injured the onions and reduced the yield, the post-em. applications of herbicides tested gave no significant effect on onion yield.

None of the treatments, in both pre-em. and post-em. applications, had any significant effect on leaf length, bulb index, bolting and splitting percentages, dry matter content, total soluble solids, or pungency of onions.  相似文献   

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